Memory of Morning (26 page)

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Authors: Susan Sizemore

BOOK: Memory of Morning
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"As this evening's event certainly proves," he said. "What think you of this extravagant show, Doctor?"
"I think that it has certainly been more interesting for me personally than I had anticipated."

The music ended. We stepped apart, nodded and slightly curtsied to each other, and politely applauded the musicians. I assumed my time among the great to be over and prepared to gratefully disappear into the bosom of my family. But it was not to be.

"Let us try to keep the evening interesting," He said. "Come with me, Dr. Cliff."

I could no more disobey one of the great lords of the Empire under the gaze of all society than I could have disobeyed the Emperor. Besides, I was more curious than I was annoyed at his order. There was something I wanted to say to him in private anyway.

He acquired a couple of goblets of wine, and I followed him out to the terrace overlooking the lake.






Chapter Thirty-Five


Green Moon hung low and full in the sky, its reflection huge in the lake. Gray Moon was a pale nonentity next to its huge companion. Red Moon was a barely discernible dot. The fiery trails of meteors made thick arcs overhead. Many people were on the terrace, but it was a very large terrace and deep, mixed shadows gave the illusion of privacy to those seeking it. Lord North led me to a dark spot with a fine view and helped me to a seat on the wide railing. A cooling breeze from off the lake played with my loose hair. I faced him rather than the lake and moons to my back. His sharp features were emphasized by the play of shadow and light from the moonslight.

After I was settled he handed me the glass of wine. Lord North's hand continued on, to touch the pearl hanging at my throat.
There was warmth in his gaze when he said, "I made a wager with myself about which jewel you would choose."
"When you make a bet with yourself, you cannot lose, my lord."
"That depends on what odds you give yourself, Doctor. But since I thought you would take the pearl, I won."

I touched the pearl on its gold chain. It was suspended from a setting resembling a stylized wave. "I think it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," I said. "I thank you. Not for the pearl, which was a blatant bribe, but for saving my life."

He stepped back to offer me an elaborate bow. "It was my pleasure to be of service, Dr. Cliff."
"Shouldn't you have made a humble statement about how you only performed your duty in the heat of battle?"
"And how would that impress the likes of you?"
"Why would you want to?"

He gave me a look that seared through me. Then he said, "Naval surgeons are hard to come by, Doctor." He abruptly sat down beside me on the wide bannister. He lowered his voice. "Now, why would you think I would need to bribe those under my command?"

I had spoken with reckless honesty, which was a bad habit I had when addressing this man. Try as I might, I couldn't stop now. "The navy and marines vie for resources and prestige, though I believe the military groups manage to cooperate most of the time." So much for a feeble effort at discretion. For honesty, I added, "One hears rumors and speculation about personal tensions between the commanders of the services. The marine commander is closer to the throne than the naval commander. It is in your best interest to build personal loyalty to you among the navy's officer corps to counterbalance Imperial favoritism."

He nodded.

I simply could not leave it at that. "And - the Dowager doesn't like you."

"That, my dear, is for personal reasons. Our - family quarrel - has no effect on the services. Marqs and I are the best of friends. The Dowager knows he has my complete loyalty, and that goes a long way with her."

They certainly seemed friendly enough from what I observed.
"May I ask why you and the Dow--?"
"Of course. It is rude of me to enquire."
"It is. You are fond of gossip, I take it, Doctor?"
"I am. Alas. It is a failing."
"And here I had heard that you are discreet and circumspect."
"I like hearing gossip, my lord. I am not in the habit of spreading it."

"But that is not fair. What do you bring to a conversational exchange where you learn others’ secrets, but you do not give secrets away?"

"I am a doctor, my lord. People are always asking me for medical advice."

"I see. But what do you do with the secrets you learn?"

"I bend them and shape them and chew on them, then I make up stories with jigsaw pieces of them. I write fiction." At his frown I rushed to add, "It is a harmless habit, I assure you."

"One would think so." He did not sound so sure.

Hunting for a subject to take his mind off the subject of fiction, I asked, "Are you aware of the clerics railing against sailors on the Eastside?"

"The Gracers." He chuckled. "Oh, yes. I know about them."
"Their troublemaking is hardly amusing, my lord."
Could he somehow support the Gracers? He had been present when I'd been questioned by them.
"I wouldn't worry about the Gracers, Doctor."

This flippant dismissal was most annoying. "Really? Have you been in the parts of the city where they are preaching? Where they are rousing factionalism? Do you have any idea of the tension the guards and Apprehenders are trying to contain? The Navy"

"The Navy is my responsibility. Your advice on running it has not been requested."
"Perhaps it should be," I snapped back.
He should have been furious at me. Instead Lord North patted me on the shoulder.
He. Patted. Me. On. The. Shoulder.
I considered slapping him. But managed to grit my teeth and stay perfectly still.

"You stand up for what you believe in. And you insist on speaking your mind when you think it important. You might have the makings of a ship's surgeon after all, Dr. Cliff."

"Nonsense. I do not know if I'll ever be qualified for that duty."

"There you are, Adrew!" A woman came toward us. Her gaze was only for Lord North. So was her smile. "We were to share a dance and dinner, and then you completely disappeared. I am most cross with you, Adrew."

Lord North stood, and bowed to the lady.

He did not offer me a hand to rise, so I took this as a sign that I was not about to be introduced to this newcomer. I stayed put and was ignored by both nobles.

"I do apologize, Mihane," he said. "There was some business I had to attend to."

I mouthed the word
and heat rose in my cheeks. Though whether from anger or humiliation, I wasn't sure. After a moment, sanity returned, and I was rather glad of this treatment that relegated me so firmly to my place.

I did not recognize the woman's given name, but from her diamond tiara and pearl-encrusted frock, I guessed that she was at minimum a countess. She was young, lithe, and quite attractive in a black-haired, vivid way. If she was Lord North's
in his seeking a wife, I would say that he was a lucky man to be in the running for the hand of such a beauty. He elegantly kissed this lady's hand, took it, and walked away with her toward the ballroom doors. I was left to fend for myself. I waited a while before returning to the ball. I did not want it to be commented upon that I had left with Lord North, then trailed him in like an abandoned puppy when he reappeared with a woman more suited to be on his arm.


When I did return to the ball, I managed to follow closely behind a pair of women, so I did not look to be alone. Fortunately, I immediately spotted my father lingering by the door.

Mother came up a moment later. She leaned close to me and spoke softly. "By the All, child. I thought you knew I was joking when I told you to become the Emperor's consort."

Tension went out of me in a laugh that was perhaps a bit too loud, but the orchestra was playing noisily enough for it not to be noticed. I hugged my parents, then the three of us went in search of the buffet tables. We ate. We listened, and applauded, when Belladem sang. There was other entertainment that I know I watched, but only Bell's voice registered in my mind. I danced several more sets, with people I knew. I held my head high, and my bare shoulders proudly squared, and pretended not to notice every odd look and overheard comment from strangers I would never know.

Finally, the evening was over. I was able to pile into a carriage with a warm crowd of relatives and return to the safe privacy of the rental palace. By the time I went to bed, I knew that the sort throat and headache were caused by a cold and not the stress of the night. I fell into miserable, restless sleep, but I blamed that on the cold, as well.






Chapter Thirty-Six


"The flowers have arrived, Meggie. You must come down."

My shoulder was shaken. I opened bleary eyes to find that the enthusiastic voice which had woken me did indeed belong to Rhane. I heard curtains being pulled back across the room. So, I had at least two tormentors to contend with.

"It is a beautiful morning," Ajaa's voice floated across the room.

It was not a beautiful morning. I could hear rain pouring down outside. My head was stuffed, my chest congested. My head also ached, but I accepted that there was no escape from the tradition of viewing flowers the day after a ball.

I sat up and rubbed aching temples. Star licked my chin. I looked at the smiling Rhane. "Did I get any bouquets?"
"You have to see for yourself. You know that."
I groaned, but got up. "I'll be along in a few minutes," I told the enthusiastic young women. "Go away."

Rhane rushed off. Ajaa stayed to help me dress. Then we went down to the Green Parlor together. "Henner sent me a bouquet," she confided to me. "I asked him not to have it placed with the others, but he wouldn't have any of that. He called me a snob. He was joking," she added.

"You went to the ball, you have as much right to a place among the
tokens of affection
as any woman who was there. And how can you be sure the flowers are from Henner? He hasn't told you they are, has he?"

"He did," she confessed.
I had to sneeze a few times and blow my nose before I could say, "Shame on him."
Ajaa only smiled and shook her head.

The Green Parlor was full of flowers, oh, and people as well, but it was the numerous colorful bouquets that drew my attention. The first thing I did, of course, was search among the vases and baskets to find any cards with my name on them.

There were five addressed to Megere Cliff. Imagine that. I would have been content with one floral token of esteem, even if had been sent by my father. It would have been forced contentment, for I am as vain and greedy for attention as any woman who puts on a fancy frock and dances in public. One wants to know that the dance partners appreciated the effort. Though why women are sent flowers by men, but men do not expect token of appreciation in turn, I do not understand.

Ajaa actually had three tokens. I assumed the dozen pale pink roses were from Henner. Perhaps he had informed her which were from him out of jealously.

Abethe received three bouquets as well. Seeli six, Rhane, eight. Perhaps the fistful of daisies she clutched counted as nine. I suspected Dr. Heron had wandered in from the garden with them. Mother, Aunt Gwin and Aunt Edime each had a huge basket of blooms. From their husbands, it was assumed.

As pretty as I found everyone else's flowers, it was my task and delight to attempt to guess who had sent tokens to me. I confess that I had no clue who had sent the basket of forget-me-nots, no matter how charming this gesture was. I had no notion who had sent the single white rose, either, though I thought this boldly romantic of whoever it was. I could put names to the pink and the yellow roses, though which suitor had sent which I could not be certain. I could, without a moment's doubt, immediately recognize the sender of the fifth flower token. The bouquet was large and beautifully arranged, and made of dried yellow and purple flowers - gorse and heather.

I stood in front of the vase and growled. An actual, angry, animal growl of fury. Though I put my hand over my mouth and pretended I was clearing my throat.

Mother was standing beside me. She heard exactly what I was trying to hide. She put her hand on my shoulder. "What is it, dear?"

"Lord North."
I looked at the flowers so hotly it is a wonder the dry blooms did not go up in flames.
"You think Lord North sent this bouquet?" Aunt Gwin said. "Why would a great noble send you flowers?"
"She did disappear with him," Aunt Edime reminded Aunt Gwin. "And they danced, as well."
"Yes, but--"

"It is an insult," I cut Aunt Gwin off. "That is all it is. He once said something to me about gorse and heather and--"

"Or it is a very romantic gesture," Mother interrupted me. "You can't keep all the lovely fresh tokens, now can you? But this arrangement is a keepsake. You can take it wherever you go. Lord North knows that you are attached to the navy, does he not?"

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