Mated (The Sandaki Book 1) (20 page)

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Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

BOOK: Mated (The Sandaki Book 1)
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“It shouldn’t do anything at all,” Dev said. “The only people it should recognize are Sandaki, and yet it flashes when you touch it.”

Laira shrugged. “Ah, one of those super-secret Sandaki things. Got it.”

“No,” Dev said, “the reason it responds is because we are tied to the ship. It is not a secret anything.”

“Oh,” Laira said, as it made sense, “then why is it flashing for me?”

“I don’t know. Let’s head to medical and find out,” Rakin said.

The three of them left their quarters and headed toward the nearest elevator. The things still made her wary since they moved in all different directions. She snuggled between her men and breathed their scent as the little shuttle shot them up, down, and all around. When the evil room finally stopped, Laira was never so glad to exit. She knew if she wanted to get anywhere she had to ride in it, but it certainly didn’t make it any easier.

They entered a doorway to find a large, open space bright with lights. Rows of beds lined up against the walls with monitors above them. She smiled since once again it reminded her of
Star Trek
. A man wearing a dark blue kilt came out of what Laira assumed was an office and instantly dropped to his knee.

, it is an honor.”

“We want you to perform a full medical scan on the
,” Rakin said without preamble.

“Are you ill,
?” the man asked, his voice filled with concern.

“No,” Laira said, shaking her head, “I feel fine.”

“The access points react to her touch,” Dev said. “We need to know why.”

The man nodded. “Of course.
, please lie on this scanner.”

He indicated the bed closest to them. She climbed up and stretched out as he began to touch buttons on the display above her head. Soon the monitor began to flash lights and hum quietly. The medical person bowed and stepped from the room.

Laira once again found herself lying on a bed and staring up at the ceiling. She wasn’t sure what the deal was, but felt as if the Silarin had somehow fucked her up. She wished she'd had the chance to kick their asses. She bet their stolen machines had somehow screwed up her body. She was probably going to grow an extra arm or something. Damn, that would suck. Wonder where it would come from? Probably somewhere weird like the top of her head, which would totally ruin her new hair. Fuckers.

Rakin walked over to her. “It is finished.”

She sat up. “I don’t get it. What did lying there staring at the ceiling get me?”

“The medical did a complete scan on you.”

“That’s cool, way better than the doctor’s office on Earth. So, now what?”

Dev approached, followed by the man who had greeted them. He bowed low to all of them. “
, somehow you have the supporting neural structure that all Sandaki are given at birth. In your case, though, it’s not activated. Your bones and musculature are also more in line with the Sandaki.”

Laira nodded as he spoke. “So, I’m basically Sandaki even though I don’t carry any outward signs?”

“Yes. That is the reason the ship recognized you. Right now, your system isn’t set to send and receive signals. I can prepare an injection that will align your neural net to the tech systems. It is simple and painless.”

“What do you wish to do?” Rakin asked.

“Do you want me to have access to the systems?

“Yes,” Dev said without hesitation. “The procedure is up to you. Too much has already been done to you without your permission.”

“Yes,” Rakin said.

Laira thought for just a brief moment. “Okay, let’s do it. If all it takes is a shot then no big deal. Right?”

The doctor bowed low and walked out of the room. The three of them were silent for a long moment until Laira looked up at the men. “So does this mean every slave the Silarins have indoctrinated are basically Sandaki, now?”

“We need to have our guests scanned,” Dev murmured.

Rakin nodded as the doctor came back over. “
, this will not hurt. You will sleep though. When you awake, you will be able to access the system.”

“How will I know how?” Laira asked.

“When you’re out, the main system and your neural net will interface. You will wake with all the information you need.”

“Okay,” she said. Was it really? This guy had never seen a human before, and yet he said she had everything she needed to be a Sandaki. What if he screwed up? What if he was wrong and the shot killed her? She wasn’t really sure about this whole thing, now. Maybe she should think a little more about hooking her brain up to a computer system. What if it took her over? What if she accidentally blew up the ship? Damn, so much could go wrong.

She heard a shushing sound and the doctor smiled. “That’s it. You will begin to get tired, so don’t fight it.”

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Waves of exhaustion overcame her, and she slid into darkness.


Dev paced restlessly as he watched Laira. They’d brought her back to their rooms after the injection so she wouldn’t wake in a strange place. He wanted the first thing she saw to be their rooms and her mates. Rakin sat next to her on the bed and held her hand. Waiting, Dev hated waiting. He was sure Laira should be awake by now, but he didn’t know how long this would take. The medical acted as if it would be simple, but she had been asleep for a long time. At least, he thought it was a long time.

“I did this to her.” Rakin finally broke the silence.

Dev sat next to the people who meant the most to him in the world and put his arms around Rakin. “What do you speak of? She made the decision of her own free will. Now we will wait.”

“You’re right.”

Rakin leaned back against him, and Dev buried his face in the other man’s neck. He breathed deep, taking Rakin’s unique scent into his lungs. He began to get hard, and he almost smiled. Rakin’s fragrance always did it for him. No matter what was going on, all he had to do was catch his
kalkan arkadasi
and he was ready to mount him.

Dev grabbed Rakin’s hair and twisted his head around until he could kiss him. Ever since Laira had shown him the custom from her planet, he’d wanted to taste Rakin. He shoved his tongue into the other man’s mouth until Rakin shuddered and tried to turn. Dev held him tight against his body and stuck his hand under Rakin’s kilt to grab his cock. The smaller man bucked in his arms and moaned. It had been too long since they’d fucked, and Dev wanted this man spread out for him.

“You two are beautiful.”

The men jerked apart to find Laira watching them. She didn’t look angry or hurt, and he couldn’t sense those emotions from her. Normally, when a male took a mate he had nothing more to do with his
Kalkan Arkadasi
. Their situation was very different though. He and Rakin were still together, but not. They had a mate, so they shouldn’t need to be together, although Dev had to admit he needed the other man. From the way Rakin acted toward him, he needed Dev too. Would Laira understand?

“How are you feeling?” Rakin asked her.

“Okay, a little fuzzy, but okay. How am I supposed to feel?”

“What do you mean?” Dev asked.

“How do I know if I’m hooked up to the system? Can I hear it? Feel it? Did the stuff the guy gave me just knock me out for a while without doing anything else?”

“Come.” Dev stood and helped her from the bed. “We’ll see if the system recognizes you.”

She hopped out of bed and went to the panel on the wall. She pressed her hand to it, and it flashed as it did before, but asked for an access code. “Now what?” Laira asked.

Dev pressed his palm to the panel. “Grant all access to Laira,
Taja Katan
of the Sandaki.” He turned to Laira. “Place your palm back on the scanner and say your name and title.”

Taja Katan
of the Sandaki,” she said with a smile.

A large screen on the wall lit up and a small console slid out. Laira grinned. “This is awesome. So what can I do? No, wait, I know what to do. It’s like already in my head. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. If only school had been like this, I would have been a freaking genius.” She stepped back from the console as it slowly slid away, and the panel went dark. She turned and hugged Dev. “I told it to go away, in my mind. That’s fucking awesome.”

“I’m glad you’re pleased.”

“I’m sorry I interrupted the two of you,” she said, waving her hand between them. “Wow, what a buzz kill. If you want, I can go visit the girls while the two of you get some alone time.”

Rakin shot a look to Dev. “You’re not angry?”

She shook her head. “No, not angry. Truthfully, the both of you turn me on. Like I said, you’re beautiful together, why would I be mad? You were together before I came along. Once Dev explained to me what you’re relationship was, I figured he’d want to kill me dead.”

“I would never hurt you.”

“I know that.” She leaned in and kissed him on the chest. “I just figured you’d be really mad. I didn’t imagine you’d be my mate, too. I’m glad you are.”

, when a Sandaki mates, he is faithful to that mate. He can’t be anything else.” Dev took her hand and kissed it softly. “I would never have begrudged Rakin his rightful mate. It is something each Sandaki longs for.”

“But,” she prompted, “I can hear it in your voice. Please tell me. I want honesty between us. It’s the only way our relationship is going to work.”

“I want Rakin. It’s like a fever in me.” He looked at the other man and practically growled.

She nodded. “I think the reason we’re all mates is because the two of you love each another. You’re the glue that binds us together. So, of course, you want him.” She took a step away from them. “I’m going to go hang with the girls. Just let me know when you want me to come back.”

Dev stopped her. “You said you wanted honesty between us.”

“Of course.”

“I want you here with us.” He stepped closer. “I need you here with us.”

Rakin eased up until he was behind her. “If we are mated, then we must mate. Together. Our mating will not work if one of us leaves while the other two are together. Sex strengthens the bonds between us.”

Dev nodded. “Besides I want to watch Rakin take you while I take him.”


Laira stared up at Dev. He wanted to do what? Shit, this was just like her shower fantasy. Did the two of them imagine she would have sex with both of them at the same time? She knew how large they were. It wasn’t going to happen. For right now, she didn’t have to worry about it. Dev was going to fuck Rakin. Damn, she wondered if she could just sit back and watch.

“I think our mate is excited,” Rakin said.

Laira nodded. “Yes, she is.”

Rakin turned her around to face him and took her mouth in a heated kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and practically climbed his body so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Oh yeah, it had been too long. She wanted this man, and she wanted to watch while Dev took him. The idea of Rakin bending over so Dev could claim him made her wet and achy.

“Let us move to the bed chamber,” Dev said, his voice almost a growl.

Rakin carried Laira to the bed and dropped her gently so she bounced. She quickly pulled off the black bodysuit and tossed it on the floor. She wanted to watch her men get naked. They were so beautiful, and it totally got her going when they dropped their kilts.

“Anxious, mate?” Rakin asked her.

She nodded. “Yep, it’s been busy and we haven’t had a chance to have sex, so I’m ready.” She lounged back against the headboard and smiled. “Besides, I want to watch the two of you.”

Dev pulled the black kilt from around his waist and tossed it to join Laira’s bodysuit. He was hugely erect, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips. She wanted to taste him. Normally, she wasn’t very excited about giving some guy head, however she wanted this man in her mouth.

He stroked himself. “Do you want something, mate?”

“Hell yeah, I want your cock in my mouth. How does that sound?”

He froze in his stroking. “You wish to put your mouth on me?”

She nodded. “I take it this is something else you all don’t do?”

“No, we do not,” Rakin answered. “I wish to see you do it to Dev.”

She smiled. “How about you undress while I suck Dev, then I’ll do you?”

Rakin fumbled with his kilt as she crawled toward where Dev stood next to the bed. She felt sexy and powerful. These two strong warriors were letting her call the shots, and she liked it. They were used to being in control so she doubted it would last forever. She would enjoy it while she could.

Dev watched her as she slowly leaned forward and licked him. He jerked and tightened his hold on his cock. Laira tapped his hand. “Let go, and let me do what I want. I promise it’ll feel good.”

He pulled his hand away, and she opened her mouth and sucked him in. He gasped as she swirled her tongue around the large head. He tasted as good as he smelled, but she had to be careful. He was a big man, and she didn’t want to end up gagging on him. Not the sexiest thing if that happened. She took him in her hand so she could control how deep she took him. She played her tongue along his length then scraped him lightly with her teeth. He moaned and grasped her hair.

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