The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1
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The Dig 

Dig In • Find the Treasure • Put It on Display


Volume 1 • Luke 1 – 12 

Patrick Schwenk





© 2012 All rights reserved.

You may not copy or distribute this book without prior written permission from the author. All scripture references are from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

Table of Contents

A Word to Parents

About Discipleship

About The Dig

Introduction to Luke

Lesson 1: Let’s Meet John the Baptist 

Lesson 2: Here Comes Jesus

Lesson 3: Jesus Is Born

Lesson 4: Jesus Goes to the Temple 

Lesson 5: John the Baptist Gets Angry 

Lesson 6: The Battle in the Desert 

The Oasis

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 7: Jesus Is Rejected

Lesson 8: Jesus Heals the Hurting 

Lesson 9: Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Lesson 10: Jesus Forgives 

Lesson 11: Levi’s Big Party

Lesson 12: Jesus Wants Your Heart (Part 1) 

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 13: Jesus Wants Your Heart (Part 2) 

Lesson 14: Jesus Wants Your Heart (Part 3)

Lesson 15: Pray Before You Act 

Lesson 16: God Is with You

Lesson 17: Love Your Enemies 

Lesson 18: Don’t Point the Finger 

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 19: Who Wants a Rotten Apple?

Lesson 20: Where Are YOU Going to Build? 

Lesson 21: Great Faith

Lesson 22: Dead Man Talking?  

Lesson 23: Jesus the Messiah 

Lesson 24: Expensive Perfume at the Feet of Jesus 

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 25: A Farmer Goes Out Throwing Seed

Lesson 26: Let Your Light Shine

Lesson 27: Jesus Calms a Crazy Storm

Lesson 28: Jesus Sets a Man Free 

Lesson 29: Jesus Is Never Too Busy 

Lesson 30: Go Do What I Do 

The Oasis

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 31: I’m Confused

Lesson 32: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Lesson 33: Real Life 

Lesson 34:We Really Saw Jesus 

Lesson 35: Jesus Beats the Devil Again

Lesson 36: Who Is the Greatest? 

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 37: James and John Call Down Fire

Lesson 38: The Cost of Following Jesus 

Lesson 39: Give Me Real Joy

Lesson 40: Help 

Lesson 41: Worshippers and Workers 

Lesson 42: Pray the Right Way 

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

Lesson 43: Whose Team Are You On?

Lesson 44: Show Us a Sign

Lesson 45: Who Turned Out the Lights? 

Lesson 46: Woe to You 

Lesson 47: It’s Better to Please God

Lesson 48: Don’t Be Greedy 

Lesson 49: Don’t Worry 

Lesson 50: Watch and Work 

Lesson 51: Divided Over Jesus?  

The Oasis 

The Oasis Activity

In Closing

Key Terms

About the Author

A Word to Parents


Hello, and welcome to
The Dig


I am a pastor, husband, and parent. Currently, my wife and I have four children ten years old and younger. My wife and I clean up spills, refill drinks, do laundry, change diapers, cut the grass, serve in ministry, drop kids off, pick kids up, take out the trash, clean the house, do more laundry – you get the point!


Like you, my wife and I wear many hats. One of the greatest joys in my life is being a dad and having the pleasure to be a pastor to my kids. My daughter said to me recently, “Dad, I am glad you are a pastor.” When I asked her why, she said, “Because you teach us the Bible.”


The truth is, every parent should be (and can be) a pastor to his or her children.
The Dig
has been my personal desire and attempt to teach our children the Bible from an early age.


The Apostle Paul makes an interesting comment regarding Timothy’s training as a child. In 2 Timothy 3:14-15, Paul says, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom
you learned it and
how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings,
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”


Paul suggests that Timothy was being taught the Bible from a very young age.
The Dig
is an effort to systematically help you as a parent study through books of the Bible so you can help your child. Out of the experience you create, biblical principles are learned and lived.


The goal, of course, is that our children will fall in love with Jesus as their Savior and grow up to follow Him with all their heart, soul, and strength. I trust that this will be a great resource for you and your family!


In Jesus,

Patrick Schwenk

About Discipleship


Before we get too far into
The Dig
, let’s look at a few brief observations about teaching and training our children to be disciples of Jesus.


1. We must have the
of who we want our children to be. Close your eyes for a moment and picture your son or daughter when they are 15, 25, or 35 years old. What do they look like? What do they care about? How do they pray? How do they worship? Whom do they love? As Christian parents, if the picture of our children is anything other than a disciple of Jesus, then we are aiming at the wrong target. The goal is to raise children who live, love, and serve like Jesus!


2.  We must have the
. The right picture helps us establish the right priorities. What is important to you as a parent? What do you push your children to get involved in? Why? What does success look like for you as a parent? What does success look like for your child? One of the great joys of being a parent is having the opportunity to raise children who love God. This doesn’t happen by accident. It is by God’s grace and our own effort to establish godly priorities. 


3.  We must have the
. It is still God’s grace that saves our children and not our best intentions or methods. With this said, keep in mind the following:


: Children are often times growing up in American churches and homes less biblically literate than the previous generations. As parents, we need to be reminded of the tremendous responsibility we have to pass on the truth of God’s Word. 


: The goal is also to leave a positive spiritual impression on the hearts of our children. Our children won’t have a pleasant memory if all they remember is Mom or Dad (tired and grouchy) drilling Bible verses into their heads! Taking your child through
The Dig
should be a memorable experience. Best lessons are taught within the context of loving and meaningful relationships.


: Don’t forget that our children listen to us and watch us. As a parent, we must be growing as a disciple of Jesus ourselves. We want to be able to say, as Paul did to the church in Corinth, “Follow me as I follow Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1).

The Dig


Shortly, you will meet a character named Doc. Doc is an experienced Bible scholar and archaeologist who will be your
tour guide during each lesson. A typical
lesson follows the same pattern consisting of four main parts. Below is a short description of each of these four components.


1.  The Map
: Each lesson has a map. The map tells you and your child where you’ll be going in each lesson. It is a short summary of the study ahead.


2.  The Dig
: The Dig is the main passage you will be studying. Following each passage will be several questions designed to help conversation and understanding. They are meant to be a guide. You can use them or tweak them to help you talk with your children.


3.  The Treasure
: The Treasure is the big idea of the lesson. In a short statement, it is what you want your child to remember from the passage you studied.


4.  The Display
: When an archaeologist finds a treasure, they will clean it up and put in on display for everyone to see. This is the basic idea of the Display. It is the application of the Treasure you have found. This is a great opportunity to discuss with your child how he or she can live out the truth of God’s Word for everyone to see.


The Oasis
is a chance to review what your child has learned so far. Make it your own and make it fun. A quiz and coloring activity are provided, and you can provide the prize! You’ll also notice there are key verses in each section. Memorizing God’s Word is a great way to hide God’s Word in the heart of your child and also to reinforce what your son or daughter is learning.


Enjoy the adventure!

Introduction to Luke



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