Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)
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“Are you kidding me? What a fucking bitch!” I covered my mouth, hoping Kieran didn’t hear my outburst.

“Yeah, she was. Of course Kier couldn’t see that then. He was in love with her and furious with me. Fecker gave me a wicked black eye and told me ta leave. I tried ta tell him what happened the next day but he refused ta listen ta me. Up until yesterday it was the last time I’d seen him.”

“Damn.” I shook my head.

“Exactly. She fecked with him big time. So, ya can see my concern.”

I nodded, setting my tray out. “I get it. Like I said, I’ll leave him alone. Even if he was the one putting the moves on me first.”

“Ya didn’t exactly discourage him.” He gave me a flat look. The bell clanked and I looked past him. My first appointment was here. I flashed Liam an innocent smile.

“I’ll leave him alone.”


“Hey, Ian. Come in, I’m all set up for you.”

Ian smiled from the doorway and sauntered into the room. He nodded at Liam and, satisfied, Liam left me to my work.

“All set up to torture me, hmm?” Ian waggled an eyebrow and pushed his chin length black hair out of his face, a dimple showing on one cheek.

“You’re the one that wanted a rib piece, buddy. Now take your shirt off so I can check the design.”

“Yes ma’am.” Ian winked at me and slid his jacket and shirt off, revealing his trim, defined torso. He had a chest piece already. I did it for him several months back. A black and grey piece with skulls, bats, and highlights of red around it.

“That healed up nicely.” I smiled and traced a finger over my previous work. He bit his lip, shifting his gaze to the floor as his cheeks reddened. “Sorry.” I turned and grabbed the design for his rib piece.

“It’s alright.” Ian laughed and lifted his arm so I could place the design on him. I wet it down then peeled the paper off his side, leaving the stencil on his skin.

“How do you like that?”

He turned to the mirror, shifting and twisting as he stared at the design. “It looks great, Shayne. I like it a lot.”

“Good because it’s going to hurt. Now lay down.”

Ian grinned and laid on my chair, stretching out on his other side. “I’m ready when you are, baby. Put on some good music this time.”

“Oh whatever, you like my music.” I snorted and turned on my iPod.

He narrowed his eyes at me playfully, watching me slip on my gloves and open up the needles. “It’s alright, I guess.”

“You know how much I can make this hurt, right?”

His grin only grew at that statement. Ian was handsome and a sweetheart. He always flirted with me. I was tempted to push it further, but liked having him as a client. I knew better than to mess with the shop’s business. Ignoring the subtle glances he kept giving me, I settled myself on my stool, and rubbed Vaseline over the design. From the doorway I felt someone watching and glanced up to meet Kieran’s gaze.

“Did you need something?” I asked.

He shifted his gaze away, making me wonder if everything last night had been solely whiskey-induced. “I was just lookin’ fer Liam.”

“Oh. He might have stepped out front for a quick smoke before his appointment.”

“Right. Thanks.” He offered me a faint smile and disappeared from the doorway once more.

Ian shifted on my chair, looking over his shoulder. “Who’s that?”

“That’s just Liam’s younger brother. He’s visiting from Cali.”

He let out a grunt in reply and eased back down. “Well then, let’s get this bad boy started.”

I smiled at Ian and pulled my attention back to my work, turning on my machine.

“God, you’re a beast.” I laughed, gingerly wiping off the angry red skin over Ian’s ribs. “I still can’t believe you got through this whole tattoo in one sitting.”

“Yes, well, I got to lay here and stare at you for six hours,” he said. I turned away and grabbed gauze to cover his new rib piece, ensuring he couldn’t see me blushing.

“Did you want to check it out?”

Ian pulled himself up, stretched out, and walked into the hall to the mirror by the office.

“Damn, Shayne, you’re so fucking talented.” He admired his new tattoo in the mirror and a pleased grin spread across his face.

“Well from what I hear, you’re not so bad yourself.” I said, coming up behind him and looking over my work.

Ian turned to me and lifted an eyebrow. “So does that mean you’re finally going to let me put some ink on you?”

“Maybe some time in the next couple of months. You know as well as I do that I practically live at this shop.” I said. “Now turn to me and let me bandage you up.”

He listened, turning around with his arm over his head and I covered his tattoo, taping down the gauze with medical tape. Very aware of his roving gaze the entire time.

“Come on, you were telling me about that big phoenix you wanted on your back. You know I’m good with colorful pieces like that.” Ian brushed a fingertip over my shoulder. “I’d love to tattoo you.”

A tingle shivered down my spine at his touch and I stood, looking him in the eyes. He grinned and that little dimple showed once more. I couldn’t deny he was attractive. Every time he came here he did this.

“Like I said, maybe in a couple months.”

“Alright then, in a couple months. I’ll hold you to it.”

My lips eased into a relaxed smile. “Fine.”

Ian’s grin widened, the dimple on his other cheek showing. I went back to my room to start cleaning up. Ian followed, watching me as he slipped his shirt and jacket back on. He came up behind me and slid his hand over my arm, handing me the cash and letting his touch linger.

“Until later, thanks for the beautiful work, gorgeous.” His lips brushed my cheek and warmth flooded me.

“You’re welcome, Ian.” I patted his cheek. Satisfied, he nodded and left the shop.




My phone buzzed in my pocket again and I pressed the reject button. It was Kendall for at least the tenth time today. Knowing she wouldn’t stop until I answered her, I sent her a text message.

:I need space. Please just leave me alone right now.:

The phone buzzed a moment later.

:Fine. I love you. I’m sorry. We really need to talk.:


“Something wrong?” I looked up from my phone to meet Shayne’s concerned gaze.

“No, I’m fine.”

She smirked and pulled herself up onto the desk, her eyes still watching me. “Kendall?”

“Yeah. Go figure the minute I leave town she decides ta try and talk ta me.”

“Hmmph. Fuck that shit. Ignore her ass and have fun while you’re here.”

I shook my head, unsure of what to think of Kendall’s sudden need to “talk” and quickly changed the subject.

“How was yer tattoo session? Was a long one, no?”

“It was. Came out great though.”

“That guy seemed ta think so as well.”

Her gaze darted to mine and she grinned again. “Who, Ian?”

“Mmhmm, I heard him goin’ on about it.”

“He’s a bit of a flirt, but I don’t date clients.”

“No?” I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

“Well, I don’t date, period. But I definitely don’t mess with clients. He’s also a good artist. We’re hoping to get him to work at our shop eventually.”

“Ah, don’t shite where ya eat.”

“Precisely.” Shayne nodded, laying back against the wall and rubbing her wrist.

“Hands sore?”

Her eyes blinked open. “Hmm? Yeah a little bit. I love doing those big custom pieces, but it’s a killer on my hands and wrists.”

“Give it here.” I held my hand out and she extended hers to me. I started on her wrist, kneading with my thumbs. Shayne let out a soft moan and her head lulled back against the wall.

“Mmm, that feels good.” She bit her lip. I kept my attention on her hand, working my way down to her palm. She let out a soft “mmm” and her body relaxed against the desk. Memories of the previous night flickered in my mind with the soft, satisfied noises she made, but I couldn’t think of that. Liam had spent the entire ride back to his apartment last night giving me a tongue lashing about messing with Shayne and I’d given him my word that I’d leave her alone, even if it killed me. With the sounds she was making, it just might.

“Ooh, God that’s amazing.” She moaned, melting against the counter. Her eyes were squeezed shut and I took advantage, looking her over in a slow perusal. Her legs relaxed and I was all too aware of the gap between her thighs. I tried to pull my attention away from the hint of black lace peeking out from under her skirt and dug my thumbs into her wrist. It only made things worse.

“Mmm, Kieran, you’re so good at that.”

My body reacted and my cock twitched to life as a pleasant warmth spread through me. I paused, taking a calming breath and Shayne wriggled against the desk.

“Please don’t stop.” She whimpered and I bit back the groan that shivered through me. I continued my ministrations, trying to ignore the rise and fall of her breasts and the soft moans that left her lips. Her foot absently brushed against my thigh and another soft mewl sent my desire over the edge.

I stood up between her thighs and she opened her eyes, confusion clear in her features. She looked down as I ran a hand up the bare flesh of her inner thigh. Her gaze returned to mine and she sucked in a breath, round pert breasts rising high. My mouth was on hers before she could say anything. She kissed me back, her tongue dragging against mine with lustful hunger. My cock swelled as blood rushed to my groin and I groaned, pulling her hips to the edge of the desk. Promise or not, I couldn’t stop thinking about last night. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had kissed me like that. I slid my hand over her breast and cupped its pleasant weight. I pressed against those thin lacy knickers, feeling her heat once more and my cock strained against my jean. My thumb brushed against her hardened nipple and Shayne moaned, breaking her lips away from mine.

“Kieran, I think we should stop.” She gasped, putting a weak hand on my chest, her gaze avoiding mine.

“Wha? Why?”

“I just...don’t think this is a good idea. You’re Liam’s brother, and given everything going on with your wife…” Her words slammed me back into reality and I didn’t hear the rest. A pang of guilt and anger hit me in the gut, warring with the desire still throbbing through me.

“Right. I’m sorry.”

Shayne bit her lip and slipped off the desk, smoothing out her skirt. “I should go. I have another appointment that will be here soon.” She cleared her throat and with an awkward sideways glance, rushed out of the office. I sank back into my chair and tried to ignore the ache running through my body, but all I could think about was Shayne.
I’m still married,
I told myself.
I shouldn’t be thinking about another woman like that. At least not until I get that shite sorted.
But my mind wandered unbidden, right back to Shayne. Fantasizing about taking her right on this desk, tugging those black lacy knickers down to her knees, and burying myself deep inside her over and over again until she cried out.

“Feckin’ hell.” I slammed my laptop shut and pushed myself back from the desk, agitated and horny. I was still as hard as the feckin’ hobs of hell. Seeing nobody else in the back hallway I darted into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Maybe it was wrong to think of Shayne like that, but right now I couldn’t help it. Months of stilted affection from my wife and two more spent completely alone had taken its toll, only adding to the growing frustration inside me. Hastily unzipping my jeans, I pulled myself out, wrapped my hands around my rigid cock, and barely concealed the groan that escaped me.

I braced myself against the wall, leaning over the toilet and let my mind wander back to Shayne. To those black lacy knickers, to the feel of her heat taunting me through my jeans. My hand moved faster, desperate for release. I imagined pulling her off of the desk, turning her around and taking her from behind, about those pouty red lips of hers taking in my full length as she stared up at me.

“Feck.” I hissed. My hips jerked forward and I came hard, nearly crumpling over the toilet. I bit my lip, trying to muffle the moan that shook through me and a metallic taste invaded my mouth.

“Feck…” I squeezed my eyes shut as the waves of pleasure waned. A few minutes later I stood up straight and tucked myself into my jeans. Illicit thoughts of Shayne still danced around in my head, but the shock of cold water from the sink helped push them away. My heartbeat returned to normal, and taking another breath, I pulled the bathroom door open—to come face to face with my brother, Niall.

He stood there, arms crossed over his chest with a wide, shit-eating grin across his face. “I hope ya washed yer hands after that.”

“What the feck are ya doin’ standin’ outside the bathroom?” I frowned at him.

“I was lookin’ fer ya. Really, I should be the one askin’ what the hell ya were doin’. Somethin’ got ya hot and bothered?”

“None of yer feckin’ business, perv.” I pushed past him and ran into Shayne.
Just perfect.
Her eyes widened for a moment and she dodged around me, shutting the office door behind her.

“Hmmph, should have guessed. Someone, more like.”

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