Mated to the Vampire Kings (5 page)

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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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nodded. “Let me get cleaned up.” He wiped his face, looking at the congealed
blood smeared on his fingers.

not apologizing.” Zane’s mouth twitched.

didn’t say you had to.” Brant shook his head, feeling his mouth pull into a
small smile. If the tables had been turned, he would’ve done the same. It
wasn’t that long ago that he had been the one swinging his fists when he thought
that Zane was cheating on their human and would do it again in a heartbeat. He
turned to look at Allison. “Be here at seven thirty. From here on out, your
clothes stay on.”

gave him a tense smile and nodded. “Yes, sir. I promise not to try that again.
Thank you for giving me another chance.”

can go.” Brant gestured to the door. Once the female had left, he turned to
Zane. “What’s our game plan? How do we break this to our female?”

the first time ever, the big male actually looked afraid. Zane shrugged.

don’t want her hurt or upset,” Brant growled.

neither. I’d also like to keep my balls.” Zane grabbed ahold of his dick.

choked out a laugh and Zane actually managed to crack a small smile. It was the
first time in weeks that they were actually getting along. How fucking bizarre.




Chapter 4


someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Tanya was sick of watching
Brant and Zane be overly polite to each other, of having them dote, even more,
on her than normal.

I asked was if you wanted a foot rub.” Brant reached for the pumps on her feet but
she pulled her legs away, tucking them under herself.

with it.” She narrowed her eyes at Zane who looked away. “What’s going on? What
are you two keeping from me?”

are nearing the end of your pregnancy.” Zane sat down next to her on the sofa.
Brant moved his haunches in front of her, putting his big hands on her thighs.
Even though she was worried about whatever the hell it was that had gotten
these two so rattled, she still felt excitement swell. Selina would confirm
tomorrow for sure but it looked like there were only three weeks left of this
long ass pregnancy. Maybe even less. She rubbed her belly. There was a part of
her that would miss this, feeling her son move inside her. The connection
between unborn child to mother was huge. It made a lump form in her throat just
thinking about it.

long now,” Brant growled.

swallowed down her emotion. “Look, I know you guys have protective instinctual
feelings and are worried about what could go wrong but you need to know that
I’m perfectly fine.”

put his arm around her while Brant slid his hands up and down her thighs,
massaging gently. “It is normal for males to become a little tense at this
time. Please try not to get upset with us.” Brant squeezed her flesh softly.

nearly lost you early on in this pregnancy, which only makes it worse.” Zane
said as he ran a finger down the side of her cheek.

sighed. “I know. I do understand.” None of the tension dissipated. Not even a
tiny bit. “There’s more.” She took her time looking at each of them in turn.

is something we need to tell you.” Brant looked up at her.

not something you are going to like.” Zane’s big chest vibrated as he spoke.

not accepting any more of your rules. I’m not going to break. You both need to
realize that.” She tried to push them away so that she could stand up. It would
be easier to prove a point if they weren’t both coddling her. Neither of them
budged, not even a tiny bit, so she was forced to remain pinned firmly between
two big bodies.

know that we both love you very much.” Brant growled, his eyes moved to Zane
and then narrowed for a split second.

are everything to us.” Zane growled, ignoring Brant.

know that.” She managed a small smile. “Out with it. What’s going on?” They
were beginning to irritate her.

is important that you know, Ysnaar, that you are the only female for us.”

I should hope so considering I’m your mate.” Now they were beginning to worry
her. “Please just spit it out already.”

find you highly attractive.” Zane’s eyes heated as they dipped to her breasts
and enormous belly. At this point in the pregnancy she was sitting with her
legs slightly apart to accommodate its heavy curve. “I would rut you three
times a day”—his eyes flashed—“or more if I could.”

fucking helping…” Brant snarled. His eyes softened as she looked down at him.
“You are so incredibly sexy.” His eyes filled with emotion and love.

starting to get worried.” She clasped her belly with both her hands, looking
from one male to the other. “What’s going on?”

sighed heavily just as Brant ran a hand through his hair. Both of them looked
tense. She would even go so far as to say that they looked extremely nervous.
She felt her own heart rate accelerate.

a female enters her final stages of pregnancy, a royal or elite male is
permitted, by the lores, to take other females to his bed. It is important that
you know that this is something we would never do.” Zane’s dark eyes bore into

don’t want any other females. This is a lore we would never evoke.” Brant
growled, looking angry.

was only one thing that she could do in a situation like this. Tanya laughed. This
time she clasped her hands protectively around her belly because she was
shaking so hard as more and more laughter bubbled out of her. She caught the
confused look on both Brant and Zane’s faces.

his head, Brant grinned broadly looking distinctly relieved. “Thank the gods. We
thought you would be angry…upset at the very least.”

maybe even a bit worried,” Zane chimed in. A beautiful smile stretched across
his handsome face as well.

laughter finally subsided and she used her hands to wipe away the tears. “I
really thought it was something serious.” She gave Brant a smack on the side of
his arm. “You scared me half to death.” She turned her head so that she could
lock eyes with Zane. “I know you wouldn’t evoke such a silly lore.” The
possessive streak inside of her flared up for a moment. “Besides, if either one
of you was to so much as touch another woman, there would be hell to freaking

will never happen.” Brant said, looking deep into her eyes. “Females may try
and sway us but they will be wasting their time.”

can try but they will fail. We don’t want anyone else.” Zane leaned in and
kissed her. Using his mouth, he showed her that she belonged to him. She
responded in a way that told him exactly who he belonged to right back.
Although the kiss lasted mere seconds, she was breathless by the time he moved

his hands on either side of her, Brant leaned forward and kissed her with such
ardor that he had her digging her fingers into his muscled back. She moaned as
he pulled away. “Now…” A breathless sigh. “All I have to do is get the two of
you to agree to have sex with me more often. Can’t wait to be with both of you
at the same time again. This back and forth is driving me crazy. I forgot how
irritating it could be.”

you wait, Cenwein.” Brant’s eyes flashed amber for a few seconds. “We’re going
to have to plan an escape to Zane’s cabin, once the little one comes. If we
stay here, we’ll end up cracking the castle walls. The entire north tower might
even crumble. That’s how loud we plan on making you scream.”

going to both take you.” Zane’s deep octave had her insides quivering.

both of you
both of you? Or one at a time
both of you

would you prefer?” Brant tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear. “We would be
more than happy to deliver on all accounts.”

heart raced. Her best friend, Becky had gushed on more than one occasion about
how sex with both her males was unbeatable. Like nothing she’d ever felt
before. She’d gone on to say that she was addicted, ruined for life after
having them both at once. Although Tanya had laughed, there was a part of her
that was jealous. She also wanted to know what it would be like. Of course, her
males had refused saying that it was too dangerous during her pregnancy. Their
unborn child meant everything to all three of them. It was one of the reasons
she had never pushed for more. If anything were to go wrong, she would never
forgive herself.

believe Brant asked you a question, sweetness.” Zane actually licked his lips,
his dark eyes on her.

took a deep breath. “I…” Her voice broke, so she cleared it before continuing.
“I want my vampire sandwich,” she whispered, feeling her cheeks heat. Silly,
next month she would be mated to these two for a whole year, yet they still had
the ability to make her feel embarrassed. To heat her blood like no one else
could. They were a force to be reckoned with, especially when they worked

made a growling noise of approval. “They say that newborn babies sleep most of
the time. We will need to make the most of it.” Zane cupped one of her breasts,
squeezing lightly.

moaned, enjoying his big hands on her. Her nipples instantly hardened.

nostrils flared. “I think it’s time you had a nice bath. I will massage our
mate’s feet while you take care of running the water.” He glanced at Zane
before removing her pumps, using infinite care. “Someone has swollen feet.”
Brant smiled across at her.

pulled a face. “Oh no!”

clasped her foot between his big, warm fingers. “I think they look cute.” He
bobbed his eyebrows up and down.

couldn’t help but to groan. “It’s official. My body has been completely taken

son.” Brant nuzzled his face into her belly before releasing a
contented sigh.

son,” Zane growled. “You need to stop this
bullshit once and for

of the tongue,” Brant growled back. “You don’t have to be so damned touchy.”

don’t fight. Let’s just have a quiet evening. I like the sound of a bath”—she
smiled up at Zane who was already standing—“and a foot massage.” She looked
down at Brant who had her feet in his hands and they were swollen…very swollen.
Tanya groaned, shaking her head. “Now, no more talk of silly lores or whose
baby this is. Let’s just be together.”

smiled, he nodded. “Thanks for putting us in our place, Ysnaar.” He pointedly
looked at Brant, his eyes darkened with each passing second.

finally gave a half smile. “You just sit back and relax. Let us take care of

She leaned back against the sofa. Her back ached.

eyes heated. “Don’t tempt me, Cenwein.”

wouldn’t dream of it since it wouldn’t work anyway,” she grumbled.

chuckled while continuing to work his magic on her feet. The man knew how to
use his hands, regardless of the body part they were on. “Only because we care
so damned much.”

sounds of the bath spluttering to life could be heard from the next room. Next
the scent of lavender drifted across the space. In this moment, she felt like
the luckiest girl alive.


was hard to breathe. Both Brant and Zane had an arm around her, Brant’s was
under her breasts and Zane’s smashed them. In short, she was being crushed. Her
lips curled into a smile. Dying had never felt so freaking good. If it weren’t
for a seriously full bladder she would stay like this all day long. The barest
hint of light crept in through the curtains which meant that it was still
really early.

tried to duck under their meaty arms but Brant tightened his grip as soon as
she moved. Zane moved in closer, putting his leg over her. His rock hard erection
pushed up against her thigh. Brant also sidled in closer making an irritated
noise, but he soon settled. His very hard cock dug into her back uncomfortably.
She went from not being able to breathe to still not being able to breathe,
only now she was being stabbed as well. It only managed to turn her on though as
her mind went to all the wonderful possibilities.

hell with it.

boys had come up with all these ridiculous rules. She planned on making them
pay…big time. Wriggling her ass against Brant’s erection, she simultaneously
palmed Zane’s cock giving it a hard tug from base to tip.

males groaned. Zane even flashed a fang.

didn’t realize you could be so cruel.” Brant nuzzled into the back of her neck.

made an agonized noise as she gave his dick another smooth tug, curling her
fingers around his bulbous head. Next, she slid her hand down and cupped his
heavy sacks.

going to kill me, sweetness.” Zane rocked forward as she took back his shaft.

ground himself against her ass. “You’re so fucking lucky it’s your turn.” She
knew he was talking to Zane.

groaned, a deep rumble. His eyes were closed and he sucked his bottom lip into
his mouth. He gave a taut smile. “You should’ve let me finish yesterday. It’s
your own fucking fault.”

you.” Brant growled as he rubbed his ridiculously hard member along her slit.
Tanya gasped. Another slip and slide of his cock and she felt her already slick
opening fill with her juices. Both males sniffed. Zane made a growling noise
and Brant cursed under his breath.

could help you with that.” Keeping Zane’s dick in her hand, Tanya turned
slightly so that she could just make out Brant’s glowing eyes.

gave her a tight smile. “Not happening, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of her
head. “Big day today. I had better get into the office. I’m meeting with
Sweetwater Security.” He looked over at where Zane was lying next to her.

male propped himself up on one of his elbows. “Make sure that all the angles
are covered. We’ll need to closely monitor the trial phase.”

felt like covering her ears. All they’d done was talk about their blasted
breeding program for months. At first she had been excited about the prospect
of human women mating with the vampire elite. She would be able to make new
friends. The whole purpose of allowing vampire males to take human mates was so
that they could reproduce, hence calling it the breeding program. She just
wished that they would stop talking and preparing and actually get on with it

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