Of course, there are also numerous slang ways to say “I,” most of which are variations on the aforementioned pronouns. Kids use all of these with different levels of irony, but nobody just sticks to one pronoun. Especially girls—they can use male pronouns without any innuendo, though a dude’s use of a female pronoun will probably be construed as super gay.
I (male, redneck)
I don’t know how to use them microwaves.
ora denshi renji no tsukaikata nanka wakannē
I (male, dopey)
I went to New York, but I didn’t see no big apples.
oira nyūyōku ni ittakedo ōkina ringo nanka minakatta ze
I (female, slightly Valley Girl)
Oh my god, I have no idea what I did all day!
uwa atashi kyō ichinichi nani yatteita ka wakannai no
I (female, rich girl)
I always take taxis because I can’t stand trains.
atai densha wa iya dakara itsumo takushī o tsukatte iru noyo
I (male, geezer)
You know, I used to be quite the ladies’ man, back in the day.
asshi wa mukashi kanari no iro otoko datta ze
gomen nasai
Apologizing is a really just a matter of sincerity. If you truly regret your actions, just say so in a straightforward and honest manner. But if you just don’t give a fuck, try apologizing with one of the following variations on gomennasai:
Sorry, Charlie
Ex-squeeze me
mengo mengo