Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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“You’ve got to be fucking with me,’’ Mason groans, laughing. “I can’t do this.’’

“Then ten shots it is, but do you really want to show your wife-to-be you’re a quitter?’’ Mav goads him.

Mason sighs, giving in. He stands up and shoves the sign over his head. On it, it says, ‘one pound for a hug, give me some love’.

“Who’s going with you?’’ Myles laughs, taking pictures. Mason has everything on and I can’t help but take a picture and send it to Lake.

MAX: He’s finding one nyt apart hard nd already looking for some hugging. Howz ur nyt goin?

“Lee, ’cause, he’s the fucker that brought this fucking thing over to me,’’ he curses just as an old bloke walks up to him, giving him a quid.

“Fucking brave, my friend,’’ is all he says, giving Mason a big hug and squeezing the breath out of him. I’m laughing that hard I nearly miss my phone beeping from the table.

Clicking the message open, I groan when Lake sends a picture of a limo, but in the picture are her long fucking legs.

Fuck me!

Not wanting to get the shit ripped into me for getting a boner or for texting Lake, I put my phone away, but not before making sure it’s on vibrate.

“How long do I have to do this?’’ Mason groans after the bloke has moved back over to his group of friends, all of them laughing over at Mason.

“Until ten,’’ Maverick grins.

“That’s half an hour,’’ Mason tells us, standing up.

When he does, a young woman walks over handing him a tenner. “If a quid will get me a hug, what will a tenner get me?’’ she flirts and we all laugh at Mason’s horrified expression. He just snatches the money and grabs the girl in a tight hug before dropping her to the ground.

“If my fiancé leaves me because of this I am going to kill all of you and it won’t be pretty,’’ Mason snaps at Mav, grabbing Mav’s pint and downing it.

We all laugh knowing he’s going to hate every single hug he has to receive tonight from another woman. He storms out with Lee laughing his ass off behind him.

“How long do you think it will take him?’’ Myles laughs.

“He’ll probably be back in five minutes,’’ Adam grins, still looking at the door where they left. “That guy could pull a gay bird.’’

“He could definitely have a pull on me,’’ Kevin grins behind Maverick. “What are you fine pieces of ass doing out tonight?’’

Kevin’s the shit. No joke. He’s gay as they come but who gives a fuck. He’s funny as shit, can throw a punch, and can drink most lads under the table. He’s not bothered about his sexuality either which I admire him for. Not many lads who are gay are like that. Too many dickheads give them shit. To me, you are who you are, same goes for who you love.

Oh, and he’s in love with Mason. Well, apart from his boyfriend Mark who has just gone to the loo. Who’s also the shit. No one messes with him, though. He’s a professional boxer and could probably take on most of the men in this bar at the same time.

“Mason’s stag tonight, my friend,’’ I yell out, downing the shot Adam just brought back to the table.

“You break my heart,’’ Kevin feigns hurt and we all laugh.

“Spread the love,’’ I tease, winking.

“Oh, Max, you’re too much for me to handle. And high maintenance,’’ he winks back, teasing me.

“You got that right,’’ Maverick laughs.

ings of Leon’s, ‘Sex On Fire’
starts playing and a big grin breaks out across my face.

I jump up from my chair and belt out, “Youuuuuuuu, your sex is on fire.’’

Grabbing Kevin, I pull him into a standard dancing position, my hand on his hip, my other hand in his, pointed out. Dragging him around the room I spin him out, my eyes widening when he stumbles into a group of lads walking in from the back room.

“Shit,’’ I grumble, moving quickly when one pushes Kevin off him, sneering at him in disgust.

“Get the fuck off me, fag,’’ a voice I recognise sneers. Taking a closer look around Kevin my eyes widen when I realise it’s one of Davis’ brother’s mates. Most of their crew got sent down, but there were some, like this prick, that got off scot-free.

“Hey, back off,’’ I yell, moving between them.

“Happily. I don’t want that Fag anywhere near me.’’

“I hate that word. It makes me feel like a cancer stick,’’ Kevin mutters, not seeming fazed at the altercation going on at all.

“Shut the fuck up,’’ I snap at the bloke in front of me, choosing not to laugh at Kevin’s comment.

“Come on, Tom, let’s go,’’ Dan, a kid from the year below me at school, calls from the crowd. I didn’t even see him there. It’s like he’s hiding from us.

The goons have us circled but neither Kevin nor I care. Mav and the rest of them are stood off to the side looking tense. When my eyes find Mav’s he shakes his head at me in warning. I smirk, sending him a wink.

“No!’’ Tom shouts furiously. “Why the fuck should we leave? They can fuck off to a gay bar,’’ he snarls, eyeing Kevin with a disgusted look.

“Are you recommending him one, sugar?’’ I goad and he turns his disgusted look my way.

“What the fuck you trying to say you little prick?’’

“Was I not clear enough?’’ I ask, tutting at myself. “You obviously know where there’s a good gay bar around here. You frequent them often?’’

Rage covers his entire expression like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. I smirk, feeling smug about hitting a sore spot. I just hate judgemental people like him.

Tom’s hand twitches and as if sensing the outcome, I duck, just in time to miss his fisting coming towards me. He ends up hitting one of the goons standing behind me. Bursting into laughter, I nearly miss seeing him dive towards me. He must have had a few because at the last second I calmly step out of the way. Tom ends up running into another one of his mates, the one who was distracted by the one who just got punched in the eye, so he doesn’t see it coming. They all go down and the bar cheers, hoots filling the air.

“If you wanted them on their knees you should have just asked them more politely,’’ I chuckle.

He stands, his face red with anger, sweat beading his forehead. He tries to make another move for me, his feet unsteady. At this rate he’ll take out his entire group of friends. My chuckling just angers him more and he tries to come at me once again and just like before, I jump to the side, laughing my head off at Tom drunkenly try to attack me.

Maverick puts a stop to my entertainment when he holds a hand to my chest and one to Tom’s when he tries to come at me again for the millionth time tonight.

“Stop,’’ Maverick demands, his voice controlled, holding authority. “Leave, now.’’

“They should all be fucking shot,’’ Tom sneers as he turns to narrow his hateful eyes at Kevin.

I laugh when I see Kevin sitting at our table drinking a beer. He doesn’t even seem fazed by the chaos going on around him, in fact, he looks like he’s watching an MMA match on the tele.

“That’s e-fucking-nough, Tom. Get the fuck out before I throw you out. You’re barred,’’ Tim shouts, slamming a tray or bottle down on the bar.

“Go on, Peggy Mitchell,’’ I chuckle, earning me a slap around the head from my dearest brother, Maverick.

“Me? You’re going to throw
out?’’ Tom shouts, outraged. Everyone in the bar hears him and starts going mad. Most of them cursing him, others chanting for him to get the fuck out. Then all of a sudden the whole bar descends into silence.

Complete and utter silence.

The air in the room changes, the atmosphere turning electric. 

“You talk to your sister like that?’’ A dark, deep, scary voice calmly rumbles from the side of us.

My eyes find Kevin’s and his eyes are alight with lust and love as he looks at our new guest. That can only mean one thing.

The new guest is Mark, Kevin’s boyfriend.

I catch movement from the corner of my eye and I turn, watching Mark step further into the room, closer towards Tom. His large muscled arms are folded, his stance seeming relaxed but his tense jaw and the dark, cold look in his eyes give away his anger.

“What’s my sister got to do with you faggots?’’ Tom snarls, but his voice shakes as he warily keeps an eye on Mark.

I nearly start clapping with excitement. Mason’s stag party is going off with a bang.

Instead of diverting the attention back to me, I take my seat with Mav joining me. I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing Mark fight before, but I’ve been told it only takes him one punch to knock his opponent out.

Mark smirks evilly, taking another menacing step forward.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom’s mom is scrubbing shit stains out of his boxers tomorrow morning,’’ I whisper, making our table chuckle.

“Well, she’s gay. She has a girlfriend, one I’m pretty fucking certain she’s been with for a long fucking time. What does she think about you spouting that shit out?’’ Mark asks, a bite to his tone.

“Me sista ain’t no leso,’’ Tom barks. He goes to take a step forward, ready to start on Mark, but takes one look at him and takes a few steps back.

“Wanna bet? Want me to ring her girlfriend?’’

Thinking about it, what Mark is saying is true. I remember who Tom’s sister is now. She’s a tiny little thing that got picked on at school like nobody’s business. She left in the end when her girlfriend had gotten beaten up pretty badly.

“Yo, trust me, that girl is a lettuce licker. She loves the titties, don’t she, Dan?’’ I laugh, remembering the party he tried it on with her at and she announced to everyone she was into girls. I remember thinking she was the shit coming out in front of everyone like that. I’d say more people should be brave and just come out, but, in my opinion it should be that more people need to accept the same sex couples.

“Fuck off, Carter,’’ Dan shouts. I don’t miss the worried look he sends Tom’s way.

“Gladly. I was enjoying my night until you two fuckheads started yapping.’’

“This ain’t over,’’ Tom threatens before turning around and leaving. Just as they reach the door I notice him grab the back of Dan’s coat and I laugh.

“Fucking dickheads,’’ Mark grumbles before turning to Kevin. “You alright?’’

“Yeah. Jesus, you’re hot when you get mad. Want to head home for a bit?’’ Kevin asks and the tone in his voice has me biting back a grin.

“Come on,’’ Mark laughs, looking eager to get his man alone.

“GO ON,’’ I shout, laughing.

“I’ll meet up with you later. Where will you be around midnight?’’ Kevin grins.


“See you later, fellas,’’ Kevin grins and Mark shakes his head at his goofy boyfriend, leading him out the back entrance of the pub.

“Well, thank fuck that’s over. I was worried about Mason not being here,’’ Maverick mutters.

“Huh? Why?’’ Malik asks confused.

“Because getting a black eye on his stag night is a rite of passage,’’ Mav laughs.

“The night is still young,’’ Malik agrees and I laugh at their idiocy. Of course there will be more action. We’re the Carters.

“Where to next then, boys?’’ Adam asks, taking a sip of his pint.

“Hold on!’’ Maverick laughs reading his phone. “That fucker has twenty-seven quid already.’’

Laughing, we all read the message Maverick shows us and down our pints. “We best get to Bamboos then before he finishes,’’ Myles tells us and we all agree.

It’s not even a few hours into the stag party and it’s already been an eventful night. There’s no telling what the rest of the night will bring or if we’ll make it home in one piece.



My head is already spinning after only drinking two glasses of champagne. The music is booming through the limo, the disco lights adding to the atmosphere. I’ve never experienced anything like it; I feel like a celebrity. It’s exhilarating to say the least.

My phone beeps with an incoming message. Looking at the screen I find it’s a picture message from Max. Opening it up, I burst into laughter and lean over the seats to Denny and show her the picture of what Max has sent me.

“What on earth?’’ she laughs hysterically, then passes my phone around for everyone else to have a look. The picture is of Mason wearing red lip stick, a pink wig and blow up boobs. He’s also been covered in a cardboard cut-out.

“I can’t believe they’ve made him do that,’’ Harlow laughs, passing me my phone back.

“As long as no skanks feel him up, I say, let him get tortured,’’ Denny laughs and we all whoop and scream drunkenly. I’ve never felt so free. Everything feels light, no dark memories weighing me down, and I’m actually glad I accepted the invitation about coming out tonight. For once, I’m acting my age.

“Selfie,’’ Kayla smiles. Holding her camera out in front of us she snaps another picture of us pulling ridiculous faces. I’m used to this now, though. Since we’ve been in the limo she’s taken a million. We’ve all switched seats at least a dozen times because of this. Thankfully, we’re all back in our original seats as we near the club.

“We’re here,’’ Harlow squeals and Denny’s eyes jump to the window.

“Oh my God, I love this place. It has a jukebox,’’ she squeals. Looking to Harlow, her face relaxes. I could tell she was worried about Denny not enjoying herself earlier on in the day. She’s mad for thinking it, though. I reckon we could be sitting at home in front of the TV watching a movie, drinking wine, and Denny would still be just as happy. I know Harlow’s just feeling bad because a lot of the stuff we were originally doing has had to be cancelled. But then again, so did the lads’ party. We all planned the night accordingly and will end up at V.I.P pretty much at the same time; if everything goes okay and Max doesn’t get himself arrested, or anyone else for that matter.

The limo pulls up outside the bar. It’s then that I notice Kayla and I are both sitting next to the doors and I glance over at her, feeling panicked.

“I’m not getting out this car first,’’ I shout, just as the music dims. Everyone turns their heads in my direction at my outburst and burst into a fit of giggles. My cheeks heat from embarrassment and I wish I never opened my mouth.

“Me neither,’’ Kayla pipes up loudly, making me relax.

“Well, I didn’t put this on to not make an impression,’’ Nay says seductively as she crawls across the limo floor to park her ass nearer the door. We all laugh and I quickly down the rest of my champagne for liquid courage; Kayla does the same thing with her glass.

“Let’s do this,’’ Nay shouts and we all scream in excitement, laughter following.


We enter the fairly busy bar and all eyes turn to us. I nervously tug at my shorts, pulling them down. Denny notices and swats my hands away.

“Stop it! You look hot,’’ she whispers in my ear.

“So do you,’’ I smile, grateful that someone as beautiful as her eased my mind.

“Hi, you must be the Carter party,’’ an older lady asks as she walks up to us.

Harlow steps forward to greet her. “Hey, I’m the one that spoke with you on the phone. I’m Harlow.’’

“Hey, I’m Jackie. Follow me and I’ll take you to the V.I.P booth,’’ she tells us, earning grins from all of us. We follow giddily and I can’t even hide my excitement.

“This place is awesome,’’ Kayla breathes next to me. Her eyes gaze around the room in awe.

She’s right too, it is. The place is huge. And for a Saturday it’s looking pretty busy, but not as busy as I expected a bar like this to be. Music is playing quietly in the background but as we venture further into the club bar, and to our round booth, it grows a little louder.

“Vicky will be your bartender for tonight, so if you need anything, please just ask her. The drinks you pre-ordered are ready in the ice buckets on the table, along with some glasses. If there is anything else you need, please, don’t hesitate to ask. Enjoy your evening, ladies, and congratulations,’’ she grins at Denny and we all give her our thanks as she leaves.

The bartender, Vicky, asks Harlow again if there’s anything she needs and I overhear her ask for a glass of water.

“The karaoke starts in just under an hour. I’ll bring the song book and request forms over in just a sec,’’ Vicky announces before leaving us all grinning at each other like Cheshire cats.

“You’ve so got to sing,’’ I squeal at Denny. I love karaoke. Always have. Any chance I could get when I was younger I’d be on it, hogging the machine and taking all the limelight.

Can I sing? Fuck no! Do I care? Hell to the no. I just love the adrenaline, the high you get, and honestly, I felt like a pop-star holding that damn mic. I laugh inwardly at how idiotic I sound.

“This isn’t fair. Kayla can sing like an angel,’’ Denny pouts, amused.

“Want me to sing rock and roll, spice it up?’’ Kayla laughs, blushing whilst taking a sip of the drink Stace just poured for us all.

“Nope,’’ Harlow butts in. We happily take the folder from Vicky when she arrives back at our table. She gives us all a stern, amused look. “I’m in charge. I’m going to choose the cheesiest love songs known to woman, write them down on a slip of paper, then you’ll have to each pick one out of the glass. Whoever fails to sing will have to give the bar a table dance.’’

“Woman, you are feisty pregnant,’’ Denny laughs, also drinking her drink. I’m pretty sure we’re all halfway to being smashed.

“First up, though, is ‘the game of truth,’’’ Harlow grins evilly, pulling out a spinner from her bag.

“You got a kitchen sink in there too?’’ I laugh, looking over Kayla to see inside Harlow’s bag.

Everyone laughs but Harlow just grins back at us while placing a pack of cards on the table. She spins the tiny cardboard spinner and we all suck back a breath. It lands on Stace first who grins excitedly.

“First: rules are you have to tell the truth. If you can’t tell the truth then you have to take a shot of this,’’ she says, then holds her hand up, gesturing to Vicky. Vicky smiles as she walks over holding a bottle of Apple Sourz. “Okay, Stace,’’ Harlow begins, picking up a card from the pile. “Have you ever swallowed?’’ she chokes out laughing.

“Fuck no! If I can help it, I make sure they don’t cum in my mouth at all, but if it does get that far, then I spit it out,’’ Stace answers looking disgusted, like she’s reliving a bad memory.

“Oh my God! Remember when you gave that doorman a blow-job that once and you only got your mouth around his dick when he shot his load?’’ Nay laughs.

“I spat it all over his trousers. He took me off guard,’’ Stace laughs remembering. We all laugh and I find myself enjoying the fun and games, enjoying life. A part of me feels guilty but their happiness is contagious.

“Okay, next,’’ Harlow announces, still laughing. “Ahhh, Denny. Have you ever done it in a car?’’

Denny laughs, her cheeks flushing and everyone starts giggling at her reaction. “We tried. It didn’t go so well. I ended up with bruised knees. People on the tele make that shit look easy,’’ she giggles.

“I’ve done it in a car with Evan,’’ Kennedy pipes up, laughing. “It was one of the best moments of my life,’’ she grins.

“Eww, that’s my brother,’’ Denny laughs, smacking Kennedy lightly on the shoulder.

“Stace, it’s you again. Have you had sex with more than one person at a time?’’

We all lean forward, obviously all wanting to know what her answer is going to be. She looks at all of us before finally leaning forward like she’s about to reveal the dirtiest secret ever told.

“Nope. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do.’’ She laughs when she sees all the disappointed looks on our faces. It’s like she’s just announced that Santa Clause isn’t real.

“Lake, have you ever fancied your best friend’s boyfriend?’’

I think about it for a moment and realise, no, I haven’t. There’s no one I can think back to and say, hand on heart, that I fancied their boyfriends.

“Nope,’’ I grin, taking a sip of my drink.

“Damn, next is...’’ Harlow starts but is interrupted by Nay.

“Hold on, what about you, Kayla? You’re dating Myles, right?’’

“Yeah,’’ Kayla smiles widely.

“Do you fancy Max, too?’’

My head snaps to Kayla, my interest piqued. Does she? But then I think about Myles and as good looking as he is, he’s not Max. I honestly think it’s the personality that makes a person who they are. After all, most incredibly good looking guys can be assholes.

“God no! No offence, Lake,’’ she adds quickly.

“Wait, you’re with Max?’’ Stace asks open mouthed.

“Evan didn’t tell me that,’’ Kennedy adds looking surprised.

“No, we’re just... Just friends, I guess,’’ I shrug, wanting the conversation to be over. When it comes to me and Max, it’s private. I know he hasn’t let anyone see the real him, the person I see, so revealing that would feel like I was betraying him.

“I don’t get it. How can you not like Max when he looks exactly like Myles? They’re twins.’’

“Easy. They’re two completely different people. I don’t just like Myles for what he looks like but for who he is. He’s nothing like Max. Yeah, they have some similar qualities, but that’s as far as it goes for me,’’ Kayla answers perfectly. It’s how I would describe them too.

“Who’s next?’’ I ask, wanting to move on.

“Kennedy, where is the weirdest place you’ve had sex?’’

Kennedy blushes looking around the table. “I don’t think we have had a weird place. I guess if I had to say which was the scariest, because I thought we would get caught, is at the hotel we stayed at after we got married. We were in the pool late at night and things got heated,’’ she starts, her face heating. You can see it even with the dim lights.

“My ears are bleeding,’’ Denny howls horrified and we all laugh.

“Helloooooo, welcome to The Fire Inn. We have a special crowd with us tonight,’’ the DJ shouts, earning hoots and hollers from around the pub. “A hen night if I’m not mistaken,’’ he calls again and the lads in the pub start whistling. “I’m also told the first six songs will be sung by them, so give it up, guys, for Team Carter,’’ he shouts in the mic. We all cheer at the table, all of us banging our glasses on the table and stomping our feet on the floor.

Harlow quickly scribbles the rest of the songs down on the slips before scrunching them up and throwing them in a pint glass. She gives them a quick shake, looking to Denny.

“You’re first, bride-to-be,’’ she winks at Denny. “Pick a song.’’

“Oh my God. I’ve got
Celine Dion, Because You Love Me
,’’ she giggles, standing up. We all cheer her onto the stage, all of us stomping our legs and whistling. Harlow grabs her phone and when she catches me looking she grins evilly.

“Got to get the proof,’’ she winks and turns back to the stage.

Denny hands the slip over to the DJ and he smiles, nodding his head. She then continues to walk over to the centre of the stage, where the mic is grinning ear to ear. Looking up at the huge TV screen up on the wall, she bites her lip before taking in a deep breath. She looks petrified but excited at the same time.

“Come on, Denny,’’ Stace shouts, her hands cupping her mouth just as the music starts playing. We’re all smiling and laughing, shouting encouragement as she sings through the first verse.

Some lads sitting at the far back start hollering, “Get ya tits out, get ya tits out, get ya tits out for the lads.’’

Denny stops for a second, looking completely shocked, but then grins and shouts back and all of us join in with her.

“Get ya peckers out, get ya peckers out, get ya peckers out for us gals.’’

The DJ, grinning his head off, shakes his head but leans over to the mic as the song finishes. “Please don’t. I don’t need to see that shit.’’

We all laugh like drunken idiots, hooting and hollering.

“Your turn,’’ Nay shouts and Harlow grins, grabbing a folded piece of paper from the pint glass.

“Oh shitting hell, I got
Aerosmith, I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing,
’’ she pouts. “Don’t blame me when the cats start lining up outside to get in.’’ With that she steps up onto the stage, smacking Denny’s arse on the way. Denny comes and sits down, gulping down her drink at the same time as the song begins.

Just like we did with Denny, we all cheer her on, ignoring the cat calls and whistles from the lads sitting at the back. I don’t know about the others but I don’t want to give them the ammunition to come over.

We’re all laughing throughout the song. Harlow wasn’t kidding about the cat comment. If cats aren’t swarming the area outside wondering where their mother is, I’d be shocked as fuck. She’s basically screaming down the mic towards the end but it doesn’t stop us all from singing along right with her, all of us so out of tune and sounding worse than nails scraping down a chalkboard.

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