Men of Honour (37 page)

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Authors: Adam Nicolson

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Winter, Jay,
Sites of Memory, The Great War in European Cultural History
(Cambridge, 1995)

Wordsworth, Jonathan, Abrams, M.H. and Gill, Stephen, (eds.)
William Wordsworth, The Prelude 1799, 1805, 1850
(New York and London 1979)


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10, 88, 229, 288-90, 309

Achilles 6, 7, 206

Acton, Sir John 232

Addington, Henry 115

4, 269, 270, 280, 298, 299



19, 229

Albarracin, Pedro 293

Albion Steam Mill 67

Aldred, Ebenezer xiv

Alexander the Great 237

229, 257, 258

55, 290

American War of Independence 20, 23


293, 310


Atkinson, Master Thomas 138-9

Atlas Maritimo de España


Austen, Francis 119-20, 150

Austen, Jane 5, 140, 172

Austerlitz, Battle of, 84

Authentic Narrative
(Beatty) 271

Badcock, William 25, 201

304, 306-7, 310, 311

Ball, Sir Alexander 84, 151, 152, 155, 234-5

Barbados 80-1

Barbaro, Sánchez 12

Barham, Lord 24, 59, 68-9, 70, 72-, 79, 89, 185, 187, 188

Battle of the Saints 180, 181

Bayntun, Captain Henry 51, 86, 87, 131, 132, 133-7, 147, 155, 228, 279, 280, 309

Beatty, John 88

Beatty, William 254, 255, 256, 264, 265, 267-8, 271, 274, 282

Beaufort, Captain Francis 70


Beckford, William 252

Beechey, Sir William 171

10, 51, 90, 160, 162-3, 204, 215, 225, 226, 228-9, 230, 257, 262, 289, 292, 293, 305, 306

87, 89, 93, 282

Berry, Captain Sir Edward 95, 96, 280

10, 311

Bickerton, Sir Richard 88

Blackwood, Henry 50-1, 91, 92, 128, 149, 155-6, 233, 294, 297, 304, 312

Blake, William xix-xxi

‘Blind Sailor, The' 39-40


British officer's individual encouragement to excel promotes 184-9

definition of 157

18th Century idea of hero clashes with 164-71

line of battle and 175-84

Nelson's 190-201, 203-4

19th Century idea of hero promotes 169-75

Trafalgar, presence at 157, 161-4, 190-201, 203-6

Bonaparte, Napoleon 73, 190, 285

aggression 33

Army, gives priority to 84

Dumanoir, opinion of 282

forbids Villeneuve to inform his captains of French Grand Strategy 45

Grand Strategy 45, 75, 76, 77, 81, 85

Louvre, gathers masterpieces inside 19

‘manoeuvre sur la derrière', adopts 75

on France making war in the name of principles 30

rise to power 23

systematises military 34

Villeneuve, relationship with 45, 47, 85, 86

Waterloo 314


Boscawen, Admiral 177

Boswell, James 68

Boulton, Matthew 67

198, 275, 280, 281, 298, 304

British Admiralty 20-1, 23, 54, 59, 79, 84, 88, 89, 112, 131, 137, 147, 181, 186, 202, 232, 256

British Treasury 21-2, 42

Brothers, Richard xiii

Brown, John 50

4, 19, 46, 85-6, 93, 94, 241, 242, 244-5, 268, 269, 277-8, 304

Bulkeley, Richard xvi, 266

Bullen, Captain Charles 275

Burke, Edmund 39, 45-6, 108, 123, 174-5, 239, 251, 265-6, 266, 270, 314

Byng, Admiral John 168, 169, 170, 177

Byron, Lord 236

Ça Ira
101, 105

Calder, Sir Robert 85, 86, 92, 185-6, 187, 188-9

90, 119, 120

Cape Finisterre 79, 85, 185

Cape St Vincent, Battle of 72, 79, 104, 183, 185, 190, 236


Carter, Rear Admiral Richard 57-8

Caunant, Jeannette 289


Chevalier, Henry 274

chivalry, British officers sense of 122-7

Christian Knights 28

Churruca, Don Cosme 93-4, 95, 277

Cicero 285

Cisneros, Bernardo Hidalgo 17, 270

Claret, Charles 34

Cobbett, William 70-1

Codrington, Captain Edward 51, 188, 280, 281, 304, 306-7

Coleridge, Bernard 99

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 51-2, 61-2, 84, 115-16, 130, 150-1, 194, 234, 236, 238, 243

Colley, Linda 174

Collingwood, Edward 262

Collingwood, Lord, 89, 240, 288

burial in St Paul's 276

Cadiz blockade 86, 87

complains Nelson is signalling too much 129

Duff, relationship with 148

on naval intelligence 90


breaks through middle of Spanish fleet 183

calculates pre-battle will not signify 162

courage 160, 215

first battle between division and rear of Combined Fleet 217, 219, 228-9, 244, 279-80

flagship alone amongst enemy 160

heroism 215

leads southerly column 157

Nelson gives complete command of lee division 196

Nelson orders line to attack 197

Nelson, opinion of 242, 243

Nelson's death, reaction to 293

personality 187-8

prize money, capture and release of 299, 304, 308

recalls ships chasing prizes 283

reflections on effectiveness of battle strategy 242

relationship with captains 187-8, 275

reluctance to criticise officers post-battle 275

Santa Ana
, fight with 219, 220, 221-2, 224-5, 226

storm, reaction to 300-1, 304, 308, 309

suggested to take over command of fleet after death of Nelson 270

Combined Fleet 186

approach to battle 160, 241

Cadiz, Duff watches in 148, 198

casualties, Trafalgar 9-10, 220-1, 287-8, 302, 303

Churruca forsees Villeneuve's tactical mistakes 94-5

Council of War 8-9

deficiency of guns 162, 248

despair at beginning of battle 9-10

first shots fired 162

lack of sailors 10, 87

low morale 230

moment of contact with British
, 217-19, 229

mutual contempt between French and Spanish officers 8-9

number of ships 8

poor state of 8

ships surrender 265, 268-9

tactical failures 48

view British with fear and contempt 11

Congreve, Colonel William 247

198, 268, 269, 288, 292

Cook, James 17

Cook, Thomas 49, 230, 298

Cooke, John 88, 89

Copenhagen, Battle of xi, 190, 291

Corbett, Captain Robert 152-3, 195-6

Cornwallis, Admiral 24, 74, 87-8

Council of War, Cadiz 8-9

Dalrymple, William 294, 295, 300

Davies, Lieutenant Will 88

Davison, Alexander 81

de Alava, Vice-Admiral don Ignacio Maria 17

de Coulomb, Marquis 67

de Quincey, Thomas 315, 316

Death of Nelson
(Devis) 273-5

Death of Wolfe
(West) 253, 272

Decrès, Denis 15, 47, 77, 85

289, 304


Devis, Arthur William 273

Digby, Henry 5, 269

xvi, 266

90, 311

Douglas, Captain 175

Drake, Francis 116

186, 198, 304

Duff, Captain George 148, 155, 229, 230, 294-7, 302

Duff, Norwich 155, 294-6, 297

Duff, Sophia 294, 295-7

Dumanoir, Admiral Pierre le Pelley 95, 277-8, 282-3

Edward III, King 124

Egypt 78


appreciation of Navy within 70-2

consensual tax culture 40-1

drinking culture 38

Fremantle's love of 206

gambling culture 36-7

grieves for Nelson 314-15

growth and success of 35-43

hero, need of xvii-xviii

literacy of population 37

Nelson's vision and love of xvii, xix-xx, 127, 206

19th Century idea of hero 70

orderliness of reflected in Navy 69-70

violence, culture of 36, 39-40

English Civil War xi, xii

289, 309, 312

49, 50, 290, 294, 297, 300, 301, 304

Ferrol 80, 81, 85

Fielding, Henry 170

Flynn, Tom 144

Foote, Captain Edward 232

10, 19, 277, 282, 283

95, 96, 121

19, 157, 215, 222, 225, 229, 257, 262, 264, 302

France 34-5, 43

Fremantle, Betsey 101-2, 103-5, 312-13

Fremantle, Thomas 25, 201

ambition 312-13

books 105-6

Brest blockade 100

Calder, friendship with 85

class 102

England, love of 206

family life 103-5

Henry Rice, argument with 106-14

honour 116, 117-18

Nelson, relationship with 99, 206, 313

personality 100-1, 102, 103, 108, 110, 111, 114, 116, 117-18, 312, 313

prizes 103

Tenerife, wounded at 103-4

Trafalgar, action at 130, 205, 236-7, 279

Trafalgar storm 311, 312-13

wife 101-2, 103-4, 105, 312

youth at sea 100

French Mediterranean fleet 22, 79, 84, 86

French National Convention 1792 286

French Navy:

attempt to invade Britain 73

authoritarian pattern of 45

blockaded in ports 74-5

Brest squadron 22, 28, 29, 30, 74, 84, 85, 179

Cape Finisterre 85-6

consistently defeated by British Navy 20

effect of Revolution upon 23, 30-3

18th Century strategic position 182

Grand Strategy 75-8

inbuilt sense of inferiority 224

lack of deep water ports 73-4

lack of effective central board of control 20-1

number of ships 23

officer corps, aristocratic 23, 24, 25-33, 45

poor condition of fleet 19-20, 85-6

supply system, poor 21, 22-3, 29

Toulon fleet 28, 29, 75, 78, 131

Trafalgar, casualties 302-3

Trafalgar, limps onto battlefield 34

Villeneuve breaks out of Toulon and sails to West Indies 78-81,
, 84-5
see also
Combined Fleet

French Revolution xiii, 19, 23, 30-5, 43, 123, 284-7

Galissonière, Admiral de la 168-9

Galles, Admiral Morard de 31

104, 109, 110, 111, 112

Ganteaume, Admiral 22, 75

Généreux, Le
95-6, 97, 98

George III, King 38, 72, 124

George IV, King 269


Gillespie, Alexander 316-17

Gilly, Frederick 61

Glorious First of June, 1794 181, 249

140-1, 143-4

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 286

Grandallana, Don Domingo Perez de 183-4

Graves, Robert 317

Gravière, Julien de la 201

Gravina, Vice Admiral Federico Carlos 16-17, 18, 48, 79, 87, 276, 293, 303-4

Grenville, Lord 116-17

Griffiths, Captain 55

Grindall, Richard 288

Guillaume Tell
121, 233

Hamilton, Emma 5-6, 85, 118, 125, 149, 153-4, 191, 196, 203, 233, 265, 267, 271, 272

Hamilton, Sir William 272

Hardinge, Lieutenant George 120-2

Hardy, Captain Thomas 88

Nelson, friendship with xvi, 90, 203, 266-7

severe disciplinarian 139


attempts to convince Nelson to conceal his stars 91

effect upon 290, 291

Nelson's death, presence at 266-7, 270-1, 274, 300

Nelson's fatal wounding, presence at 254-5

remains on deck as Nelson is carried below 258, 259, 266

tactics and fighting 202, 203, 241-2, 245, 246, 259, 262

tours decks of

Hargood, Captain Edward 163, 293

Harrowby, Lord 12

Harvey, Captain Eliab 91, 260

Harwood, Captain 215

Hawke, Admiral 179-80, 186, 192

Hazlitt, William 194

Hennah, Lieutenant William 230, 295-7, 300

Henry V
125-7, 164

4, 46, 304


Achilles as servant of state, Nelson becomes 7

commercial sense of English 173-4

death of 251-3, 272-4, 314

England grieves for Nelson 314

England's need of xvii-xviii, 191-2

English 18th Century idea of 164-6, 169-71

English 19th Century idea of 70, 171-5

humanised 267

inheritance of Achillean and Virgilian models xviii-xix, 206, 235

leadership by example and 240

manliness and 172, 174-5, 192-3

Nelson's conception of himself as a xvii

Nelson's turbulence as a 192

Nelsonian xvii, 170-2, 180, 192

passion for suddenness and concept of 174-5

politeness and 166-8, 171, 172

Pride and Prejudice
's vision of 172-3

violence of 19th Century 215

Wordsworth imagines himself a naval 191-2

Hervey, Lord Augustus 165-6, 177

Homer xix, 120, 284-5, 317

honour 93

battle validates 118-19

Combined Fleet commanders loss of at Trafalgar 276-87

in exposure to violence 240

mutations of meaning throughout 18th Century 114-16

Nelson's sense of 116-18, 120-2

Royal Naval officers sense of middle age concept of chivalry and 122-7

social and financial insecurity of British officers deeply connected to sense of 102-3, 106-14

Trafalgar, importance of maintaining at 114

Trafalgar, theatrical role of 162-3 224

Hood, Admiral Lord 22, 24

Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem 28

Hoste, William 120

Howard, Luke 70

Howe, Admiral 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 192, 197

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