MasonsRule-ARe (15 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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“Soon,” he said. “I’m here to go over the last of the paperwork and sign on the dotted line.

Dotted line

She did that herself recently and it was turning out to be a very satisfying transaction.

Chapter Thirteen

Rebecca entered the hotel and casino resort in a rush of cold air, bright colored lights and a crowd of people. Mason’s hand was wrapped around her arm, keeping her close.

They walked directly into the casino madhouse and she didn’t know how to take it all in. Machines beeping and clanking fought for her attention over the din of voices. Gamblers of all ages filled every table and stool.

“Holy shit,” she said. “Is it always like this?” It was even more frenetic in person than on television and movies.

“Let’s hope so. A full house means a good payday for the owner.” He winked and tugged her down a corridor away from the insanity of the hotel entrance.

As some of the sound faded, Rebecca took a deep breath and tried to pull her arm free. Except Mason’s grip didn’t budge. He wasn’t hurting her, but he certainly wasn’t letting her go either.

“I’m okay to walk on my own,” she said. Even if her legs were still a little shaky from the mind blowing orgasm he gave her.

“I’m sure you are. But we’re in public looking like you just had sex in the back of a limo so I’m keeping you close.”

Rebecca nearly tripped at his words.
She looked like what?
Her face and neck heated at triple the normal speed of embarrassment. She jerked harder at his hand, but again he didn’t budge.

“Let me go, Mason. I can at least go to the ladies' room and make myself presentable.”

He stopped and whirled to her so fast she lost her balance and he had to catch her with both hands to prevent a face plant into the expensive plum-colored plush carpeting.

“Did I indicate in any way you were not presentable? You look perfect to me. Are you ashamed to be seen because I’ve had my face in your pussy?”

“What?” She flinched away from him the moment he said it.

“Jesus, Rebecca. We’re grown adults. A little sex talk shouldn’t make you freak out.”

“I’m not freaking out,” she hissed.

Maybe. Maybe a little.

Didn’t mean she had to admit it to him.

“You’re not being much of a gentleman.”

He threw his head back and laughed. The sound emanated so deep in his chest, it sounded like a growl. A crazy, sexy growl that made her skin tingle.

“If after the week we’ve had you still expect a gentleman then you are going to be sorely disappointed.” He stepped close, well into her personal space and she fought not to look around to see if they were garnering any disapproving stares.

“I may wear a suit and be able to buy just about anything I want. That doesn’t make me a gentleman. In fact, I’ll bet if you asked around about me, you either got nothing or were told I was a dick. If you couldn’t handle it, you should have stayed away.”

She had no idea where this anger was coming from.

“But you haven't walked away yet have you, Miss Adams"

She bit her lip not wanting to say anything.

"That look isn't going to work. You are either in this or you aren't. The contract you signed says you are. Every time your body quakes from an orgasm I give you, it says you are. So what is it? Are you in or are you out?"


Like. Holy crap damn.

She couldn't deny just listening to his tirade made her wet. He also made her hella nervous. He was pretty clear to this point that he would do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and, like he said, she was either in or out.

Out would mean no more orgasms. He might not ever look at her with the hunger shining in his eyes right now. And more importantly, he might not kiss her anymore. She was becoming addicted to those deep, mind-numbing kisses he kept giving her when she least expected it.


"I'm in." The words popped from her mouth before her brain could stop them.

A slow, wicked smile crossed his face, upturning the edges of his mouth just enough. "Good to hear, Ms Adams. Now, shall we?" He waved his hand towards the waiting hotel employee who stayed a discreet distance away while they finished their conversation.

"Yes, Sir," she said.

His hand wrapped around her upper arm and he tugged her against his side. "Don't fret, Miss Adams. You look sexy as hell and every man here is going to be jealous of me."

She snorted and he turned a hard gaze on her.

"Don't go there, Rebecca."


She still loved it when he used her first name. His continued use of her surname managed to keep her off balance, but when he spoke her first name her insides melted. He was all serious and dark when the word slid from his mouth. It curled something low in her belly and sparked across her skin.

Mason Sinclair was lethal when he got like that, making it impossible to say no. She wasn't quite sure how to reconcile the part of him that scared her a little, but he more than made up for it when he touched her. Or when he took the time to have a real conversation.

He hadn't told her a lot about himself yet, but the pieces were slowly coming together. She'd figure him out eventually.

"Welcome to the Hotel Carleton, Mr. Sinclair." The concierge greeted them both with a wide smile and no indication that he noticed anything amiss. "How was your flight?"

"Comfortable. Thank you."

"Wonderful, sir. We are having your luggage delivered to the suite you requested. In fact, we received all of your instructions via Mr. Knight. Would you like to take your tour now or after you've had time to freshen up?" The man was leading them towards the elevators as he spoke.

"We're going to need a little time, Sean. Miss Adams has never flown cross country before and it’s going to take her some time to get acclimated to your fair city."

"Of course, sir. Shall I send up some dinner? Your usual?"

"That would be perfect."

"Very well, Mr. Sinclair. I'll have that delivered to your suite post haste." He handed Mason a thick ivory envelope. "Everything you requested in advance is already waiting for you and here are the keys to your room. Please don't hesitate to call me whenever you need something. I'm available twenty-four-seven."

Mason took the offered envelope and smiled. Thank you, Sean. But I don't think twenty-four hours is going to be necessary. Miss Adams and I have a big weekend planned."

She was listening to their conversation with half an ear until now. Her head swung in his direction before she could think to school her response.

Both men caught her reaction, but fortunately neither said a word. The concierge nodded and backed away as the elevator doors closed.

"Why didn't you just tell him we were going upstairs to have sex?" Her temper flared.

"Oh trust me. No matter what I say, that man knows exactly what we'll be doing? This is Vegas baby. Everyone comes here to do dirty bad things to each other."

Rebecca tried not to smile, but dammit, he made it impossible to keep a straight face every time she got annoyed. He had her number and understood exactly how to dial her down.

He leaned against the back of the elevator, with his legs spread apart. He pulled her between them, her back to his front, wrapping his arms around her waist and his hands resting on her belly.

"If I had my way you'd be naked and chained the whole time we're here."

"So we can do bad things?" she asked.

"Yes," he whispered, his hands roaming down her hips.

Before she could respond or react, he slipped his hand underneath the hem of her skirt and cupped her mound.

"Mason." She gasped.

"I can still taste your sweet pussy in my mouth. In fact, I can't stop thinking about it."

That low hum of sensation between her thighs sat up and shouted for joy. At least that's what it felt like with the heel of his hand touching her. Skin to skin.

Damn. She had no resistance when it came to him. Not that she actually wanted to resist anyway.

"Is there a camera in here?" She glanced up and saw a small little globe in the corner that could in fact be some sort of security camera.

"Probably." His warm breath bathed her skin at the same time he pushed a finger through her labia and across her clit.

Rebecca jerked in his arms.

"Easy, Miss Adams."

The rumble of his voice didn't help. She got wetter.

"Do you want someone to watch?" he asked.

The bigger question she had for herself was did she care? "I don't think so."

"But you aren't sure? My little submissive is curious about being watched."

"I can't think straight when you touch me like that."

He hummed in her ear and curled his fingers until two slid inside her.

Damn him. He had a way of getting her so hot, she was willing to do about anything he wanted, including let someone watch.

And he'd been so damned generous with orgasms.

"Maybe I'm on edge because we still haven't had sex." She panted the words out as her breathing grew heavy. Already a knot of something was building in her womb.

"You can't stand not knowing when it's going to happen?"

"I don't understand why we haven't yet."

"I was pretty clear about waiting until you earned it." His fingers were moving in and out of her in rapid succession.

She couldn't keep her eyes off the elevator lights. They were moving fast and soon the doors would pop open on their floor.

"Does it hurt? You know. Getting hard and not completing."

"Are you worried about me, Rebecca? I like that."

She liked what he was doing to her better. Her legs were starting to shake, something she tried to hide. But she knew he noticed. Mason Sinclair noticed everything and everyone around him.

"It doesn't seem fair. You should be enjoying this arrangement as much as I am." Only three more floors to go and their door would pop open. And so far there was no indication Mason planned to stop finger fucking her.

"You don't think I enjoyed eating your pretty pink pussy? Or all the nights I watched you come on my fingers? You'd be wrong, babe. I can't get enough of it."

Rebecca struggled to keep her head up straight. One floor to go. They were about to get busted. If the security team hadn't already gotten an eyeful with her skirt bunched up around her waist.

"But you need..."

"I get what I need, babe. Does that mean I'm not dying to fuck you? No, it does not."

"But..." The door popped open and she braced herself against discovery. But instead of the elevator waiting area she expected, the door opened into a humongous suite dominated by windows overlooking the Vegas skyline.

"Where are we? Is this our room?" There was so much to see, her eyes couldn’t settle on any one thing.

With slow precision, Mason removed his fingers and pushed her gently forward and into the suite.

"Yes." The doors shut behind them and quiet enveloped their space. "Open your mouth, Miss Adams."

She was too focused on the incredibleness before her to do anything but obey. It wasn't until he placed his fingers on her tongue she realized what he'd done.

"Lick them clean, my sweet little sub."

Rebecca wrapped her lips around his fingers and sucked them in her mouth. She licked and twirled her tongue across his skin, tasting the clear difference of her essence on him. Her sex squeezed. Different but hot, she thought.

"Mmm," she moaned. Yeah the view was great, but the man behind her was even better. She was beginning to regret not letting him get sex over with on the plane. She was ready. Hell, she’d been ready since the night she met him and he turned those dark, sensual eyes on her. She shivered, remembering.

"Are you cold?"

She shook her head.

A rumble sounded behind her. Damn she really loved that sound. Almost like a low growl when he seemed pleased.

"Go ahead. Take a look around. I know you're dying to." He removed his fingers from her mouth and gave her a little shove.

"Really?" She looked at him for reassurance. Part of her soul felt adrift at the sudden loss of his touch. She very much liked it when he took possession of her with his arm or his hand. He made her feel secure and sometimes wanted. It had been a long time since she felt wanted by anyone.

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