Meant for Love (33 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Meant for Love
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“Whatever you say. I know flirting when I see it.” Deciding to give her a break, he put his arms around her.

“Get away. You’re being a jerk.”

“I’m teasing you.”

“I wasn’t flirting with him. I wouldn’t do that right in front of you.”

“So you’d do it when I’m not looking?”

“You are an extremely exasperating person sometimes. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Me? Exasperating? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He caught her by surprise with a kiss. “And I know you weren’t flirting with him, but you charmed him nonetheless.”

“That wasn’t my intention. I felt sorry for him when he said he’s nursing a broken heart.”

“That is too bad, but he’s not going to make you his private-duty nurse.”

“Honestly, Alex! What part of
I’m not interested in him
didn’t you get? For some reason, which is escaping me at the moment, I seem to be interested in you.”

“You are? Really?”

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Was this whole thing a roundabout way to get me to admit something you already knew?”

“It worked, didn’t it?”

She shocked the living shit out of him when she gave him a hard shove that landed him on his back on the bed. She further shocked him when she removed her T-shirt to reveal bare breasts and a tight belly. Wearing only the boy shorts that had fascinated him earlier, she came down on top of him.

“That was hot. Seriously hot.”

“Don’t they teach you boys up here in the North not to mess with GRITS?”

“Um, GRITS?”

“Girls Raised in the South.”

Alex cracked up laughing, but his laughter became a moan when she straddled his lap, letting the heat between her legs settle above his erection. “I’m very sorry I messed with you, and I apologize for tricking you into admitting you’re digging me.”

She poked him in the belly. “I don’t think you’re one bit sorry for either of those things.”

“I am! I swear I am!” He held out his arms to her. “Come down here, and I’ll show you how very sorry I am.”

With her hands flat on his chest, she bent at the waist until she hovered just above his lips. “I’m here.”

“So I see.” He framed her face with his hands and kissed her softly yet persuasively.

A split of thunder, crashing directly over the lighthouse, made Jenny gasp. The rain beat down upon the metal roof, and lightning continued to zip across the sky that was visible through the windows she’d left uncovered.

“I hate thunderstorms.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe, and I’ll take your mind off it.”

“And how exactly will you do that?”

He reached up to cup her breasts. “Leave that to me.”




She gently but insistently removed his hands. “Not yet. Hands to yourself until I say otherwise.”

His raised brow was the only indication that he wondered what she was up to.

Starting at the hem, she lifted his shirt up and over his head, dazzled as always by the rippling muscles on his chest and belly. She wanted to kiss every one of them and scooted down so she was straddling his legs.

Using her tongue, she traced the outline of his eight-pack, taking her time to make sure she didn’t miss anything. An occasional sharp inhale and the quiver of skin let her know her efforts were having the desired effect on him. As she worked her way down, his breathing became harsher, especially when she traced the sharp outline of the V-cut over his hips.

“Jenny, that’s enough.”

“Nowhere near enough.”

Air hissed from between his clenched teeth as she tugged on the button to his shorts and unzipped him. She worked his shorts and boxer briefs down his legs, her gaze fixed on the sight of his impressive erection. She arranged his legs so they were bent at the knees and pushed them open with the gentle press of her hands against his inner thighs.

“Jenny… Jesus. You’re killing me here. Let me touch you.”

“Not yet.”

She tipped her head and let her hair fall over him before she added her tongue to the mix, traveling the length of him and circling the tip, marveling as he got longer and harder. Then she took him into her mouth, stroking the base with her hand tight around him. With her free hand, she cupped his balls in a gentle caress.

,” he groaned, his hands grasping her hair. “Don’t stop.”

She loved that she could give him such pleasure, that she could take his mind off the litany of troubles he faced every day, even if only for a short time.


Aware that he was warning her of his impending release, she took him deeper and stroked him harder. And when he came with a shout, she was ready.

“Holy shit,” he gasped when he sagged into the mattress.

Jenny licked him clean as he twitched with aftershocks from the powerful release. She kissed her way from his belly to his chest to his lips.

His arms came around her, tight and fierce. “Is it my turn yet?”

“If you insist.”

“I do. Give me a minute to recover, and then it’s all about you.”

“Mmm,” she said, smiling at the sensual promise in his tone.



“I haven’t felt this good in a really long time, and it’s not just because of the sex, which is amazing. It’s everything. It’s you.”

She raised her head to look at him. “Me, too. I’d started to wonder if…” Catching herself before she could make an overly revealing statement, Jenny shook her head.

With his hands on her face, he compelled her to meet his gaze. “What were you wondering?”

“I can’t say it.”

“Yes, you can. I want to hear it.”

Jenny licked her lips and watched his eyes zero in on the movement of her tongue. “I wondered if I’d ever feel this way again.”

“And how do you feel exactly?”

“Hopeful.” She said the first word that came to mind, but it summed things up rather well.

“I do, too. Except… The situation with my mom and everything… The timing is a bit tough for me. Nothing about the life I’m living now was part of my grand plan.”

“What was your grand plan? Before your mom got sick.”

He sighed and combed the fingers of his right hand through his hair. “I had an incredible job working at the US Botanic Garden. My degree is in horticulture, and I’ve had some success with breeding rare orchids. It was satisfying work that I enjoyed.”

“Is there any reason why you couldn’t do that here? I mean, maybe it wouldn’t be the same exact thing you were doing before, but do you have to be in Washington to do whatever you did with the orchids?”

“I was working under a grant, so that was a big part of it, but the grant was mine, not the Garden’s.”

“Maybe you could reapply and relocate your program? Just thinking out loud.”

“Maybe,” he said, seeming intrigued by the idea.

“From what I know about dementia, your mom could live in this condition for a long time, and I already know you won’t want to be far from her. I bet she’d hate to be responsible for you and Paul putting your lives on hold indefinitely because of her.”

“I know she’d hate that, because in her rare moments of clarity, she’s said as much.”

“Why are you cutting grass in the broiling heat if you have a degree in horticulture?”

“Because it’s what’s needed at the moment. We had a rough couple of weeks with my mom earlier in the season and fell behind on everything. My dad used to say when you own the place, there’s no such thing as too good for any job. He’d say that when my brother and I would bitch about the owner’s sons having to cut grass.”

“I like his attitude.”

“The business has been successful, but he was always humble. He never forgot where he came from.”

“I think I would’ve liked him.”

“You would have. Everyone did.”

“He’d be proud of you and Paul and the way you’ve stepped up for your mom.”

“I hope so.”

“What father wouldn’t be proud of sons like you two?”

“Thank you for that. I like to think he’d be proud of us. When he was sick, he asked us over and over to take good care of our mother. She was foremost on his mind.”

“And he’s still foremost on hers.”

“I want that,” Alex said. “I want what they had.”

“So do I. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. My parents have it, too. They’re amazing together, even after all these years.” She propped her chin on her hands. “Speaking of my parents… They’re coming for a visit this week. I’d like for you to meet them.”

“I’d love to meet them. Are they staying here?”

“No, they’re staying at the McCarthy’s hotel.”

“Oh thank God,” he said as he rolled them so he was above her, looking down at her with those dark-chocolate eyes. “I was already trying to figure out if I could scale the lighthouse from the outside to get to you while they’re here.”

Laughing, Jenny said, “You’re downright incorrigible.”

“I’m downright smitten.”

His sweet words went straight to her overcommitted heart, flooding the empty corners with warmth and excitement. “So am I.” It was the truth. Why not say so?

He looked at her for a long time before he kissed her. At first, it was just his lips, soft and persuasive.

Her arms tight around his neck, she squirmed under him, needing more.

“Easy, honey. Let me take my time.”

Jenny forced air into her lungs, trying to relax when his every touch set her on fire. He wasn’t kidding when he said he planned to take his time. Everything happened in slow motion as he paid homage to her lips, neck, breasts and belly, working his way down slowly, so slowly that by the time he was settled between her legs, all he had to do was touch her with his tongue, and she came.

“I love how responsive you are,” he whispered against her sex, making her tremble.

She didn’t have the words to tell him that she wasn’t usually so responsive. In fact, only one other man had ever been able to coax such responses from her.

Alex was the reason she was so responsive. It was him and the incredible energy they created together.

He kissed his way back up just as slowly, capturing her lips as his cock pressed against her slickness. Keeping up the slow theme, he entered her in tiny increments.

Jenny dug her fingers into his back, trying to encourage him to move faster, but he was determined to take his time.

“So hot,” he whispered in her ear. “So tight. I can’t get enough of you.”

She bent her knees and arched into him, trying to move things along.


“I’m fresh out. You’re driving me crazy.”

“That’s the whole idea.” Flexing his hips, he drove the rest of the way into her. “Is that what you wanted?”

Gasping, Jenny gripped his backside as she struggled to adjust and accommodate him.

A deep groan rumbled through his chest as he took hold of her hands, raised them above her head and began to move, all the while looking down at her, his eyes dark and intense with longing that he didn’t try to hide from her.

Jenny couldn’t look away as he took them on an incredible ride. The deep sense of connection was undeniable as was the realization that this was no longer sex. This was lovemaking at its very finest.

He released her hands and wrapped his arms around her, whispering in her ear, “Come with me, baby.” His gruff words, fierce possession and incredible tenderness combined to send her soaring. “Ah God, yes.
,” he said with a groan. He was right behind her, surging forth inside her over and over again until he collapsed on top of her.

“I’m too heavy,” he muttered after a long period of contented silence.

“No, you’re not.” She wrapped her legs around him to keep him right there for a little while longer.



“That was incredible.”

“Yes, it was.” Jenny stroked his hair, enjoying the slide of silky strands through her fingers. She no longer wondered if she was falling in love with him. She had fallen and fallen hard.

As he withdrew from her and turned on his side, bringing her with him, Jenny snuggled into his embrace. She hoped they could find a way to make this work. It hadn’t taken long, but she already couldn’t imagine a day without him in it.

Chapter 18

When Jenny’s alarm went off in the morning, she knew right away that she was alone. She must’ve slept rather deeply if she hadn’t heard Alex’s alarm. A quick look outside indicated the rain had stopped, but the sky was still overcast with dark clouds. A cool, refreshing breeze came through the open window. The thunderstorm had done its job, and the heat wave from hell appeared to be over. Thank goodness. On the bedside table, she found a note from him.

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