Mated (The Sandaki Book 1) (16 page)

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Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

BOOK: Mated (The Sandaki Book 1)
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Laira so wanted to believe him. This man shared more in the brief time she’d known him than Rakin ever had. What to do? What to believe? Her heart, god, her stupid heart, wanted to accept what he’d said. She didn’t know if she could do that. She did know one thing—she had to stop thinking of herself as a slave. Every time she did this, the Silarin won. As Dev had just said, they couldn’t hurt her anymore. No more, she thought.

Dev leaned up and took her mouth in a kiss and she sighed. Damn, another one that could kiss with only minimal instruction. If nothing else, she had obviously struck gold in the guy department. Okay, stop, she had struck gold in the man-in-bed department. Outside of bed, things weren’t going all that great. However, she really didn’t want to think about that right now. Kissing and tasting the sexy male below her was much better.

She should freak out, she knew it. She didn’t know this man, just like she didn’t know Rakin, but something deep inside told her they were hers. In fact, she was more calm and relaxed than she’d ever been before. Or as calm and relaxed as she could be while the incredible being she lay on caressed her.

Dev stroked down her back and over her butt, his touch both soothing and erotic. Laira spread her legs so she straddled him, and tucked her feet under his body. She loved the feel of his soft pelt against her skin, and she really wanted nothing more than to rub herself all over him. She doubted he’d mind and would probably help her.

He slid his hand up and over her ass then between her legs. He eased his fingers between and around the lips of her pussy. She couldn’t help but buck back into his hand. She eased away from his lips, afraid she would accidentally bite him. He drew her head back down as he eased a finger inside of her aching pussy. She moaned into his mouth as she slowly rode his hand. Laira wanted more. She wanted his cock deep inside her. The thought of how he’d filled her and the bite of pain as he’d thrust was almost enough to send her into an orgasm.

“Tell me what you want,” he ordered against her lips. “Anything.”

“Really? Anything?”

He nodded. “I want to please you,
. Give you whatever your pleasure demands.” He moved his fingers up between her ass cheeks and light rubbed against the opening there.

Laira shuddered and pushed back against him. She’d never tried anal sex before, had never thought about it until the shower on the Silarin’s ship. Dev touching her made the idea take root in her mind. What would it feel like? This large man forcing his penis into her virgin opening. The thought was dizzying.

“I need you to fuck my ass.”

Wow, she’s said it. Out loud. His eyes darkened and he bared his fangs in a wicked smile.

“I will try to be gentle, but I am not a gentle lover,” he told her.

“Yes you are.” She kissed him. “I think you are.”

“Perhaps, you should wait for Rakin to introduce you—”

She shook her head. “It is you, or no one, Dev. You’ve shared more with me…I want to do this with you.”

He growled, giving her a fierce kiss as he rolled her under his body. He pulled back, and they watched one another for a long moment until he nodded.

“Roll over and go up onto your knees,” he directed, his voice low and bordering on a snarl.

She did as he directed and spread her knees. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked back at where he stood next to the bed. She gave her hips a little waggle, teasing him, and his eyes narrowed. He smacked her on the ass, and Laira gasped. Damn, it felt good, then again everything Dev and Rakin did to her made her body shake.

“Behave,” he ordered then gave her a sinful smile.

He knelt beside the bed and produced a jar that he quickly opened. He scooped a large quantity of some type of thick lotion. Leaning forward, he spread her ass wide and began to rub the cream around her bottom hole. She jerked, but as he just stayed on the outside, stroking the sensitive entrance, she relaxed and began to push back against his fingers.

“Does that feel good, mate?” he asked.

“Yes, I need more.”

Without warning, he breached her opening and began to ease the salve into her body. The sensations were overwhelming, but Laira moved against his fingers. She tilted her ass up farther and spread her knees wider, giving him more room.

“You look good with my fingers in your ass,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to mount you.”

He pulled his hand away, and she moaned in disappointment. A moment later, she felt something nudging for entrance. His cock? Wait, why hadn’t she thought this through? He was an enormous man, what made her think he was going to fit?

“Push out,” he ordered. “I will attempt to go slow.”

She did as he ordered and gasped as he breached her hole. Laira clutched the bedcovers as he began to work his length inside. There was pain, not as much as she’d imagined. In fact, the more he gave her, the better his possession felt. Was this something else the Silarin had built into her body? If so, she was just a bit thankful since the pleasure far outweighed anything else.

“Mate, you feel so good around my cock,” he ground out. “You are tight and hot.”

She turned her head so she could see him and almost came at the sight of the savage look on his face. Beautiful, he was beautiful. Not like Rakin. Dev was more earthy and carnal, but still arresting to view.

“I will fuck you, now,” he announced.

He slowly pulled out then forced himself back in her body. Laira closed her eyes to absorb the sensations of her overstretched hole and the intense fullness. He leaned over her, teased his fingers between her pussy lips to find her clit. Laira jerked and gave a short scream as he began to stroke more firmly in and out of her body as well as tease her clit.

He moved between deep thrusts and short digs as he claimed her body like a master. All she could seem to do was hold on to the sheets and moan as he played with her body. Dev plunged a finger into her pussy and hit her G-spot as he thrust one last time. Laira screamed as the orgasm flashed through her, and she tightened her entrance around his penis. He yelled out and emptied himself into her.


Rakin stalked down the hallway, wanting nothing more than to go back to his cabin. Still, he knew he needed to give Dev time to bond with Laira. He had to make sure the other male realized she was their mate. Was she? Was that even possible? So much about this situation was new territory. She was an alien and unused to their ways, so would she understand what being a Sandaki meant? She mated the
Taj Katan
of the Sandaki Empire. It was baffling how she’d captured them when none of their own women did.

Rakin wasn’t the least bit sorry that a Sandaki female hadn’t been his mate. Mating wasn’t something that you decided. The beast chose who and how and when, a male knew not to fight it. For his and Dev’s beasts to settle on the same female was unheard of.

“You are troubled,

He looked up to find Haldise watching him from the doorway to her quarters. He wasn’t quite sure how he’d ended up at the
’s doorstep but decided she might be the perfect person to talk to.

She stepped back as he entered her quarters and ushered him to a small seating area. The rooms were no different than any other on the battle cruiser, but somehow they were. Haldise’s energy permeated the space and, he knew that no one would want to stay in this cabin after her. Ever. Most people found her disconcerting especially since she wore hooded robes anytime she went out. That wasn’t all. The power that swirled around her made people’s hair stand on end, and everyone wondered what she was. The men stayed away since the beast each Sandaki carried sensed the otherness in her.

Rakin knew he didn’t need to explain the whole situation to her. Haldise always knew, and because she did, it was often easier to talk to her. On the downside, there could be no lies since she saw through them. He spoke the words aloud, anyway. “How is it that Dev and I have the same mate? Or am I fooling myself in this belief?”

“She is mate to both of you,” Haldise spoke softly. “Why would you think you and
Dev would have different mates?”

“Sandaki do not share mates.”

“That is untrue. Long ago, when women were not plentiful for the Sandaki, men often mated the same woman.”

“Why do I not know of this? Why does no one know of this?” Rakin demanded.

“The history of the Sandaki is difficult for many to hear. They would prefer to forget the past since the pain it brings is so great. In this forgetting, important facts are lost.”

“And why would you assume Dev and I would have the same mate?”

Haldise gave a slight smile. “The two of you have been bound together since meeting. You are halves of a whole. Most Sandaki do not stay with the same
Kalkan Arkadasi
, but the two of you have bonded on a deeper level. You are loyal to one another, and that is why the Sandaki follow you. The bond the two of you have is now extended to your mate.”

The stress Rakin hadn’t realized he carried unraveled and slipped away. Dev and Laira were his. If he were alone, he would give a war cry. Instead Rakin nodded to the
. “Thank you for keeping our history.”

She gave a small shrug. “It is my joy and my burden. I have a request. I would like to speak with the
about the Silarin. From what I understand, she was the last one abducted and may have better memories about the event.”

“I will speak with her. If she agrees, then I will contact you.”

“Thank you.”

Rakin left her cabin feeling quite a bit better. He couldn’t wait to tell Dev about what Haldise had said. He almost smiled since he knew Dev would immediately begin researching the information himself. He was voracious when it came to the history of the Sandaki. He wanted to know every bit of it, and if Haldise knew more, it was a challenge to him. Once they reached the home world, he’d shut himself up in the library to read long into the night. Or not, especially with Rakin and Laira waiting for him in bed. For a change, Dev might just accept what Haldise said.


He turned to find Kavich approaching him. His Second didn’t look happy, though if the High Priestess was asked about Kavich, she would say the man had no other facial expression. Rakin was aware the two did not get along. They were like siblings poking at each other when his back was turned.

“We have received a communication from the Nahlas’ home world,” Kavich said.

“The Nahlas? Why? What reason would they have to contact us?”

“We need to speak of this in private.”

Rakin nodded and led the way to his office. He rarely used it, preferring to spend his days on the main bridge of the ship. He wanted his men to know him and trust him. They couldn’t do that if he sat in an office all day and shuffled reports as others before him had done.

Once the door had shut behind them, Rakin leaned against the desk as Kavich paced. He knew whatever the man was going to tell him wasn’t good. Instead of pressing, he stood quietly, waiting.

“One of the territorial governors sent out the call to us,” Kavich said.

Rakin nodded, he knew the Nahlas had no central government, per se. The governors sit on a board and make decisions for the planet. He waited in silence knowing his Second would get around to a point. Rakin hoped it would be before either of them expired from old age.

“Apparently, this governor participated in the Silarin’s auction. He understands the Silarin were using Sandaki space without permission, but he says he did not know this before he participated. He declares he paid for his merchandise, his words, and he wishes us to release the slave to him.”

“Really?” Rakin’s voice dropped to a growl.

, he is the spokesman for the group that participated and paid before the Silarin were eliminated. He sent images of the slaves he wishes turned over to him. The other slaves mean nothing to him. He says the ones that were paid for are actually property of the owners.”

“Did you explain to him that we care nothing about any of this?”

, I sent no reply. For all this person knows, we never received the message.”

“Do you have the images he sent?”

Kavich dropped to one knee and presented a data pad to Rakin. Slowly, Rakin took it, knowing very well he would find Laira’s picture among the “property” sought. His Second would have no other reason to be as scared as he was, though he did an excellent job of covering it. Sandaki did not show fear. Ever. Rakin could smell it on the other man though. It was a very good thing Kavich came to him and not Dev.

Rakin touched the pad and scrolled through the images. The last one, and the one the Nahlan claimed for himself, was Laira, his mate, the
Taja Katan
of the Sandaki Empire. He stared at her image for a long moment. She looked nothing like the vibrant, fiery woman who occupied his bed. The woman who stared out at him was angry, so angry, and sad, though she’d hid the sadness well. He, as her mate, could see it.

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