Menaced Assassin (2 page)

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Authors: Joe Gores

BOOK: Menaced Assassin
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“More than a mystery…a meditation on the nature of humankind and the origins of evil, as well as an attempt to reconcile the word of God with the laws of science.”

San Francisco Chronicle

“His narrative sleight-of-hand makes for a satisfying read with a rewarding finish. A first-rate job in the hands of a master.”

Greeley Tribune

“Gores has established himself securely as one of the best and most versatile authors of crime novels.”

Twentieth Century Crime & Mystery Writers

“Rich in detail…Gores has the right talk and the right cadence to draw readers deep into his web of suspicion and evidence.”

Ocala Star-Banner

“If you want to know in today’s terms what a Hammett yarn truly was like, read Gores.”

Mystery Magazine

“One of the very few authentic private eyes to enter the field of fiction since Dashiell Hammett.”

—Anthony Boucher

By Joe Gores


A Time of Predators



Come Morning

Wolf Time

Dead Man

Menaced Assassin


Dead Skip

Final Notice

Gone, No Forwarding

32 Cadillacs


Mostly Murder


Honolulu, Port of Call

Tricks and Treats

(with Bill Pronzini)


Marine Salvage (1971)




Paper Crimes

Paradise Road

Fallen Angel

Cover Story

(with Kevin Wade)

Come Morning

Run Cunning



Golden Gate Memorial

(4-hr miniseries)

High Risk

(with Brian Garfield)

Blind Chess

(B. L. Stryker)




“Kate Loves a Mystery”

“The Gangster Chronicles”

“Strike Force”

“Magnum, P.I.”


“Remington Steele”

“Scene of the Crime”

“Eye to Eye”


“T.J. Hooker”

“Mike Hammer”



Copyright © 1994 by Joe Gores

All rights reserved.

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First eBook Edition: October 2009

ISBN: 978-0-446-56835-7


Praise for Joe Gores and Menaced Assassin

By Joe Gores


Author’s Note

Part One: End of the Cambrian

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Part Two: End of the Ordovician

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Part Three: Late Devonian

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Part Four: End of the Permian

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Part Five: Late Triassic

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Part Six: End of the Cretaceous

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Part Seven: Mid-Pleistocene

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Part Eight: 25,000 b.c. to the Present

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-nine

And Afterward


Heaven’s last, best gift,
my ever-new delight

Author’s Note

The geological eras and time frames on the part-title pages refer to notable mass-extinction events during which 60-85 percent of all life on earth disappeared, with its ecological niche then promptly being refilled by new life-forms.

Man is now destroying other life-forms at the rate of one every twenty-four hours. Their ecological niches are not being filled with new species, because the niches themselves are being destroyed. Once a species and a niche are gone, they are gone forever.

I am your dwarf.

I am the enemy within.

I am the boss of your dreams…

the kindred of blackness and impulse.

See. Your hand shakes…

It is your Doppelganger

trying to get out

Beware… Beware

Anne Sexton



End of the Cambrian

510 m.y. ago

Death be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so,

For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow,

Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.…

One short sleep past, we wake eternally,

And death shall he no more; death, thou shalt die.

John Donne
Holy Sonnets


Listen to Raptor,
mon vieux
. Don’t take this life so seriously, you’ll never get out of it alive.

I kill. Oh, I know. You expect me to add, Therefore I am. But that is nonsense. I do not kill out of any inner compulsion to give what that fool Hemingway called the gift of death. If killing is a gift, it is a gift to the killer himself, during the ritual frenzy of the hunt. Whoever considers Proud Death a gift to a healthy animal has no imagination and is already half in love with his
own finis

I am not. I kill—without pity, compunction, emotion or moral qualms, to be sure—but not because killing obsesses me. Just because, well… it is what I do. Previously I have done other things, perhaps in future I will do other things again. But for at least a few hours more, I kill. After that…

After that, well, tonight Will Dalton plans to give a lecture. A lecture on the nature of man in hopes of exposing, no less, the roots of man’s endless violence, perhaps man’s evil, and to draw some sort of inane conclusions from it.

No, no, my dear women, lower your knitting needles. I am sure he will not exclude the Fair Sex, the Better Half, the Little Woman, from his overview.
would not. When I say Man I speak not of gender, but of my own kind
sui generis
, as a class by itself apart from all else in Nature.

Separate, let me hasten to add, only in the way that a dog is separate from a stork. Not separate as the fallen angel of
Religion (with an immortal soul breathed into it by God) is separate from the beasts of the field. And not separate as the risen ape of Science (last best result of evolution’s efforts) is separate from those same angels set twirling by Aquinas on the head of a pin.

Rather, I speak of man as
fallen ape
, of whatever sex he might be. Baser than heaven, baser than our primate stock, baser even than the slime from which both Science and Religion insist all life springs.

I admit that I speak to you now out of my own base pride in my own base actions, because I am vain enough to want to give you my version of events—small things make base men proud, you can appreciate the reference. And also, by showing it in action, my version of man’s nature to set against Dalton’s pitiable attempts at exculpation and justification for mankind.

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