Marked in a Vision (26 page)

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Authors: Mary Goldberger

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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Jay tensed where he stood and he felt Emily’s temper rise as she said clearly, “What about your first mate,

was stunned for a moment before she pulled herself together, “Is that how you got him to accept you?  Telling him some lame story about me having a first mate?”  She had not realized that Arnold and Eve were still there until he spoke up.

“So are you saying that you did not have a first mate,
said where he sat. 
turned to him in shock as he continued with narrowed eyes, “Which means that you lied to me.”

stuttered then she allowed tears to fill her eyes, “I told you the truth.  I did have a mate but he died in an attack.”  She turned her eyes to Jay as she said, “I thought
was my second mate but when I met you, I knew that he was not.”

“And yet, you let him mark you,” Jay said without hesitation. 
bit her lip for she did not know what to say to him.

“I thought that it was better to accept him over the grief of losing another mate I cared for,” she began to sob.

“Interesting,” Sasha said rolling her eyes.

“I can think of another word to describe it,” Emily uttered and
glared at her through her fake tears.

“You have no say in this, whore,” she spat.

Emily’s eyes glowed amber as she said, “Oh yes, I do considering that you are claiming my MATE as yours.”
sneered, “you are a pathetic human.  What can you actually do for someone like him?”

Then she turned to Jay with a seductive smile, “Jay, honey, tell everyone truth.”

“Of course,
,” Jay said nodding his head.  Then he said clearly slipping an arm around Emily’s waist, “Emily is my mate although you tried your best to convince
that it was you
you let
mark it.  Of course, they did not work so well for you when he met Eve
.  Then you
focused your attention back to me not realizing that I had already met my mate, my first and only mate.”

“No,” she sneered not wanting to give up, “You are my mate.  I am your Alpha Female.”

“I am not Alpha,” Jay said slowly.

“You could have been, but you had give it away to become Beta, second-in-command.  How stupid is that,”
sneered starting to lose her control.

Emily tilted her head to the side as the amber in her intensified, “Have you ever heard of a seer, Victoria?” she asked.  Not giving her time to answer the question, she continued as her voice hardened, “You see I know how you tried to have your mate killed by a rogue, but your mate was stronger than you thought.  Since he was defending you, he was able to use all the strength that made him a fighter wolf for his pack which you never knew because you only saw him a
s a
geek.  Of course,
knew what you had done as he told me you were not that good of an actress.”  
turned pale as she stepped back stumbling in her heels.

“NO,” she cried in fear, “You cannot know that, it is impossible.”

“Did you know
that by killing your mate, you doomed yourself?” Emily asked her quietly.

looked at her for a moment then a crazy haze went across her vision as she screamed, “I deserved better than that weak fool.  It was my destiny to be an Alpha Female, it is my right.”

“No,” Jay said tightening his arm on Emily, “A true Alpha Female does what is best for her pack not for herself.  You would never have done that because the only thing you wanted was the power.”
Before she could answer him there was
a flash of light then a voice su
ng, “I have been waiting for you, my love.” 
screamed as a man materialized in front of them all.  Emily looked at him as he focused on

cried, “You are died.  I know you are.  I made sure of it.”

“I know you did, my love,” he crooned, “that is why I am here still.  They
allowed me to take you with me as my mate.”

whimpered as she stumbled back and she tripped hitting her head on the floor.  The figure sighed heavily as he slid forward to pick her up and Emily asked hesitatingly, “What is going to happen to her?”

He smiled at Emily as a hard light entered his eyes before he said, “I told you that she will not interfere and she will not.  She will get her just reward.”

Then he disappeared with
in his arms and the room was silent as they tried to understand what had happened.

Emily looked at the spot where Taylor and Victoria had been, and she felt sympathy go through her as Jay hugged her to him.



Six months later

“Emily,” Sasha cried out as she came through the door with her packages.  Emily came out of the living room with laughing eyes as she asked, “What did you do buy out the store?”

She grabbed most of the bags from her before they headed upstairs to the room that Mark had converted into a nursery.

Sasha glared at her as they entered the nursery, “Wait until you are pregnant and as big as a horse, and you tell me if you don’t have certain cravings.”

Emily laughed as she helped her into the rocker that Jay bought for the couple for their first child and she said, “Most pregnant women have food cravings, Sasha, not shopping cravings.”
“To each their own,” Sasha retorted relaxing in the chair as Emily chuckled and began putting away the baby clothes that Sasha had picked up not including the toys and odds-
ins that she picked up.

Emily continued putting the things away as her mind wondered back over the last six months.  After
disappeared the ni
ght of the ceremony, she and Jay
had decided to wait to let everyone know that they were engaged, but Sasha had seen the ring as they headed up to bed and they had a small celebration in the early morning to congratulate the newly engaged couple.  A few days later, they had started talking about when to have the wedding.  Sasha had wanted them to have a double wedding
, but Emily had disagreed for she believed that Sa
sha deserved a wedding all to
.  Sasha had cried which in turn had everyone getting on to Emily for getting a pregnant woman upset so that she relented and three months later, they had been married.

She frowned as she though about
for she still felt
about what happened to her.  Although the others had said that she had brought it on herself,
Emily understood that but since she did not know what
happened to her, then she felt bad about it.

She sighed heavily as she put away the last few things and she turned to Sasha with a smile, “All done, Sasha.”

Sasha opened one eye as she looked at her, “Emily, you have been thinking about
and I know that you feel bad about what happened, but you have to remember it was not your fault. 
did it to herself.”

“I know,” Emily said softly knowing more than even Sasha knew about what would have happened if she had not existed, but she still felt bad for

“Okay, Sasha, I will stop worrying about it,” she said a moment later to see Sasha looking at her with wide eyes.

“Sasha, are you okay?” Emily said rushing over to her side. 

Sasha blinked at her as she said slowly, “Emily, you smell different.”

Emily had to laugh in relief as she said, “A new perfume that I am trying.”

“No,” Sasha said shaking her head, “more than that…like your scent has changed.”
Then both of their eyes widened as realization came to them.

Emily sunk down to her knees as her hand immediately splayed across her abdomen.

She asked in disbelief, “I am pregnant?”

“I believe so,” Sasha said.  “Too bad Jay
and Mark won’t be back for another day or Jay could definitely tell you if you were.”  Emily was listening but she was thinking back to her last monthly, and she paled when she realized she was not sure.

“Emily, did you hear me?” Sasha asked her and Emily turned her head to look at her.

“Huh?” she asked and Sasha laughed shaking her head.

“Jay can tell if you are pregnant right away,” she said.  Then she said crossly, “It is frustrating that the male can tell before we can that we are pregnant.”

Emily chuckled but her mind was wondering.  Was she really ready for a baby?  She loved Michaela and her new niece or nephew, but her own?  What would Jay think as they had only been married for three months?  Was he ready to be a father?  Then she paled, what about her gift?

“Emily, I think you worrying over nothing,” Sasha said seeing her sister go pale.

Emily quickly got to her feet as she mumbled, “I need to go and get a few things.  Will you be okay, Sasha?”

Sasha nodded her head knowing that the news hit her hard and she needed some time to process the information
as Emily hurried out of the room
.  She began to rock slowly as she rubbed her swollen stomach a
d she said quietly to her baby, “It looks like that you will have more than one cousin to play with, little one.”


Emily did not know where she was going until she pulled into the mall parking lot, the first place that Jay and Mark brought them when they first arrived there.  She walked into the mall a little dazed as she contemplated the news of the baby, if she was indeed pregnant although her senses we
re telling her that she was.  She walked around the stores looking at baby things as she thought about everything that happened since they moved here.  Everything came to her in flashes
she walked around, and she thought about Garrett and Celeste.  Two weeks after they left, Garrett accepted the position of Beta for the pack, and Celeste was finishing school with Garrett’s support.  She wanted to learn from the pack doctor, and Garrett supported her decision as he continued to help and support the pack.  Emily was happy for them as Garrett had moved past his brother’s death and leading his own life.

As for Arnold and Eve, they were fixtures in their life although
had his own pack to run.  Eve was pregnant with their first child and Emily was happy for her and
as Sasha loved the fact that her child would have another


to play with besides Michaela although if she was pregnant, then there would be another one too.

She smiled at the thought as her hand came up to play with her necklace
that she had not taken off since Jay gave it to her
, her ring glinting from the sunlight.  She was walking back the way she came when her eyes caught the shine of a jewel and she noticed that looked like her
necklace in the window of small shop.  Intrigued, she walked through the door and stopped in amazement as she saw the woman behind the counter.

,” she sighed as she stepped over to the counter.

“Hello, Emily, how are you doing?” she cackled with a knowing smile.  “I see he gave you the necklace.  He has good tastes,” she added nodding to the ring.

,” Emily started and then she stopped.

“Emily, do not worry.  You are softhearted, my child, but you know the truth better than anyone. 
made her own mistakes and those mistakes were put right,”
told her.

Emily felt as if a weight had been lifted from her although she did not understand why as
told her what everyone else told her.

chuckled as she stated, “But not everyone knows what you saw and you did not tell anyone.”
Emily nodded her head slowly before she frowned at a thought, “
…he looked so unforgiving those last few minutes before he disappeared with her.”

sighed softly before she smiled, “He could not forgive her for what she had done although he loved her.  As he told you, she got her just rewards while he got his mate.”

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