Angelic Sight

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Angelic Sight
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time Levi talked, nodding in all the right places. The contrast was  striking and beautiful. Keer stood hip to hip with Erik, bending down  to nibble at the other nephilim’s neck in regular intervals.
Erik was the first one to turn toward him, and Axis’s heart lurched
at his warm look of welcome. The other nephilim was beautiful,  strong, a smaller version of his warriors but not by much. His tanned  skin and dark eyes made him look exotic, and Axis could easily  imagine his lover with wings behind him.
“About time you came out and got your hands dirty, Axis,” Erik  teased. “You are Marius must be the most fastidious angels this side  of heaven.”
Axis snorted. “I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, Erik, depending on what they’re getting dirty for.”
Erik pointed to the wall with the hooks on it. “Get some pruning scissors and cut off the dead stalks. That tray there”—he pointed to the one next to the set he and Keer were working on—“is yours.” The entire house shuddered as IT picked up Levi and pushed him against the wall in the space between two of the tables.
Erik laughed. “Or not. Apparently we’re going to be treated to a floor show instead of finishing up the gardening.” The smell of Levi’s need spiked his lust. It seemed Erik was gaining more control over his body since they became angel bound, but Levi seemed to have less.
“Need,” Levi groaned, nails raking down Brax’s sigil-marked back.
Erik looked over his shoulder. “Join us, Axis. Keer and I could
use another hand or something.” The sound of a belt being undone  rang out like a cattle call.
“Hmmm, a bit early in the morning, gents,” Axis said as Brax  wrapped Levi’s bare legs back around his waist.
“Is it ever too early to fuck?” Erik asked, running a hand down  Axis’s T-shirt-clad chest. The nephilim had a point. “Join us, Axis.  I’m hungry, and last night’s debauchery was over twelve hours ago.”  He had a
good point.
“You have me convinced,” Axis rumbled. He met Keer’s violet
eyes over Erik’s head and got a wry grin of approval. They had been  around and unable to touch their lovers over a year, and now that they  could touch them freely, it was paradise. Axis forgot about all the  problems in their relationship and just allowed his mind to slide into  the territory of pure unadulterated lust.
They’re mine
. He was happy  the rest of the Elites had waited to join together. It made learning  them and their bodies that much sweeter.
Axis glanced over in time to see Brax slam up into Levi’s writhing body as Levi’s nails made angry red marks on Brax’s thick shoulders. Levi liked just a bit of roughness in his loving, as was evident by the new tradition of a bedtime spanking that had developed between them. Axis’s cock hardened almost instantly. What would it be like to bend Erik over his knee? The nephilim had a chip on his shoulder and tended to buck at anything that would make him seem less than equal in their eyes. It was odd because Axis knew for a fact that none of them thought Levi was weaker than them because he wanted his sweet ass spanked.
“You’re thinking something wicked,” Erik said, popping the button on his pants and slowly letting those jeans slide down his lean hips. The smell of nephilim lust was a perfume in the already thick air. If they weren’t careful they’d spontaneously combust in this heat.  Erik visibly swallowed as Axis assessed him. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking how beautiful your ass would look with my handprints on it.” The honest answer seemed to excite the nephilim if his flared nostrils were any indication. Axis wasn’t used to expressing his desires so blatantly, but his nephilim seemed to enjoy it.
Erik swallowed. “You want me to be your bitch, Axis?” he asked.
“Of course not,” Axis said, mildly shocked by the very real annoyance in Erik’s voice. “I do want you to be vulnerable to me, though. I want you to let go and be mine.”
“So why not let me spank your butt, then?” Erik countered. “How  about I redden your ass?” Axis watched as Erik’s hard cock twitched  at the idea. He considered it. Would he let his lover spank him?
He grinned. “You think you’re man enough to beat my ass? Make  me come against your thighs while you do it?” His lover was  significantly less strong than he was. He would need help.
“Hmm, I could get behind that mission, Commander,” Keer  rumbled. At some point in their debate he’d gotten deliciously naked.  As the biggest out of the bunch, Keer was probably strong enough to  hold him down. It would just tickle his vanity to do it, too. Axis’s  body thrummed with anticipation.
“Come on, then. Take me, if you can,” Axis challenged a little  breathlessly. Who would’ve thought he would get this turned on by  the idea of getting his lover’s handprints on his ass?
Erik launched himself at Axis, tackling him to the floor of the  hothouse in one leap. He growled and rolled, pinning the nephilim  beneath him. Erik bucked his hips and usurped his position. Axis  didn’t make it easy for him. He fought against Erik’s nephilim  strength. He didn’t use his full angelic powers, but he pitted his  body’s strength against Erik’s.
The smaller man was getting tired as the seconds stretched on to a  minute. Their hard dicks probably had something to do with how  effectively they were fighting, or weren’t in this case. Keer wrapped  his arms around Axis’s waist and hauled him backward.
Unfortunately, he was a bit overenthusiastic and sent them careening into one of the tables that was stacked with plants.
“Careful, guys!” Levi gasped as Brax bit into his shoulder. The smaller nephilim was watching them with hungry eyes, and Axis was turned on by the audience.
“Bring him to me,” Erik commanded, growling the words out.  There was nothing better than sex and aggression between men. Keer forced him down over Erik’s thighs. The nephilim was resting his back against the wall of the hothouse and, in that position, Axis’s
cock was trapped against Erik’s legs. He groaned as Keer ripped his  jeans off, the sound of rending fabric only adding to the lusty  atmosphere. He was now covered in a fine sheen of sweat and dirt  from the combination of heat and wrestling on the floor.
“Do it,” Axis rumbled. He wanted to prove to Erik that bottoming  could be strong and sexy either way. Everything they did together was  wonderful, and there was no reason that Erik couldn’t appreciate  everything their relationship had to offer.
He wasn’t quite expecting the sting of the smack that landed  squarely on his right ass cheek. The hard pop was finished with a  gentle caress to the suddenly hot flesh. Axis didn’t stop the groan that  escaped his mouth at the action. The thick smell of flowers only  added to the air of exoticness in the air.
“I learned a lot when Levi finally confessed to wanting this, Axis.  Big angel that you are”—the nephilim sounded like he was  smirking—“you don’t understand that I can make your bad ass beg  for it.” Oh, Erik sounded hot when he talked like that. Axis found
himself squirming for more. Erik’s hand came down against on the
firm swell of his ass.
“More,” Axis panted.
“Keer, please gag the commander,” Erik said sweetly to the other  angel that knelt by his side, jerking his cock in time with Axis’s  bucking hips.
Keer looked confused for a split second. “With what?”
“Your dick, Keer,” Erik instructed, grinning. Axis looked up at  the warrior under his command. Would he dare? The idea that Keer
might sent a shiver of pleasure through him. The hunger in Keer’s  violet eyes said he was seriously considering it. Axis licked his lips.
Come on, Keer. I’m your mate, not just your commander. Take me.
Whatever Keer saw in his expression must’ve clued him into the fact  that Axis was into it because in the next second Keer fisted his hair
and guided his prick into Axis’s waiting mouth. Erik smacked his ass
again, and Axis moaned around the hot length in his mouth. He  sucked obediently, enjoying giving up control just this once.
No wonder Levi likes this, he thought, lapping at Keer’s plum  head to gather some of the pre-cum he was leaking on his tongue.  Keer groaned, his fists tightening in Axis’s hair. Erik’s hands  continued to rain down on his ass, and their cocks were smashed
against Erik’s thigh as they humped against one another with each
“World above, Axis, your mouth,” Keer said in a strangled voice.
Axis hollowed out his cheeks.
Use my mouth, Keer. Take your
. His eyes popped open as the door to shed slammed open to  admit two of their very concerned-looking lovers. Marius and Jade  looked on for a split second before they, too, started stripping off their  clothes. They were both still flushed and damp from their shower.
“We got worried,” Jade rumbled, unbuckling his clean jeans  before pushing them off his hips. “We didn’t see you guys when we  looked out the side window.”
“Didn’t know you were having fun on the ground,” Marius said,  his eyes burning into Brax’s backside across the hothouse. “So much  for the shower.”
“Is there slick in here?” Jade asked.
Brax nodded to his jeans. “Small tube in the front pocket.”
Axis lost train of their conversation as Jade crowded behind Keer
and spread his cheeks. The angelic commander looked up in time to  see Jade whisper something in Keer’s ear that was much too low for  him to hear before biting onto his earlobe.
“God!” Keer moaned, shuddering. His cock jerked in Axis’s  mouth. He was close. Erik’s hand cracked as it came down on Axis’s
red backside. It was Axis’s turn to groan then as his eyes rolled from  the impact. He was playing on the edge between pain and pleasure,  and damn if he wasn’t enjoying it.
“If I don’t fuck you, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die. Can I,  Axis?” Erik asked.
Axis pulled back for a second off Keer’s body. “Yes, Erik.  Whatever I have is yours, my nephilim.”
Erik shimmied out from under Axis, leaving his straining erection dripping onto the floor of the hothouse. Without the warm body to grind against, Axis trembled with the dueling sensations going on inside him. His ass was warm, a little sore, one of the angels under his command was fucking his mouth vigorously, taking what he wanted, and his ward was about to screw him. His notions of what was proper just flipped upside down.
Keer passed the tube of lube over to Erik as Jade sank into Keer’s opening. The vain angel panted, his thrusts into Axis’s throat coming faster as Jade fucked him. Axis’s hands balled into fists, wanting to touch. He needed something, needed his men to touch him.
Finally, Erik pressed a finger to Axis’s hole, massaging slick into the opening. Axis whimpered his pleasure.
More. More. Come on,  Erik. Give it to me
. Two fingers pressed inside and scissored open.  Axis rocked back, wanting a firmer and deeper penetration. He’d only allowed one other person to sink into his heat before. He was glad that  Erik would be one of the only who had the privilege.
Erik seemed to lose his patience then, because in the next second he pulled his fingers free, gripped Axis’s hips, and pressed the head of his dick against Axis’s prepared rosette. Axis’s balls tightened impossibly.
Yes. Right there
. Without preamble, Erik pushed forward, fucking himself deep into Axis’s passage. Axis gasped, unable to think or breathe as the feelings inside him overwhelmed all intelligent thought. Keer sank into his throat and cried out in release. Axis swallowed his pleasure compulsively, squeezing his mouth around his lover to milk him of every last drop. It all seemed instinctual as he spun out of control.

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