Master Me (21 page)

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Authors: Trina Lane,Lisabet Sarai,Elizabeth Coldwell

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Master Me
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Until that moment, she hadn’t really considered what those limits might be. She didn’t remember them ever explicitly discussing the matter. If they did, where would she draw the line? The Liz who had initially agreed to meet Neil for a drink would never have contemplated letting herself be tied to a bed, blindfolded, or having sex with a man she didn’t even know. At least, she didn’t think so. Being with this gorgeous, kinky, masterful man was changing everything she had ever believed about herself, and she wasn’t sure where this was going to end.

Neil’s voice cut into her thoughts. “I want you to undress me.”

She sank to her knees. Starting with his shoes and socks, she slowly removed his clothes, placing them in a neat pile on his chair. Soon, all that remained were his black cotton trunks. Somehow, it felt right to be in that position, looking up at Neil as she removed his underwear. Her fingers trembled slightly as she did, letting his cock spring free. Beautiful, and hers to do with as she wished.

She was greedy to taste it again, but Neil helped her to her feet.

“I already know how your mouth feels,” he told her. “Now we’re going to fuck, but you’re not allowed to come until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

Liz nodded, wanting more than anything to feel Neil’s wonderfully hard cock inside her. Neil handed her a condom and lay back on the bed. Once she had him safely sheathed, she climbed on top of him. Grasping him firmly by the base of his shaft, she sank down so just his head was lodged inside her. Even that set her insides fluttering wildly, so she paused for a moment, planting soft kisses on Neil’s throat and the hollows of his collarbones. When she felt composed enough to carry on, she slid farther on to his length.

“Mmm,” Neil sighed. “So tight, so wet. And all mine…”

“Yes, sir,” Liz replied, rocking her body slowly. At least in this position she could set the pace, pull back a little when she felt her orgasm building. She didn’t know what Neil would do if she came before he told her she could, but she was sure he had plenty of ideas. After all, he owned a blindfold and a pair of wrist cuffs. What other toys might he be carrying in his overnight bag?

As they fucked, they gazed into each other’s eyes. Liz felt as though Neil could see all the way into her soul. She could have no secrets from this man. It would always be obvious to him what she was thinking, and how much she wanted to be with him. Perhaps it was too soon to be talking about love, but that felt like the emotion sweeping through her at this moment. She only hoped he felt the same.

When Neil reached down to play with her clit, she tried—and failed—to bite back a whimper of pleasure. She was so close, and it would take very little more to make her come.

“What did I say?” Neil asked. “No orgasm until I tell you.”

Summoning up every last reserve of willpower, Liz pulled herself back from the brink. She felt as though she was trying to keep the lid on a pressure cooker, but Neil had given her an order and she knew she had to obey it. Somehow she managed to hold back.

At last, Neil said, “Now, Elizabeth. Come for me now.”

Her orgasm had been suppressed for so long it threatened to tear her apart. Crying out, “Oh, master!” Liz let the waves of bliss sweep her away. Dimly, she was aware that Neil was coming, too. As the final orgasmic eddies died away, she slumped on to his broad chest, lost in a place beyond rational thought.

He made a nest for her in the crook of his arm and she cuddled into it, breathing in his musky scent, mingled with the lingering remnants of his Vetiver cologne. Neil stroked her hair, telling her how delicious she looked when she came and that she was the perfect little submissive he had thought he might never find. As sleep claimed her, she couldn’t recall when she had last felt so content.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three
* * * *

Liz and Neil slept late the following morning, having woken some time in the early hours to make love again. This time, Neil had placed Liz on all fours, ordering her to hold on to the headboard. Then he’d cuffed her in place before entering her forcefully from behind. The feeling of being fucked while in restraints had excited her like never before, and she’d come twice before Neil finally reached his own, much-delayed climax.

They only just made it downstairs before the hotel’s restaurant stopped serving breakfast. Several of the other guests in the wedding party were there, most of them looking slightly the worse for wear. It seemed as though the dancing and drinking had gone on long past midnight, though the bride and groom must have crept up to their room well before the end. James had mentioned to Neil, after she’d left, that they would be leaving early in the morning, needing to be at East Midlands Airport in time to catch a nine o’clock flight to the Maldives.

Guided by Neil, Liz helped herself to a bowl of muesli from the breakfast buffet. She looked round the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tom, but this morning there were two middle-aged waitresses serving the guests instead. One of them brought coffee and wholemeal toast for the couple.

“You’re looking a lot chirpier than most of this lot,” she commented to Liz as she cleared away the cereal bowls. “Did the sensible thing last night, eh, my duck?”

Liz smiled. All the things she’d done with Neil and Tom could hardly be described as sensible, but she had thoroughly enjoyed every single minute. Neil had woken something, which she realised now had always been buried deep within her, waiting for the man who could tap into her latent need to submit.

“I thought we’d go for a walk once we’ve finished breakfast,” Neil said, staring out of the window towards the hills lying beyond the hotel’s manicured lawns. “I’m sure you could do with some fresh air after last night.”

Liz nodded, sipping her coffee. Their train back to London wasn’t until three o’clock, so they had plenty of time to explore the surrounding area. Long country walks had always struck Liz as particularly romantic if you went on them with someone you loved.

She pulled herself up short. She hadn’t spoken the word out loud last night, but this was not the first time she’d acknowledged, if only to herself, she was in love with Neil. She didn’t usually fall so hard and fast for someone, but Neil wasn’t like any other man she’d dated. Suddenly, she really needed to know what would happen once this weekend was over, and the two of them returned to their busy London lives. The arrangement they’d agreed on was purely for the length of the wedding. What would happen when it ended?

Neil rose from the table, interrupting her train of thought. “Come on, Elizabeth, let’s go and get our coats. And you’ll need to put a sweater on. It’ll be cold up on those hills.”

Having wrapped up as warmly as they could, Liz and Neil left the hotel a few minutes later, stepping out into a beautifully crisp November morning. Following the route they’d taken the day before, along the village’s main street and past the church, they began the slow upward climb into the highest hills of the Peak District.

It was a beautiful landscape, dominated by huge limestone crags shaped by running water and time. They stuck to paths that had been well trodden by previous hikers, though they met no one along the route apart from the odd sheep.

“I can’t believe how quiet it is,” Liz said, hearing nothing but the birdsong and the sound of a stream tumbling down into a rock pool a few feet below where they stood. “You get so used to the noise and bustle of London, it’s just such a nice change to be able to slow down and appreciate the view for once.”

“Well, I’m definitely doing that,” Neil replied, smiling at Liz.

She felt a pleasurable tingle pass through her, her body responding to the blatant desire in his gaze. On another, warmer day, they might have found a private place among the heather where they could make love. Or maybe not so private, given Neil’s penchant for displaying Liz’s body to admiring eyes.

Liz glanced at her watch, surprised to see how much time had passed since they’d begun their walk. “Beautiful as it is up here, perhaps we should be getting back to the hotel?”

“Just another couple of minutes. There’s something I need to say first.” Neil’s tone was suddenly serious.

Liz looked at him with dismay.

“Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad.” He caught hold of her hand, softly caressing her palm with his thumb. “Elizabeth, I’ve really enjoyed this weekend. You’re an incredible woman, and even though we’ve spent so little time together, you seem to understand me like no one else ever has. I want you to be mine. Not just for this weekend, but for a long, long time to come.”

Liz didn’t know how to reply. This was sounding very much like the declaration of love she’d been hoping to hear from him, so why was she shivering with apprehension at what else he might be about to say?

“Before you say yes,” Neil continued, “there are conditions, just as there were when I first agreed to come here with you. You already know about my little rule regarding underwear, which I’m sure you’re complying with, although I could always make you take down your jeans, just to prove it…”

Now Liz’s shiver was of excitement. Neil’s words mixed promise and threat in equal measure, and though she was sure he wouldn’t make her undress on such a cold day, in such an exposed spot, she thrilled at the idea that he might.

“I would expect you to obey me at all times, and to be punished if you refuse. Though I have to warn you that sometimes I’d make a request knowing in advance you’ll say no, just so I could spank that sweet arse of yours.”

His grip on her hand increased slightly, and she sensed he was coming to the most important part of his speech.

“I will expect you to trust me when I ask you to do something that pushes at your limits, because I know you have the potential to go so much further than you already have. I would love to take you into subspace, that place in your head where you go beyond time, beyond feeling, beyond pain, and bring you back safely into my arms. But I also want to give you to other men, so I can watch them use you for their pleasure.”

Now Liz felt a pang of alarm. She’d been happy enough to play with Tom while Neil looked on, but what he was suggesting made her think the men might be of his choosing, and not appealing to her. And just what did he mean by “using” her?

“Don’t worry.” His voice was soft, reassuring. “I’d never let anyone hurt you, or make you do something you really didn’t want to. And I’m not going to turn you into some kind of plaything for ugly old men. I like the way you look with pretty boys like young Tom far too much for that. But just think what I could have made you do already. Last night, while the speeches were going on, I could have had you down on the floor, sucking the cock of every man at our table…”

He didn’t need to expand any further. The picture was already forming in her mind. She could see herself crawling to each of James’ football-playing friends in turn, unzipping him beneath the table and taking his cock into her mouth, sucking greedily ‘til he came. She could almost feel the thick folds of the linen tablecloth surrounding her, and taste each man as she fed him between her lips. It seemed such an enticing prospect, so why did she hesitate to say yes?

“But why would you want to give me away like that?” Liz asked, struggling to make sense of Neil’s desires.

“Because I can,” he replied. “Because I like to watch my slave with other men. You can’t believe how much it turned me on to watch Tom licking your pussy last night. I could tell you were enjoying every minute of it. And I refuse to believe that was just because you thought it was me doing it, because you certainly seemed to like playing with Tom once you knew there were two of us in the room.”

Liz held her hands up in a gesture of mock-surrender. “You’ve got me there. I suppose I’m just so used to men who want to be in an exclusive relationship, anything else seems a little strange.”

“The relationship would still be between you and me, Elizabeth.” Neil was firm on the point. “I might choose to give you to other men, but in the end, you would always be mine. All I ask is that you trust me.”

She had given him her trust so freely last night. Had given him her heart, too, if he only knew it. But everything seemed to be moving so fast. She felt as though she’d stepped onto a merry-go-round, whirling her around at a giddying speed, and she needed to step off again so she could think clearly.

“Can I take some time to think about this?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said, though he sounded a little disappointed that she hadn’t immediately agreed to his proposal. “Take all the time you want. You never have to ask my permission to make your own decisions. And you were right. We should be getting back now.”

Hand in hand, they made their way back down towards Greater Endover village. Neil helped guide Liz over a couple of stiles, as he’d done on their ascent, and each time she delighted in the feel of his arms around her, and the easy confidence of his movements. Everything about being with this man felt so right, so why was she was still afraid to take the final step of giving herself to him utterly, and letting him become her perfect master?

* * * *

Liz hoped things would become clearer on the way home. Neil had completed all his work on the journey from London, so his laptop was safely stowed away, giving them time to talk. However, he didn’t even attempt to raise the subject of Liz becoming his submissive. Instead, he turned the conversation to the book she’d brought to read on the train, when she hadn’t realised that Neil would decide how she passed her time in his company. He was keen to find out more about her taste in fiction, then music and films. They seemed to have a surprising amount in common, though Neil professed a love for jazz, something Liz had always hated.

“It’s always the little differences that keep a relationship interesting,” Neil commented. “Though if I had you cuffed to my bed, you’d have no choice but to listen to whatever music I liked.”

It was as close as he came to reminding Liz that she should take him as her master. She couldn’t help but respect him for not forcing the matter, even though he must have been desperately hoping for her to agree.

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