Me and Mr. Write (18 page)

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Authors: Cassandra P. Lewis

BOOK: Me and Mr. Write
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I decide
to head back downstairs to say goodnight to everyone but as I sit up my head spins and my tummy flips over, I lunge for the waste bin. Luckily I make it before I throw up everywhere, but I feel awful, I just hope it eases off for tomorrow.

Chapter Eighteen


It’s the morning of the wedding and I am so excited. I think someone was smiling down on us as mine and Jackson’s bruises have lightened considerably, I can only hope that Matthew’s have to
o. He went to stay at the same hotel as his parents last night and we won’t be seeing him until the wedding.

I am pleased that I don’t feel sick at all this morning and put last night down to the adrenaline of
the past two days wearing off. The fact that I’m feeling better means that I am perfectly capable of diving on my brother.  I run to his room and burst through the door, he looks up at me in shock and I leap onto his bed causing him to groan and laugh at the same time.

Rafe pushes me over onto the other side of the bed and I lay down on my right side, with Rafe on his left,

“You’re getting married!” I whisper the words and I smile the biggest smile ever, Rafe throws his hands over his face,

“I know…I
can’t believe it!” he looks at me through his fingers and we both start to laugh, “I’m getting married, fuck me!”


Rafe just picks at his breakfast but Mam knows better than to pester, he is nervous. We start to get ready for the wedding and when Jackson comes into the bedroom dressed in his suit I almost feel like locking the door and staying in there all day,

“Oh my god! You look so
sexy” I am practically panting as I look at him,

uck me Rosie I was about to say the same thing” Jackson’s eyes are wide as I realise that I’m sitting at my dressing table wearing just my underwear, suspenders and stockings, “Have we got time?” he asks with a devilish grin and everything inside me clenches, I put down the makeup brush that I’m holding and look at my watch,

“Only if you leave the suit on!”  I stand as he walks
toward me and holds out a hand. I take it and he pulls me close, running his fingers along the strap up the back of my thigh and raking them across my backside as he manoeuvres me back against a chest of drawers and stands back to look me up and down, I’m on fire.

Nobody has ever made me feel as sexy as he does. I lick my lips as he grins and undoe
s the zip on his suit trousers. The sound makes me squirm as he steps closer and I open my legs to welcome him. As I reach in through the open zip to expose him to me, he speaks in a low voice,

“If you make a mess of my suit Alvez, there’ll be trouble” he grins as I squeeze him and picks me up so that
I’m sitting on the drawers now. He picks up my legs to wrap them around his waist and then using one hand he pulls my underwear aside and pushes two fingers inside me.

I tilt my head back and he catches my moan with a kiss. He starts to move his fingers inside me, stretching me and spreading the moisture from inside me.  I shudder when he removes his fingers from inside me and starts to rub hard and fast on my swollen clitoris, partly because it send
s intense shockwaves all over my body, and partly in anticipation of him pushing every glorious inch of him into me.

I look up at Jackson and his eyes flare, I know how much it turns him on when I look up at him during sex. He grins and pushes his way inside me
without hesitation, I take a sharp breath and moan as he pulls out and pushes all the way back in again.

I lean back,
using my hands behind my back to support me and watch as Jackson finds his rhythm and thrusts into me over and over again.

His hands are gripping my hips and I love the way that his fingers are making dimples in my skin where they dig in
, helping him to take control of me. I watch the movement of his body underneath the tight fitting shirt and tie, allowing me just a hint of what I know is underneath. The thought make me clench tightly around him and he groans in response before he starts massaging my clit in circles with his thumb. I feel myself tightening and my legs close in around Jackson’s waist as his pace quickens and I feel like I might scream as the waves of my orgasm start to drown me.  I pull Jackson’s head to mine and moan into our kiss as he thrusts hard into me, the warmth of his climax filling me as he slows to a stop and blows out the deep breath that he must have been holding.

Jackson carefully pulls out of me and reaches for one of my makeup wipes to clean himself up. I smile as I watch him restore the look that turned me on so much when
there’s a knock at my door,

“Rosie, the photographer is here!” Mam shouts from the hallway and I start to laugh, thank god that wasn’t five minutes ago.


Jackson heads downstairs and I quickly finish getting ready and into my dress. I
am Rafe’s ‘Best Man’ and he has chosen a stunning floor length pewter silk strapless mermaid dress for me to wear. He’s done a great job; it clings perfectly to my curves and makes me feel amazing. As I make my way into the conservatory where Dad and Jackson are hiding away, the look on both of their faces tells me that I look as good as I feel, and my confidence is sky high.

The Devonshire Dome is less than five minutes from
the house. Jackson is driving the two of us there in Audrey; I can’t drive in the stiletto heels that Rafe insisted on. Rafe, Mam and Dad are travelling to the venue in a black Bentley Mulsanne, I tried to convince Rafe that it wasn’t worth hiring a car for five minutes bought he wanted his moment, “At least get them to drive you around the town a bit!” I had called as he confirmed the booking.


I kiss my brother as I get ready to leave and the emotions well up inside me, I can’t believe this day is actually here. I have to fight hard to stop tears from escaping and ruining my smoky eyes,

“I’m so happy for you bro
” I smile and hug him hard, I hear his shaky breath and know that he is nervous, “This is your day Rafael, enjoy every second. I love you” he nods and smiles and the releases me, Jackson shakes Rafe’s hand and wishes him luck and we make our way to the venue.


When we arrive at the Dome, Matthew is pacing outside the front of the building,

sweet cheeks, you ok?” I ask as we approach,

“Hey Ginge!
Yeah, I’m just nervous. How ridiculous is that? I’m nervous to do something that I want more than anything”

“Well, he’s ready and I must say he looks bloody gorgeous, so get yourself inside”

Jackson takes his seat next to Pip and Ben and I head to the front of the ceremony room with Matthew. I say hello to his parents and try to pretend that I haven’t noticed Michael sulking at the end of the row. Matthew’s best man is his business partner and the first thing that I notice about him is that he’s built like a brick shit house. Matthew introduces him to me as Kev and I wince slightly as he grips my hand a little too tight.

As the music starts I worry
for a second that Matthew is going to pass out, but when he turns and makes eye contact with Rafe walking toward him a smile spreads across both of their faces and it’s impossible to keep one from my own.


The ceremony was perfect and as we pose for photos and tuck into Dad’s canapés I start to become nervous about my speech. I watch as Rafe and Matthew laugh together and my heart warms, that is true love and I’m so happy it worked out for them.


“Ladies and Gentleman, please join me in rapturous applause as we welcome Mr and Mr Alvez-English” the master of ceremonies announces Rafe and Matthew into the room and they enter hand in hand. They take their seats at the top table and the starters are brought out.

The food is delicious and the champagne i
s going down a little too well. In between courses I call Jackson over to the table and ask him if he’d mind getting me an orange juice, I have a speech to give in a short while and I’m feeling tipsy.

After the des
serts have settled, the MC announces that it’s time for the speeches. Dad stands and takes hold of the microphone and jokingly bursts into a rendition of ‘Love Me Tender,’ the guests laugh and it takes my nerves away slightly,

“Ladies and Gentlemen, firstly let me thank you all for being here to share my son’s big day. I have to tell you,
we could not be more proud of Rafael and the man that he has become, but to welcome Matthew into our family makes us very proud indeed. The love that you share is beautiful and the kind of love that every parent hopes their child will come across, we’re lucky that both of our children have found that. Matthew, Son, Bernadette and I thank you for grounding our boy, and for loving him, and we wish you all of the love and luck in the world on this day, and for all of the days ahead. Please raise your glasses, to Rafael and Matthew”

Dad was great but now it’s my turn, how do I follow that?
There is applause as I stand and take the microphone, no pressure…

“Afternoon all!
Rafe and Matthew asked me to say a few words and didn’t really give me much of a choice in the matter, so here I am” There’s a ripple of laughter and my nerves drift further away,

Matthew, welcome to the family. It takes a brave man to actually choose to take on an Alvez” there’s laughter as Jackson calls out “
I should know
” and Matthew raises his glass in response,

I would like to echo my Dad’s words in saying that the love that you two share really is beautiful, it inspires me every day and I personally thank you for letting me be a part of your day, your world and your lives together” I smile at my two brothers and have to look away again as I feel the lump rising in my throat, “We are all here today to celebrate the love of two people that mean so much to us all and on behalf of our families I thank you all for being here to share in this special day. I know that it’s the duty of the best man to tell embarrassing stories and raise a giggle or two, but Rafe has given me a stiff warning, so I’ll steer clear of telling you all about him crying like a little girl when Matthew proposed and instead I would just ask you all to raise your glasses in congratulations to my two lovely brothers, to Rafael and Matthew”

As I sit ba
ck down and feel the heat flood my cheeks Matthew stands to give his speech and I’m nervous for him. I know how eloquent he his but I also know that he is a very private person, especially when it comes to him and Rafe.

“Hi everyone, well it’s been said already by my father and sister in law, but on behalf of my husband and I” everyone cheers and Matthew smiles down at Rafe before continuing “
I’d like to thank you all so much for sharing this day with us. For Rafe and I, today marks both the end and the start of massive journeys for both of us. We’ve both come such a long way toward self-acceptance and we’ve both kissed a lot of frogs, Rafe more than me I’d like to add” laughter again and Rafe raises his glass to Pippa, who laughs and raises her own,

nd we’ve both come up against our fair share of prejudice, but we stood strong and it brought us to each other, well technically, Rosie did that, but I think you get my point!”

Matthew smiles and reac
hes down to take Rafe’s hand, “But here we are today with all of you. People that accept and love us for exactly who we are, We’re setting out on the start of the biggest journey of either of our lives, one that will take the rest of them and Rafael, there is nobody on this earth that I would rather share it with than you. In addition to the pleasure of really good coffee, you have shown me what love really is, you have shown me that there is no greater feeling than waking up next to that one person that means more to you than anything or anyone else in the world. You have shown me how big the human heart can really be and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side. Thank you for saying yes” as he speaks those last words his voice is cracked with emotion and he leans down to kiss his tearful husband, I can’t imagine why he was nervous about that, it was beautiful.


The reception is brilliant, everyone has so much fun, dancing and laughing with each other. At one point Michael asked me to dance for old time’s sake but before I could respond, Jackson had spun me around and said a simple strait forward no, before spinning me onto the dance floor.

My Auntie Mariana has come over from Spain for the wedding and it’s fantastic to see her.
Mariana is the original wild child, she wrote the book that Pippa learned from. Some of my craziest experiences have been when Pip, Rafe and I used to visit Mariana in Marbella before I met Michael. For a start, she owns a drag club and after the dinner burlesque and comedy shows, the music comes on and the club becomes a zoo…a zoo of drinking, kissing, groping, horny animals!

wake up in her house some days and have to step over semi and fully naked bodies on my way to the kitchen. One morning I walked into Pippa’s room to see her and Rafe fast asleep and completely naked in bed together, something to this day that I have never told them or questioned them about. Back then they were all about sex and I kind of just sat in the back seat and went along for the ride, and the parties.

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