Read Marrying the Marine-epub Online

Authors: Sabrina McAfee

Marrying the Marine-epub (9 page)

BOOK: Marrying the Marine-epub
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The bedroom door cracked wide open. Braylon emerged in the doorway smiling ever so handsome and lugging her soft pink suitcase behind him. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said cheerily, coming to a stop in front of her.

She smiled. “Good morning.” She tilted her head looking up at his gorgeous, masculine face. Her nipples rounded into hard black pebbles.
Here I go again
. Why couldn’t she stop with all the tingling?

His potent woodsy fragrance assailed her nostrils. Overnight his dark beard had filled in on his gorgeous face.
Oh no…I think I’m in love.

“Do you always wake up this pretty?” he asked huskily, smiling.

She blushed. “Thanks,” she said, feeling she probably looked way worse than he was saying.

He plopped her suitcase up on the bed. “How did you sleep last night?”

After that good licking you gave me I slept just fine.
“I slept well. What about you?”

“I slept off and on, had something heavy on my mind.” He pushed the suitcase to the far end of the bed. When he sat on the mattress beside her, a subtle creak reverberated throughout the room. 

As she yearned for him to hold her like he’d done last night, the skin of their arms touched. He grasped her hand. His darkening eyes worried her.

Please don’t tell me you regret it. 
Bracing herself for the worse possible outcome, she swallowed, then shifted her gaze toward the wall. He clenched her chin and turned her face toward his, reconnecting their gazes. “What kept you up so much?” She could hear the worry in her own voice.

“Do you remember what happened last night?”

The way you made me orgasm in your mouth…how could I not?
She nodded. “Yes. I remember everything.”

“I’m sorry for taking advantage of you while you were sick, under strict doctor’s orders and drugged out of your mind. I should’ve waited until you were able to think clearly before letting things go as far as they did. Please accept my apology.” His thumb caressed the back of her hand.

Braylon’s apology was so unnecessary. She’d known fully what she was engaging in, and had enjoyed every minute of the pleasurable acts. In fact, if she was feeling better at this moment she’d spread her legs and welcome him to explore her insides. 

She placed her hand to the hard stubble of his jaw. “I knew exactly what I was doing, Braylon. If I had to do it all over again, I would,” she said, becoming embarrassed after inhaling the familiar scent of her early morning breath. “I have no regrets.”

His brows hitched. “Are you sure?”

“If anything, I owe you for taking me to the hospital, taking Royce to Gladys’s, and helping me get to sleep after that horrible nightmare.”

“I’m glad to hear that. The last thing I want you to feel is like I’m pressuring you to do something you’re not interested in or ready for. Promise me that if I get ahead of myself, you’ll let me know.”

She raised her hand in a swearing position and smiled. “Scout’s honor.”

He chuckled while patting her thigh. “Good. The doctor said you may not have an appetite so I ran out to the store and bought you some fruit and bran muffins. They’re on the counter in the kitchen.”

She tilted her head. “Thanks. That was very sweet of you, but you shouldn’t have troubled yourself.”

“It was the least I could do and no trouble at all.” He stood then tugged her hand. “Come with me. I have something I want you to do.”

“Okay,” she said, curious.

He led her across the living room into his bedroom then directly into the large powder-white bathroom. As her eyes roamed over the thoughtful romantic gesture he’d put together, butterflies twirled in the pit of her belly.
He did all of this while I was sleeping, dreaming of him.
With the tip of her index finger lingering on her bottom lip, she looked at him and smiled.

Water filled the oversized garden tub. Lavender rose petals floated along the surface. Music like the ocean’s caress streamed from the speaker of his iPhone sitting on the marble counter. To top it off, her medication along with a bran muffin, fresh fruit, and a glass of orange juice sat on top of the vanity in front of the lighted oval mirror.

Impressed, she placed a hand over her heart. “My goodness. You thought of everything didn’t you? Thank you so much.”

“It’s an oatmeal bath so it should help with the itching and rash.”

“You are too much Mr. Wexler,” she said, smiling. “Again…thank you.”

“Ahhh, it’s no big deal. I just want you to heal and get better.” After lighting an orchid candle tucked in the corner of the tub, he left her standing in the center of the room simply amazed and appreciative.
I think he likes me. Really likes me.

She brushed her teeth and gulped down the meds and bittersweet orange juice, then sunk her teeth into the delicious bran muffin. Braylon didn’t miss a beat when planning her morning, she thought, tossing the muffin wrapper in the trash bin.

She turned up the blinds by the sink letting the morning sun stream inside. After shrugging off his shirt, she stepped inside the round tub.

Her head rested against the lip of the tub as lavender petals floated around her collarbone. She closed her eyes and relaxed as the warm water soothed her scaling skin and the melodic music played. The meds kicked in, causing her discomfort to subside.

I can get use to a man like this.
Preparing her a bath, Braylon had really outdone himself. As soon as he’d found out she was sick, he’d stepped in and taken care of her as if he was her husband, and she loved every minute of it.
You’d make a good husband, Braylon.
Images of three kids running around her and Braylon while outdoors playing in the snow entered her mind. A fine good man like Braylon and three adorable children would be perfect for her, and—

A knock on the door jarred her from her blissful daydream. “Yes,” she cooed, opening her eyes. 

“Just checking to see if you need anything,” his deep voice droned from the other side of the door. 

I need you.
She slid her hand to her clitoris and caressed it. “I’m good.” Now that he’d once licked her into a satisfying orgasm her body couldn’t stop yearning for him or his kisses. “I’ll be out shortly.”

“Just holler if you need me.”

“Will do,” she said, touching her wet foot to the white rug in front of the tub. She grabbed the towel from the rack near the sink, and as she toweled off something occurred to her—she’d failed to bring clean clothing inside the bathroom. Well, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen the best part of her before.

With the damp towel wrapped around her body she stepped out into the living room to find Braylon on the couch reading the newspaper. He lowered the paper from his eyes to gaze at her over the edges. Deep longing spiked in his bright hazel eyes.

“You look fresh.” He folded the newspaper and came to stand in front of her.

“I feel fresh.”

Dipping his head, he placed a firm hand to her spine. “I’ve wanted to kiss you all morning.” His cool, minty breath fanned her face. Then his hard lips spread over hers, persuading her into a slow, drugging French kiss. His hand trailed down her back and cupped her butt.

Pick me up and take me!
her mind rallied.

Sucking her bottom lip, he breathed hotly into her mouth, “It’s a good thing I have errands to run.”

Yep, that’s too bad. I wish you’d stay with me.
Maybe someday she’d gain enough courage to verbally express what was on her mind. Feeling like pouting, she asked, “Why’s that a good thing?”

He touched a gentle finger to her forehead and trailed it over her cheek down to her lips. “Because I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you,” he pressed his erection against her stomach, “and as soon as you get better I’m going to make love to you.”

Cream pooled in her center. “Where are you going?” More than anything she hoped he’d say he’d changed his mind and had decided to stay home, watch a romantic movie with her, and cuddle on the sofa instead. Though he probably liked action ones.

When he clenched the towel her breath accelerated.
What would she have done if he’d snatched the thick cloth from her, exposing her nude body? Judging by the way she felt at this moment, she would’ve let him part her legs and feast on her clitoris exactly like he’d so pleasantly done last night.

Braylon dug in his pocket and pulled out her delivery schedule. “I’m going to deliver your pies for you today,” he said, holding the flimsy paper up to her face. Apparently, he’d gotten it off the refrigerator while she’d been showering or asleep this morning. “Then I’m going to check on Royce.” He brought his watch up to his face. “And if I have time, I’m going to drop by the youth center to see about volunteering.”

The area between her thighs was hot like fire. “Volunteering at the youth center is very kind of you. However, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to deliver my pies for me.” 

His brows furrowed. “I knew you were going to say that.”

She rubbed a hand over the wet hair on her nape. “You did?”

He nodded. “Yes, baby. I did. And I know why, too.”

“You do?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re worried about people connecting me to you and the word getting back to your father. Just to let you know, I have big plans for us. No disrespect, but I have no intentions of letting your father get in my way of building a relationship with you. What I want, I get. And what I want…is you.”

My father has finally met his match.
“Okay,” she said, unhappy with his domineering tone.

“Maybe if he meets me he’ll change his mind like you changed yours.” He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. “I want to meet your father, Sandella.”

She shook her head. “You can’t. At least not yet. Maybe someday, but not right now.” Because he wanted to meet her father, she questioned how far he planned to take things.

“I understand. But do me a favor and give it some thought. I’d rather meet him first than for him to hear about us in the streets.”

Us. So there’s an us?
A part of her wanted to throw her arms around his neck. And the other part of her wanted to run and hide under a rock. Because getting involved with a Marine could bring about many problems for her. “You have a good point.”

Braylon walked to the door, twisted the doorknob, then turned back to face her. “Have you ever thought about selling your pies over the internet? As good as they are, with the right marketing, you’d make a killer profit.”

“You really think they’re that good?”

His left brow cocked. “I know they are.”

She shook her head. “I have no clue how to start an internet business.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Come up with a company name, and when I get back I can help you begin brainstorming a business plan. That’s if you’re interested.”

Her face broke into a smile. “I’m definitely interested.”

After Braylon walked out of the door, she traipsed inside the bedroom and fell flat on her back on top of the mattress. The box springs creaked. She spread open the towel and let the cool temperature connect with her nipples.

For the first time in her life, she felt like she’d finally met the man who God intended to be her husband. It wasn’t anything in particular he’d done or said, it was just a gut feeling. Or maybe she was reading too much into his acts of kindness.

He wants to meet Dad. What am I going to do? Is he worth risking my relationship with my father? He makes me feel so incredible.

As she gazed up at the ceiling, the heated night of passion she’d shared with Braylon revisited her mind. Thinking of how his hot tongue had curled over her breasts, her opening tingled. A sensual stormed brewed up inside making her hot all over.

The need to have him inside her to the hilt overwhelmed her. She slid her palm over her hairy mound, pinched her pulsating clitoris. Tugging and pulling at the hard bead…God, she wished it was Braylon’s tongue curling over her erected bud, instead of her own twirling fingers.

A hot minute later, her mouth parted and she exploded in her own hand. Smiling and relieved, she rolled to her side and fell fast asleep.


to the estate two hours later having completed all his errands
As he closed the car to the Jaguar, he wondered if making rounds for Sandella had been the right thing to do.
God, I hope she tells her father about us before someone else does...because whether he likes it or not, I’m going to make sweet love to his daughter.
His balls tingled.
And that’s fucking that.

Sandella’s customers seemed shocked when he’d dropped off the pies at their businesses. Two stylists at the hair salon had even had the nerve to ask him if he was her lover. And when he’d denied the fact, the girl named Sydney had slipped him a torn sheet of paper with her number written on it. The receptionist at the law firm had been no different. Right now he only had eyes for one woman, and that was Sandella, so none of that flirting stuff worked.

Braylon came to a stop in front of Sandella as she lay in the bed, sleeping with a pretty smile on her face, looking like a princess. Her black shiny hair flowed gracefully over her shoulder. The brown skin on her face looked like smooth satin.
You’re so damn beautiful.
He could look forever at the sophisticated lady while she slept. But he had other important things to do.

In an effort to not disturb her, he turned and quietly walked out of the room. Inside the kitchen he plopped his laptop on the counter and slid onto the bar stool. He hit a button and the computer zinged to life. 

The internet was filled with information on how to start an online bakery as well as how to go about getting a product into major retailers. After thoroughly researching the market, he took the initiative to type up a business plan. He knew it was a little proactive on his behalf, but since he had nothing else to do, he’d decided to help someone as talented as her.

Over two hours had passed when he heard her feet padding across the carpet heading in his direction. “You’re finally up, huh?” he said, keeping his eyes trained on the computer.

BOOK: Marrying the Marine-epub
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