Men of Mathematics (28 page)

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Authors: E.T. Bell

BOOK: Men of Mathematics
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The Bernoullis were one of many Protestant families who fled from Antwerp in 1583 to escape massacre by the Catholics (as on St. Bartholomew's Eve) in the prolonged persecution of the Huguenots. The family sought refuge first in Frankfort, moving on presently to Switzerland, where they settled at Basle. The founder of the Bernoulli dynasty married into one of the oldest Basle families and became a great merchant. Nicolaus senior, who heads the genealogical table, was also a great merchant, as his grandfather and great-grandfather had been. All these men married daughters of merchants, and with one exception—the great-grandfather mentioned—accumulated large fortunes. The exception showed the first departure from the family tradition of trade by following the profession of medicine. Mathematical
talent was probably latent for generations in this shrewd mercantile family, but its actual emergence was explosively sudden.

Referring now to the genealogical table we shall give a very brief summary of the chief scientific activities of the eight mathematicians descended from Nicolaus senior before continuing with the heredity.

Jacob I mastered the Leibnizian form of the calculus by himself. From 1687 to his death he was professor of mathematics at Basle. Jacob I was one of the first to develop the calculus significantly beyond the state in which Newton and Leibniz left it and to apply it to new problems of difficulty and importance. His contributions to analytic geometry, the theory of probability, and the calculus of variations were of the highest importance. As the last will recur frequently (in the work of Euler, Lagrange, and Hamilton), we may describe the nature of some of the problems attacked by Jacob I in this subject. We have already seen a specimen of the type of problem handled by the calculus of variations in Fermat's principle of least time.

The calculus of variations is of very ancient origin. According to one legend,
when Carthage was founded the city was granted as much land as a man could plow a furrow completely around in a day. What shape should the furrow be, given that a man can plow a straight furrow of a certain length in a day? Mathematically stated, what is the figure which has the greatest area of all figures having perimeters of the same length? This is an
problem; the answer here is a circle. This seems obvious, but it is by no means easy to prove. (The elementary “proofs” sometimes given in school geometries are rankly fallacious.) The mathematics of the problem comes down to making a certain integral a maximum subject to one restrictive condition. Jacob I solved this problem and generalized it.

The discovery that the brachistochrone is a cycloid has been noted in previous chapters. This fact, that the cycloid is the curve of quickest descent, was discovered by the brothers Jacob I and Johannes I in 1697, and almost simultaneously by several others. But the cycloid is also the tautochrone. This struck Johannes I as something wonderful
and admirable: “With justice we may admire Huygens because he first discovered that a heavy particle falls on a cycloid in the same time always, no matter what the starting-point may be. But you will be petrified with astonishment when I say that exactly this same cycloid, the tautochrone of Huygens, is the brachistochrone we are seeking.” (Bliss, loc. cit., p.
Jacob also waxes enthusiastic. These again are instances of the sort of problem attacked by the calculus of variations. Lest they seem trivial, we repeat once more that a whole province of mathematical physics is frequently mapped into a simple
variational principle—
like Fermat's of least time in optics, or Hamilton's in dynamics.

After Jacob's death his great treatise on the theory of probability, the
Ars Conjectandi,
was published in 1713. This contains much that is still of the highest usefulness in the theory of probabilities and its applications to insurance, statistics, and the mathematical study of heredity.

Another research of Jacob's shows how far he had developed the differential and integral calculus: continuing the work of Leibniz, Jacob made a fairly exhaustive study of catenaries—the curves in which a uniform chain hangs suspended between two points, or in which loaded chains hang. This was no mere curiosity. Today the mathematics developed by Jacob I in this connection finds its use in applications to suspension bridges and high-voltage transmission lines. When Jacob I worked all this out it was new and difficult; today it is an exercise in the first course in the calculus or mechanics.

Jacob I and his brother Johannes I did not always get on well together. Johannes seems to have been the more quarrelsome of the two, and it is certain that he treated his brother with something pretty close to dishonesty in the matter of isoperimetrical problems. The Bernoullis took their mathematics in deadly earnest. Some of their letters about mathematics bristle with strong language that is usually reserved for horse thieves. For his part Johannes I not only attempted to steal his brother's ideas but threw his own son out of the house for having won a prize from the French Academy of Sciences for which Johannes himself had competed. After all, if rational human beings get excited about a game of cards, why should they not blow up over mathematics which is infinitely more exciting?

Jacob I had a mystical strain which is of some significance in the study of the heredity of the Bernoullis. It cropped out once in an interesting
way toward the end of his life. There is a certain spiral (the logarithmic or equiangular) which is reproduced in a similar spiral after each of many geometrical transformations. Jacob was fascinated by this recurrence of the spiral, several of whose properties he discovered, and directed that a spiral be engraved on his tombstone with the inscription
Eadem mutata resurgo
(Though changed I shall arise the same).

Jacob's motto was
Invito patre sidera verso
(Against my father's will I study the stars)—in ironic memory of his father's futile opposition to Jacob's devoting his talents to mathematics and astronomy. This detail favors the “nature” view of genius over the “nurture.” If his father had prevailed Jacob would have been a theologian.

Johannes I, brother of Jacob I, did not start as a mathematician but as a doctor of medicine. His dispute with the brother who had generously taught him mathematics has already been mentioned. Johannes was a man of violent likes and dislikes: Leibniz and Euler were his gods; Newton he positively hated and greatly underestimated, as a bigoted champion of Leibniz was almost bound to do from envy or spite. The obstinate father attempted to cramp his younger son into the family business, but Johannes I, following the lead of his brother Jacob I, rebelled and went in for medicine and the humanities, unaware that he was fighting against his heredity. At the age of eighteen he took his M.A. degree. Before long he realized his mistake in choosing medicine and turned to mathematics. His first academic appointment was at Groningen in
as professor of mathematics; on the death of Jacob I in
Johannes I succeeded to the professorship at Basle.

Johannes I was even more prolific than his brother in mathematics and did much to spread the calculus in Europe. His range included physics, chemistry, and astronomy in addition to mathematics. On the applied side Johannes I contributed extensively to optics, wrote on the theory of the tides and the mathematical theory of ship sails, and enunciated the principle of virtual displacements in mechanics. Johannes I was a man of unusual physical and intellectual vigor, remaining active till within a few days of his death at the age of eighty.

Nicolaus I, the brother of Jacob I and Johannes I, was also gifted in mathematics. Like his brothers he made a false start. At the age of sixteen he took his doctor's degree in philosophy at the University of Basle, and at twenty earned the highest degree in law. He was first
a professor of law at Bern before becoming one of the mathematical faculty at the Academy of St. Petersburg. At the time of his death he was so highly thought of that the Empress Catherine gave him a public funeral at state expense.

Heredity came out curiously in the second generation. Johannes I tried to force his second son, Daniel, into business. But Daniel thought he preferred medicine and became a physician before landing, in spite of himself, in mathematics. At the age of eleven Daniel began taking lessons in mathematics from his elder brother Nicolaus III, only five years older than himself. Daniel and the great Euler were intimate friends and at times friendly rivals. Like Euler, Daniel Bernoulli has the distinction of having won the prize of the French Academy ten times (on a few occasions the prize was shared with other successful competitors). Some of Daniel's best work went into hydrodynamics, which he developed uniformly from the single principle that later came to be called the conservation of energy. All who work today in pure or applied fluid motion know the name of Daniel Bernoulli.

In 1725 (at the age of twenty five) Daniel became professor of mathematics at St. Petersburg, where the comparative barbarity of the life irked him so greatly that he returned at the first opportunity, eight years later, to Basle, where he became professor of anatomy and botany, and finally of physics. His mathematical work included the calculus, differential equations, probability, the theory of vibrating strings, an attempt at a kinetic theory of gases, and many other problems in applied mathematics. Daniel Bernoulli has been called the founder of mathematical physics.

From the standpoint of heredity it is interesting to note that Daniel had a marked vein of speculative philosophy in his nature—possibly a refined sublimation of the Huguenot religion of his ancestors. The like cropped out in numerous later descendants of the illustrious refugees from religious intolerance.

The third mathematician in the second generation, Johannes II, brother of Nicolaus III and Daniel, also made a false start and was pulled back into line by his heredity—or possibly by his brothers. Starting out in law he became professor of eloquence at Basle before succeeding his father in the chair of mathematics. His work was principally in physics and was sufficiently distinguished to capture the Paris prize on three occasions (once is usually enough to satisfy a good mathematician—provided he is good enough).

Johannes III, a son of Johannes II, repeated the family tradition of making a wrong start, and like his father began with law. At the age of thirteen he took his doctor's degree in philosophy. By nineteen Johannes III had found his true vocation and was appointed astronomer royal at Berlin. His interests embraced astronomy, geography, and mathematics.

Jacob II, another son of Johannes II, carried on the family blunder by starting in law, only to change over at twenty one to experimental physics. He also turned to mathematics, becoming a member of the St. Petersburg Academy in the section of mathematics and physics. His early death (at the age of thirty) by accidental drowning cut short a very promising career, and we do not know what Jacob II really had in him. He was married to a granddaughter of Euler.

The list of Bernoullis who showed mathematical talent is not yet exhausted, but the rest were less distinguished. It is sometimes asserted that the strain had worn thin. Quite the contrary seems to be the case. When mathematics was the most promising field for superior talent to cultivate, as it was immediately after the invention of the calculus, the gifted Bernoullis cultivated mathematics. But mathematics and science are only two of innumerable fields of human endeavor, and for gifted men to swarm into either when both are overcrowded with high ability indicates a lack of practical sense. The Bernoulli talent was not expended; it merely spent itself on things of equal—or perhaps greater—social importance than mathematics when that field began to resemble Epsom Downs on Derby Day.

Those interested in the vagaries of heredity will find plenty of material in the history of the Darwin and Galton families. The case of Francis Galton (a cousin of Charles Darwin) is particularly interesting, as the mathematical study of heredity was founded by him. To rail at the descendants of Charles Darwin because some of them have achieved eminence in mathematics or mathematical physics rather than in biology is slightly silly. The genius is still there, and one expression of it is not necessarily “better” or “higher” than another—unless we are the sort of bigots who insist that everything should be mathematics, or biology, or sociology, or bridge and golf. It may be that the abandonment of mathematics as the family trade by the Bernoullis was just one more instance of their genius.

Many legends and anecdotes have grown up round the famous Bernoullis, as is only natural in the case of a family as gifted and as
violent in their language as the Bernoullis sometimes were. One of these ripe old chestnuts may be retailed again as it is one of the comparatively early authentic instances of a story which must be at least as old as ancient Egypt, and of which we daily see variants pinned onto all sorts of prominent characters from Einstein down. Once when travelling as a young man Daniel modestly introduced himself to an interesting stranger with whom he had been conversing: “I am Daniel Bernoulli.” “And I,” said the other sarcastically, “am Isaac Newton.” This delighted Daniel to the end of his days as the sincerest tribute he had ever received.

. Actually, here, I have combined
legends. Queen Dido was given a bull's hide to “enclose” the greatest area. She cut it into one thong and enclosed a semicircle.

. Historical notes on this and other problems of the calculus of variations will be found in the book by G. A. Bliss,
Calculus of Variations,
Chicago, 1925. The Anglicized form of Jacob I is James.

Analysis Incarnate


History shows that those heads of empires who have encouraged the cultivation of mathematics, the common source of all the exact sciences, are also those whose reigns have been the most brilliant and whose glory is the most durable.

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