Master Me (19 page)

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Authors: Trina Lane,Lisabet Sarai,Elizabeth Coldwell

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Master Me
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When she came out, carrying her clothes in a pile with her bra on top so Neil would know she’d adhered to his request, he was shrugging on a smart black suit jacket. With a crisp white shirt and grey tie, his outfit complemented hers perfectly.

“How did you know I would be wearing grey?” she asked.

“You mentioned it to Tina a couple of days ago,” Neil replied, “so all I had to do was ask her.”

He waited while she applied her make-up, emphasising her green eyes with shades of olive and gold and slicking on a neutral lip gloss. She clipped the fascinator in place, decanted her purse and mobile phone into a cream clutch bag and was ready to go.

Neil looked her up and down. “You’re absolutely stunning,” he told her, causing her to blush at the compliment.” Any man would be proud to have you on his arm.”

And as he escorted her out of the room, Liz suddenly felt proud to be on his arm. Even if she was about to attend the wedding of her ex-boyfriend without a stitch of underwear on, and under orders to obey everything Neil asked her to do, no matter what the consequences might be.

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Chapter Two
* * * *

St. Michael’s Church, with its square stone tower and tiny churchyard studded with gravestones, stood at the highest point of Greater Endover village. As Liz walked up the short flight of moss-covered steps leading to the churchyard, she saw James standing by the church door. Her heart gave a momentary lurch at the sight of him in morning dress and clutching a top hat. He looked so young and nervous as he shared a cigarette with his friend, Lee, who must be his best man. She’d always liked Lee, who played in the same Sunday morning six-a-side football team as James, and she was sure he was helping to keep James calm as they waited for the clock to tick round to three and the bride to arrive.

Though Liz knew all about feeling nervous as James noticed her and smiled. Until this moment, she’d been afraid she might not be completely over him, but as he gave her a hug, she realised the love he once inspired in her had faded to simple friendship.

“Liz, thanks so much for coming,” he said. “You look great.”

“So do you,” she replied.

She was poised to answer the inevitable questions about Neil, who was standing a couple of paces behind her.

At that moment, Lee announced, “Jillian’s car’s here. We’d better get inside.”

“We’ll talk at the reception,” James said, before following Lee down to the front of the church. Liz and Neil took their orders of service from the usher and found places on a pew towards the back, on the groom’s side. The church was decorated with bunches of roses so deeply red they were almost black, their intense scent filling the small space. Liz glanced round, spotting James’ parents, along with a few of his work colleagues and friends she recognised from their three years together.

The church organist broke into the familiar opening bars of the
Bridal Chorus
, and every head in the congregation turned to see Jillian’s arrival in the church. As she walked down the aisle on her father’s arm, Liz got her first glimpse of the woman who had replaced her in James’ life. Jillian was as dark as Liz was fair, and even in low heels she was almost as tall as James’ five-foot-ten. The dress she wore was simple but incredibly elegant. Sleeveless, it had shoestring straps and was gathered just below Jillian’s pert bustline, falling around her feet in a floaty column of ivory silk. Over it, she had on a delicate chiffon shrug. Her hair was swept up, with just a few tendrils falling around her heart-shaped face, and she carried a bouquet of roses. Liz could see James’ face as he watched his bride approach, lit up with adoration and love.

The wedding itself passed in a blur. Liz joined in with the hymns, as did Neil, whose tenor voice was surprisingly tuneful. But she barely paid attention to the readings or the vicar’s sermon. Her mind was elsewhere, thinking of what Neil might ask her to do once they were back at the hotel. She did, however, notice as the bride and groom exchanged their vows that Jillian didn’t promise to obey James, instead preferring to say she would cherish him. Liz couldn’t imagine Neil allowing that little refinement, then she gave herself a mental shake. She barely knew the man, yet already she was daydreaming about wedding vows. Whereas in all the time she had been with James, she’d never once pictured herself standing at the altar while he slipped a ring on her finger and promised to love her for the rest of his life.

Vaguely, she heard the vicar say, “You may now kiss the bride.”

She realised the ceremony was almost over. Everyone around her rose to their feet and she followed hastily, watching James and Jillian make their way back down the aisle together.

When she and Neil emerged from the church, the newly married couple were being showered with confetti by their family and friends as they dashed to the wedding car.

“They seem like a well-matched couple,” Neil observed, “but you’d have been wasted on him. You need someone who can bring out your hidden depths.”

Liz wondered what those depths might be, but didn’t say anything. She was too busy contemplating what was going to happen when they reached the reception.

Once in the hotel lobby, Neil said, “Give me your coat and I’ll take it up to our room. Go into the reception, have a glass of champagne but don’t take a seat.”

He reached to pull the coat off Liz’s shoulders. She was aware that her nipples were hard and, as Neil had predicted, were making visible outlines in her dress. As she walked through the lobby and into the suite where the wedding breakfast was being held, she was sure everyone who passed could not only see her nipples, but every contour of her arse cheeks as the soft wool moulded itself to them.

“Champagne, miss?” A waiter with unruly, dirty-blond curls who couldn’t be more than twenty offered her a glass from a half-full tray.

Liz suspected he was a local student working the Saturday shift to help pay for his tuition.

“Thank you,” she said. She couldn’t help noticing that his blue eyes seemed riveted to her breasts, and her nipples seemed to poke out even more impudently under his gaze. She wondered if he realised she was completely bare beneath the dress, and what he would think if she told him Neil had ordered her to dress this way.

He moved on to serve someone else—a little reluctantly, or so it seemed to Liz—and she looked round the room. There were plenty of available seats, but Neil had told her to stand, so she would stand. The dress seemed to cling to her thighs, too, and she was sure that anyone who cared to look closely could see the outline of her mound.
He might as well have stripped me entirely,
Liz thought. An image suddenly flashed into her head in which she was standing in the middle of the room in nothing but her stockings and boots. Perhaps Neil would decide to conduct an auction, offering her services to the highest bidder. She couldn’t believe how much the thought excited her.

“There you are.”

She turned at the sound of Neil’s voice behind her. A flush rose to her cheeks, as though he could tell just what she was thinking. Neil clinked his champagne glass to hers.

“Shall we find our seats?” she asked. “According to the plan, we’re at table six.”

He shook his head. “Let’s stay here a little longer so I can admire the view. And I can assure you I’m not the only one who’s doing that.”

Was he alluding to the waiter, or were there other guests also taking the opportunity to stare at her body? Liz had no idea.

“Ah,” Neil said, “looks like the happy couple have finished having their photos taken. Let’s go and say hello.”

They joined the well-wishers lining up to offer their congratulations to James and Jillian. When they reached the head of the queue, Jillian and Liz exchanged air kisses. Though the other woman didn’t say anything, Liz was sure she’d noticed her lack of underwear.

She quickly moved on to James. “Congratulations, she’s beautiful,” she said, meaning it.

“Thanks,” James replied. He seemed about to add something, but his gaze had drifted down to her chest. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, “God, I’d forgotten what great tits you have, Liz.”

She stepped back, flustered, and felt Neil put his arm round her as he moved to congratulate James.

“So, how did you two meet?” James asked.

“Oh, Neil’s the flatmate of someone I work with,” Liz replied.

“And have you been seeing each other long?”

“Not very,” Neil said, “but we’re really happy together, aren’t we, Liz?”

Liz simply nodded, feeling Neil give her bottom a possessive little squeeze. Both James and Jillian seemed completely convinced the two really were a couple, just as she had hoped.

“Well, we should go and find our table,” Liz said, aware others were still waiting behind them to speak to the newlyweds.

“You’re with some of the lads from the six-a-side team,” James told her. “I think you know a couple of them already.”

Liz couldn’t decide if this was good or bad. She supposed it was better than sitting with elderly relatives who might have been scandalised by the fact she was so skimpily dressed, but James’ football-playing friends were horny, red-blooded lads who would love it if they found out she had no underwear on.

They found their places at table six. Liz was strangely relieved to see she was sitting with her back to the wall. Barely had they introduced themselves to the four other people they were sitting with when the curly haired waiter appeared at Liz’s elbow, placing a bowl of leek and potato soup in front of her.

“White wine with that, I think,” Neil said, “and when he offers you a bread roll, choose wholemeal rather than poppy seed.”

Again, Liz experienced the rush of excitement that came when Neil made her choices for her.

“And one final thing,” Neil added, as the waiter placed a wholemeal roll on Liz’s side plate. “I want you to sit with your legs widely spread for me.”

Nothing he told her to do really surprised her any more. Liz eased her legs as far apart as the dress would allow, and tried to lose herself in the chatter of conversation around her.

The soup was followed by a choice of chicken in a creamy sauce or poached salmon. At Neil’s prompting, Liz had salmon with broccoli, carrots and new potatoes tossed in butter. She had almost finished her meal when she felt Neil’s hand on her knee. The other guests at their table were still busily tucking into plates piled high with chicken, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding, and didn’t pay any attention as Neil worked his hand in slow, spidery patterns up the length of Liz’s stocking-clad thigh.

“Push up your skirt, Elizabeth,” Neil ordered softly. “I want you sitting with your bare arse against the seat cushion. Don’t worry, no one will see anything. Except maybe the waiter, and he looks like he could do with a little treat.”

Blushing furiously, Liz adjusted her position, pulling her dress away from underneath her. The seat of her chair was softly padded, but it still felt strange to have her naked bottom pressing against it.

As the waiter took away their plates, Neil whispered, “When he comes back with your dessert, brush your hand against his crotch. Make it look like an accident, but I want you to get a good feel.”

Liz knew she should protest, but she didn’t want to. Despite herself, she wanted to find out how big the young waiter’s cock was, and the thought of playing Neil’s naughty little game thrilled her. She seized her opportunity when the waiter placed a dish of strawberry pavlova in front of her, dropping her napkin to the floor and letting her hand skim along the front of his dress trousers as she moved to pick it up. His cock gave an involuntary twitch, swelling at her touch.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she muttered, but her eyes shone with lust.

“Just think of all the things I could get him to do to you,” Neil said, when the lad had gone. “Maybe he could crawl under the table and lick your pussy. I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” As he spoke, his hand, which had been resting lightly on the band of flesh just above her stocking top, moved a little higher, touching her sex. “Or maybe I could get him to play with your tits through the dress. I bet the guys at this table would love that. I could even get them to join in, let them all have a feel of those cute little nipples. What do you think?”

Liz couldn’t prevent a whimper from slipping from her lips. Everything Neil suggested was so far out of her experience, but the picture he painted was so vivid she found herself getting hornier than ever thinking about every single one.

His finger skimmed over the entrance to her pussy and she automatically spread her legs even wider, hoping he would take the hint.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” a voice said.

Liz looked round to see that Don Burney, Jillian’s father, had risen to his feet.

“If I could have your attention, please…”

All faces were turned towards him as he launched into his speech, thanking everyone for attending and welcoming James into his family, but it was hard for Liz to concentrate on what he was saying. Neil had slipped a finger up into her wet channel, and his thumb was on her clit, rubbing it in languid circles. The stimulation wasn’t enough to make her come, not for a while yet, but her breathing was growing shallow and she knew she was in danger of drawing attention to herself as Neil finger-fucked her steadily.

Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing. Almost forgetting where she was, Liz was about to protest, then realised Jillian’s father was asking the guests to charge their glasses and toast the bride and groom.

On shaky legs, Liz stood and joined in the toast. Before she could sit down again, Neil took the opportunity to give her further instructions.

“Drop your napkin again. Don’t worry, no one’s paying you any attention. But this time, don’t pick it up. I want you to crawl under the table and suck my cock.”

She knew it was an outrageous demand, and one that could get them into so much trouble if they were discovered, but Liz didn’t object. She was curious to discover just how well-endowed he was, and whether he was already aroused from playing with her.

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