Mason: Inked Reapers MC (59 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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Chapter 112


Before a fight, Jasper always got tunnel vision. He had learned that it was important to focus solely on the task at hand, not get caught up in the excitement of the crowd or be cowed by the grandeur of a venue. All that mattered was landing his punches correctly and winning.


Jasper stepped in to the ring feeling like he was on fire. Every fiber in his body tingled with anticipation, ready to spring in to action. He could do this. He was not going to go down in the second, he was going to win! The referee dropped his arm, a bell sounded, and the first round commenced.


The next few minutes were a whirlwind of expertly executed punches, kicks, and dodges. Jasper thundered at his opponent like an angry tornado from which there was no escape. He punched hard and fast, and by the time the bell run to signal the end of the round he was ahead on points.


As he dropped down on to his stool in his corner of the ring, he tried not to get déjà vu. This was how it had gone down before – he’d come out strong and ended up burning out.


Leaning back Jasper panted heavily and removed his mouth guard so that he could drink from the sports bottle that Carl had just given him.


“Way to go there, champ,” Carl shouted to be heard over the excitement roar of the crowd.


“You’ve got this.”


Jasper could only nod as he hungrily downed the liquid inside the sports bottle, wiping his mouth afterward, and taking a few more seconds to gather his strength before commencing the next round.


Chapter 113


“Please, don’t be tainted,” Kait couldn’t take her eyes off the water bottle in Jasper’s hand as he gripped it tightly and drank deeply from it. With each swallow, Kait grew even tenser. Her mind hammered panicked questions at her.


What if Carl switched the drinks back? What if he’d known what she’d done? What if Jasper were now to lose? They’d both lose everything.


“Come on,” Kait crossed her fingers even tighter. It had to have worked. She had to have stopped Carl.


When Jasper got back up to his feet, he moved with both grace and power, like a panther. He walked back in to the center of the ring, still looking strong. And then the second round commenced.


Chapter 114


The fire which had originally been in Jasper’s veins was still there, fuelling every punch which he threw against his opponent. They landed with deadly accuracy. Jasper felt bone crack beneath his knuckles. He was unstoppable.


His opponent staggered back helplessly as blood poured from his nose. He swung loosely, and it connected with Jasper’s jaw, but Jasper didn’t even feel it. Again and again, Jasper punched. His opponent tried to remain on his feet but ultimately dropped to the mat in a bloodied heap.


Breathing hard, Jasper waited for the referee to come and do the count. The crowd was on their feet, hardly believing what they were seeing. Jasper Duboix, who had dropped in the second of his last match, had just bested his current opponent mirroring his own previous defeat. It was glorious, it was beautiful, it was  -


The roar of the crowd was deafening as the referee announced Jasper the winner, rising one of his hands in triumph. Jasper was grinning madly as he drank in the euphoric sounds. He had done it, he had actually done it. He’d clawed his way back from the brink and come out on top.


Chapter 115


Kait was clapping so hard that her hands started to sting, but she didn’t care. Jasper had done it; he’d won! The reality of it hadn’t quite sunk in. She felt like she was in some wonderful dream from which she was terrified to wake.


She bounced up and down with glee and whistled and cheered for the man she loved, the man who was now doing a victory lap around the ring. But behind Jasper, Kait could see Carl lurking ringside looking deeply troubled. She wanted to laugh at his despair because she knew what he’d done to put himself there, and he only had himself to blame.


Chapter 116


When Jasper eventually left the ring, Kait swiftly went backstage to congratulate him. Now that the match was over, his ban on seeing her had been lifted, and she couldn’t wait to run into his arms.


She burst into his dressing room without knocking where he was standing by the sofa, grinning madly. He wrapped her in his arms and spun her around the room several times, both of them laughing like idiots.


“You did it!” Kait gushed before kissing him hard on the mouth. “I knew you would!”


“Yeah,” Jasper looked both bewildered and elated, not quite yet accepting the magnitude of his victory. “I did it.”


“I’m so, so proud of you,” Kait pressed herself against him, smiling to herself. If Jasper was happy now, she couldn’t wait to tell him about the money they’d just won. But the moment was ruined when the door to the dressing room opened, and Carl walked in wearing a sour expression and looking pale.


“See, told you I’d do it!” Jasper was smiling and reaching to shake his agent’s hand, but Carl remained rigid and reluctant to accept the gesture.


“Carl,” Jasper was frowning as he untangled himself from Kait and stepped towards his agent.


“What’s wrong? You should be on cloud nine right now. I just won the most important fight of my life.”


“Yes,” Carl gave the fakest of smiles. “Yes, you did. I wonder how you managed that.” He shot Kait a hateful glance.


“Don’t look at her like that!” Jasper shouted. “What’s going on here, Carl, why aren’t you happy for me?”


“Are you going to tell him, or should I?” Kait asked as she stepped forward and defiantly crossed her arms over her chest.


“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Carl snarled.


“Were you surprised when Jasper got up so easily after drinking from your sports bottles?” Kait asked him in a supercilious tone.


“Did you expect him to stumble and fall, just like last time?”


“She’s being ridiculous,” Carl gestured wildly in Kait’s direction and widened his fake smile. “I’m happy for you, Jasper, of course I am.”


“I switched the drinks,” Kait told him coldly. “All the sports bottles were filled with pure, clean water.”


“You bitch!” Carl suddenly seethed, his face contorting with rage. “Do you have any idea how much money I lost today? Do you?”


“What?” Jasper stepped between them, looking hurt. “Carl…have you…have you been sabotaging me this whole time?”


Carl ran a hand down his face and turned away from them.


“Was Kait right all along? Were you slipping something in to my drinks?”


“He’s been betting against you,” Kait answered on Carl’s behalf. “He laces your drinks with sedatives to knock you out.”


“Fuck!” Jasper exclaimed, placing his hands behind his head. “Carl, how could you do this to me? You were supposed to look out for me, I trusted you!”


“He’s done it to many athletes before,” Kait continued. “Remember Michael Daniels?”


“You’re a fucking monster,” Jasper took a menacing step towards Carl, but Kait wedged herself between them.


“He’s not worth your anger,” she told him sternly. “Besides, the men who he promised a certain outcome will be coming for him, won’t they Carl? I’m sure they will feel like you owe them a whole heap of money.”


“Fuck you, you bitch!” Carl raged as Jasper snorted threateningly at him.


“Perhaps you’ll have to sell all your luxury cars and multiple homes,” Kait tilted her head at him and spoke in a sing song voice.


“Luxury cars, multiple homes? Christ, Carl, you’re a real piece of work, you know that?”


“In fact, you probably owe us for damages,” Kait smiled at him.


“Damages?” Carl spluttered.


“Hush money,” Jasper countered. “You want your deceit to go unreported to press, then you pay me fifty thousand large. Not a penny less. And you make sure you never, ever show your face in the world of sports again, or else I’ll break every single bone in your pathetic little body, do you understand?”


Carl’s mouth gaped open like a fish caught on a hook, but he managed to nod.


“Now get out of here before I do something we both regret,” Jasper leaned past Carl to open the door to his dressing room.


“Look, Jasper - ” Carl stood meekly before him, as small and terrified as a mouse.


“I said get out!” Jasper roared, attracting concerned gazes from people outside in the corridor. Carl had no choice but to slink off like the snake he was.


Jasper slammed the door closed and leaned against it, breathing heavily.


“I’m so sorry about Carl,” Kait approached him and carefully placed a hand upon his broad shoulder.


“I can’t believe I didn’t listen to you,” Jasper sighed. “You were right about him all along.”


“You weren’t to know,” Kait insisted. “He’d worked hard for years to earn your trust. It was only logical that you’d doubt that he’d ever betray you the way he did.”


“But you didn’t,” Jasper turned around and cupped her head in his large hands. “You had my back all along; you never stopped believing in me.” 


They shared a passionate kiss which Kait reluctantly untangled herself from.


“There’s more,” she whispered.


“More?” Jasper’s eyes widened with panic.


“Don’t worry, this part is good,” she smiled. “So, I got the promotion at work I’d been hankering for.”


“Babe, that’s wonderful,” Jasper leaned down and tenderly kissed her lips. Kait wanted to linger in the kiss forever, but she needed to finish telling Jasper the whole truth about what had happened.


“I got a bonus,” Kait explained, pulling back from him. “A very generous bonus which could have been a down payment on a new house or a shiny new car.”


“I’m so proud of you,” Jasper leaned to kiss her again, but she moved back out of reach.


“And I bet the lot of it.”


“You what?” She felt Jasper’s hands tighten.


“I bet the lot of it on you,” Kait explained. “I bet my bonus on you winning tonight, and the odds were fifty to one.”


Jasper let go of her and ran a hand over his head as he let the information sink in.


“You bet your bonus on me?” He asked in disbelief, his eyes misting.


“Yes,” Kait nodded eagerly. “Because I knew without Carl drugging you, there was no way you’d lose. You’re Jasper Duboix; you’re a champion.”


“I can’t believe you did that for me,” Jasper declared, humbled. “That’s…that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”


“Well, I kind of think you’re worth it,” Kait purred the words flirtatiously, looping her arms around his neck. 


“Oh?” Jasper grinned at her.


“So how about you give me my money’s worth?” She teased.


“Absolutely,” Jasper purred as they embraced and kissed passionately.


Chapter 117


The white sand felt warm and soft beneath Kait’s bare feet. Above her, an endless ocean of clear blue sky stretched towards the horizon. The short white sun dress she was wearing showed off her lean legs and impressive tan. Her blonde hair fell down her back, still damp from her swim in the sea.


Taking a deep, contented sigh, Kait looked out towards the turquoise colored sea as it lazily lapped against the pure sand of the beach. She felt like she had somehow stepped into heaven. Everything about the island was wonderful from the pristine beaches to the towering palm trees. It was paradise, and she got to experience it all at the side of the man she had fallen in love with.


“There you are,” Jasper jogged up to her wearing only a light pair of board shorts. His toned muscles shone in the sunlight, and Kait chewed her lip to try and suppress some of her longing. They’d already made love upon the beach but both times under the cover of darkness. Either she had to drag him back to their cabin for another afternoon beneath the sheets or she’d need to distract herself from such thoughts. Pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes, she decided to focus on the beauty of the shoreline.


“I wondered where you were,” Jasper explained, standing beside her and also looking out to sea. “I went over to the cabin after I’d finished at the gym.”


“How’s the training coming along?” Kait asked.


“Great,” Jasper wrapped an arm around her delicate shoulders. “When I’m back home, I’ll get a new agent and reclaim all of my old titles.”


“Did you hear from Carl?” Kait asked, feeling a shudder dance up her spine despite the heat of the day.


“Nope,” Jasper tensed as he replied. “Although,” his voice lightened, “I should probably call him to thank him for funding our holiday. And the new cars we treated ourselves to.”


“Yes, it really was so very kind of him,” Kait deadpanned, but then her lips widened into a smile and she laughed.


“I can’t believe what an asshole he turned out to be,” Jasper shook his head as he continued to gaze out at the gently rippling waves.


“I know,” Kait leaned against him, loving how strong and powerful he felt.


“I totally didn’t see it coming. I guess I didn’t want to believe that he could do that to me. After all the years he’d spent having my back.” Jasper sighed. “But you stuck by me, Kait,” he said softly. “You were there for me when no one else was. You believed in me when everyone else had written me off.”


“I’m kind of good like that,” Kait said teasingly as she turned in to him, having to rise onto her tip toes to meet his lips.


“God, you look good,” he murmured between kisses. His hands began to reach for her curves, cheekily pushing up the hem of her sundress.


“Hey!” Kait playfully pushed his hands away and scolded him. “At night is one thing, but during the day, we risk giving some of the other guests a scare!”


“Then let’s give them a fright to remember!” Jasper pulled her back close, pressing their bodies together so that only the flimsy fabric of her dress and his shorts were between them, and even that wasn’t enough to contain the mounting heat.


“Jasper,” Kait had to step back from him else she knew she’d succumb to his charms. “Later.” She purred the word at him and began to slink her way up the beach, heading back towards their cabin.


“Where are you going?” He called after her.


“To get changed,” Kait shouted back. “You said we were going out for dinner tonight.”


“Yeah!” Jasper called back. “Wear something nice! It’s a really fancy place!”


“Is it courtesy of Carl Santino?” Kait asked, laughing.


“No,” Jasper shook his head, his expression sincere, “tonight is all on me.”


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