Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica)

Read Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica) Online

Authors: Michelle Fox

Tags: #lactation, #lactation fantasy, #medical play, #milky breasts, #medical erotica, #medical bdsm

BOOK: Medical Milkmaid (Lactation fantasy, milky breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical erotica)
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Medical Milkmaid

(Lactation fantasy, milky
breasts, lactation stories, medical bdsm, medical play, medical

Ginger Pearl

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Jenna Edwards won’t graduate from
college unless she can come up with a final tuition payment. To
raise money, she agrees to participate in a medical study on breast
milk production. To her shock (and pleasure) the study involves
shots of hormones to induce lactation, milking of her engorged
breasts, and lots of orgasms...all administered by the handsome Dr.


This is a work of fiction intended for
adults age 18 and over. Minors should stop here and close the

All events depicted are fictional. Any
resemblance to places and persons, living or dead, is unintentional

While the author has tried to
accurately portray the BDSM lifestyle, please note this story is a
fantastical imagining of BDSM. Reality may differ. Don’t try this
at home!


Medical Milkmaid

Jenna fidgeted with the pen, staring at
the signature line on the contract in front of her. The money was
good, there was no question about that, but a medical study?
Involving hormones? Did she really want to do it?

Could she really afford not

She sighed and cursed the crappy
economy. A college senior, she had just one semester until
graduation, but she was short three grand for tuition. And no
money, meant no degree so she had to do something.

Miss Edwards? Is everything
okay?” asked Dr. Walker from across his desk. He was old enough to
be her grandfather with a white beard and wire-rim glasses. He’d
been so patient with her, explaining every last detail. The study
was designed to help women who had problems breastfeeding and to
study the medical uses of breast milk. Hormones would be
administered to make her lactate. There would be other treatments
in addition to the hormone to encourage breast milk production, but
he hadn’t said much about them other than to assure her they were
done only when necessary.

You know, we don’t offer
these contracts to every applicant,” the doctor said with a pointed

Jenna swallowed nervously. She had seen
the other girls in the waiting room and it would be very easy for
the doctor to choose someone else. Quickly, she scrawled her name
on the signature line before Dr. Walker decided she was too much

He took the contract with a smile.
“Excellent. Now before we start the hormones, I need to examine
your breasts to be sure you’re as good a candidate as you appear.
Remove your blouse and bra, please.”

When she hesitated, he gave her a sharp
look. “This is part of your contract Miss Edwards. I expect full
compliance or else you won’t get paid.”

She nodded, her heart thudding in her
chest. She stood and shrugged off her jacket and then unbuttoned
her blouse with shaking fingers. Wanting to look her best, she’d
worn her nicest interview suit. Now all that mattered was her body
hidden underneath.

Dr. Walker watched her undress without
comment, his gaze heavy on her breasts. Ashamed of her nudity, she
moved to cover them with her hands, but he stopped her, saying,
“I’m a medical professional. There’s no need to be shy.” Producing
a tape measure, he motioned for her to put her hands up. “Let’s see
what we’re starting with, shall we?”

He wrapped the tape measure around her
chest, lining the cool fabric up with her nipples, which instantly
hardened. Jenna’s cheeks burned, embarrassed at her body’s

Dr. Walker chuckled. “I’m always amazed
at how mortified you young girls are at your body’s perfectly
normal responses.” To Jenna’s shock, he cupped a breast in one hand
and ran a thumb across her sensitive nipple.

Even as she gasped in
disapproval, her body betrayed her with a stiffening nipple. His
hand felt good, she couldn’t deny that, but the pleasure made her
intensely uncomfortable.
He may be a
medical professional but I’m not
, she

He continued to touch her lightly,
hefting the weight of her other breast in his free hand. Caressing
both nipples until she could feel a wetness gather between her
legs, he said, “Your breasts were made to be touched and used, Miss
Edwards. You’ll finally appreciate them by the time this study is

Jenna just nodded, a mix of
embarrassment and arousal leaving her without words.

Releasing her, he stepped back behind
his desk. “Let me just note your measurements in your file. You’ll
want to get some larger bras eventually. You can expect to increase
by one to two cup sizes.”

But I’m already a double
d,” Jenna said trying to imagine what it would be like to have even
heavier, more ponderous breasts. She already had a hard time with
fitted clothing, even with a minimizing bra.

I expect you’ll find the
trade off in male attention to be acceptable.” The doctor looked at
her over his glasses with a knowing expression. “Now, if you’ll
just remove the rest of your clothing, we can get started with the

When she didn’t move, he sighed. “Milk
production requires a lot of skin-to-skin contact. Of course, you
haven’t had a baby, but we can approximate it with nudity and other
sources of stimulation.” When she still didn’t move, he said, “The
contract you signed allows me to forcibly remove your clothing
myself if necessary.”

Reluctantly Jenna peeled off her skirt
and underwear. Completely naked, she stood in front of his desk,
goose bumps of humiliation pricking her skin.

The doctor came out from behind his
desk and ran a gentle hand across her stomach. “I would guess you
watch your figure carefully.”

I work out a lot,” she

One of the positive side
effects of the treatment is you’ll be able to eat more without
gaining weight.”

I will?” Jenna didn’t
struggle with her figure like some girls, but she couldn’t enjoy as
much ice cream as she wanted either. The idea of being able to eat
more treats without having it show up on the scale was

It burns calories to make
breast milk and we’ll be sure to keep production up during the
course of the study.” He handed her a plastic bag and a paper gown.
“Put your things in here and we’ll get you started in the treatment


Jenna followed the doctor down a
hallway, trying to hide her nudity behind the bag containing her
clothes. Apparently, walking around naked was part of Dr. Walker’s
study and she tried not to let it bother her. It was in the name of
science after all, but a small part of her wondered why he hadn’t
offered her at least a paper gown. Luckily, no one else was in the
hall way and it didn’t take long to reach their

The treatment room was all white and
cold enough to make Jenna shiver. Trying to stay warm, she shifted
from foot to foot, arms wrapped around her slim frame.

Dr. Walker busied himself with a tray
of gleaming medical instruments. Jenna craned her head to see and
spotted a speculum as well as several syringes and long

The doctor waved her away.“Sit on the
exam table please.”

She did as he requested and gasped when
he came to press an ice-cold stethoscope against her chest. After
listening to her heart, he gave her a thorough check-up, peering
into her ears and nose and testing her reflexes.

Lay back please and put
your feet in the stir-ups.”

Jenna complied but kept her knees
tightly pressed together. He gave her a disapproving look and put a
hand to her knees, prying them open. “Spread your legs, my dear. I
need to examine your vagina.” He probed her nether lips, stroking
his fingers up and down her suddenly slick core, flicking her clit
with an expert touch.

Breathless, Jenna asked, “Doctor,
please tell me why is this necessary? I thought the study was about

Orgasms mimic the hormone
cascade of child birth. It’s not on the same scale, of course, but,
short of having a baby, it’s all we have. That’s why until your
milk comes in you will be masturbated regularly by my

Masturbated?” She looked at
him, horrified. “Can’t I just, you know, do that

He shook his head and continued to play
with her clit, making her hips squirm. “We need to document the
number of orgasms it takes to stimulate milk production. Besides,
you’re responding well enough so far that I think you’ll quite
enjoy that aspect of the study.” He reached for the speculum and
shoved it into her wet entrance without warning. When Jenna
involuntarily tried to scoot back away at the invasion, he held her
down by the thigh. “Stay still. I just need to swab your cervix. We
test everyone for sexually transmitted diseases.”

The speculum clicked as it moved inside
her, opening her wide for his inspection. Dr. Walker then pulled up
a small stool and positioned it between her legs. Taking a long
stick with a bit of cotton swabbing on the end, he slid it inside
her, rubbing it along the walls of her core. He ran a second swab
lightly over her pussy lips, tickling her clit until she began to
squirm again.

I need you to be still,
Miss Edwards.” He seemed irritated with her and pushed down on her
pubic mound with one hand, holding her forcibly in

S-s-sorry doctor,” Jenna
said, her voice soft.

Mortification burned through her. She
couldn’t believe her behavior! She’d never had a sexual response to
a gynecological exam before and here she was responding like Dr.
Walker was her boyfriend. She didn’t understand it at all.
Hopefully the doctor wouldn’t hold it against her.

Dr. Walker removed the speculum without
comment and placed the swabs in plastic tubes, labeling them with
her name. Returning to the exam table, he focused his attention on
her breasts, once again caressing them into hard tips. “You’re
nipples are slightly inverted and will require extra

What does that involve?”
she asked. Frustrated pleasure throbbed in her core and she wished
his fingers were back on her pussy.

Lots of stimulation.
Sucking. Clamping. Smacking. That kind of thing.” He made some
notes in her chart. “We’ll start the nipple therapy once you’ve had
your first dose of hormones.”

What do you mean clamping
and smacking?” Sucking she understood at least, but the rest of it
sounded needlessly painful.

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