Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (43 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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"Is it too much for you? Do you want me to stop?"

She was about to say yes when the sting in her flesh turned into pleasure, the afterburn setting loose a fiery sexual thrill deep inside her. Her pussy throbbed with longing, the pulse in her clit beating wildly. "No, don't stop."

He slid the leather back and forth across her skin, allowing her to feel how soft it was, how supple, then delivered another crack across both buttocks.

She moaned loudly, the humiliation and the pain sending her crazy with lust.

"When I get around to fucking you, you'll feel it more intensely than before, because you'll be so sensitive."

The dark promise in his comment only made her crazier still.

She wriggled and whimpered, lifting her knee higher, parting her legs and baring her pussy more, silently begging him to put his long hard cock there and ease the aching need. The next slap of the belt caught the underside of her buttock. The shock made her cry out.

He delivered another crack. She struggled to breathe, panting aloud, her whole nether region aflame. Her buttocks burned vividly, and each sensation connected with the place at her center—the place where she craved his thrusts.

Pleasure, pain and shame swamped her.

She heard the belt drop to the floor.

He stroked his fingers into her wet groove making brief, maddening contact with her swollen clit.

"Please, Lucas. I need you there."

He gave a dark laugh and snatched her into his arms, holding her upper body so her back was locked tightly against his chest. "That almost sounded like begging."

She sank her teeth in to her lower lip. The effect his proximity had on her was acute. His presence at her back swamped her in heady carnal desire. It was like narcotics, dissolving her ability to think or reason clearly.

"I'd like to keep you tied up this way forever."

Oh, God, why does that arouse me so much?

He'd pressed his erection against her back so she knew how ready he was, how aroused he was. "I could have you whenever I wanted."

"Lucas, don't." It was too much. The whole idea of it had her pussy hot and slick.

"I could toy with you, look at you, make you beg for it... and fuck you all night, every night."

Her pussy salivated for his cock. She kicked her legs, frustration needling at her. She ached for him to fuck her senseless. She couldn't trust herself for a moment.

"You can't make me beg for it, to wait like this," she argued, her voice faltering, "not when I've already let you bind me and blindfold me and it's obvious I want you... badly."

"Oh, but I can, because you're right on the edge of begging right now." His tone was too seductive and his breath was warm in her ear.

"Arrogant bastard," she blurted, unable to stop herself.

He laughed.

He moved his hand down between her legs and ran his fingers over her wet folds, massaging her clit until he sparked a sweet, sudden orgasm.

"You see, you're already desperate."

The release stunned her, but within moments her level of need was climbing again. He'd redirected his attention to her breasts, his fingers brushing languorously over her erect nipples. Without warning he tugged on one nipple.

Electricity shot from nipple to clit, wiring her whole body with heightened need.
He's right. I'm about ready to beg.

Was that what he wanted? Infuriated, she wriggled and attempted to push him back with her elbow, which only made him laugh. He moved his hand, slowly running it over the surface of her throat and then lower, down around the outside of one breast, slowly cupping it in his hand and moving the flesh.

She felt his tongue rasp over her tingling nipple. She struggled to find her voice, to verbalize her emotions, but it was useless. The bondage made her his, totally, and that meant taking every moment of torturous teasing as well as every pleasure.
I wanted this.

With Lucas lying alongside her—toying with her, his large male body pressing so determinedly against hers, his mouth brushing over her skin—she was  helpless, a victim of his whims and her own desires.

"I'm hard," he said, pressing his cock hard against her. "You make me hard. This is because of you."

His finger sank into the slick wetness of her sex, one lone digit thrusting up inside. Her heart raced, her body clamoring for more. Thrusting her hips she drove up and down onto his hand, her back arching. "Please, Lucas…"

"What? You want more?" He added a second finger.

Grasping the hard intrusion she rolled her hips. She could hear the sucking sound of her wetness on his fingers. "Yes, I want more. I want you, Lucas. I want your cock inside me, fucking me."

"I like the sound of that."

He really did want her to beg. "Fuck it! Lucas, I'm begging you, please! Please fuck me! Now, dammit!"

With a gruff laugh he withdrew his hand and she heard the sound of a condom wrapper being torn open. A moment later, his hand retuned to the underside of her thigh, and the hard nub of his erection pressed into her slippery pussy from behind.

"Oh please, oh God, yes, please."

"I'm right here."

When he pushed into her, opening and stretching her, pleasure rippled out from his cock – the gnawing ache replaced with glorious feeling of fullness that suffused her entire pelvis.

"I like hearing you beg."

. Naomi had the mad urge to laugh. She was light-headed with the buzz, glad for the tether holding her in place.

He thrust deeper, faster, and to the hilt, drawing a sharp gasp from her when he claimed her thoroughly. Her position meant his erection massaged a sweet spot deep inside her and her breath caught on the extreme rush of pleasure it brought about. Everything he'd warned her about was true. The lack of vision intensified everything. The soreness on her buttocks like a trigger for pleasure/pain.

He'd wrapped his hand around her upper thigh, keeping it tight against her body. He was half kneeling with one knee on either side of her other leg, parting her legs and grinding deeper still. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to. Her pelvis was on fire, her body tightening and releasing each time he thrust into her.

Hot, electrifying friction built fast between them. He rode her hard and she loved it, her core clutching at him. Her clit was pounding, crushed as it was between her legs. Dizzy with sensation, her emotions soared, her entire body carried on the rush.

"You're so tight, so hot."

She writhed on the bed, her core reaching for the plateau, for release.

He thrust harder and faster, working his way into her as he neared climax.

Lightning hit. Cries of ecstasy escaped her, and she couldn't hold them back.

"Oh yes," he breathed in response to her moans. "It's so right between us."

He slammed into her.

Her fingers locked on the belt tethering her, her hips rolling.

His cock had worked its way into the place that made her feel wild and free, and she flung her head back.

Lucas swore low and his fingers tightened on her. His cock grew harder still, and she squirmed against him, her core stretched to capacity. Release rushed through her, sparkling pleasure tipping into every nerve ending.

He whispered her name then roared loudly, his cock jerking as he came.

His body shuddered. She could feel his heart thudding against her back.

Then he stroked her hair, and he whispered gentle, soothing words. Dazed, drowned in pleasure, she felt weightless and weak in the aftermath.

Lucas moved, cleaned up, undid the belt, removed the blindfold, then returned to his former position and held her close, coaxing her to relax.

Nestled in his arms, she lay quietly, savoring the feeling of his arms around her.  In the half light she stared at him as she grew accustomed to the half-light again. He was smiling a deeply pleasured smile. For several minutes they just looked at each other, coming to terms with what they'd just exchanged, coming back to where they were, and she absorbed each precious moment of that intimacy.

"Happy?" he asked, eventually.

"Uh-huh." Sleep was stealing in on her. She rested her head against his shoulder and her eyelids began to lower.

The last thing she remembered as she dozed off was him rearranging her on the bed, stroking her gently all over, and then applying soothing salve to her tender behind. When she dozed off, it was with the knowledge of total security, of being pleasured and cherished and knowing what complete ecstasy was.


Chapter Six

Lucas blinked into the morning light, wishing it away.

Time was precious, but he had to take action.

It was hard to leave Naomi without waking her first, but he eased out from next her as quietly as he could and arose shortly after seven. Grabbing his robe he looked back at her while he pulled the garment on.

The vision of her sprawled in his familiar bed made him yearn to keep her there. Her tousled hair was spread over the pillow, a flash of red against the crisp white sheets. The bed linens were crumpled in her arms, the curve of her waist and hip revealed where the covers had fallen away. All that beauty, and she was incredibly creative and talented too. Once again he thanked fate for allowing him to see her and scoop her up when she'd walked into the agency.

It surprised him that she thought he'd forgotten about her business, but it was early days. Once she got to know him better she wouldn't doubt that kind of thing ever again. Her design business was a part of her, just as the agency was part of him. The parallel was important. He'd never push her business needs aside and she'd see that soon enough. He intended to prove it to her that very morning.

Closing the door quietly he made his way down the corridor and into the office. Pausing in the doorway, he smiled to himself over what Naomi had said about his lifestyle. His office doubled as living accommodations, and his living accommodations held a fully operational office. She'd spotted that quickly enough.

Work ruled his life, it was true, and he was happy with it that way. His ex-wife hadn't liked it. Clara didn't have a career of her own and whilst she told him she was happy to be a trophy wife – and she did, often, and increasingly sarcastically – she'd grown bored. Other men drew her attention.

He had regrets there. Not because of Clara though. It was because he'd missed out on time with his son. Not any more. Nowadays he had two weekends a month solidly built in to spend with Toby. That commitment sliced and diced the rest of his month for work. A simple division of time.

He'd meant to be working this weekend, but his encounter with Naomi had altered his plans. It never happened, not to this level of intensity. His recent encounters were brief, never lasting more than a night, but there was no question about it. Once he met Naomi he wanted to spend her whole London weekend with her – and more, if she was agreeable.

Taking a seat at the desk, he picked up the phone and scrolled through
the stored numbers. He opted to ring Jack Hudson. Jack was keen and flexible and ambitious, and Lucas figured he wouldn't mind being disturbed at this time on a Sunday morning. He pressed dial and waited to see if he got an answering machine.

Luck was on his side, Jack picked up.

"Yeahello," he said in a sleepy voice.

"Sorry to wake you, Jack. Lucas Eaglestone here."

"Lucas! Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I wondered if you could put in a few extra hours for me this morning. It's a big ask, so if you've got something on I'll take it elsewhere. It's a little something that has to be done urgently. There's a bonus in it for you, if you can take it on."

"Sure thing, I'm your man."

"Not getting in the way of any weekend plans?"

"Nothing I can't rearrange."

"I won't be upsetting a girlfriend by luring you away?"

"Nope, it was a gym trip with the buddies. I can head down this evening."

Lucas was glad. "I'll email you details of what I need. If you could deliver two copies of the document to me around half past one, that'd be ideal. I'll be at The Regent's Kitchen restaurant on Stratton Street. I'll wait in the reception area."

They exchanged a few more details and when the conversation ended Lucas
switched on his computer and opened his e-mail. Just as he was about to type in the notes for Jack, he noticed an e-mail from his son.

Toby didn't often e-mail, so Lucas took a quick look.

The message was short and written in text speak. Lucas scanned the contents quickly, frowning as he got the gist of it. From what he could tell Toby would be traveling with a school party to Switzerland for a five day skiing trip, leaving Heathrow that very morning.

"This is the first I've heard of it," Lucas muttered to himself.

Presumably Toby wasn't supposed to let him know. He'd be back in time to spend the following weekend with his dad. Clara seemed to like cutting him out of the loop since their divorce was final. Lucas wasn't happy. Firstly, he hadn't been informed, and secondly because this would be Toby's first trip away from home without one or both of his parents.

He was seven years old – was he ready for that? In all likelihood, yes.

Lucas had every faith in the school. It wasn't that he didn't trust them to take care of his son. It was his wife he didn't trust. He didn't like being kept out of the picture. He glanced at his watch and made a mental note to speak to Clara about it later that day.

Quickly, he typed the notes to Jack.

"Have I kept you from your work?"

Naomi's voice behind him drew his attention. She was standing in the doorway, wrapped in a sheet, her glorious hair hanging loose over her shoulders.

She stifled a yawn then smiled.

"Not at all." He felt the urge to say more. "I was just reading an e-mail from my son."

"You have a son?" She wandered closer.

Lucas watched as the sheet slid away from one shoulder. What a sight. It was like having the birth of Venus standing right there in front of him. "Yes, his name's Toby. He's seven years old, almost eight."

He minimized his email in order to show her the photo he had as his wallpaper. It was a photo of him with Toby at Tower Bridge.

"Oh, wow, he's adorable." She studied the photo of them both silently for several moments. "Should I leave you alone so you can reply? I need to grab a shower anyway." She looked a little unsure of what to do.

It was the rare flicker of uncertainty in an otherwise confident, self-possessed woman that captured his interest. He shook his head. "I'll speak to him later. He's heading off on a school trip so I'll get in touch once he lands in Switzerland."

He drew her into his arms. "Besides, I'd like us to take that shower together. If it suits you?"

She slipped readily into his lap and traced her fingers down one side of his face, before nodding.

"Anything else you have to deal with first?" She nodded at his computer screen. "I'm comfy here," she added with a smile, and looped her arms around his neck.

Lucas wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her in place, then swivelled back to face the screen. With his free hand he hit send on the message to Jack, and then scanned the rest of his emails.

She rested against him, her body supine from sleep, and stroked his hair.

"I could get used to dealing with business like this," he commented, once he was done checking his email.

"I assumed you always brokered deals with a woman draped in your lap."

Lucas laughed then set her on her feet.

He led her to the shower, grateful his rental apartment had a massive cubicle big enough for two or more. She stood on the Italian marble tiled floor and looked at him with both trust and curiosity in her expression. He could never get enough of that. Removing the sheet from where it was clutched in her hands, he unveiled her and let the fabric drop to the floor. "The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli. He must have been a time traveller and caught sight of you looking like this."

"You're a charmer, a true silver-tongued devil, but you know that already."

He sighed. Did she think he spoke to everybody this way?

Taking off his robe, he took a moment to enjoy the way her gaze dropped to his cock when it was revealed. When she looked up, her pupils were dilated.

Taking her hand, he led her into the shower cubicle and switched it on.

He stepped in behind her, closed the screen, and reached over to turn the shower up to full force. Within moments steam began to billow up around them.

Naomi leaned up against the wall tiles, watching him.

He moved under the shower but barely noticed the warm water on his back. He was too busy admiring her.

She lifted her face to his, lips parted.

She wanted to be kissed, so he kissed her, his body alert to her every move and desire, his tongue thrusting into her warm damp mouth. She clung to him, pressing her body close to his. Cupping her breasts he groaned aloud when he felt how hard her nipples were, how wet and slippery.

She lifted her head to look at him and her wet hair stuck half across her face. The contrast between skin and wild red hair appeared starker in the damp, steamy atmosphere. She stared at him hungrily, a sigh on her lips. "How is it we've been awake half the night having sex and I want you again as soon as you touch me?"

"It's an interesting phenomenon, I agree."

There was a shimmering gleam to her eyes, and then she bit her lower lip, color rising on her cheekbones. Lucas knew he would never forget how she looked right then. His balls began to pound, relentlessly.

He reached for the sponge and squeezed shower gel onto it. Working a good lather into the sponge he began to soap her down, first circling her breasts, then outlining her hips before moving to her groin.

Every moan of pleasure she gave stimulated him more, and he stroked the sponge back and forth between her legs, using just enough pressure to elicit the delicious sound. When it reached his ears, it was like a direct electric link to his cock, her moan provoking his erection time and time again.


He dropped the sponge, and inserted two fingers into her damp, soapy groove.

She laughed softly and then reached out and locked one hand around his erection. "Two can play at that game."

Stunned at the sudden intensity of her touch on his distended cock, he slammed his free hand up against the tiled wall for balance.

She ran her hand up and down his length. Looking down, he became mesmerised by the action of her hand stroking his length.

He worked her in time, moving deeper, so that two of his fingers were inside her and the palm of his hand massaged her clit.

"Oh, that's so good," she whispered, face flushed with pleasure. Her hips rolled back and forth, and her hand worked him ever faster.

Water spilled down his face, obscuring his view. He flicked his wet hair back, desperate to watch her hand on his cock. She was giving him the best hand job he'd ever had. She was running her thumb over the underside as she stroked, back and forth on his wet skin, making him crazy.

He concentrated on her, working her to climax. Her cheeks flushed, her lips opening and closing each time he rolled his palm around the hood of her clit. He savored her need for him. There was nothing like it, no drink, drug or deal matched this feeling – this luscious beauty submitting to him, needing him. With deliberation, he sped the thrust of his fingers.

Her moans grew louder, desperate.

At the base of his spine the need for release hammered hard and fast.

I want you. I want you more than anything.
The words whispered around his mind, the echoing thought anchoring him while he was all but lost to primitive lust.

His cock reached, arcing up in her grip.

"Lucas," she cried out, grinding down onto his hand. "I'm going to come."

It flipped him over the edge. His balls lifted and released. Semen ribboned up her forearm. Her mouth opened as she reached her peak.

The clutch of her body on his fingers stunned him anew. Silky fluid coated his fingers, her flesh embracing him rhythmically over and again.

Never had Lucas felt anything so physically fleeting and beautiful, the gossamer strands of her orgasm entrapping his attention even while his body still shuddered in release.

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