Memories (5 page)

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Authors: Deanna Lynn Sletten

BOOK: Memories
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 After the sportswear showing, they caught a quick lunch from a sidewalk vendor and took a taxi to their next meeting at Regal Coats. Dani was silent during the ride, not knowing what to expect or who she might see. She knew that seeing Vanessa would bring back memories and she wasn't quite sure how she was going to react to those feelings.

 Traycee misinterpreted Dani's silence as nervousness. "Are you worried about your first coat purchases?" she asked. She knew if it were her jumping into a new area, she'd be nervous. Just making suggestions this morning on sportswear frightened her to death.

 "Maybe just a little bit," Dani told her, not wanting to reveal the true reason for her worry. "But if I do as well with coats as you did this morning with sportswear, then I'll be just fine."

 Traycee beamed at the compliment.

 Regal's Corporate Office Building was located in the heart of Seventh Avenue. Upon arriving, Dani and Traycee were informed by the receptionist to go up to the 14th floor and someone would meet them there. As promised, when the elevator doors opened, there stood a young woman with a small group of retail buyers waiting for them.

 "Hello," she greeted the two women. "You must be Miss Westerly and Miss Caverns." Dani nodded. "Mrs. Chandler is waiting in the conference room," the woman continued. "Please follow me."

 She led the way down a richly carpeted hallway; the walls tastefully decorated with gilt-framed oil paintings, to a large set of walnut, double doors. Dani couldn't help being impressed by Regal's extravagance. She hadn't been aware that Miguel's family was so wealthy. He'd lived such an ordinary life in California, basically living paycheck to paycheck. Yet, all along his family back East was very well-to-do. It was a lot for her take in at once.

 The double doors opened, exposing an enormous room containing a long, heavy, dark walnut table and rows of padded chairs on each side. The walls and chairs were done in hunter green, giving the room a warm, friendly feeling. At the head of the table where sunlight spilled through a wall of plate glass windows stood a woman with auburn red hair, dressed impeccably in a hunter green suit that blended with the decor. Dani's heart skipped a beat as she gazed upon a very grown up Vanessa.

 "Hello," Vanessa greeted, walking up to the group. "I'm happy you could all make it." Vanessa smiled, her green eyes sparkling, reflecting the warmth of the room. "Please have a seat and we can begin."

 She made her way back to the head of the table but continued to stand while everyone chose chairs and were seated. Dani chose a spot some distance from Vanessa. She was still trying to maintain her composure from seeing her and didn't trust herself being too close.

 "Karla will pass out a folder to each of you," Vanessa announced, indicating the woman who had escorted them into the conference room. "Inside, you will find information sheets about our upcoming winter line and order forms that you will find useful for Monday's fashion show."

 Dani listened as Vanessa continued explaining some of the new styles and fabrics, passed out fabric samples and answered questions from a few of the other buyers. Vanessa was so composed and seemed to fit perfectly in this element. So different from the little girl she had been. Yet, at times, Dani caught the twinkle in her eye, the one she knew too well and memories flooded over her. Pictures of the days at the park and beach, or watching her ride her bike up and down the sidewalk, swirled in Dani's mind. Dani had spent most of her free time with Vanessa, babysitting her while Miguel worked. It was her excuse to her parents for spending so much time there. And she remembered other times, too, with Miguel, as the three of them went places or just hung out around Miguel's apartment together. It was just like being a family. Those times felt like they'd last forever, yet ended so quickly.

 As Dani tried to concentrate on what was being said, she couldn't help but compare the Vanessa of yesterday to this one before her. Yet, with her composure and easy manner, it was easy to believe Vanessa had been born for this.

 Vanessa closed the meeting with a reminder of the fashion show again and also a personal note. "There's an invitation in your folders to join us this Sunday at the house for our annual Fourth of July celebration. I hope that all of you will come. Directions are also included as to which train you need to take and the times the limousines will be waiting at the station to shuttle guests to and from the house."

 A few of the other buyers began talking animatedly among themselves about the good time they'd had at last year's party. One by one they left as Vanessa stood at the door shaking each person's hand and saying goodbye. As Dani and Traycee approached, Vanessa extended her hand. "Miss Westerly, I'm happy to meet you. I heard that Janette had her baby. How is she?"

 "She's doing fine," Dani replied, shifting a bit under Vanessa's searching eyes. "She's taking a three month leave, but should be back in time for the spring buying season. This is Traycee Caverns, my assistant," Dani tried to shift the attention away from herself. "She's helping me while I take over Janette's responsibilities."

 Vanessa smiled and nodded a hello to Traycee, but her eyes returned to Dani. "I'm sorry for staring," she finally said. "You seem so familiar to me."

 Dani's heart pounded in her chest. Part of her wanted Vanessa to remember her, but the other part kept telling her no. There was no need in bringing up the past. Dani was relieved when Vanessa finally changed the subject.

 "I hope you both will join us at the house this Sunday. We usually have a good time. There will be close to two hundred people there. It's sort of a mixture of business and pleasure."

 Dani said that they would try to come, all the time knowing she didn't mean it, and quickly made her exit with Traycee close behind her into the safety of the corridor.



 All that evening and the next day, Traycee spoke of nothing else but attending the party on Sunday. "The buyer from Macy’s said the house is on a long stretch of beachfront and they put on a food spread you wouldn't believe. I've never been to the ocean before; it would be so much fun!"

 Dani tried to discourage her by insisting they had plenty of paperwork to catch up on and suggesting that the Fourth's celebration in the city might be just as exciting. But Traycee could not be swayed. "It's so hot here in the city," she complained. "And the party is in Southampton where it is sure to be cooler. It sounds like such a good time. Please say you want to go, Dani."

 Dani finally gave in Saturday night after they had finished the paperwork from that day's meetings. As she drifted off to sleep that night, she assured herself that she wouldn't be running into Miguel since he was in Chicago. As long as Vanessa didn't remember her from the past, she might have a good time after all.



Chapter Six



 The morning of the Fourth broke with a stifling heat, reinforcing Traycee's complaint about the weather. Dani dressed in cotton khaki pants and a pink silk tee, pulling her hair back in a neat French braid, making her look years younger. Traycee anticipated the heat by dressing comfortably in walking shorts, a cotton shirt and sandals.

 The two walked to Penn Station, taking the train indicated on Vanessa's instructions. After a brief switch at Jamaica Station, they were on their way through Long Island, finally reaching the station in Southampton where several limousines awaited to take guests the rest of the way to the house.

 It was past noon by the time the two women were seated in a limousine. Vanessa's notes had indicated there would be limousines arriving and departing from the station every hour from twelve-thirty until eight that evening when the last train to the city departed.

 They shared their limousine with six other people. Traycee began talking animatedly with the young man beside her who introduced himself as an advertising executive from Regal.

 Dani kept her eyes out the window hearing very little talk, but enjoying the view. She was pondering a million "what ifs?" What if Miguel did appear? What if Vanessa recognized her? What would she say? Finally, she decided to stop worrying and take each encounter as it happened.

 The 'house' as Vanessa had described it turned out to be an estate that boasted a mansion-sized home and extensive waterfront property. Dani's eyes widened as she surveyed the place before her. The driveway curved through white gates and circled in front of the main house which boasted three stories and four white columns holding up the second floor balconies. Paned, white-trimmed windows broke up the brick that covered the exterior. Obviously, this mansion was large enough for several families to live in. Once again, the fear that Miguel might be here crept up on Dani.

 The party of people stepped out from the limousine and entered through open double doors where Vanessa stood greeting the guests. She looked young yet elegant in a white cotton halter dress and flats, her mass of red hair tied in back with a satin ribbon. A large emerald solitaire hung from her neck, reflecting the sparkle in her eyes.

  Upon entering the house, Dani stood spellbound. The entryway boasted a vaulted ceiling from which hung a chandelier that sparkled brilliantly upon the white marble floor. A grand staircase curved up countless steps to the second floor with a hallway to the left of that. At the far left was an enormous living room with several sets of French doors leading out onto the veranda facing the ocean. Already there were a hundred people milling around both inside and out.

 Traycee whistled softly and exclaimed Dani's own thoughts. "Quite a 'house'!"

 After greeting her other guests, Vanessa walked hurriedly up to Dani and Traycee, a smile playing on her full lips.

 "Dani," she exclaimed, reaching for her hand and squeezing it. "I'm so happy you came." She smiled a hello to Traycee before looking again at Dani. "You should have told me yesterday who you are," she continued, pouting a little like the child she had once been. "I knew you looked familiar, and last night when I mentioned your name to Daddy, he told me. I'm just so thrilled to see you again." Vanessa continued squeezing Dani's hand as Traycee shot Dani a puzzled glance.

 It took a moment for the news to settle on Dani. The word 'Daddy' had thrown her the most.

 "Your father is here?"

 "Oh, yes, of course. He's the one who has been putting on these parties for years. He's around here somewhere; do you want me to find him?"

 That was the last thing Dani wanted. "No, no, don't bother" she answered quickly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself. I didn't know if you'd remember me."

 "Remember you?" Vanessa looked shocked. "How could I forget you? We had so much fun together back then. I can hardly wait to spend some time with you, catching up." She looked over Dani's shoulder at the approaching guests and sighed. "As soon as I've done all my corporate duties, I'll search you out. And I can't wait for you to meet my husband, Matthew, and our daughter, Michelle. She's upstairs taking a nap now. As soon as she wakes up, I'll bring her down."

 "I'd love to see her," Dani said smiling back at Vanessa. "I bet she's as beautiful as her mother."

 Vanessa reached out and hugged Dani. "I'm so happy you're here."

 "Me, too," Dani told her. And she truly meant it.



 Traycee and Dani wandered through the party awhile before Traycee spotted her advertising friend and went down to the beach. Left alone on the veranda, Dani was thankful that Traycee didn't prod her with questions over Vanessa's sudden familiarity. Traycee was proving to be more mature than Dani had originally given her credit for.

 The party was unlike any Dani had ever attended. On the beach were several carts, like street vendors, offering free hot dogs, pretzels and tacos along with soft drinks and beer. On the veranda, which surrounded the entire back of the house, sat a large table with an endless supply of food, and two bars were open for anyone wanting stronger refreshment.

 The aroma of the food was too tempting for Dani to pass up so she filled a plate with several different hors d'oeuvres, two steaming butterfly shrimp and a piece of French bread that was still warm from the oven. Aware she could run into Miguel at any moment, she assessed the crowd before choosing to sit at one of the tables on the veranda. At least, she thought, she was prepared with the knowledge that Miguel was here. It wouldn't be as much of a shock as it had been at Cathy's apartment. But she did wonder how she'd react when she saw him again.

 "Vanessa told me you were here, but I could hardly believe it." A voice came from behind Dani and she turned to see her old friend standing there.

 "Cathy! What are you doing here?"

 "I could ask you the same question," Cathy said, laughing at her friend's surprised look. "But I already know the answer." Cathy sat opposite Dani in a brown wicker chair covered with a plump pastel cushion. Her apricot silk blouse made her skin glow with color. "Why didn't you tell me you were buying coats this season? I had to find that out from Vanessa, too."

 "I guess I've been too busy to keep in touch," Dani replied. "Coat buying fell into my lap at the last minute. But what about you? Why aren't you in Chicago?"

 "Michael invited me to come. He said he could use extra help supervising the party." Cathy smiled, putting both hands palms up in the air. "How could I refuse such a tempting offer?" she asked, laughing.

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