Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2 (239 page)

BOOK: Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2
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quail, roast (caille rôtie), I: 246

quatre épices, for charcuterie

quatre quarts, le (pound cake)

quenelle(s), I: 184–90

beef (de boeuf provençales)
in chicken filling for vol-au-vent (garniture de volaille, financière)
of fish (de poisson), I: 185
fish for, I: 185
gratin of, I: 188
with oysters (aux huîtres), I: 188
of salmon (de saumon), I: 189
of shellfish (de crustacés), I: 189
of poultry or veal (de volailles ou de veau), I: 189
stuffing for fish filets, I: 216
in sweetbread filling for vol-au-vent (ris de veau à la financière)
see also
mousses, entrée

quiche(s), I: 146–53

Camembert, I: 148
cheese (au fromage), I: 147–8
cream and bacon (Lorraine), I: 147
endive (aux endives), I: 152
leek (aux poireaux; flamiche), I: 151
Lorraine, I: 147
mushroom (aux champignons), I: 152
onion (aux oignons), I: 150
pastry shells for
described, I: 143;
dough, I: 139–43;
forming and baking, I: 143–6;
Roquefort, I: 148
seafood (aux fruits de mer), I: 149
spinach (aux épinards), I: 153
Swiss cheese), I: 147
tomato (à la tomate, niçoise), I: 148


rabbit (lapin)

general information
buying and preparing for cooking
thawing frozen
pâté, I: 568
stewed in red wine (au Saupiquet)

rafraîchir (to refresh), I: 13

beef, stew
veal, stew
; etc.

raised batters and doughs (pâtes levées)

babas and savarins, I: 658
crêpes, I: 649, 650
French breads, brioches, croissants

raisin(s) (raisins)

with braised onions
brioche with (kougloff)
in sauce for beef tongue

raspberry(ies) (framboises)

bavarian cream (bavarois), I: 600
in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)
Chantilly, I: 608
cream plombières, I: 595
malakoff, I: 607
sauce, fresh, I: 592
on peaches, I: 630
sherbet and ice cream (mousse aux)

ratatouille, I: 503, 577

ravigote sauce, I: 95

reduce, to (definition of), I: 13

reduire (to reduce), I: 13

en purée (to purée), I: 13

refresh, to (definition of), I: 13

Reine de Saba, I: 677

rémoulade sauce, I: 91

ribbon, to form the, I: 579

rice (riz), I: 528–35

and beet salad (à la d’Argenson), I: 543
boiled, for salads (au blanc), I: 532
braised (risotto; pilaf, pilau), I: 532
buttered (I, II, III) (à l’anglaise; au beurre; étuvé au beurre), I: 530–1
mold, orange-flavored with cherries (des Hespérides)
with mushrooms (duxelles), I: 531
with mussels (pilaf de moules), I: 231
and onions (soubise), I: 355, 485
packaged precooked, I: 534–5
panade for pâtés
pudding (à l’Impératrice), I: 601
ring of (en couronne), I: 534
steamed (à l’indienne; à la vapeur), I: 529
in stuffings:
list of stuffings
and turnips, purée (purée Freneuse)
wild, I: 535
and zucchini, gratin of (tian)

Riposte, la

ris de veau:

risotto, I: 532



rognures (leftover puff pastry)


beef, rolls
brioches, small
cream (rouleaux),
French bread,

rooster, I: 235

rouille, sauce for fish soup, I: 51–2

beef, rolls

rouleaux (cream rolls)

as appetizer with cheese filling
as dessert with cream filling


for braising sauce
for brown sauce, I: 68;
for cheese sauce
for white sauce, I: 56

rum (rhum)

in apple aspic, I: 627
babas, I: 660–1
in butter creams, I: 681–4
cake, caramel custard, flambée (charlotte Jamaïque en flammes)
for cooking, I: 32
soufflé, with macaroons (soufflé démoulé aux macaroons), I: 620
syrup for babas, I: 660

rutabagas, I: 485–6

purée (la purée, châteaux en Suède)

rye flour, in spice cake (pain d’épices)


sabayon sauce, for pears

Saint-André, le,

Saint-Cyr, le, glacé

Saint-Jacques en bouillabaisse, les

Saint-Jacques, velouté de

salad(s) (salades), I: 541–4

combination (niçoise), I: 542
mussel (de moules), I: 229
potato (de pommes de terre), I: 541–4
rice for (riz au blanc), I: 532
rice and beet (à la d’Argenson), I: 543
sweet pepper (de poivrons, provençale)

salmon (saumon)

gratin (aux fruits de mer), I: 156
mousse, I: 562
quenelles, I: 189
soufflé, I: 166
variations, I: 167
in stuffing for lamb (farce mentonnaise), I: 338
timbales, I: 175


general information, I: 23
cure of goose
cure of pork
to remove excess, I: 23
spiced, for charcuterie (sel épicé)

sauce(s), I: 54–105

sauces for desserts listed separately
general information
, I: 54–5
aïoli, I: 92;
for chicken (bouillabaisse)
for fish stew (bourride)
alsacienne; de Sorges, I: 93
anchovy (aux anchois), I: 66
with garlic for beef stew (provençale), I: 324
aurore, I: 62
bâtarde, I: 64
béarnaise, I: 84
with meat-glaze flavoring (Colbert), I: 85
with tomato flavoring (Choron), I: 85
béchamel, I: 55–64
with eggplant
with fish filets, I: 210
with steak, I: 294
bonne femme, I: 216
bordelaise, I: 76, 295, 419
bourguignonne, I: 76
brandy, I: 296
brown (brunes), I: 66–76
butter (beurre)
brown (noir; noisette), I: 98–9
for calf’s brains, I: 413
for chicken breasts (noisette), I: 270
cold flavored, I: 99–105
lemon (au citron), I: 98
white (blanc; nantais), I: 96
caper (aux câpres), I: 65
Chantilly, I: 83
chasseur, I: 75, 368
blanche neige, I: 105
for chicken
cheese with wine and garlic (fondue de fromage), I: 105, 118
chivry, I: 62
choron, I: 85
Colbert, I: 85
cream (crème; suprême), I: 59, 60, 268, 458
and mushroom, for ham, I: 392
and mustard, for liver, I: 406
sour (vinaigrette à la crème), with dill, I: 95
and white wine, for chicken fricassee, I: 260
brown (brune au cari), I: 73
white (au cari), I: 63, 261;
deglazing, I: 76, 255–6, 271
diable, I: 71
dieppoise, I: 214
dill, I: 95
duxelles, I: 74
egg yolk
(parisienne; allemande), I: 60
see also below
espagnole (sauce base), I: 66
game (poivrade), I: 70
garlic (à l’ail)
and anchovy for beef stew, I: 324
and basil (pistou), I: 45;
and egg yolks for chicken, I: 257
for lamb, I: 334
mayonnaise (aïoli), I: 92;
and pepper (rouille) for fish soup, I: 52
brown (aux fines herbes), I: 73
hollandaise, I: 82
mayonnaise, I: 89–90, 93
white wine (Chivry), I: 62
hollandaise, I: 79–85
electric blender, I: 81
handmade, I: 79
mock (bâtarde; au beurre), I: 64
variations, I: 82–5
italienne, I: 76, 411
jus lié, I: 70
Madeira (madère), I: 75, 298, 300
brown, with truffles (Périgueux), I: 75
with mushrooms, I: 515
for tongue
maltaise, I: 83
marchand de vins, I: 295
marrow (moelle), I: 76, 294–5, 419
matelote, I: 415
mayonnaise, I: 86–93
electric blender, I: 88
handmade, I: 87
remedy for turned, I: 88
variations, I: 89–93
mornay, I: 61, 193
for broccoli
for poached chicken
mousseline, I: 83
sabayon, I: 84, 169
mushroom (duxelles), I: 74
brown (à l’italienne), I: 76, 411
and cream, I: 392
with tomatoes (chasseur), I: 75, 368
mustard (moutarde), I: 66, 95
brown (Robert), I: 72
with cream (à la normande), I: 382
for liver, I: 406
with pearl onions and raisins, for tongue (à l’aigre—douce)
with tomatoes and cream (Nénette), I: 387
Nantua, I: 216
Nénette, I: 387
normande, I: 215
onion (soubise), I: 64, 355, 485
orange, I: 76, 276
paprika (au paprika), I: 262, 268
parisienne, I: 60, 212, 214–16
Périgueux, I: 75
pimento, for chicken (suprême pimentée)
piquante, I: 72
poivrade, I: 70
port wine (au porto), I: 75
BOOK: Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2
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