Mason: Inked Reapers MC (4 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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              “I’m sorry.” I laid a hand on her shoulder. I meant it. She looked shook up, either by our conversation or whatever the person at the door had to say.  Her chest heaved as she took a deep breath, and then brought those beautiful brown eyes to mine. “How long ago?”


              “Two months.” She shook her head, as if that would rid herself of the memories she didn’t want.  I cupped her chin, making her look at me.  Such soft features did not belong in a hell hole like the Disciples clubhouse.


              I didn’t speak, only brought my lips down on her. I don't know what made me do it. Her sad look, the way she looked so innocent in her summer dress. All I knew is I needed to taste her. I hadn't taken the time the night before, but I was going to take it now.  She didn’t resist me, she melted.  I moved closer, pressing my body against hers, cradling her face in my hands.  Fuck, her lips tasted like cherries, sweet cherry pie. Why did everything about her remind of me something wholesome and pure?  I heard her moan, it was small, almost lost in the sound of my thumb rubbing her cheek.  I pushed my tongue past her lips, and she opened for me sweetly. Her hands found their way up to my arms, holding the sleeves of my shirt, but not pushing me away.  I commanded her at that moment, I owned her.


              When I finally dragged myself away, I looked down at her dazed eyes and smiled. “What was that for?” She asked, breathless.


              “I wanted to.” I released her and turned away, feeling like a stupid teenager hiding a boner. My body wanted her again, hell all of me wanted her again. And again. 


              “You always just do what you want?” She questioned me as I pulled out my wallet. Her eyes darted from me to my hands and they darkened. Like a fast approaching storm that I couldn’t get away from. “I don’t want your fucking money.” She spat at me.


              I looked up at her with some bewilderment. “I’m not paying you.” I found myself defending myself. I held up the wallet. “Just checking my funds, I’m hungry and want breakfast.”


              Another blush covered her face, contrasting the patch of freckles over her nose. “Oh.”


              “Do you wanna join me?” I heard myself ask the question, but I swear my brain hadn’t thought of it.  She shook her head.


              “No. Thanks, but I have a lot to do today.” She picked up her purse from the dresser and motioned to the door. “I can walk you out.”


              “No need. I have to see Jayson anyway real quick.” I had planned on calling him anyway, but my ass was still in his clubhouse it would make it easier.  She just nodded and opened the door.  We walked down the hall and into the large lounge area.  A few bodies were moving around, but not much.  She gave me a little wave, scanned the room with her eyes, and ducked out a side door. 


              I’ve been fucking biker whores for a damn near a decade, and that girl was no biker whore.











              What the fuck was I thinking!?  Mason Day was nothing but trouble, and I’d let him spend the night in my bed.  He wasn’t the first guy Jayson threw my way to “entertain”, but none of them had made it out of the bathroom before I had their clothes in hand and the door open for their exit. At the time, I just chalked it up to exhaustion. Spending ten hours on my feet working the bar had taken its toll. But if I were going to be honest with myself, I would have to admit I didn’t want that man to leave. 


              He’d been so in control, so dominating, I couldn’t stop myself from obeying all of his commands.  What started out as a quick fuck to work off some of my debt, turned into something else entirely before he was through with me.  His eyes. I’d never seen such a dark shade of blue before, and when he put them on me, I thought my skin was going to burst into flames.


              I can’t say his cockiness was unlike other bikers, but it was deeper. He wasn't’ covering up for some inadequacy or trying to be a show-off.  He took possession of the room when he entered it, my room included.  I had no chance once he’d stepped into my bedroom.


              And that kiss. I needed to forget that kiss. It was dangerous to think about something that felt so intimate, so real.  I need to focus on my plan. I needed to figure out a way to get a second job, one that Jayson didn’t control.  Between my earnings at the club and my own job, I could pay him off even faster. So I probably wouldn’t sleep for the next few months, I could sleep after. In my own bed. In my own apartment, where men didn’t pound down my door after having too much beer and didn’t have enough cash in their pocket to stumble over to the whorehouse next door.


              Jayson didn’t often grant the members permission to bother me. He preferred that I serviced him alone, but if they had enough cash, or were willing to serve up a favor in exchange, he’d allow it.  Or if I’d pissed him off.  The days I got smart with him, or looked at him the wrong way, I was sure to have some nasty drunk biker at my bedroom door.


              Mason wanted to know why I didn’t just leave. Like that was really an option.  Kerri had tried that, tried walking away. She got all the way to her old apartment.  The newspaper boy found her body in the street the following morning. Two shots to her head, but that’s probably not what killed her.  The severe beating she took first most likely did her in, the bullets were just insurance. Disciple men weren’t used to being walked out on, not by anyone least of all their women.


              “Hi, can I help you?” An older woman with graying hair, smiled at me from behind the counter. My second goal of the day was to get information about enrolling in the nurses program at the junior college in town.  After I had freed myself from the MC, I needed a career, not just a job to pay bills, but something that I could be proud of.


              “Yeah, I’m interested in the nurses program.” I looked at my phone, an hour before I needed to be back at the club or Jayson would start asking questions. 


              I was given half a dozen pamphlets and sent down to the financial office to fill out applications for grants and stuff. Once all of that crap was done, I headed back to the clubhouse. I needed a car, my feet were killing me from all the walking. I didn’t want to waste money on the busses, every penny I had went to helping get me out of the MC sooner.


              I heard the roar of the motorcycles headed toward me, as I turned down the last street to the clubhouse. Three of them in Inked Reapers cuts.  I recognized Mason right away, he lead the small pack headed in my direction.  I tried to ignore him, pretend I didn't see him. The tilt of his head, and the shit-eating grin on his face told me he’d seen me.  I tried to roll my eyes, but he’d already passed me and I forced myself to keep walking and not look back.  Lucas met me at the gate.


              “You know that’s trouble, right?” He asked when I walked up to him.


              “What are you talking about?” I grumbled, zipping my bag to keep anyone from seeing the pamphlets inside.


              “Mayson Day lives and breathes Inked Reapers, if Jayson gets even a whiff that you two are anything more than nothing, he’ll have something to say about it.” Lucas nodded for Pepper, the newest recruit, to lock down the gate as we walked toward the clubhouse.


              “He is nothing.” I tried to assure him, but he must have seen the blush on my cheeks. “Nothing, Lucas.” I walked faster, I needed to get away from him.  I trusted Lucas, he’d protected my ass more times than I could count, but he was a Disciple. And in the end, that’s what mattered.

















              Marcus spent most of the afternoon yammering about some new boat he wanted to buy. Deep sea fishing or some shit. I stopped listening after a while.  A dark haired pixie kept walking into my thoughts and distracting me. 


              “Mason.” Marcus slapped me on the back. When had he moved around the table? “Your first run with the Disciples is tomorrow.  I want you to go over there today and finalize all the details. I don't’ want anything going wrong.”


              “You got it.” I nodded. Maybe I could relieve a little stress while I was there, too.  “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. What do we know about the Disciples sex trade? I know they have that whorehouse out back, but those rumors of them trafficking women- any truth to it?”


              Prez eyed me quietly then looked around the room.  The other guys watched us. I suddenly felt like I was living my high school nightmare of walking into the lunchroom in my boxers. “Nah. Not that I know of. Just rumors far as I know.” Marcus waved it off. “Besides what they do with their women, that’s their problem.” He rounded the table again and retook his seat addressing the whole room. “We don't’ need to be sticking our noses where it doesn’t belong. Keep this deal neat and tidy.”


              I nodded. No point in starting an argument. I had no proof and the club most likely wouldn't take any action with the truce in place.  Once we pushed the Disciples out, then we’d be able to do something about it.   Running drugs and weapons over the border didn’t toy with my conscience one bit, but enslaving a woman, making her into some dime store whore for those assholes benefit repulsed me.


              Everything wrapped up pretty quick and Marcus sent me on my way.  Tick decided to tag along, and I was glad for the company. With him along, I’d have a better chance of keeping away from that Pixie.


              When we pulled into the courtyard of the Disciples, we were greeted by the same three guys as before. The guy, Lucas, seemed to be the most up and up about everything going on.  The VP, Sting, didn’t sit well with me, something about his eyes always wandering during a conversion. If you can’t look at me when you're talking to me, you're hiding some shit.


              As we walked into the clubhouse, I heard a low mocking laugh.  Jayson was sitting at the bar waving papers in front of Lucy’s face.  Her eyes looked murderous, but she kept her mouth shut as he kept on rambling.


              “A nurse? A whore like you?” He opened one of the leaflets and laughed harder. “Says here you need to pass a test first. Do you even know any math?  You’re pretty good with dick plus mouth equals payday, but do you know numbers?”


              “I was just getting information.” She pulled the pamphlet from his hands. “What were you doing in my room anyway?”


              “Your room?” His tone darkened quickly, and I took a step in her direction. Tick’s hand on my shoulder steadied me. “Bitch, that's my room. My bed. My furniture. And that pussy between your legs is mine, too. Forget this school shit. By the time you finish paying what you owe, you’ll be too old for school.”  Her fingers gripped the papers so tight I could see her knuckles turning white. She didn’t respond though, she just tucked them away in her apron.


              “I’m half-”


              “You’re not even a quarter of the way, bitch. Every day you add more to your tab.”


              “Hey, Jayson!” Lucas stepped in front of us. “Got company.” I stepped to the side, keeping my eyes on Lucy.  She looked up and her face flushed when her eyes met mine.  While Jayson was preoccupied, she took the opportunity and fled the room.  Jayson didn’t notice, but I saw the clenched fists, the unshed tears building.  What the fuck was going on?


              “Hey!” Jayson threw on a fake grin and walked over to us. “Almost forgot you were heading over.  Lucas here can finalize everything with you.  I got some business to take care of at the strip club.”  I gave him a nod, but kept watching the doorway where she fled.  I was going to get some answers.













              I stared at the nursing program pamphlets thrown on my bed. Jayson was probably right. I’d never get free of him, at least not while I still had enough energy to go to school.  By then, I’d probably be too wrung out to do much with my life other than keep going the way I was going.


              If listened to him, let him get into my head, I’d be stuck in his damn MC for the rest of my life, and that wasn’t’ going to happen.  I had dreams. I wasn’t stupid, school came pretty easily for me.  My mom always bragged about my grades in high school, before she got sick.  Taking care of my mom took center stage after she was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma.  I barely passed senior year, and college was out of the question. Every dime we had went to her medicine and doctor treatments.  She held on for two years after I graduated and was able to find full-time work to help pay the bills, but in the end, it was all for nothing.


              Looking in the mirror at my short hair and over applied makeup, I felt the weight of my situation crushing me. My mother would have died twice over if she knew what I would become, the whore I turned into. Sure it wasn’t my choice, but the acts were the same. Men gave Jayson cash to fuck me, and I continued to do it.  He said I was only a quarter paid up, but my calculations were twice that. He’d never let me go.


              I picked up the pamphlets again, ready to the throw them in the trash this time when my door opened. “Lucy.” A dark voice sent a shiver through me and I didn’t need to turn around to see who lurked in my doorway.


              “Jayson send you in?” I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes, making sure none of the tears that had built up actually spilled over and tossed the pamphlets into the can next to my dresser.


              The door shut and the click of the lock startled me. Other than members, Jayson usually brought in the guys he wanted me to entertain.  I spun around and knocked right into Mason’s chest.  He steadied me before I fell on my ass, then pulled my chin up, smashing his mouth right on top of mine.


              I melted right into him. His lips burned me with an intensity that dragged me from coherent thought. I lifted my arms to put them around his neck, but he captured them, not breaking off the kiss, and pinned them behind my back.  Our bodies pressed more firmly together, his erection pressing against my hip.  I had never been kissed with so much heat and desire before.


              He pulled away, giving my lips one last small lick as he did so, and buried his gaze into mine.  His hands slid up into my hair, holding my head firmly in place.  He’d had a drink before he came to me, I could smell the whiskey on his breath. But he wasn't’ drunk. No, far from it. This man was all control, every ounce of him.


              “Take off your clothes.” He growled, not letting go of my hair. I searched his eyes, sure he was joking. If he didn’t let go of me, how the hell was I supposed to do what he said?


              “You’ll let have to loosen your grip, there big boy.” I grinned and moved my hands to his wrists. He gave me a little shake. Not hard, but with enough force for me to know who was in charge again, and it sure as hell wasn’t me. I would have screamed at him, if my cheeks didn’t heat up with a blush and my body would stop reacting to his macho man act. It was no act, though.  I could see that. He only knew one way, his way.


              “Figure it out.” He gave a casual shrug.


              When I didn’t move, he pulled on my hair. “Ow, stop it.” I swung my foot at him, but made no contact.  Instead, he spun me around and pushed me over the side of my bed. Before I could struggle, he had my yoga pants pulled down to my knees and was applying hard slaps to both of my ass cheeks. I wiggled, I bucked, I tried to push up, but his hand just kept falling and igniting a fire in my backside. “Okay! Okay!”  I felt tears in my eyes, but it was the wetness between my legs that had me more concerned.


              “Okay, what?” He stopped punishing my ass and ran his hand over my hot skin.  I hadn’t worn panties, I wish I’d worn panties.  If he moved his fingers a little further down, he’d know how hot he was really making me.


              “I’ll take my clothes off.” I couldn’t look over my shoulder at him, he still had one fist in my hair, pushing me down on the mattress.


              “Yes, you will.” He gave me another half dozen swats to my already tender ass before pulling me back to my feet. “Does your ass hurt?” His snarling grin should have frightened me, I’d seen similar expressions on the members just before they beat the hell out of their prey.


              “Yes,” I answered with my chin thrust up at him. His smile widened.


              “Good. Now, do what I said and take your clothes off.”


              I managed to kick out of my pants since they were already nearly at my ankles, but my shirt was a challenge. I slid my arms out of the sleeves and wiggled it up around my neck. Figuring he’d have to move his hand, I looked up at him. An arched brow answered my question and I left my shirt dangling around my neck.  My bra unclasped easily enough and slid down my arms, but I still had no idea about what to do about my shirt.  He finally saw reason and let go of my head, and yanked the shirt over for me.


              “Get on the bed, spread your legs.” He nodded toward my bed.  I managed to climb into position, but kept my legs closed. He hadn't even taken off his shirt yet. “What did I say? Is everything going to be a challenge with you today?” He bent over and easily pried my legs open, shoving my knees toward my chest.  Before I could give a good come back, he slapped the insides of my thighs twice.


              “Aagh!” I wanted to shut my legs, but he gripped my knees and peered down at me.


“I forgot my ropes again.” He gave me a wink that told me if he ever did get around to bringing those around, I would be in serious trouble. “So you’ll have to be a really good girl and keep your legs open for me. If you don’t, if you move, there’s going to be consequences.”  A strand of blond hair fell in front of his forehead, giving him a slightly less menacing look, but not enough to tempt me to disobey. 


“Okay.” I nodded. His hands felt warm on my knees, and I wanted him to move them down my thighs, lower still until he was touching all of me. 


He slid back on the bed, until his face was only a breath away from my pussy and I squirmed just at the thought of what he was going to do.  No man had put his mouth there in months, maybe years. I didn’t even remember when my last boyfriend was, relationships and I didn’t mix well.


I looked down the length of my body at where he looked up at me.  He gave me another wink before leaning forward and sucking my already tender clit into his mouth.  I thrust my fingers into my own hair, clutching my locks as his tongue swirled all around me. He licked between my labia, down to my entrance.  He circled my opening and smiled up at me when I tried to arch up and get his tongue inside of me. I needed him inside.  How could this man make me so damn hot for him with such little effort?


A groan burned my throat as he continued to do horribly delicious things with his tongue on my pussy.  He slid one finger to my pussy, rimming my entrance, but still denying me the satisfaction I craved. “Please, Mason.” I finally moaned. I was beyond caring about my pride. The man was doing horrible things to my insides, and if I didn't have him inside me soon, it was possible I was going to combust.


“Ahh, not yet, babe.” He sucked my clit into his mouth again, with his tongue flicking it along the way. How did he think I would last much longer?


“Oh, god. I’m going to come.” I sat halfway up, needing more pressure, more of everything.


“No, you’re not.” He completely pulled away. No fingers touching me, no tongue dancing over my clit, and nothing inside of me still.  He slowly pulled his cut over his arms and tossed it on the dresser.  He yanked off his shirt by the neckline, revealing again, his hard abs and the many tattoos running over his body.  I wanted to lick him, to taste the saltiness of his skin.


He slid out of his jeans and tossed them to the floor as well.  As he climbed back up onto the bed, I noticed he rolled a condom over her thick shaft.  Just a job, I told myself, but I was a liar. I wanted him. Bad.


The head of his cock toyed with my slit, rubbing up and down but never fully entering me. I arched my hips, but he pushed them back to the bed. “You move when I say move, Got it?” The firm order was given, but I could see as much desire in his eyes as I felt tingling in my body.


“Yes.” Not sure what to do with my hands, I reached up and touched his chest. His muscles rippled beneath my fingertips. I traced his pecs, down to his abs and further down, hoping to wrap my fingers around his cock. But he laughed.


“I’m not that easy, baby.” He grasped my wrists and pinned them at my sides. With one thrust he was inside me. I cried out from the fullness. God, he was so big.  I may be the club’s personal fuck toy, but not many of the guys bothered with me for sex.  My body wasn’t’ used to being so damn full. “Fuck.” I heard him growl then start to move again, pulling out and pushing back in harder. I pulled my knees up. I needed more of him, the pain mixed with the intense pleasure of his cock ramming into me, both confused and excited me.


His hands still held down my wrists, and my legs were still high in the air, I had no leverage I couldn’t’ move. I could only take what he gave, and he kept giving so fucking much. “Please, Mason. Please.” I begged, but I had no idea what I wanted. I needed more, more pain, more pleasure, more of everything.


“I know what you need, baby.” He smiled down at me and released my right wrist.  “Touch yourself for me. Play with that little clit of yours while I fuck you.”


I found my clit with my fingers and rubbed hard, circling the wet nub as he continued to plow into me.  His hands were on my breasts, pulling at my nipples. The burn moved down into my belly and lower still to where everything was building. I needed to come. “Please, Mason. I have to come.” Our eyes locked, but he didn’t answer me, just continued to fuck me senseless.


He asked me a question, but I was far away, not hearing or understanding him. My fingers moved faster, he pumped harder. “Baby, tell me, tell me why I should let you come.” His words finally came to me.


“I have to.”


“No, you don’t. I can pull out and leave you wanting. Tell me, baby, tell my why.” He didn’t stop moving, his body slapped against me as he continued to fuck me.


“I’ve been good. I’ll be good.” I would have promised him almost anything at that moment, I was so close to exploding. “Please.”


“What do I get if I let you?”


How could he think so damn rationally? “Anything!”


He laughed. “You don’t know what that means.” His eyes bore into me, he ground his


hips into my clit, pushing my hand even harder against it. “I’ll show you, though. I promise.” He bent lower and kissed me softly. “Come.” He ordered.  Just the word alone pushed me over the edge. I opened my mouth, ready to scream my release. His mouth clamped over mine. He took in my scream and kissed me, riding me harder as he found his own release. His groan of pleasure mingled with my residual yelps until we both lay all tangled up and breathing heavy.  A droplet of his sweat rolled onto my chest from his.


“Fuck.” He breathed and rolled over to his side, pulling me with him.  My head rested on his chest and I feel into the rhythm of his breathing.  Fingertips trailed down my arm then back up in such a soothing manner, I almost forgot why he was in my room. He wasn’t someone to cuddle with, he was just a means to an end.  I tried to sit up then, to move away, but his arm snaked around me, keeping me right where I was. “Tell me about those brochures.” He pressed his lips against my head.


“They’re nothing.” I tensed under the question.  He’d probably laugh, just like Jayson had, and I wasn’t really in the mood for it.              


              “Now, if you want to be able to come again tomorrow, I would suggest you stop lying.” he pinched my hip.


              “Tomorrow? Planning another trip out here already?”


              “Have some business to attend to, thought I’d stop by your room afterward.”

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