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Authors: Vivienne Savage

Mated by the Dragon (16 page)

BOOK: Mated by the Dragon
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“Does that mean what I think it means? His mother is a…” Marcy’s voice trailed off.

Chloe frowned. “A real hibernating dragon. He’s never told me where, just that she’s slept for decades and probably won’t even budge while I’m alive.” Her fingers traveled over her barely visible tummy curve. According to the doctor, her active lifestyle and tall build worked to her advantage.

“Holy shit. Dragons and genies. This is a lot to digest,” Marcy said.

“Is it really possible that Saul could’ve fathered my baby?”

Mahasti’s bright smile widened, reassuring Chloe within seconds. “I believe so… I remember vague stories of a man known for his courage and half-dragon blood, born from a storm dragon and mortal man.”

“And you think my baby is like that…” Chloe closed her eyes and dragged in a deep breath. She remained that way until long after Mahasti had vanished to continue her research, leaving Chloe and Marcy to enjoy their evening tea. “I want it so bad. It seems too good to be true.”

“Holy crap, chica,” Marcy breathed out. “Your kiddo is going to be a superhero or something.”

“I guess so. If they’re right.”

“This is all so crazy,” Marcy muttered again. She drained her glass and set it aside.

“Marcy… I’m sorry for dragging you into this. Do you want to go home?”

“Hell no. I’m in this for as long as you need me.” Marcy patted her hip for her cell phone then groaned. “Dammit. I need to text Antonio and let him know tonight is canceled. And… I really hope my styling iron isn’t burning down the apartment ‘cause I had it heating up while I did my makeup.”


The genie reappeared moments later with an iPhone in her hand. “I secured your home.”

“Thanks.” Marcy accepted the phone with tentative fingers, reluctant to take the device from the genie’s fingers.

“She’s not going to burn you or anything if you touch her. Mahasti is harmless.”

“You can never be too sure. I saw the movie
.” The Latina flashed the other woman an apologetic smile. “Sorry,” she apologized to Mahasti.

Chloe sighed. While Marcy was her oldest pal, the developing friendship between her and Mahasti meant that she didn’t want to risk their uncertain, new relationship over a misunderstanding.

“It takes much more to offend me, my friend. There is no harm done. But please, there are more important matters at hand. While in the library, a passing thought came to me regarding how we could prove your child is dragon-blooded.”

Marcy and Chloe both stared at the genie. “Well don’t keep us waiting in suspense, chica. Come on,” Marcy encouraged her.

“What I am about to share with you is a closely guarded secret among dragonkin.” Mahasti fixed both women with a stern glance. “Can you keep this a secret?”

“Of course, Mahasti,” Chloe assured her. Marcy promised the same.

The djinn’s smile lit up her entire face. “Good. As you know, all dragons maintain a vast hoard, but they don’t come by their riches by chance. Gemstones and precious metals… call to them, for lack of a better description. They’re attracted to it like iron to a magnet. It’s their greatest weakness, and also their curse, so to speak.”

“They can’t help themselves.”

“Correct,” Mahasti confirmed for Chloe. “I think if we take you down to the hoard, we might see if the same phenomenon occurs.”

“I dunno, Mahasti. I think I’d know if I was drawn towards, you know, diamonds and rubies and stuff.”

“How many diamonds and rubies have you been around recently?” Marcy demanded.

Chloe glanced at her engagement ring and tungsten band. Neither had a single diamond or ruby, but the precious black pearls and lovely opal made her smile. Given from the heart, even a piece of glass from Saul would have exceeded the worth of her ex-fiancé’s diamond.

“I’m not going to run over and dive into his collection like I’m Scrooge McDuck, am I?”

Mahasti laughed. “The effect would be weaker with you.”

“We haven’t visited Saul’s hoard since returning home from Texas. Is he going to be okay with this?”

“You’re his trusted and beloved mate, Chloe. Trust me when I say he approves wholeheartedly of your entrance here, whether he is present or not.”

“What about me?” Marcy asked.

Mahasti glanced at the lone outsider, a speculative look pursing her lips. “Leiv and I are Saul’s closest friends. As the same remains true between you and Chloe, you are entrusted with the same honor. Enter, but touch nothing without Chloe’s permission.”

Citing that Mahasti’s mode of rapid travel made her experience morning sickness too, Marcy requested for the two women to lead her to the underground chamber via their own feet. At the bottom of the stairs, the candles came alive with flames, shifting hues of blue that cast their shadows over the walls.

“It’s so damned cold down here,” Marcy muttered.

“Yeah, I thought that too the first time he brought me down. You get used to it.”

Chloe led the way into familiar territory, a massive cavern carved beneath the house, in the depths of a mountain, with smooth worn floors polished to a perfect gleam. The occasional lantern burned to reveal their winding path amidst Saul’s belongings, old and new treasures displayed on shelves, beneath glass displays, and sometimes piled haphazardly over tables or overflowing from chests.

“Holy shit. What
he have?”

“You tell me,” Chloe murmured. “Though it’s been a while since I last came down, and I guess he must have acquired some new things. Sounds like he has some wind chimes in here now.”

“I don’t hear anything,” Marcy said.

The mellow notes continued, each lyrical whisper louder than the last, leading her deeper into the chamber until the blue-flame lanterns reflected over gold coins spilling from the rearmost room. Beyond the open archway, the sight of Saul’s jewel-laced stash took her breath away. It sparkled in rainbow hues, luminescent under the thin ribbon of daylight that slanted through a clever skylight.

“This must be worth millions. Maybe more than millions.” Marcy whistled and crouched to peer at a perfect star sapphire amidst uncut rubies. “I promise not to take anything but can I touch—”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

She left Marcy sifting through sparklies and followed the melody into the back of the room where the lantern glow dimmed. There, in the darker corner of Saul’s sanctuary, the meager light bounced off the edge of a four poster bed tucked near the wall.

“It’s beautiful.” The ghostly lullaby calmed Chloe’s senses until she surrendered to her instincts and perched on the edge of the platform bed. She stroked the cool gemstone beneath her with one hand, tracing the fine whorls of pale green streaked throughout the dark texture.

Mahasti remained a respectful distance behind her. “It’s carved from a solid block of jade. Saul traded for it several years ago with a dragon from the east.”

“I’d feel like a queen sleeping in this. With a mattress though.”

A thin, memory foam mattress materialized beneath Chloe’s rump, speckled with blue cooling gel beads. A split second later, high thread count sheets in her favorite gold color whooshed into place, accompanied by body pillows.

“You’re spoiling me, Mahasti.” And she wouldn’t change it for the world. “It’s like lying on a cloud surrounded by my own personal string quartet. What song is that anyway?”

“I hear nothing, Chloe. You must hear what the dragons hear,” Mahasti said in her placid tone. “Which means that you must have dragon blood within you.”

Chloe traced her belly’s subtle curve and closed her eyes. Saul had gifted her a treasure beyond the worth of any gem in his hoard. He’d given her his child, and he’d granted her awareness of the magical world. For the first time since discovering her pregnancy, Chloe felt tears of absolute joy. They streaked down her cheeks as relief flooded her soul and lifted away the apprehensions of birthing Freddy’s child, confessing the truth to him, and accepting he was bound to her life.

Mahasti gave her privacy to enjoy the precious moment and stepped away from the carved niche at the rear of the horde. The subterranean space’s acoustics made it easy to overhear the djinn’s discussion with Marcy. She passed on stories regarding a few of the spectacular pieces in Saul’s collection as if she were a museum curator.

Marcy’s here, getting along with my new friend. This baby is Saul’s. Life just couldn’t be any more perfect.

After their treasure room explorations, the girls made a reluctant exit to return upstairs. Marcy exchanged a few texts with Antonio, canceling their plans for a movie date while she wolfed down her share of their afternoon snack. Upon receiving sufficient nourishment and rest, the two friends went for a tour of the grounds.

“Are these cows and sheep all for what I think they’re for?”

“What do you think they’re for?”

“I’m thinking of the T-rex scene from Jurassic Park.”

Chloe laughed. “You’re right. He doesn’t do it in front of me, but we snuggled in his hoard a few times to let him stretch out in his true form. We tried it out here and the bugs ate me alive.”

“Am I going to get to see him?” Marcy demanded.

“That’s up to Saul.”
Like he’d miss the chance to show off his wings. He’s as vain as a preening parrot,
Chloe thought.

“What’s that cabin over there?”

“Leiv lives there. You didn’t really get the chance to talk to him, but he’s a great guy.”

“So he’s a chauffeur slash groundskeeper?”

Chloe chuckled. “Among other things, yeah. You should have seen how sad he was when I drove the car to Vegas. He’s like the man of the house when Saul isn’t here, or when Saul goes into hibernation.”

“Him and Mahasti are boning, aren’t they?”


“So are you going to, I dunno, lay an egg?”

The absurd question made Chloe laugh. “No! I think the doctor would have mentioned an eggshell in the ultrasound. Honestly.”

“Oh yeah, right.” Marcy rubbed her neck. “Sorry. The whole time in that room I was convinced I was having some fucked up dream. I kept thinking ‘I can’t wait to wake up and tell Chloe about this freaky nightmare.’ Shit… after touching enough jewels to fill a museum, I’m not convinced I really did wake up.”

Grinning, Chloe hooked their arms together and guided Marcy from the veranda. “You’ll really think you’re dreaming once you see Saul’s aquatic garden. Leiv convinced him to spring for a natural pool and it’s fantastic!”

“I don’t have a swim suit! You know I need that special one I bought if I’m going to fit—” Marcy patted her generous bottom. “—All this ass into a suit.”

“Mahasti has you covered. Trust me.”

The two friends tittered at the intentional pun and continued forward to their next adventure.


Chapter 11


Saul returned while Marcy and Chloe soaked in the sun alongside the pool. Clothed in his expensive Armani suit, he walked out onto the stone and crossed his arms. Both bikini-clad girls peeked up at him, almost in unison.

“Greetings, Marceline. Mahasti informed me that you came for an impromptu visit.”

“Oh yeah. Making myself at home.” Marcy’s lopsided, half-drunk smile made Chloe giggle. “Leiv makes the best drinks.” She sipped her tropical daiquiri and noisily sucked up the brown layer of rum from the bottom. A hangover wasn’t enough to discourage Marcy from imbibing enough for both of them.

“That he does,” Saul agreed.

“Hey, it isn’t too late to change my mind and move in, right? You guys will need a nanny or a babysitter. I’m also a great math tutor. Come on. Once you get that kiddo in school and see what the kids are doing these days, you’ll be screaming at Mahasti to bring me back.”

“Your presence is always welcome, Marceline.” Saul grinned. “But for now, I have been sent to fetch you both. Dinner will be ready shortly.”

“Do I get to see you au naturale?”

She’s taking this ridiculously well,
Chloe thought. “Leave it to you to get straight to the point. I thought you’d at least stuff your face with food before you asked my husband to strip.”

Saul glanced at Chloe for approval, and when she shrugged, he loosened his tie and began unfastening his shirt.

“Saul!” Chloe cried, interrupting him. She swatted his hand as he reached his belt.


Marcy covered her eyes. “Not looking! I meant au naturale as a dragon, not sexy Viking warrior and cock and stuff!”

“We didn’t mean for you to strip naked right now,” Chloe blurted out. She hadn’t yet acquired her husband’s lack of modesty. While Leiv and Mahasti regarded nudity with a similarly cavalier nature, she couldn’t bear to allow them to see her in anything less than her bathing suit.

“Oh. I misunderstood,” he said, abashed.

Marcy peeked from between her fingers. “I saw enough of you when you were strutting around the apartment half naked, Barney. You’re hot and all, but I think I’m happy without seeing all the goods.”

BOOK: Mated by the Dragon
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