Men of Bronze: Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece (63 page)

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Authors: Donald Kagan,Gregory F. Viggiano

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. “Ugly muscle”: Hanson 1995, 265; see further van Wees 2004, 89–95; 2007, 273–81.

. Hanson 1995, 221–44; “afternoon wars”: 378; cf. 255.

. See Krentz 2000, 2002, 2007; van Wees 2004, 115–50, 232–40; 2011b.

. Hanson 1995, 230–33; 1991; Cartledge 2001, 153–66. Snodgrass 1965; Krentz 1985b; 1994. For the view that no closed phalanx developed until the end of the archaic age, see van Wees 2000b; 2004, 166–97; Rey 2008, 107–287; cf. Wheeler 2007, 192–202.

. On
and truces, see Krentz 2002. For late archaic changes in armor, see Snodgrass 1999, 90–95; Jarva 1995. Mounted hoplites: Greenhalgh 1973; Brouwers 2007 argues that they played a crucial role in the adoption of hoplite armor.

. See Chaniotis 2005, 20–26; Ma 2000, 343–49.

. See Ceccarelli 1993; van Wees 1995b.

. Contra, e.g., Cartledge 2001, 153–66; Salmon 1977. Andrewes’s widely accepted theory linking the tyranny of Pheidon of Argos with the creating of the hoplite phalanx (1956, 31–42) is pure speculation; cf. the critical comments of Hall 2007, 145–54.


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