Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica) (2 page)

Read Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica) Online

Authors: Michelle Fox

Tags: #lactation, #lactation fantasy, #medical play, #milky breasts, #medical erotica, #medical bdsm

BOOK: Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica)
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It’s not too bad. Most of
the girls end up enjoying it.”

And if I don’t?”

He raised his eyebrows and looked at
her with a stern expression.“You’ll likely not fulfill the terms of
your contract and receive no payment.”

Jenna closed her eyes and swallowed
hard. She had to have that money and, apparently, she would have to
survive a certain amount of torture to get it.

He patted her on the thigh. “Try not to
worry. You’re not our first study participant. We know what we’re
doing. Just relax and enjoy all the orgasms. We’ll be doing all the

That’s easy for you to say,
doctor,” she huffed.

He just laughed as he filled some
syringes with a clear liquid. “You’ll be singing a different tune
tomorrow, my dear. Now put your hands behind your head.” Dr. Walker
swabbed her nipples with alcohol pads--their cold touch stinging
her skin. “This may hurt, but you must lie absolutely still. It’ll
be over before you know it.”

Jenna tried to take a deep breath, but
couldn’t. She was too scared. The needles looked awfully long and
it became clear he was going to be sticking it into her

The needles pierced her skin, filling
her breasts with stabbing pain. Jenna inhaled sharply through her
nose and hissed out through her mouth, desperate to remain still as
instructed. The doctor injected four sites on each breast in the
areola around her nipple. Jenna thought they were done and had just
gone limp with relief, when he returned with yet another needle and
a device she had never seen before. It was some kind of plastic
cone with a long plastic hose attached.

The last injection goes
into the nipple directly, but your inverted nipples will require
some assistance in becoming prominent enough for the treatment.
This,” he brandished the cone and its plastic tubing, “ is a
modified breast pump. Women who’ve had children use it to milk
their breasts, I’m going to use it to pull your nipple fully
erect.” He set the plastic cone over her breast and flipped a

Jenna’s eyes went wide at the
sensation. The pull was not a gentle one, like she imagined a baby
would suckle. No, it was a hard, industrious tug that cared nothing
about the sensation it evoked in her flesh. It’s only mission was
to pump her breast and yank on her nipple.

Dr. Walker turned up the suction and
the machine ‘sucked’ at her breasts greedily, pumping her nipples
in triple time. To Jenna’s surprise, the sensation wasn’t confined
just to her breasts, a hot pleasure had begun to seep between her
legs. She realized she was turned on by all the stimulation of her
breasts. If the doctor were to touch her, she would come like a
slut right there on the spot.

As if reading her mind, the doctor went
to stand between her legs which were still in the stir-ups. With a
deft hand he massaged her clit, smiling in approval when her hips
began to circle. “Many women find breast feeding to be arousing,
although it’s not something they admit often. I’ve had some
patients orgasm just from nursing their babies. I call it nature’s
incentive to feed your child and I would not be surprised if you
were one of those women, Jenna. Your response is exceptionally
heightened compared to other subjects.”

Jenna merely nodded, not knowing what
to say and being close enough to coming that coherent speech was
beyond her anyway. Just as she was about to orgasm, the doctor
withdrew his hand. Jenna looked at him with wide eyes and

No need to worry, your
every need will be properly attended to by my staff. I can’t dally
with every girl I hire, I have a job to do and six other women in
the waiting room to process.” He drew up more solution into a
needle and removed the pump from her breasts, which still throbbed
with its mechanical rhythm even though it had been turned off.
Pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he stabbed
the needle right into its center.

Jenna yelped and her breathing
quickened. The pain melded into the pleasure that still strummed in
her body from Dr. Walker’s ministrations of her pussy. She didn’t
quite know what to think. Naturally, she didn’t want the needle,
but the sensation somehow made the pleasure sharper too.

Now the other breast and
you’ll be shown your quarters for the duration of the study.” He
administered the second injection and helped Jenna off the table.
Her breasts hit gravity like bricks, feeling swollen and heavier
than ever. Her nipples were so sensitive just the movement of air
across her skin made her pussy spasm.

The door to the exam room opened and a
tall, dark man entered the room. He wore a white doctor’s coat with
jeans with a polo shirt underneath. The shirt strained to cover the
bulging muscles in his torso. Jenna found him quite handsome,
although in the state she was in, fucking old Doctor Walker seemed
like a grand idea as well. She would have never guessed that
participating in a medical study would make her so

This is Dr. Micheals.
Doctor, this is Jenna Edwards our latest subject.”

Dr. Micheals nodded at her, his blue
eyes focusing on her aching breasts. “Nice to meet you. I’ll be
taking care of you until the dayshift clocks in.”

Jenna returned his nod and tried to act
like she wasn’t naked.

If you’ll come with me,
we’ll get you settled in.” Dr. Micheals took her folder and briefly
looked it over. “Ah, I see we need to correct some inverted

I think you’ll find her
quite responsive,” said Dr. Walker jovially. “Won’t he, Miss

Mortified, Jenna stared at her feet and
whispered a faint, “Yes, doctor.”


Dr. Micheals led her down a hallway
that contained a series of doors evenly spaced apart. Pulling a key
ring from his pocket, he opened one of the doors to reveal a small,
spartan room. A bed was shoved against the wall and there was a
toilet and sink. “This is where you’ll stay until the study is

He motioned her forward and she stepped
into the room, feeling like she was going to prison.

Have a seat.” He pointed to
a little black box sitting on the small table next to her bed.
“That’s your breast pump. You’ll be using that every four

She picked up the box and unzipped the
soft casing to reveal the control panel. “Is this it?” She looked
at it, trying to figure out how it worked.

No, you’ll need tubing and
breast shields. When your milk comes in, there will be collection

What do you do with the

Track your production.
Analyze the milk composition.” He handed her a mess of plastic
tubing and plastic cones like the one Dr. Micheals had used on her
breasts. “We’re also studying how the antibodies and stem cells in
milk aid healing. There’s a small group of critically ill patients
that use the milk as part of their therapy.”

She laughed to herself and shook her
head. “And it all relies on an orgasm.”

He chuckled. “Yes it does. Speaking of
which, lie down and we’ll start working on those inverted

She stretched out on the bed with an
apprehensive look. “What are you going to do?”

We’ve found sucking to be
the best way to loosen those ligaments binding the nipple down. And
then it’s reinforced by the pumping.” He kneeled down and leaned
over her breast, breath hot on her nipple. “Unfortunately, there’s
no other way to mimic a baby. We’ve found the human body is smart
and doesn’t respond unless someone is actually

He closed his mouth over her nipple and
sucked. Unlike the times she’d made love, this was a hard suction
that verged on being uncomfortable. Releasing her, he said, “You
were informed that you’ll be masturbated as well?”

At her nod, his hand crept between her
legs. “I like to multi-task.” Then he was on her breast again, lips
sealed around her areola, sucking her nipple while his finger
plucked at her core, teasing moisture from its depths.

It didn’t take long for her to orgasm.
She came with a guttural moan, gasping for air as the pleasure
swept through her.

Very good, Miss Edwards.”
Dr. Micheals released her breasts. “You’ll want to pump now for
about twenty minutes.”

He showed her how the pump worked and
stayed to supervise her first session, watching her with those
handsome blue eyes of his. Jenna flushed at the idea of being
attracted to Dr. Micheals, especially in such odd circumstances,
however, she couldn’t deny that she felt drawn to him. She didn’t
dwell on it though as the pump was an unpleasant distraction. Her
breasts were already sensitive and the pump was just adding insult
to injury. The machine jerked her nipples in a rough milking
rhythm, stretching them to the point of pain. She couldn’t decide
which was worse, when the skin was pulled tight or when it snapped
back. Either way, she had a hard time imagining doing this every
four hours.

Dr. Micheals must’ve sensed her
discomfort as he said, “You’ll get used to it.”

Thank you Doctor. I
appreciate everything you’ve done.” She blushed as she

Not too much of a chore
when the girls are as pretty as you, my dear.” He winked at her and
then headed for the door. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Try to get
some sleep.”


The next session with Dr. Micheals was
much the same, he sucked her breasts and teased her clit with
expert fingers until she came, hips bucking, heels kicking the bed.
However, he was not pleased with her progress.

Lifting a breast, he inspected her
closely. “Your nipples are still pretty retracted. We might need to
do more than just suckle.”

Recalling Dr. Walkers ‘sucking,
clamping, smacking’ comment, Jenna cringed.

Fishing in his pocket, Dr. Micheals
pulled out a small pair of rings. “Let’s try some nipple rings
first and see how you do with those.”

Will it hurt?”

He shook his head. “No, although we’ve
over-stimulated your skin to the point where the rings might be
annoying.” He gently smacked her breasts, ignoring Jenna’s soft
protests, until her nipples jutted out in aching points. Slipping
the rings over each nipple, he tightened them so they would stay on
and then stood back, to inspect his handiwork. “There, that should
do it. How do they feel?”

Jenna wiggled her shoulders
experimentally, relieved when there was no pain. “Fine, I guess.
How do they work?”

They’ll keep your nipples
erect until your ligaments loosen from the treatment.”

Doctor, can I ask a


How will I know if my milk
is in?”

It happens in stages. First
your breasts will grow larger, heavier. The nipples will become
even more sensitive and then finally you’ll start producing milk
for the pump.”

And how long will it take
for my nipples to be right?” She looked down at her breasts as she
spoke. The silver rings gleamed in the dim light of the room and
did a good job of keeping her nipples prominent and

He reached out and caressed her
sensitive tips with a light touch, smiling when her breathing
hitched. “It’s a gradual process. Everyone’s different. But we
expect to see some improvement every day. If not, we’ll have to
implement different protocols.”

She swallowed. “You mean

He nodded. “I won’t lie, it’s not
pleasant although we’ve found that orgasms make it more

Jenna frowned, trying to reconcile the
idea of feeling pleasure through pain. “I don’t know if I could

That made him chuckle. “You come easier
than any girl I’ve ever worked with. I think you would be surprised
at how much pain you can take if the proper incentives are in

I guess you would know,
you’re the doctor.” She smiled nervously, still terrified at the
idea of clamps.

He cupped her cheek in his hand. “I
would probably spank your breasts first and then clamp if that
didn’t work.”

She bit her lip and stared at him with
wide eyes. Spanking didn’t sound like an improvement to

Don’t worry, I know how to
make it feel really good.” His hands were back on her breasts
again, tracing the outline of her ripening roundness and flicking
intermittently over the nipples. Jenna’s knees went weak at his
touch and her legs spread involuntarily, opening for him. “Some
girls even orgasm and you are so responsive already, I bet you’d
come more than once.” His fingers went between her legs again and
he extracted one more release from her before he left the

Alone, Jenna laid back on
the bed, basking in a blissful lethargy. Her body buzzed with
satisfaction and sleep threatened to claim her. She looked at her
breasts which seemed to swell larger before her eyes and tried to
picture spanking and clamping, but she couldn’t, her imagination
failed her. It did however, remind her of what would happen if she
didn’t comply with the study’s requirements. She needed the money
and she would have to do whatever it took to earn it.
I can do this,
I have to do this.

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