Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

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Bound By the Moon

The Bound Series

Book 2


Author JF Holland

Editor Maria Lazarou


Copyright © 2016 J F Holland

The moral right of the Author has been asserted.

All characters and events within the story, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental

All rights reserved.

No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission, in writing of the Author and owner of the publication. Nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


Introduction to the series



Welcome to lower Lunaton, on the border of Lunaton woods. The little British countryside town where the crop circle on the way in gives you heed; the inhabitants may not be what they seem.


By the dark of night, it's not only the moon that comes out to play.

There's many a creature living alongside you, so expect the unexpected. Growls, howls, the patter or paws, the beating of wings, maybe a conversation with a little more bite than bark. A place of magic, or is that just a myth?


There's always something going on in the little town, and sometimes it's not so friendly. When the moon is high, and the day is over, stay out of the woods. Just a gentle warning, you don't want to disturb the locals at play. You could get more than you bargained for?


Pull up a chair and rest your feet, you may be here a while. After all, most have been here more than a lifetime, well a human one anyway.




Bound by the Moon

The Bound Series

Book 2


Words the Shifter Males are taught from birth


By the light of the third full moon of the year, man that goes from two legs to four will feel the pull when his mate is born, the other half to his soul. But patience must you show, for twenty-one years shall pass before she feels the pull of the binding, when at that time on her your mark shall appear. The other half to your own, thus making the mark and you whole.

During this time, you must not unleash the beast within around her, for she may not know of your kind. But you should hasten and be warned, only five years shall you have to locate and bind her to you. If you fail to have your union sworn over by the last full moon at the end of the fifth year, your lifespan shall then be that of your beast. You will then permanently become the animal that you take form, and for the remainder of that life you'll walk on four legs. Forever to be alone.


Chapter One



Jaden paced downstairs as he'd been removed from the bedroom while Agatha tried to heal Maya. He'd killed the Jackal for harming her but it had been a close call on him losing Maya.


"Jesus Jaden, you're wearing a hole in the rug, sit the hell down."

Jaden swung around and glared at Balin, then looked towards Sam who was sat over on single chair. Sam looked perfectly relaxed, with one leg crossed over the other. He sat nursing a cup of coffee in one hand while grinning at Jaden's nervous tension.

"You kind of look like an expectant father waiting outside the delivery room my man," Sam informed him with a grin. Jaden growled low in his throat and flipped him the birdie.

"Do you think Agatha can really heal her?" Jaden asked them both, looking towards the ceiling.

"Agatha is a wonderful woman. She's kind, caring and extremely good at what she does," Sam told him, his mood sobering.

"It was Agatha who healed me." Balin spoke up, and Jaden swung around to look at his brother in query.

"So is she bound to a shifter then?" he asked and Sam nodded.

"Yes, Agatha is bound to Douglas, he runs the silver smiths, the next row over from us."

"What is he?"

"Wolf," Sam said, "so Agatha is more than aware of the importance of the moon ceremony."

"A Wolf, seriously?" Jaden asked and Sam nodded.

"Yep. Douglas moved here a week before your parents were murdered. Agatha was a healer up in her local village in Scotland. Douglas saved her from a stoning, and brought her here with him when he moved."

"A stoning?" Jaden asked, his brows rising.

"Yes, the townsfolk had decided in their wisdom that to do so well at healing, she obviously worshipped the devil." Sam rolled his eyes at their superstitions. "Honest to god, some people have very strange ideas. You'd think they'd be happy that she'd managed to save the life of a child who'd been mauled by a bear, but no. They decide to stone her for her capabilities, as it was obviously the devils work. Douglas happened to be travelling through the village, when he came upon the scene. He found Agatha within a circle of locals, pleading for her life, as they threw rock after rock at her. He knew instantly that she was his mate, and obviously intervened. He caused a bit of damage to the people and surrounding dwellings rescuing her. You do not mess with a wolf's mate," Sam said grinning. Watching the shock on Jaden's face at the thought of the barbaric act. He winked at him while he blew on his coffee, before taking a long swallow. Then sighing in pleasure he sat back in his chair.


Upstairs in the bedroom, Maya lay back against the pillow. Her head was still banging from where it had slammed against the concrete, after the impact of the Jackal hitting her. Her tongue throbbed like it had its own heartbeat. So swelled was it from where she'd bit it, that it filled her mouth. As for her eyes, they felt as if someone was using their thumbs, to push them through to the back of her skull.

Basically, she ached all over. Her chest felt like she'd been trampled by a horse, after being hit full force by the Jackal. Then immediately followed by Jaden's subsequent chest compressions, as he'd fought to bring her back.

She watched with interest as Agatha started to place green candles around the room, one in each corner. Whispering some kind of prayer, before lighting each one in turn, going clockwise. Next she came over to Maya herself, and sat on the edge of the bed, taking one of her hands in her own. Maya smiled nervously at her.

"It's okay Maya, we'll have you feeling much better very soon, I promise."

Maya opened her mouth to thank her, but her tongue's swelling meant she couldn't speak. She also couldn't move her head, not without wanting to vomit as it hurt so badly. Agatha patted her hand, "you just try to relax. I know you hurt at the moment, because being an empath, I can feel your pain. Don't try to talk, just lie back and close your eyes for me. I'll do the rest."


Sighing in relief, Maya's lids lowered. The simple action affording her a little relief, as it stopped the bright light from burning her aching eyes. She felt Agatha's hand on her brow, as she soothingly rubbed something into her temples. The smell was not unpleasant, but she couldn't quite work out what it was either.

"It's nothing bad, just a mix of menthol, and a few of my secret herbs. It'll help draw out the headache that's all." Agatha told her, as she moved away from the bed again. She'd obviously felt Maya's confusion while trying to work out exactly what was in the concoction. Next Maya felt her hand on her chest, but tried not to flinch from her touch. Agatha kept it very light, more a brush of her fingertips than anything else, and Maya again relaxed. She picked up the scent of Arnica, Chamomile and Lavender, the pleasant smell soothing to her tired senses; thus making her relax a little further. Her chest began tingling pleasantly, warmth invading her battered body. Then Agatha began to chant. The cadence of her voice calming and melodious, as she repeated the words three times.

Agatha moved her hands up to Maya's head, continuing her chant. Then lowered them, so she could apply more of the pleasantly scented mixture to the section of Maya's chest that ached. She used soothing circular motions, and Maya could feel herself being pulled further under. Her body relaxing and growing weightless. Agatha's voice fading, as Maya finally succumbed to sleep.


Taking a seat on the side of the bed, Agatha continued chanting. She delicately placed small pebble sized stones onto Maya's forehead, chest, stomach and shoulders. Running her thumb lovingly over each of the symbols carved into the stones, before setting them in place. Each symbol chosen specifically for the purpose of healing, and to strengthen Maya's chakras. Bringing them all back into balance, thus aiding the body to heal.

Once the last stone was in place Agatha stood, then moved to stand at the bottom of the bed. She bowed her head reverently, calling upon the goddess of light, to help aid her in healing Maya.

"With light and love heal from within.

Repair that which was hurt, without further harm.

Cuts be gone, and bruises fade.

Be well again, and leave no trace."


The green candles flames flickered slightly, as Agatha began to raise her voice, repeating the words in Latin.


Cum luce ac amore intra sanitas oritur; esto remedium externum sine iniuriis amplioribus. Vulnera et livor evanescant; iterum valete sine vestigio!"

The curtains began swaying, is if a light breeze had entered the room. Agatha lifted her head and began to build the magic in her hands, rubbing them together. Once they were illuminated she held them out, and sent it towards Maya's now sleeping form. Her red hair lifting, moving with the breeze now present in the room. The stones began glowing. An aura appeared around Maya's prone body, as if she was being swaddled in the healing white light. Agatha bent forward, closing her eyes with her hands still outstretched towards Maya; but not actually touching her. The white light intensified, seeming to cocoon her completely, covering her whole body in its energy, as it grew brighter around her. It began pulsating, as if mimicking her heartbeat. Then within seconds diminished in its luminance. It travelled from her toes, and up over the length of her body, before finally dissipating in a transparent mist. It finally left Maya's body through the top of her head, vanishing into the air. As the stones lost their glow, they once again turned dull, their warmth disappearing. Finally, the candles flames extinguished, and the curtains settled once more.

Agatha crumpled to the floor on her knees, at the foot of the bed. Her hands coming up and landing on the edge of the mattress, to stop her from falling on Maya. A boneless, fatigued heap, who didn't have the strength left to call for help. She managed to drop back onto her bottom, before falling sideways. Curling onto her side, she lay there on the floor, no energy left; completely spent.

Why hadn't she thought to bring Douglas along
? He always helped to get her home, after a taxing healing session. Now without him she was left completely drained, and unable to help herself. She needed chamomile tea, a sage cleanse and her crystals to re-energise herself. That would all be wonderfully refreshing, but she was unable to do any of that at the moment. She couldn't move; not even an inch.

Just when Agatha was beginning to think she'd be here for hours, she heard a booming voice from downstairs. She should have known he'd come; he always knew when he was needed. She sighed, as her exhausted eyes blinked close.


Sam opened the front door to a rapacious knock. Stepping back, a tall blonde man with rugged features, and green eyes, entered. He walked towards Jaden, who blinked a few times as the man took hold of his right hand. Dropping something into his palm, he stood back.

"Have you finished? I have more to do with my time than cleanin up after you kitties have finished playin with the strays. Here's your ring and amulet, don't be bothering me for a while. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be collecting me wife. Then we'll be goin, but remember, I'll be callin in the favour soon." Then turning on his heel, he headed for the stairs, without waiting on a reply.


Agatha heard heavy footfalls on the steps. As the bedroom door was eased open, a tired smile tilted the corner of her mouth. Her lashes fluttered open, and there stood her shaggy haired, blonde highlander.

"Well Aggie, your tea be steepin, and your crystals are in your salt on the window ledge. Let's clean up shall we." He then went about clearing the room of her medicinal's. Carefully placing her herbs and candles back into the black, satin cloth bag that she always kept them in. He removed the now cool stones from off of Maya. Picking them up with their protective linen; using due care not to touch them with his skin. He then placed them on the pillow, behind her head, and all the while, Maya slept on; oblivious.

"A pretty one Aggie. Tis good the cat got that bastard for harmin her. Now come love, let's get you home."

He put the strap of her bag over his shoulder, before bending, lifting her into his arms. Kissing her forehead, he then tucked her head beneath his chin.

"I'll tell the Kitten's to leave her be for a while, and to make sure her stones are kept safe. They'll be of no use to anyone else now love, they belong to her."




Jaden stood frowning as the wolf placed the ring and disc in his hand, then strode past him. He looked from the items to Sam and Balin, then back again.

"What are these for?" Jaden asked, as the wolf climbed the stairs.

"Jesus, your education is sorely lacking my man. Sit down," Sam said.

Jaden scowled at him, but closed his fist around the items. He then walked over to an armchair and plopped himself down on it.

"Okay, the binding ceremony works better if you use the disc. It's our talisman if you will," Sam explained. "Do you not remember your mother wearing the ring?" he asked, and Jaden frowned as he tried to think back. It was such a long time ago now though, his memories of his parents had faded. These days he found it hard to recall their features clearly, never mind what jewellery either of them wore.

"Jesus, you really have lived under a rock," Balin said in disgust, and Jaden snarled at him.

"What about the change Jaden? What happens when you shift and shift back?" Balin asked.

"For fuck sake, I know how to shift," Jaden groused.

"Yes, but what happens to your clothing?" Balin persisted.

"Well obviously I end up bollocko. Well, unless I remember to remove what I'm wearing first, and then find a way of carrying it with me." Jaden shrugged.
I mean what was all this about

He turned to find the two of them looking at him, their mouths open. Then Balin's mouth snapped closed, before his lips twitched, but Sam just burst out laughing.
What the hell was the joke

"Okay, what gives? What's so fucking funny, that you two are giggling like a couple of school girls?" Jaden snarled, but Balin couldn't talk for laughing. This made Jaden again growl at him, while Sam seemed to collect himself.

"You're telling me, that all this time, you've been wandering around stark bollock naked to shift?" Jaden frowned at Sam's question, but nodded; thus setting him off laughing again.

"Oh, for fuck sake, what gives?" he shouted. Balin tried to sober, but looking at Jaden's confused and angry face set him off, all over again. As the Scot came down the stairs, carrying Agatha. He was holding his sides, rolling on the floor, laughing.


"You cats are damn weird. I be takin Aggie away now. Don't touch the stones on the lassies pillow, they be for her alone, not for you. Do not bother her for at least an hour, you hear?" And with that he walked out of the front door, with Agatha in his arms.


"Okay you pair, exactly what gives?" Jaden asked, turning away from the closing front door. Sobering once again, Balin rubbed his forearm over his eyes, and got to his feet.

"Watch," he told Jaden. Then he stood before him, transforming into his cat, and Jaden rolled his eyes.

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