Master of Pleasure

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Authors: Adriana Hunter

Tags: #alpha male, #bondage, #spanking, #submission, #bdsm romance, #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #plus size heroine, #bbw erotica, #bdsm erotica

BOOK: Master of Pleasure
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Master of Pleasure
BBW Erotic Romance

By Adriana Hunter


Copyright © 2013, Adriana Hunter

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Wet Ink Publishing



Adriana Hunter


Connect via Twitter @ spicytales


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, locations and places are solely the product of
the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, including events, areas, locations and situations is
entirely coincidental.


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Falling for the boss had never been part of
her job description, but Zara couldn’t seem to help herself. Chase
Morgan was simply the hottest male she’d ever seen.


Unfortunately, he barely knew she existed
outside her role of secretary. And when she finally catches his
attention, she wonders what she’d need to do to keep it. Soon she
finds herself willing, and able, to meet even his wildest


* * *


They were at his place, and he was fixing her
a drink. She looked round at the living room with interest. The
whole art deco thing was really cool; this was no bachelor pad but
a real, lived-in kind of home, with lots of room and a calming
So why wasn’t she calm?

“Thank you,” she said when he handed her the
cocktail. She took a hasty gulp, and then had to cough, forcing off
the nerves. But then he sat right next to her, and her calm
nosedived once again. He’d taken off his jacket and was now in his
blue dress shirt, unbuttoned at the column of his throat.

“Nervous?” he asked softly almost in her ear,
as one arm was slung behind her over the top of the couch.

She paused before answering his question.
“I’m…not sure. Should I be?”

“You’re in my lair, Zara. Maybe you’re right
to be a little jumpy. You never know what may happen.” His words
were slightly teasing, a mere drawl, but the factuality in them
caused a thumping to start in her chest. She felt him take her
glass from her now stiff fingers, placing it next to his on a
nearby coffee table.

Despite what he’d said, she didn’t feel even
the least bit threatened. He was the most dangerously handsome,
irresistible man she’d ever met, and she could understand why her
body yearned for him. True, Zara had felt passion and desire
before. But never like this.

No man had ever overtaken her senses so much
that just with his voice; he brewed a sense of longing deep within
her feminine core. This longing swirled between her thighs like a
molten pot, slickening her secret places with anticipation. She
felt his breath linger sensuously on the back of her neck. One hand
lay casually across the back of the couch, the other on his lap, so
he wasn’t touching her in any way. Except with his lips, which now
trailed the length of her nape.

This first act of intimacy was electrifying;
it made her acutely aware of him even more than before. His
maleness, his firm yet appealing persona, made her acknowledge that
he was the man, and she the woman. In many ways, she longed for him
to show her the essence of this distinction.

“The things I want to do to you,” he said
huskily, teasing the tiny hairs on her skin with his stirring
voice, “…And the things I want you to do to me…” She heard him draw
in a ragged breath, then he added, “I will have you, Zara. I will
make you mine, completely. It’s something I’ve always imagined, and
with a passion that blots out everything
else. Even now with you so close, inhaling your delicious scent,
has got me rock hard. Do you have any idea what if feels like to
want someone so bad?”

Zara’s senses were reeling from the
sensations created by his words, his nearness. “I think I do,” she
breathed, or more like gasped, since she was hardly capable of
taking in any air. His words shocked and thrilled her. She sat
quite still; savoring the feel of his lips pressing on her
sensitive skin with those hard, warm kisses.

Oh, she definitely had an idea of what he
She’d felt it from the very first day she’d seen him.
Even then she knew he’d have the power to take away her very
individuality. Deep down inside, she knew she’d be ready to do
whatever he asked. That was why she’d concealed her feelings so
much in the past. That was why she’d acted the prim and proper
secretary, never even letting herself hope. Because she was afraid
of what would happen if she gave in totally to her own desires.

“Zara. Look at me.”

His soft words made her blink, and she
finally turned to face him for the first time since he’d taken his
place so close to her.

She drew in a breath at the glinting heat in
his eyes, jolted by the knowledge of just how close they were
seated. She could see the dark flecks in his blue eyes, the tiny
pores on his smooth skin, and the defined shape of his lips. She
couldn’t seem to tear her eyes from them as he continued

“I’d like to tell myself that you’re as on
fire for me as I am for you,” he teased, lifting a hand to stroke
through her straight blonde hair. “That if I probe you now, beneath
your panties, I will find you soaking wet. And I haven’t even
kissed or properly touched you yet.”

Zara squeezed her thighs together as if
worried he might actually start with his “probing”. He seemed to be
smiling now, almost like he could read her thoughts. “I will have
to find out later. Right now though, I want to discover just how
good you are at taking orders. I know in the office you’re quite at
ease letting me know I’m the boss. Tonight, however…I want the same
obedience but in a very different way.”


“Ssh,” he said softly, placing a finger on
her lips, and she pursed up. From her head to her toes, she was
tingling, filled with the dreadful desire to please him, and
frightened of the prospect of failing him in any way.

He went on speaking in that light, soft tone.
“You will call me
.” His eyes held hers compellingly, and
she almost forgot to breathe as his words sank into her brain.

“Zara...I liked it when you first started at
your job, and you were always in a flurry around me. It took weeks
to make you feel at ease in my presence, to even speak my name. And
for tonight, I want you to go back to being that same sweet and shy
Miss. Zara Page, who blushed when I so much as spoke to her. I want
you to obey my every command, no matter what. And never complain,
no matter what. Do you think you can do that?”

Zara gulped, not even thinking first before
replying. “Yes. Sir.”

“Good girl,” he all but sighed, before
leaning back. His hand was still in her hair, stroking at her
roots, his touch soothing. But then he withdrew that too, right
before telling her quietly to take off her clothes.


A day earlier…

Zara thought it was great to see both her
bosses in such a good mood. Working as their executive legal
secretary for the past six months had made her start to look upon
their triumphs as her own.

“We did it, Chase,” Matt boomed to his
partner as all three of them made their way out of the courthouse
and into the bright noonday sun.

“Well, losing was never an option,” Chase

Zara fought not to roll her eyes. The
arrogant, very self-assured Chase Morgan had of
predicted their victory months ago.

“Exactly,” Matt said in his deep, almost
growling tone. “And with a team like ours, success is a foregone
conclusion – am I right, Zara?” His relentless smug face had a wide
grin as he wrapped a cheerful arm around her shoulders. “We
certainly couldn’t have pulled it off without you.”

Zara couldn’t hold back a good-natured huff,
though she felt flushed with pleasure. Matt added, “I’m serious.
Your hard work and dedication in the past few months went a long
way to get us to the finish line.”

“Matt’s right,” Chase replied, his own voice
smoother, richer, and more stirring. Zara had to force herself to
meet his piercing dark green eyes. “For a legal secretary fresh out
of business school, you did a great job.”

These mildly-spoken words of praise did more
to her insides than Zara would like to admit –even to herself. For
goodness sake, she wasn’t a dim-witted teen! One would think that
after six months, she’d be over her Chase Morgan crush.
Pathetically, such was not the case.

Not that anyone could blame her. In fact,
Zara was sure that some, especially women, would even sympathize.
Chase Morgan was, after all, sinfully handsome. A little above six
feet tall, he had the lithe, solid build of an athlete, which was
always snugly fitted in expensive, designer suits. He had raven
black hair, a square-cut face and emerald eyes that were fringed by
enviously thick, dark lashes.

He was one of the most successful young
lawyers in the city, and he and Matt had been running their own
thriving law firm for years. Matt was just as good a lawyer, but
perhaps not so lethally attractive. He was more the big, burly
type, with floppy brown hair and a charismatic smile. He’d made
Zara feel at ease from the first day, and he was a great boss,

She finally smiled at them both, maintaining
the same poise which had got her through six hapless months of
mooning and fantasizing over Chase. “Thanks for the accolades, kind
sirs,” she said lightly, “I sure hope it comes with a raise.”

The two men laughed, and Matt replied, “Well,
you certainly deserve one. We will take care of first thing next
week.” And then, he turned to his partner. “In fact, I have an
idea. Why don’t we celebrate together? We can’t let this monumental
feat go unsung. I propose dinner, tomorrow evening, at Tom

“Sounds perfect,” Chase said with a nod. “I’m
free tomorrow.”

“Zara?” Matt questioned, turning his
brown-eyed gaze on her.

Zara hesitated. Tom Lanke was the most
upscale restaurant in town. Michelin-starred, classy, very
pricey…Overall, not a place she popped in everyday for a bite. She
was already panicking as she wondered if she even had anything
suitable to wear. “I…well, okay,” she mumbled at last, clutching
her leather fold-all to her chest and seeing the hours of dreadful
expectation stretching ahead till the dinner date.


* * *


Zara wasn’t sure what to make of their
expressions when she arrived at the restaurant that fateful
evening. The blend of amazement and admiration she saw, finally
assured her that her choice of outfit and general appearance had
not been a miss. Whether it was a “hit” still remained to be

“Hello, Matt, Chase,” she said breezily, a
smile on her lips as she looked at them in turns. She clutched
tighter on her purse when her eyes held Chase’s and caught the
intense look on his face. She could swear that his eyes were
blazing over her snugly clothed, generously curved frame.

It was almost like he was actually seeing her
for the first time. Fighting to maintain her trusty poise, she
quirked a teasing brow at both men, who stood there staring.

“Zara, you look ravishing,” Matt exclaimed
cheerfully as they all took their seats at last. “We almost didn’t
recognize you.”

“Yes…quite a transformation,” Chase said in
agreement. “At last we see what Ms. Page has been hiding beneath
those severe suits of hers.”

As he spoke, she could feel his gaze
lingering for a moment on her full, firm bust sheathed in its
low-necked bodice. She wondered if her outfit wasn’t, literally,
too over the top? Her usually well-bound double D-cup breasts were
virtually spilling from their restraints, and the deep hint of
cleavage was sure to catch attention from her male dinner
companions. There was at least one particular man’s interest she
hoped to spark that evening…

Okay, she’d admitted it. All this was for
Chase. Her fancy outfit, her makeup, her hair – she’d spent the
whole day sprucing up just to shed her schoolmarm secretary image
and show what she felt was her more appealing, feminine side. If
this didn’t get Chase to notice her, she figured, then nothing ever

“Well,” she said with a playful smile at
them, “Considering how upscale this restaurant is, I felt that
wearing jeans or a tracksuit would sort of…lower the ambiance.
Besides, you both look far from rough yourselves.”

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