Mated to the Vampire Kings (8 page)

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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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much information boys.” Becky held up a hand. “Listen up, during a normal
pregnancy, sex cannot bring on labor. It’s a proven fact. This had nothing to
do with your…seriously potent sperm…I assure you. Everybody calm down.”

tell me to fucking calm down.” Brant growled through clenched teeth, his dark
fearful eyes flashed to Becky.

her tears were coming much slower now, so she was actually able to talk. Tanya
reached up and cupped his cheeks. “We need to listen to my doctor and healer.
It’s no use going off the rails.” Brant closed his eyes and leaned into her

Zane was turned to face Becky. He growled so deeply that goose bumps popped out
on her arms.

please calm down.” Tanya reached for his hand and he took it. “Easy… my bones
can still break you know.”

sweetness.” Zane eased his hold and kissed the inside of her palm.

are steps that can be taken to prevent labor. I’m going to order oral Turbulaline.
It is a drug used to prevent contractions. I am prescribing the treatment
should you go into labor. It is very effective in slowing down and even
stopping labor.” She took a deep breath. “I need you on full bed rest. No sex
whatsoever.” Becky looked up at Tanya’s mates. “It was fine before but it isn’t
any more. Your pregnancy is no longer considered normal as you are dilating. ”
She looked Tanya in the eye. “No orgasms at all for that matter.”

can’t ease our female?” Brant sounded shocked.

shook her head. “When a woman orgasms her uterus contracts. It could bring on
labor in Tanya’s current state. Sperm on a ripening cervix could cause it to
soften further. Therefore, no sex and no orgasms.”

no.” Tanya felt her blood drain. “I kind of had sex this morning. I may have
had two orgasms.” She held up two fingers. Her blasted eyes filled up with
tears. Zane made an anguished noise.

glanced at Zane before locking eyes with Tanya once again. “You weren’t to
know. Don’t beat yourselves up. I’ll get my hands on the drugs right away. The
key will be to administer the medication should you go into labor. I’m sure
you’ll be just fine. I’m seeing this as a precaution rather than as something
to be concerned about.”

cannot be too careful where the royal heir is concerned,” Selina said in a
school mistress voice.

gave her a dirty look before looking back at Tanya. “The worst thing you can do
is worry. Of all the precautions you should take, rest and cutting out stress
are most important. High periods of stress followed by periods of calm are
known to trigger labor.”

female will have nothing to worry about.” Zane said, kissing her hand again.

will take excellent care of her.” Brant did the same. “Do you have any other
advice?” Brant’s eyes narrowed on Becky.

hot baths or nipple stimulation, this is just as important as no sex as it
causes the body to release a hormone that brings on labor. There are others but
they’re old wives’ tales…”

us.” If Tanya didn’t know any better she would say that Brant sounded

spicy food.” She winked at Tanya. “Whatever you do my friend, don’t insert
evening primrose oil capsules into your vagina.”

snorted. “As if.”

smiled. “You’re going to love this one…stay away from laxatives like castor
oil. The excessive diarrhea it causes could bring on labor.”

I’ll be sorely tempted because there’s nothing better than diarrhea…” Tanya
laughed but it very quickly turned into a sob and she felt her lip wobble.

honey.” Becky shouldered Zane out of the way and hugged her tight. “You are
going to be just fine.”

about my baby?” She pushed her face into Becky’s shoulder, trying hard to stifle
the tears and failing.

is strictly precautionary. Put your feet up. Take it really easy. I need to
hustle back to Sweetwater to get the meds, just in case. You are both going to
be just fine.” Becky spoke in a soothing voice. It had the desired effect. Her
friend also stroked the back of her head.

your wolf and move into the castle. The three of you can stay in Ross’ old
room.” Brant spoke carefully. Tanya could hear that he was trying to keep the
growl out of his voice.

tensed, pulling away from Tanya. “I don’t think that’s necessary. If Tanya goes
into labor, it will be a long process. I’m only twenty minutes away.”

made a sound of affirmation. “Move in healer. Your shifter would be welcome.
We”—he looked across at Brant—“would feel better knowing you were close.”

shook her head. “Trust me…If I thought it would help, I would move in but my
being here won’t help one bit.”


it.” Tanya narrowed her eyes at Brant. “Becky will come immediately if need be.
I also have Selina. You heard Becky…” She swallowed hard. “Everything is going
to be
.” Her voice hitched on the word okay. She took a deep breath
and bit down on her lip to keep it from quivering.

Becky clapped her hands together. “You boys get Tanya settled in her room and
I’m headed back to town.”

was a hard cracking noise above her. When she looked up, Brant was holding his
head and Zane looked dazed but shook it off. Becky cracked up laughing. A
giggle escaped when Tanya realized that they had knocked heads.

will carry our female,” Zane growled.

to both pick her up at once it seemed.

will do it.” Brant gripped her wrist possessively.

fuck,” Zane snarled.

the fuck off or so help me.” Brant’s hands knotted at his sides and his face
became distorted with rage.

about you carry me half way?” She looked pointedly at Brant before turning her
eyes to Zane. “Then you can carry me the other half.”

gave a hard jerk of his head and Zane backed up, giving the other male room. He
picked her up like it was the easiest thing in the world.

your arms around my neck, Cenwein.” His eyes softened up as they met with hers.
Tanya did as he said. Feeling his warmth seep into her. His clean, manly scent
enveloped her.

was going to be okay.


to be concerned about.

would follow Becky’s advice to the letter, starting with no stress. Tanya
relaxed into Brant’s strong arms.

it, sweetness.” Zane’s deep voice helped to soothe her. When she looked his
way, she noticed that his eyes were filled with concern. He gave her a tight

to worry about.

she exuded it, maybe they would believe it. What was that saying again? Oh
yeah, fake it till you make it.

was a knock at the door.

tensed, pulling her closer. Although all of their eyes were on the door, no one
made a move to open it. Another knock, louder this time.

in,” Zane finally growled.

put his head around the jam. “Apologies for the interruption, my lords…my
lady.” He bowed his head for a second.

castle was noisy, noisier than normal. She didn’t think it was possible but
Brant tensed up even more, his body turned to stone, and his chest heaved
against her. She strained to hear what was going on but York moved inside,
closing the door behind him. Drowning out the noise…mostly.

flashed a fang on a silent snarl.

have a little”—York darted his eyes from Zane to Brant and back again—“situation,”
the big male said. “It needs your urgent attention. I would recommend that you
stay here, my queen.” It wasn’t lost on her that although he turned his gaze to
her, his eyes failed to meet hers.

is going on?” Tanya asked.

moved back to the bed and carefully put her down. He cupped her jaw. “We’ll be
back soon. Do as York says and stay here. All of you.” Brant glanced at Selina
and Becky.


pushed past Brant, he put his hands on either side of her, bending till he was
at eye level with her. “Brant is right. Stay put. We’ll be back soon.”

me what the hell is going on.” Her voice was a little shrill but she couldn’t
help it.

tucked some hair behind her ear. “Nothing to be concerned with. I promise. It’s
an internal annoyance that needs handling.”

felt her brow crease. “Do you promise? I get the feeling it’s more than just a
simple issue.”

right, Cenwein. It’s an
issue, but it’s nothing for you to be
concerned over. We’ll be back in a few. Please stay here till we get back.” His
eyes darkened, belying how serious he was.

an irritated face, she nodded. She knew there was more to this by the way York
was pacing and shoving his hand through his hair every few strides. It looked
like her kings were needed urgently. If they thought she was just going to drop
this though, they were sadly mistaken.




Chapter 6


hour later…


cannot take even one more minute of this.” Becky huffed, lurching to her feet.
She took the words right out of Tanya’s freaking mouth. Aside from the
frustration of not knowing what the hell was going on out there, her bladder
was so full, it felt like it was going to burst its seams at any moment.

neither.” Tanya said as she slid off the side of the bed.

need to stay in that bed.” Becky narrowed her eyes at Tanya and put her hands
on her hips. She even went so far as to cock her head to the side. “You”—she
pointed at Tanya with a perfectly manicured nail—“stay put. I’m going to find
out what the hell is going on.”

that she was on her feet, Tanya could feel her bladder really straining. She
felt like she just might burst at any second. To try and alleviate the
pressure, she sat back down on the bed, putting a hand on the bottom curve of
her belly. “I really need to pee, so hurry up. I’m giving you one minute and
then I’m out of here.”

rolled her eyes. “Use a bed pan.”

looked around the room expectantly. There was no way she was squatting over a
bedpan unless she absolutely had no other choice. “I don’t see one.” Somehow she
knew that knowing there was a plan b close by would make her feel a little

threw her a mischievous grin. “Improvise, darling girl.” She gestured to a vase
of flowers.

so not peeing in that, so hurry please.” To show how desperate she was, Tanya
closed her hand over her girly bits and pulled what she hoped was a pained

already. I’ll be back in a sec.”

you want me to come with you?” Selina asked.

shook her head. “You stay here with, her royal highness.” She giggled at her
own joke as she left the room. The noises outside were much worse now. It
sounded like…screams. The door banged shut, closing off the sounds.


would be really worried at this point. Only, they weren’t the type of screams
that evoked fear. What the hell was going on?

made a disapproving noise and even shook her head.

know what’s going on, don’t you?” Tanya asked. The vampire female had much
better hearing.

stay right where you are, my queen. In my limited experience, you humans are”—she
paused—“different from vampires. You don’t look at things the same way. Your
cultures differ greatly at times from ours. You are easily offended.”

the cryptic bullshit and tell me what’s going on.” Realizing that she’d been a
bit harsh, she added, “Please.”

slammed the door behind her and actually leaned back against it. Her eyes were
wide, her face pale. She was breathing heavily. “Selina.” Becky locked eyes
with the vampire female. “Get rid of those flowers. Girlfriend,”—Becky took a
deep breath as she locked eyes with Tanya—“you do not want to go out there. Do
yourself and all of us a favor and pee in that vase.” She pointed to the object
in question.

Becky looked antsy and upset, she didn’t look afraid. “Just tell me one thing.”
Tanya asked. “Are Zane and Brant okay?”

they okay?” Now Becky looked pissed. “Are they freaking okay you ask?” She
tapped her foot. “I’d say they’re a damn site better than just okay. More like
fantastic…along with every other guy in the castle.” She snorted, shaking her
head. “I’m so going to wash out Ross’ eyeballs with chili sauce…no make that
acid.” She smiled, looking anything but happy. “I’ll burn out his eyes and he
can regenerate new ones. Virgin ones. The set he has in right now are freaking

Selina’s voice was sharp. “There is no need for such behavior. You are going to
the queen.”

eyes flashed to Tanya’s stomach and she puffed out a lungful of air. “I’m
sorry.” She shook her head. “It’s just that…well…vampire women suck. I hate
them. No offense to you.” Her friend looked Selina’s way.

old vampire chuckled. “None taken. They are only following our traditions
though. The kings are considered celebrities in these parts and an opportunity
to still warm their beds is not to be missed.”

all has to do with that stupid lore?” Realization dawned on Tanya. “Where are
Zane and Brant? What’s happening out there?” Her guys loved her. There was no
cause for concern. None whatsoever.

! She’d keep telling herself that and would keep
believing it.

sorry, I didn’t see them.” Becky sounded defeated. “This place is crawling with
women. Super-fucking-models.” Now she sounded pissed. “There are hordes of them
outside. They’re being held back by the guards. It’s not pretty.”

can’t just sit here, Becky.” Tanya rubbed her stomach, feeling the light thumps
and squirms beneath her skin. Her baby came first. “I might need that

eyes clouded for a second. She nodded. “I doubt it, but…” She sighed. “Yeah you

for one am not going to let a bunch of horny, vampire females stand in the way
of my baby’s health. I also really need some answers about this stupid lore. Are
there guards posted outside?”

nodded. “York and a really huge guy…like ridiculously big.”

than York?” She smiled. “Has to be Lazarus.” At least they had the two
strongest males at their service. “Let’s go. I want to go back to my own space.
My own room, my own bed. I’m not holing up in here for the rest of the day
because a bunch of hussies want my men…
. It’s not happening and I’m
not worried.” There was a slight tremor to her voice but she ignored it because
she believed every single word she had just said. It didn’t matter that Brant
and Zane were missing. She trusted them to do right by her dammit.

stay here instead, honey, you don’t want to go out there.” Becky chewed on her
bottom lip. “Go and lie back down while I empty that vase.”

they hurt me?” Tanya turned to Selina.

vampire female shook her head. “No. It is nothing personal towards you. In
fact, the opposite is true. They believe that they are doing you a great honor
by serving your mate…in this case mates…while you are unable to.”

do they know I can’t do it? I only just freaking found out myself.” Tanya’s
voice shook with anger. “They have no right.”

vampires, they have every right, just as our kings are well within their rights
to accept.”

the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard.” Becky actually stomped her foot.
Her face had turned bright red. If she was any angrier, smoke would billow out
of her ears.

shrugged. “Like I said earlier, some of our cultural differences are pretty
glaring. It is not considered correct that such virile, dominant males like the
kings should go any length of time with limited sex. No sex at all would be
deemed completely unacceptable.”

a couple of weeks. Maybe a few on the other side to recover.” Becky made a
disgusted noise. “Come on! They won’t freaking die. They’re grown ass men.”

shook her head. “They are not men, young Becky. They are non human males in
their prime with needs that way supersede any mere human’s. It is borderline
cruelty to ask them to abstain for any length of time.”

cannot believe that I am actually listening to this crap. I am so never
freaking having children,” Becky mumbled the last. “Don’t listen, Tanya.”

walked over to Tanya. The elderly female took ahold of her hands. Her eyes were
filled with kindness. “I am not trying to hurt you, my lady. Just stating the
facts. Choose one or two females…” Tanya tried to pull her hands away but
Selina held on tight. “Take control of the situation and all of this mess will
go away. The rest of the unmated females will soon realize that they are
wasting their time.” She was talking quickly. “It will be difficult for you but
it is for the best. You wouldn’t need to worry, you could just relax and take
it easy for the sake of the royal heir. Let another female have the honor of
filling in for you. You would be greatly respected in the eyes of the vampire
people, for your sacrifice. Your males would love you more.”

I mated with Zane and Brant, I agreed to give them everything and to never
leave them. In return they swore that it would only be me, that they would
never stray. I intend to hold them to their promise.”

shook her head, looking sad. “I have tried hard to make you understand our way,
but I see that I have failed. You are a human. A vampire female would struggle
to keep two males such as our kings happy, let alone a weak, pregnant human…”

threw the old cow a dirty look. Selina’s eyes widened and she quickly added. “I
mean no disrespect, my lady. You need to understand that the kings will never
hold out. You are setting them up for inevitable failure and it can only end
badly in the long run.” Selina finally released her hands. The old female’s eyes
burned with disappointment. “They are vampires and you are trying to hold them to
human rules.”

rose up in Tanya. “Brant went months without having sex before choosing me at
the ceremony. I agree with Becky, it’s all bullshit excuses so that they can
fool around. I can’t believe you vampire women buy it.”

was before he was mated. He will burn for you now, my queen. Burn and burn and
burn without being able to have you. It will drive both him and Zane mad…It
would be like the worst torture to ask them to abstain.” Selina looked

exaggerate much?…Sheesh, woman! Enough all ready.” Becky was fuming. Her jaw
worked and she sucked in a lungful of air. “Moving onto more sane conversation.
Let’s get out of here, but like I said earlier…it’s really ugly out there.”


was so the wrong word.



very wrong!

had left the room and encountered sounds of screaming, shouting and nervous
chatter. On second thought, shouting was the wrong description, it was more
like chanting. A whole hoard of women were chanting Zane and Brant’s names. It
was so freaking crazy.

inside,” York growled. “Kings’ orders.”

shook her head. “Our queen needs to use the ladies room.”

cursed. York clenched his jaw. “Dammit.”

we need to get her highness to her own room. It would be more comfortable for
her there. I need to get back to Sweetwater.” She went on to explain about the

shook his head. “Use the bathroom down the hall and get back in there…please.
You are free to go.” He pointedly looked at Becky before turning his eyes back
on Tanya. “But, I’m not permitted to let you out, my lady.”

the hell not?” Tanya asked. “I know all about the stupid lore. A bunch of
vampire hussies are surrounding the castle…so what? I don’t particularly care.”

fat lie.

male frowned. “You don’t? Brant was very worried that they would upset you. He
said he would kill me if that happened.” His blue eyes turned stormy. “I kind
of have stuff to live for, my lady. Stuff I would hate to miss out on because I
was dead or at the very least, missing my dick.” He squirmed, looking pained at
the thought. “Brant’s threats aside, I would also hate to see you upset by all
of this.”

up.” Tanya used the most authoritative, queenly voice she could muster. “I am
going to the bathroom and then one of you can escort me to the north tower,
while the other takes Becky to her car. Am I clear?”

York’s huge muscles bunched, making him look even bigger. If she weren’t used
to being around vampire men, it would be scary as shit.

mister…” Becky was much shorter than Tanya, but she
craned her neck and poked York in the chest all the same. “Your queen has
spoken and you will obey.”

pushed out a heavy sigh as his gaze moved to Tanya. “Do you promise not to get

turned fearful eyes on her. “Yeah,” she said. “Do you promise not to get upset?”

would never let such a silly lore and a bunch of hussies make me upset. No way,
no how. Not happening. I trust my mates.”

there was a part of her that had been hoping that she wouldn’t get her way. A
part of her that didn’t want to see what was going on out there. If it had
shaken Becky, then it had to be pretty bad.

made a strangled noise. “I don’t like it but if it is my queen’s wish then I am
yours to command.”

you, now excuse me please.” Tanya made for the bathroom using small steps to
try and stop herself from leaking urine, which was a distinct possibility at
this point. Wouldn’t want to leak. Vampires would be able to tell. Their sense
of smell was too good.

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