Men of Mathematics (23 page)

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Authors: E.T. Bell

BOOK: Men of Mathematics
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In fluid motion this is the mathematical expression of the fact that a “perfect” fluid, in which there are no vortices, is indestructible. A derivation of this equation would be out of place here, but a statement of what it signifies may make it seem less mysterious. If there are no vortices in the fluid, the three component velocities parallel to the axes of
of any particle in the fluid are calculable as the partial derivatives

of the
—which will be determined by the particular type of motion. Combining this fact with the obvious remark that if the fluid is incompressible and indestructible, as much fluid must flow out of any small volume in one second as flows into it; and noting that the amount of flow in one second across any small area is equal to the rate of flow multiplied by the area; we see (on combining these remarks and calculating the total inflow and total outflow) that Laplace's equation is more or less of a platitude.

The really astonishing thing about this and some other equations of mathematical physics is that a physical platitude, when subjected to mathematical reasoning, should furnish unforeseen information which is anything but platitudinous. The “anticipations” of physical phenomena mentioned in later chapters arose from such commonplaces treated mathematically.

Two very real difficulties, however, arise in this type of problem. The first concerns the physicist, who must have a feeling for what complications can be lopped off his problem, without mutilating it beyond all recognition, so that he can state it mathematically at all. The second concerns the mathematician, and this brings us to a matter of great importance—the last we shall mention in this sketch of the calculus—that of what are called
boundary-value problems.

Science does not fling an equation like Laplace's at a mathematician's head and ask him to find the
solution. What it wants is something
(usually) much more difficult to obtain, a
solution which will not only satisfy the equation but which
in addition will satisfy certain auxiliary conditions
depending on the particular problem to be solved.

The point may be simply illustrated by a problem in the conduction of heat. There is
a. general
equation (Fourier's) for the “motion” of heat in a conductor similar to Laplace's for fluid motion. Suppose it is required to find the final distribution of temperature in a cylindrical rod whose ends are kept at one constant temperature and whose curved surface is kept at another; “final” here means that there is a “steady state”—no further change in temperature—at all points of the rod. The solution must not only satisfy the
equation, it must also fit the
or the
initial boundary conditions.

The second is the harder part. For a cylindrical rod the problem is quite different from the corresponding problem for a bar of rectangular cross section. The theory of
boundary-value problems
deals with the fitting of solutions of differential equations to prescribed initial conditions. It is largely a creation of the past eighty years. In a sense mathematical physics is co-extensive with the theory of boundary-value problems.

*  *  *

The second of Newton's great inspirations which came to him as a youth of twenty two or three in 1666 at Woolsthorpe was his law of universal gravitation (already stated). In this connection we shall not repeat the story of the falling apple. To vary the monotony of the classical account we shall give Gauss' version of the legend when we come to him.

Most authorities agree that Newton did make some rough calculations in 1666 (he was then twenty three) to see whether his law of universal gravitation would account for Kepler's laws. Many years later (in 1684) when Halley asked him what law of attraction would account for the elliptical orbits of the planets Newton replied at once the inverse square.

“How do you know?” Halley asked—he had been prompted by Sir Christopher Wren and others to put the question, as a great argument over the problem had been going on for some time in London.

“Why, I have calculated it,” Newton replied. On attempting to restore his calculation (which he had mislaid) Newton made a slip,
and believed he was in error. But presently he found his mistake and verified his original conclusion.

Much has been made of Newton's twenty years' delay in the publication of the law of universal gravitation as an undeserved setback due to inaccurate data. Of three explanations a less romantic but more mathematical one than either of the others is to be preferred here.

Newton's delay was rooted in his inability to solve a certain problem in the integral calculus which was crucial for the whole theory of universal gravitation as expressed in the Newtonian law. Before he could account for the motion of both the apple and the Moon Newton had to find the total attraction of a solid homogeneous sphere on any mass particle outside the sphere. For
particle of the sphere attracts the mass particle outside the sphere with a force varying directly as the product of the masses of the two particles and inversely as the square of the distance between them: how are all these separate attractions, infinite in number, to be compounded or added into one resultant attraction?

This evidently is a problem in the integral calculus. Today it is given in the textbooks as an example which young students dispose of in twenty minutes or less. Yet it held Newton up for twenty years. He finally solved it, of course: the attraction is the same as if the entire mass of the sphere were concentrated in
a single point
at its centre. The problem is thus reduced to finding the attraction between two mass particles at a given distance apart, and the immediate solution of this is as stated in Newton's law. If this is the correct explanation for the twenty years' delay, it may give us some idea of the enormous amount of labor which generations of mathematicians since Newton's day have expended on developing and simplifying the calculus to the point where very ordinary boys of sixteen can use it effectively.

*  *  *

Although our principal interest in Newton centers about his greatness as a mathematician we cannot leave him with his undeveloped masterpiece of 1666. To do so would be to give no idea of his magnitude, so we shall go on to a brief outline of his other activities without entering into detail (for lack of space) on any of them.

On his return to Cambridge Newton was elected a Fellow of Trinity in 1667 and in 1669, at the age of twenty six, succeeded Barrow as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. His first lectures were
on optics. In these he expounded his own discoveries and sketched his corpuscular theory of light, according to which light consists in an emission of corpuscles and is not a wave phenomenon as Huygens and Hooke asserted. Although the two theories appear to be contradictory both are useful today in correlating the phenomena of light and are, in a purely mathematical sense, reconciled in the modern quantum theory. Thus it is not now correct to say, as it may have been a few years ago, that Newton was entirely wrong in his corpuscular theory.

The following year, 1668, Newton constructed a reflecting telescope with his own hands and used it to observe the satellites of Jupiter. His object doubtless was to see whether universal gravitation really was universal by observations on Jupiter's satellites. This year is also memorable in the history of the calculus. Mercator's calculation by means of infinite series of an area connected with a hyperbola was brought to Newton's attention. The method was practically identical with Newton's own, which he had not published, but which he now wrote out, gave to Dr. Barrow, and permitted to circulate among a few of the better mathematicians.

On his election to the Royal Society in 1672 Newton communicated his work on telescopes and his corpuscular theory of light. A commission of three, including the cantankerous Hooke, was appointed to report on the work on optics. Exceeding his authority as a referee Hooke seized the opportunity to propagandize for the undulatory theory and himself at Newton's expense. At first Newton was cool and scientific under criticism, but when the mathematician Lucas and the physician Linus, both of Liège, joined Hooke in adding suggestions and objections which quickly changed from the legitimate to the carping and the merely stupid, Newton gradually began to lose patience.

A reading of his correspondence in this first of his irritating controversies should convince anyone that Newton was not by nature secretive and jealous of his discoveries. The tone of his letters gradually changes from one of eager willingness to clear up the difficulties which others found, to one of bewilderment that scientific men should regard science as a battleground for personal quarrels. From bewilderment he quickly passes to cold anger and a hurt, somewhat childish resolution to play by himself in future. He simply could not suffer malicious fools gladly.

At last, in a letter of November 18, 1676, he says, “I see I have
made myself a slave to philosophy, but if I get free of Mr. Lucas's business, I will resolutely bid adieu to it eternally, excepting what I do for my private satisfaction, or leave to come out after me; for I see a man must either resolve to put out nothing new, or become a slave to defend it.” Almost identical sentiments were expressed by Gauss in connection with non-Euclidean geometry.

Newton's petulance under criticism and his exasperation at futile controversies broke out again after the publication of the
Writing to Halley on June 20, 1688, he says, “Philosophy [science] is such an impertinently litigious Lady, that a man had as good be engaged to lawsuits, as to have to do with her. I found it so formerly, and now I am no sooner come near her again, but she gives me warning.” Mathematics, dynamics, and celestial mechanics were in fact—we may as well admit it—secondary interests with Newton. His heart was in his alchemy, his researches in chronology, and his theological studies.

It was only because an inner compulsion drove him that he turned as a recreation to mathematics. As early as 1679, when he was thirty seven (but when also he had his major discoveries and inventions securely locked up in his head or in his desk), he writes to the pestiferous Hooke: “I had for some years last been endeavoring to bend myself from philosophy to other studies in so much that I have long grutched the time spent in that study unless it be perhaps at idle hours sometimes for diversion.” These “diversions” occasionally cost him more incessant thought than his professed labors, as when he made himself seriously ill by thinking day and night about the motion of the Moon, the only problem, he says, that ever made his head ache.

Another side of Newton's touchiness showed up in the spring of 1673 when he wrote to Oldenburg resigning his membership in the Royal Society. This petulant action has been variously interpreted. Newton gave financial difficulties and his distance from London as his reasons. Oldenburg took the huffy mathematician at his word and told him that under the rules he could retain his membership without paying. This brought Newton to his senses and he withdrew his resignation, having recovered his temper in the meantime. Nevertheless Newton thought he was about to be hard pressed. However, his finances presently straightened out and he felt better. It may be noted here that Newton was no absent-minded dreamer when it came to a question of money. He was extremely shrewd and he died a rich man
for his times. But if shrewd and thrifty he was also very liberal with his money and was always ready to help a friend in need as unobtrusively as possible. To young men he was particularly generous.

*  *  *

The years 1684-86 mark one of the great epochs in the history of all human thought. Skilfully coaxed by Halley, Newton at last consented to write up his astronomical and dynamical discoveries for publication. Probably no mortal has ever thought as hard and as continuously as Newton did in composing his
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy). Never careful of his bodily health, Newton seems to have forgotten that he had a body which required food and sleep when he gave himself up to the composition of his masterpiece. Meals were ignored or forgotten, and on arising from a snatch of sleep he would sit on the edge of the bed half-clothed for hours, threading the mazes of his mathematics. In 1686 the
was presented to the Royal Society, and in 1687 was printed at Halley's expense.

A description of the contents of the
is out of the question here, but a small handful of the inexhaustible treasures it contains may be briefly exhibited. The spirit animating the whole work is Newton's dynamics, his law of universal gravitation, and the application of both to the solar system—“the system of the world.” Although the calculus has vanished from the synthetic geometrical demonstrations, Newton states (in a letter) that he used it to
his results and, having done so, proceeded to rework the proofs furnished by the calculus into geometrical shape so that his contemporaries might the more readily grasp the main theme—the dynamical harmony of the heavens.

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