Merger (13 page)

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Authors: Heather Miles

BOOK: Merger
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, Josh, I hope you know what you’re doing,” he said. “I get it though. I was quite enamored with her myself. She’s sexy as hell. I must admit…I’m a little jealous.”

“I need you to back me up on this
. It may mean you have to step up more at work. I need you to take a more active interest in the corporation and less interest in your dick. Dad’s not going to be around forever, Jake. With this merger in place, things are going to need a lot of attention. There are several contracts in play right now and we can’t drop the ball anywhere. You understand right? I need you to pull your weight,” I said. “Now. When are you guys coming in?”

“Tomorrow afternoon
. Let’s do dinner,” he suggested.

,” I replied. “I love you, Jake, and I really need you to have my back on this. I want her.”

“Okay, okay
. I get it.” He replied. “Love you too. See you tomorrow, and oh, give K.K a kiss from me.”

, dick wad. Bye.”

I turned around to see K.K. sitting at the barstool behind me
, clearly having heard my conversation.

“I take it that was your brother?” she

“It was
,” I replied.

“So…you want me, Josh?” she said shyly.

“I do. Does that scare you?”


Chapter 13



Josh was on the phone when I came downstairs
. I didn’t want to seem like I was eavesdropping, so I made my way to the kitchen counter, grabbed a barstool, and took a seat.

I stared at him from the other side of the counter
. His lean, tall stature was prominent. I was sure that it took a lot more than running to create a body like his. Whatever he did, it worked. His brown hair was fingered and styled to perfection. His waist was tapered and his clothes fit perfectly around his muscular physique.

I’d heard the last part of his conversation and knew he was talking to Jake
. I knew that Josh was lavishing me with attention and I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t until I heard him tell Jake that he wanted me that I really looked at him differently. Maybe this was more than a weekend fling, more than great sex.
Really, really great sex.

Maybe I was right to get emotional
. Maybe I was right to worry about how this would end. I think it was at that moment that I knew I didn’t want it to.
He was more than my Adonis, he was going to be my downfall.

He walked to the counter and handed me my glass of wine
, never taking his eyes from mine and walking within an inch from me. The smell of his incredible cologne hit me hard. I took a deep breath drawing him in.

“So…you want me, Josh?” I said as bravely as possible.

“I do. Does that scare you?”

He moved his thighs between legs and my dress wedged its way up revealing my scant black panties
. I opened my legs wider to give him the closeness he desired, but I needed. I set my glass down and brought my hands to his hips.

“A little
,” I replied. “But I want you too, so here we are.”

He reached down with one hand and cupped my chin
. “Look at me and don’t look away.” He stared directly into my eyes. “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you.”

I felt my stomach clinch and fought the urge to look away from sheer nerves
. His directness was always so shocking. He put his lips to mine, our eyes still locked and kissed me gently. I licked the crease of his lip trying to find my way in into his mouth with my tongue. When I gained access and he kissed me deeply, all was lost—I’d give him everything. I could taste the wine on his tongue, feel the heat of his skin and the sound of the music around us was a mixture of pure intoxication to my heart. I pulled back from his kiss and looked into his eyes.

“It’s going to be hard to be with me in California?” I
asked, but wished I hadn’t.

“We could try to be in both places
. It’s one corporation with two separate locations. One on the east coast and the other on the west. Both corporations staffed to the gills, I might add. I know I can be here and things in California will run smoothly. I also know that things will run smoothly without you. So let’s try just being in both places, but together. I have a great house in Malibu and you have your place here. I’m looking at a place in the warehouse district. I also like a place two blocks from here. I’d like for you to look at both and help me narrow it down. I really like the idea of being close to Central Park, but the warehouse is going to be incredible. Listen, I know we aren’t ready to move in together, and I don’t have it all figured but, but were two intelligent people we can make this work if we try. I know I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

He was smiling at me, proud of his speech
. I smiled back, but didn’t offer an answer. He’d clearly been trying to work this out in his head, just as I had.

He stepped back and sat down on the stool next to me
. He looked down between my legs, taking in the view. “Nice panties, but totally in the way. I’d rather see what’s underneath them.”

“These?” I said taking a long sip of wine and running my fingers teasingly under the seam of my panties
. I spread my legs further and watched his eyes as I ran my fingers down the small patch of hair that lead to my pussy. I grazed over my clit and my stomach tightened with the touch. I’d never dreamed of being so sexually forward and I’d never touched myself in front of anyone.

“That’s fucking hot
,” he said. “Look what you do to me.” He reached down to the tight bulge of his pants and I could see the outline of his full erection. “You want me to help you?” he asked excitedly and me surprised he’d asked at all. He was usually so aggressive. I imagine it was hard for him to just sit there and watch.

. I just want you to watch,” I said.

“I don’t know if I can keep my hands to myself
,” he said and I knew it was pure torture to control the urge to pounce.

I worked my fingers deeply in and out of the slickness that surrounded my fingers, working my clit as my orgasm started to peak
. I drew in a short breath and felt my thighs tighten and my legs started to close as the pulsing took over and my body became tight with pleasure. I looked over at Josh who sat staring at me, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

“Oh my god, I think I just came in my pants watching you
. Come here,” he said. I didn’t move, but pulled my hand from beneath my panties and stood up. Josh reached for my hand, brought it to his mouth, and sucked my fingers clean. “Absolutely I want you. I’m never going to let you go.”

smiled brightly and kissed him, tasting the musky sweetness of my pussy and the lingering taste of wine on his tongue. “I’ve never done anything that brazen before. You’re turning me into some sexual deviant.”

“Pleasing yourself hardly makes you a sexual deviant
, K.K, but regardless, I love it. Drink up. We have a reservation at 7:00.”

“I called Benny to come get us
,” I said. “I hope you don’t mind? I know its New York and we could cab it, but I hate cabs. They’re like a hand of poker, you just never know what you’re going to get. Maybe I’m just spoiled.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Someone as beautiful as you should be spoiled
,” he said and I melted.

“I’m going to go freshen up super quick and I’ll be right back
,” I said, rushing up the stairs two-by-two.




We pulled up to Carmine’s Restaurant at 6:50. Benny came around, opened the door, and winked at me. I knew he was dying to know what had transpired between Josh and me, but I offered nothing. He’d have to wait for the details when he could speak to me alone. Josh stepped out of the car first and held out his hand to Benny.

“I guess I never properly introduced myself, Joshua Crawford.”

He offered his hand in friendship. Benny reached out and reciprocated the gesture.

“Benny, longtime employee and friend of the Blakelys
’. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

They released hands and Benny stepped back from the car
. Josh held his arm out as a means to bring me from the car to my feet.

“That was very gentlemanly of you
,” I whispered in his ear

“I can tell how protective he is of you
,” he said. “I want his approval.”

“Have a good evening you two
. I will be in the car waiting. Just let the concierge know when you are ready and I’ll pull the car around.”

“Thank you
,” Josh replied.

Carmine’s was darkly lit
. It had red walls and rich dark hardwood floors. The sounds of Sinatra were playing in the background, which added to its old school feel.

Josh gave the hostess his name and it was all the young girl could do not to drool all over herself
. She flirted incessantly, smiling and twisting at her hair. Josh seemed oblivious, but the flash of his million-dollar smile made the girl half giddy. She sauntered around the podium with the menus and sashayed forward with us in tow.

“Here we are
, Mr. Crawford,” she said, smiling widely as she turned and faced him, never once looking my way.

“Thank you.” I said, running my hand up Josh’s back like a jealous schoolgirl.

I scooted into the semi-circled booth. I flashed her my full, wide grin and adding a little wink for effect. I wasn’t typically jealous, so I was a bit out of my element, but Josh, always the gentleman, thanked her and scooted in next to me.

“What was that al
l about?” he said.

“Really?” I answered
, not looking at him but at my menu. “She was all but throwing herself at you.” He laughed and moved my menu down, grabbing my chin. He turned my face towards his.

“Look at me
, K.K. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Honestly, I’m not really the jealous type
. I just hate that shit,” I said.

“I like you being jealous, but there’s only one person in this room I want.”

We ordered a bottle of Chianti and placed our orders: the lobster ravioli for him and the chicken spiedini for me. We drank our wine talking about the current contracts that were in process and the overall prospects of where we wanted to steer the company. I admired him and his tenacity for business. He clearly had an idea of where he wanted to see our corporations head and I was impressed at how clearly we were aligned in our ideas.

Our food arrived as we polished off the last of the wine
. My face had become flush and warm as the alcohol began to set in. I dove into my dish and was amazed at how incredible it was. I was jealous that a pretty boy from L.A. had discovered such a gem in
city, but was grateful that I got to experience it with him.

“Let’s talk about you
,” he said.

“Okay, what about me?” I replied.

“I guess I’m interested in what you want personally
. I mean, I know you were groomed to take over your Dad’s company, but what do you want?”

“I don’t know
,” I said. “I guess I really hadn’t put too much thought into it. I haven’t really dated a lot and I seem to attract the most absolute assholes, present company not included. So, I don’t think about it much,” I answered honestly.

. So how about marriage?” he questioned, obviously not satisfied with my answer.

“Aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be asking you these questions?” I laughed, and looked for my wine, but it was gone
. “You’re making me nervous,

“Asking you about marriage makes
nervous. How do you think I feel? I’m just trying to get a take on you
,” he said, drawing my name out like I had his.

. I want marriage. I want kids. I want all of it,” I blurted out and was now grateful that I’d had so much to drink. “So there you have it. I want it all. It’s every girl’s dream, right?”

,” he replied. “I just wondered where it fit into your plans. Running these corporations is a handful even with a staff of hundreds. There’s travel and negotiations and contracts and job sites and…”

“Okay, here we go
,” I cut him off. “Don’t set me up Josh. You asked me what I want and then you pull the rug out from under me when I tell you the truth. What a dick move.”

“Whoa, wait a minute
. What are you getting upset about? I’m not implying anything, K.K. You’re brilliant. Many women have great careers and manage a family. I just know that’s a lot with an average job, not running a bi-coastal corporation.”

He held his hand out as a gesture for me to move closer, but I didn’t budge.

“Come here and quit being so defensive. I didn’t mean for you to feel like I had pulled the rug out from under you. I genuinely wanted to know what you wanted in life,” he said.

“I’m not coming there, so put your arm down.” The mixture of hurt and anger
was palpable in my voice. “I know what responsibilities I have ahead of me, Josh. It’s all I’ve heard since I was a kid. It’s been my singular focus for as long as I can remember and I don’t need you to throw it in my face.”

uch! Are we fighting?” he said. “You’re cute when you get mad.”

“Don’t placate me
, Josh.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it
,” he replied. “I didn’t mean to make you mad. I just wanted to know how my future was going to play out.”

,” I said shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

He slid closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder
. He turned my face so that we were now eye to eye.

“I want it all
, too,” he said.

. Let’s go dance.”

“Now who’s placating who?”
he laughed. “I’m serious, K.K. I could want all of that…with you.”

“You are really pissing me off now
, Josh. Don’t lead me on and don’t toy with me. We barely know each other. You don’t
know me, and I don’t
know you. We know about each other, but what’s going to happen when you leave? Let’s just have fun. You promised me dancing and I’m ready to dance.”

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