Marked (11 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

BOOK: Marked
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Fuck it.

Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he held her in place as
his tongue penetrated her mouth, his cock hard and eager. He was only capable
of holding back for so long. Chloe obliterated his control. She was so hot she
burned him alive.

Besides, he had never been good at doing the right thing.


To hell with it.

Chloe was pretty sure Jackson wasn’t interested in sex. He’d
kept distance between them on the car ride to his cabin, making small talk.
Then when they arrived he’d put more space between them. She’d tried to follow
his lead. She’d even helped him make his damn bed. After what she’d
experienced—after he’d faced her family, for Christ’s sake—she couldn’t
maintain the ruse any longer. The part of her that had breathed new life wanted

wanted more.

Slow made sense but she didn’t
to make sense.
After she’d spoken to Rachel something had clicked. She wanted to be carefree,
aching to see Jackson as she had the night before. When he was in his element,
confident and cocky, self-assured and somewhat arrogant.

“You make me want to do bad things,” Jackson growled,
sounding like the man she wanted to hear, with the edge in his voice she’d
missed. “Very, very bad things, Chloe girl.”

She shivered, squirming as a rush of wetness soaked her
panties. When he talked to her like that she wanted to drop to her knees and
give him whatever he wanted. For a moment she imagined that—on her knees,
sucking his cock, out in the open. Before she’d have been mortified for
considering it. Now? It made her tingle in all the right places.

Her skin felt as though it was on fire, calmed only by Jackson’s
touch. She wanted to feel his hands all over her, the rough pads of his fingers
working their magic. He seemed to know exactly what she needed, provoking
responses in her she never thought existed. Even now, with a heated kiss, she
was ready for whatever he wanted to give her.

“How bad?” she whispered, goading him. “Tell me.”

“Fuck that.” The words came out as a desperate snarl. He
yanked her by the hair, forcing her away, gazing into her face. “I’ll show

Oh God.

She brought a hand to his ass, shocked to feel his pocket
vibrating. Before she could consider the cause Jackson lowered her to the
ground. Even though he was obviously aroused he was gentle with her, bracing
her back with his arm. Her thick coat cushioned her shoulders as he lowered himself
over her, the hard ridge of his cock nestled at the vee of her thighs, his hips
forcing her to spread her legs. Her nipples puckered, straining against her
bra. A steady pulsing settled over her clit, making her remember how he’d put
his tongue to use when he’d gone down on her.

Going on instinct, she rolled her hips, creating a delicious
friction. Their tongues danced, darted away and returned, touching as they
kissed. Each breath she took was strained, her lungs feeling as though they
were shutting down. All she needed was a little bit more and she’d fall over
the edge. Her newfound sexuality didn’t want to be contained. She’d been
hovering on the brink all morning, eager for a repeat of their shared evening
together, walking on pins and needles.

“Rock against me.” He brought his hands to her waist,
guiding her movements, dragging her cleft along his denim-clad shaft. “Rub that
hot pussy of yours against my cock. Take what you need.”

Shamelessly, she did, grinding her mound against him. Heat
rolled over her, beads of sweat forming on her brow despite the cool weather.
She clawed at his leather coat, burying her nails in the material, wishing it
was his skin instead. Smells penetrated the air—Jackson, the earth, the
alluring fragrance of pine. Burying her face in his neck, she reached for what
she wanted, rubbing her pussy against him. Fiery sensation swarmed her,
building and intensifying.

So close…

One hard thrust and she cried out, shaking as she came, her
eyes clamped shut. She gyrated against him, keeping the glorious electric
currents flowing as long as possible, trembling as the world rotated on its
axis. Strangely the orgasm wasn’t enough. She felt empty inside, her vaginal
walls flexing. She needed Jackson above her, surrounding her with his body,
filling her with his cock.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get there,” he rasped, as though he’d
read her mind.

He unzipped her jacket and cupped her breasts, thumbing her
nipples. Her head fell back, small twigs and leaves snagging in her hair, sharp
edges poking at her scalp. Somehow the unexpected and harsh sensations made the
moment more real, more animal. Apparently foreplay would have to wait.

She wanted Jackson.

His button fly didn’t give her any trouble, parting like a
breeze when she tugged at the fastener. He lifted up, giving her access, aiding
her in her task. She knew it wouldn’t take much to reveal his straining
erection. He hadn’t bothered with underwear. A couple well-timed yanks and his
cock would be free. Once he removed her jeans nothing would stand in their way.
She’d urge him to take her hard and fast, needing to feel him plunging into her
over and over again.

Realization poured over her and her fingers stilled.

“Condom,” she blurted, startled when his silken flesh
slapped into her hand, reminding her of how stupid she’d almost been
She’d forgotten that all-important element of sex before. She couldn’t risk
doing so a second time.

Jackson looked at her, confusion in his eyes. “What?”

“We need to use condoms. I’m not on the Pill.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.” He pinched her
nipples, causing her to gasp, passion and sexual hunger attempting to overcome
reason. “Trust me.”

She’d trust him with just about anything…but not that. The
ramifications were too severe. The cost too high.

“I do,” she disagreed, denying her traitorous body, feeling
his cock prodding her thigh. She steeled herself not to respond when he circled
his fingers around the pointed peaks covered by her clothing.

“It’s not your time to conceive. I’d know.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Of course I do.” He rose above her, his irises like bottled
whiskey tempered by fire. “I
part wolf, baby.”

No arguing that.

He was equal parts animal and man—a perfect and sinful

Unexpectedly his pocket buzzed again, teasing her fingers
through the thin layer of denim. She frowned, manipulating her hand and making
out the shape of a phone. She was about to ask who was calling when everything
changed—throwing her off balance, confusing the hell out of her. She didn’t have
a chance to brace herself. Jackson suddenly disappeared, leaving her gazing at
the open sky feeling cold and bereft.

Who knew he could move so fast?

She hadn’t even seen him pull away.

Flipping onto her stomach, she tried to look in his
direction. Where had he gone and why? A loud snarl pierced the air, horrifying
in a way. When she finally saw Jackson her breath caught, sexual heat swiftly
turning to alarm.

He was crouched a few feet in front of her, his hands steady
on the ground, resting his weight on his toes. She couldn’t see his face but
the tense line of his shoulders told her something was off. He was focused on
something in the distance she couldn’t see.

“Jackson?” she asked cautiously, unnerved by his behavior
and the awareness that bloomed inside her. He was putting himself between her
and what he perceived as a threat.

“Don’t move,” he commanded, his voice deeper than usual, and
she felt his power slam into her to reinforce his will. “Stay there, Chloe.
That’s an order.”

There was no time to question him. He leapt from his crouch,
moving so quickly that he vanished into the line of trees in a blink. She held
her breath, heart pounding in her chest, palms stinging from the pine needles
that had dug into her skin. Seconds ticked by. She wanted to stand but
couldn’t. Despite willing her limbs to move, she stayed exactly as he’d left
her. Something inside her obeyed Jackson’s command, taking it as gospel.

What the hell?

A loud snarl came from the trees, then another. She heard
Jackson, growling something she couldn’t make out. Silenced followed.

She waited, her stomach uneasy.

What had he found out there?

Werewolves weren’t supposed to be frightened of anything.
Judging by Jackson’s behavior he’d been more than concerned about what he’d
sensed—he’d been pissed. She hadn’t thought anything could rattle the man.
Knowing something had the power to put him on alert like that, taking him from
a demanding lover to a hard-edged wolf, made her nervous.

Loud snapping sounds—branches breaking under force—interrupted
the soft melody of nature. She watched, unable to do anything else, eyes
lingering on the space between two trees. More snaps followed and she realized
the noises were footsteps. Then she heard Jackson’s deep baritone. He was
speaking softly, a warning, evident by his tone. When he appeared he was
holding another man—a completely nude one, at that—by the back of the neck.

“You’re one stupid son of a bitch.”

“I can’t tell my Alpha no,” the man responded, walking as
though he wasn’t embarrassed by his lack of clothing. “I only came to confirm
the rumor. I didn’t mean you any harm.”

“The hell you didn’t,” Jackson snarled, giving the man a
firm shake. “You came to spy on me—
on my fucking mate
—with shitty

“I didn’t—”

“Andy, shut the fuck up before you piss me off. I’m trying
real hard not to kill you. I’ve got enough shit to deal with without your blood
on my hands.”

Although his state of undress didn’t bother Andy, his first
glimpse at Chloe did. His green eyes widened, becoming saucers as he stared at
her. It was as though he comprehended something he hadn’t before, putting two
and two together. She wasn’t sure what he was seeing or why he looked so
spooked. He lowered his gaze, swallowing so hard she saw his Adam’s apple bob.

“It’s okay, baby,” Jackson said, tearing her mind from the
man. “Go ahead and get up. You’re safe.”

Just like that, whatever spell had kept her in place was
broken. She considered giving Jackson a piece of her mind. Who the hell was he
to bring her to heel? She was a person, damn it. Not a pet.

After she rose to her feet, however, she thought better of
it. Blood tricked from slices in Andy’s skin, created by Jackson’s
She studied the vicious-looking things, shocked by how long and sharp they
were. When she’d gotten a glimpse of his fangs when they’d had sex, she’d been
turned on.

This made her feel something else entirely.

A stampede coming from behind her got her attention, forcing
her to rip her eyes from the claws at Andy’s throat. She turned in time to see
the man from the parlor—
—running like the devil was on his ass. He
slowed when he saw them, his face a mask of agitation. He continued crossing
the distance, fury radiating from him, his eyes a bright shade of gold.

“I see I didn’t make it in time.” He lifted his hand,
revealing a phone. “Next time, answer your fucking cell.”

“Tell me what you know,” Jackson instructed without an
apology, within a few feet of her now, forcing Andy to walk slightly in front
of him.

“Gavin found out I was asking questions.”

“How?” Jackson knew Gavin would notice Declan sniffing
around, but he hadn’t counted on the Alpha doing so that quickly.

“Some of his business acquaintances overheard me at the
diner. When I visited Gavin’s bar, I managed to eavesdrop on a conversation
before I was told to leave. Gavin spread the word that something was going
down. He sent your friend there,” he pointed at Andy, “to see what was what. I
tried to call and warn you but you didn’t have the courtesy to answer your
goddamn phone.”

“So he doesn’t know?”

Declan’s gaze darted over to her. “Not yet.”

There was a hidden meaning in that look.

“Know what?” she asked, determined to know what he was
hiding, ready to take control of her life and everything involving it.

Jackson’s expression changed. Despite the distance between
them she felt the shift in his mood. Her stomach churned, bile rising to her
throat. She didn’t know if what he intended was bad or good.

He looked at Declan and said, “Go inside and call the pack.
Tell them to meet us at the shop in an hour. It’s time to strategize.”

“You got it.” Declan went from annoyed to almost eager. He
rushed away, running from them almost as fast as he’d approached.

Jackson crossed the remaining feet, keeping Andy away from
her. He reached out with his free hand and wrapped an arm around her waist,
bringing her against his side. Lowering his head, he breathed into her ear, his
soft exhale caressing the shell.

“How much do you want to know?” When she tried to speak, he
interrupted, “Think about the question before you answer. Make sure you’re
ready to go there.”

It was like jumping without a safety net. He’d answer her
questions even if she didn’t want to hear certain things. She’d be going in
blind but would surface wiser for it. Whatever was happening was important. If
the pack was coming, she didn’t want to be a weak link. She wanted to be an
equal. She’d been honest when she said worrying about what was to come wouldn’t
help her. It would only delay the inevitable.

Turning her head so her lips brushed his jaw, she replied
softly, a sharp edge of anticipation spiking through her, “Everything. I want
to know

Chapter Eight


Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

So damn true.

Chloe listened as the pack spoke, trying to pretend she was
comfortable in their presence, soaking in what she’d learned. Jackson knew her
father. Apparently he’d known who her father was from the moment they’d met,
since she looked exactly like the asshole. The truth clarified a lot of things,
but it didn’t totally alleviate her tension.

Not when Jackson hadn’t had all the answers to her
subsequent questions.

Although he was certain Gavin Worthington had gotten her
mother pregnant, he didn’t know the circumstances involved. It was bizarre.
She’d never given her father any consideration really, aside from loathing him
for what he’d done to her mother. Fantasies of meeting the bastard had never
come to mind. She wasn’t a child who needed a parent. Her grandparents had seen
to that.

Now though, armed with the truth, she had to admit she was
slightly curious. She wanted to know where she came from.

A woman who’d arrived with an imposing male stared at her.
Chloe hurried to remember the female’s name, recalling Jackson had introduced
her as Heather. She wasn’t sure if he’d been honest about the size of his pack.
From what she could see, he wasn’t short on numbers. There were seventeen in
all. Twelve were mated couples. The remaining five were single males.

After a quick introduction she’d settled into the chair
Jackson had provided for her. The couples had been welcoming, greeting her with
warm smiles. The men had given her polite nods and curious stares but otherwise
they hadn’t seemed impressed. Even so, things had gone well. They might not
like her, but they didn’t hate her. There were no fights or arguments, only
questions Jackson was quick to answer.

So far, so good.

“Chloe?” Jackson’s voice intruded on her thoughts. “What do
you think?”

Lifting her head to stare at him, she blinked several times.
She hadn’t been listening. Therefore she didn’t know how to answer. She didn’t
want everyone to think she was slow on the uptake. One small misstep and she’d
look like an ass.


“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” It was a horrible response to any
question but she hoped her input sufficed.

Jackson cocked a brow, a small grin tugging at his lips.
“I’m not sure,” he said, informing her that he’d known she hadn’t been paying
attention. “Your grandfather wants to put a bullet in Gavin’s ass. If the two
of them come face-to-face, I have a feeling things will get nasty.”

She felt the blood drain from her face.

Apparently when she’d been lost in her thoughts, the group
had decided it was best to involve the man who’d raised her.

If Gramps met the man who’d destroyed his only child, he
would want revenge. Jackson had briefly indicated such a meeting might be
necessary to cement their mating to the packs in the area but she was hoping to
avoid it. Surely her biological parent couldn’t try to influence her life now.

“That’s an understatement and you know it. Gramps will

“All the more reason to do it,” Declan interjected, flexing
his arms as he leaned forward in his chair, making his tattoos stretch. “The
old man was your protector. He sheltered you, fed you and cared for you. He has
the final say in your mating. Gavin can’t do shit about that. He’s fucked.”

“I don’t want him in danger.” Gramps was wily but he was
old. He was in no condition to take on anyone—much less a werewolf. Not that it
mattered. She’d already decided she’d give Gavin a piece of her mind if he ever
tried to dictate what would happen in her future.

“He won’t be.” The conviction in Jackson’s retort eased some
of her tension. “As the man who raised you he’s entitled to confront anyone he
believes has endangered you.”

“I hardly classify any of this as endangerment.”

Abandonment? Sure. Endangerment? That was a stretch.

Jackson’s eyes shifted color, a muscle in his jaw flexing.
“If you hadn’t found me,” he growled, “you’d be singing a very different tune,
Chloe girl.”

“So you keep telling me,” she growled right back, finding
her temper operating on a hair trigger. “Maybe if you repeat yourself a few
more times the message will stick.”

The energy in the room shifted and she gazed up. Everyone
was watching the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and humor. The mated
males especially, as though they’d been waiting a long time for that very
moment. Usually she didn’t like being the center of attention but since she was
already the elephant in the room she figured she might as well speak her mind.

“If you declare her as your mate during the hunt no one can
question it,” a big male—Clint, she remembered—said to Jackson, getting the
conversation back on track. “If her protector puts his seal on the match in
front of local Alphas it’s a done deal. No fuss, no muss.”

The woman next to him—his mate Elsie—grasped Clint’s arm.
“But he’s human.” She shot a quick glance at Chloe. “The law…”

“Doesn’t matter,” Jackson finished after a moment. “Fletcher
Bryant has earned the right to speak. No one will question that. If they do
they’ll risk the fury of the pack. As a member of my mate’s family he’s
entitled to our protection.”

“Gavin won’t like it,” Elsie murmured.

“Who gives a fuck what Gavin likes?” Declan snarled, his
teasing nature evaporating. “He’s a pompous ass who needs to be taken down a
few notches.”

“Declan,” Clint growled. “That’s my female you’re talking

Declan’s lips quirked, forming into a sarcastic smirk. “My
most humble apology, Elsie, for offending your gentle sensibilities.”

“Asshole,” Elsie sneered. Clint gave Declan a glare that
promised payback.

Chloe glanced at the small window above the sofa, noting the
sky had become dark. It was almost nighttime. The moon would rise soon.
Relentless sexual energy returned, making her keenly aware of her body.

Cut it out. Now isn’t the time.

“What do we do about our guest in the basement?” One of the
single males in the pack—Shane—asked, bringing her back to the present. “If you
let Andy go he’ll tell his Alpha everything. If you don’t Gavin will come
sniffing around for his missing snitch.”

Chloe tried not to stare like she had when they were
introduced. Shane only had one tattoo—a full sleeve—but it wasn’t the ink that
made her edgy. It was the lethal and potent power that surrounded him. If she
didn’t know better she’d think the man was born to be a leader, not a follower.

“We could cut out his tongue,” Declan offered.

“You’re disgusting,” Elsie snapped, narrowing her eyes at
her pack mate. “Are you going to cut off his fingers too? He doesn’t have to
talk. He could write the information down, you know.”

Rather than being offended, Declan shrugged. “Just putting
it out there. And now that you mention it, cutting off his fingers is probably
a good idea.” He peered over at Jackson. “Do you think the bastard can write
with his feet too? Should we cut off his toes?”

Dear God, he can’t be serious.

Jackson slid his fingers under her hair, resting his palm
against her neck. The gesture was comforting, slowing the beating of her heart.
“That won’t be necessary,” he said quietly. “Andy’s safely caged. We’ll keep
him there until the matter is settled.”

“You’re so cruel.” Declan laughed, eyes turning gold, his
earlier anger gone. “Keeping him caged on the full moon.”

“It’s a light punishment compared to what he deserves.”
Jackson curled his fingers around her nape, the motion disrupting random
strands of hair, making her scalp tickle.

A knock at the door had them all glancing up. It wasn’t the
first time someone had come to the parlor. Although Jackson’d had everyone park
in the back and had flipped the sign to closed, people continued showing up for
their appointments. Declan warned Jackson that three people were scheduled for
ink. Since this was the third interruption, she assumed it had to be another
unlucky person who’d shown up and wouldn’t get what he or she came for.

“We need to wrap this up.” Declan sat back in his seat,
annoyance etched in his face. “Before undesirables start coming around.”

“So what’s the plan?” Clint asked.

Jackson’s lowered his eyes, meeting Chloe’s gaze.

Apparently she wasn’t the only one whose head was in the

She tried not to shiver at the heat in his stare,
embarrassed to feel her nipples harden and her pussy contract. Everyone had to
know what was transpiring between them, aware of what their Alpha had in store
for his mate. Her own sense of smell was evolving and she swore she detected
something spicy and thick in the air.

Jackson’s lust.

It shouldn’t have been possible but the scent called to her,
blocking out the harsh odor of the sanitizers and chemicals the shop used to
keep their tools clean.

“We need to face everyone as a unified pack,” Jackson
answered, tearing his eyes from hers. “I want everyone to gather at Atrum
Divide. Be there at five o’clock sharp. We’ll drive to the hunt together.”

Atrum Divide? No way.

She was only becoming accustomed to all things werewolf. She
wasn’t ready to visit their local haunts. Humans stupid enough to venture into
the supernatural bar never came back.

Jackson massaged her neck, working on the suddenly tense
muscles. He leaned in for a quick kiss, brushing his lips over hers. “We’ll be
leaving soon,” he told her, voice low. “After I bust your ass for testing me in
front of the pack you can tell me what’s going through that head of yours.”

Her eyes went wide, cheeks becoming hot. She didn’t know
which was more mortifying—that he’d threatened to spank her in front of the
pack or that she felt a flutter in her tummy just thinking about being placed
over his knee.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

Two words and she had her answer.


“What about your future grandpa-in-law?” Declan asked,
tilting his head, studying their exchange. “We can’t take him inside The
Divide. He’d have a heart attack.”

“I said we’d meet there, not that we’d go in, smartass,”
Jackson retorted, pulling away from her. “Gather in the back lot near the rear
entrance. We’ll head out as soon as everyone arrives. I’ll also need someone to
miss the hunt. Once Fletcher addresses Gavin he’ll need to be escorted from the

“I’ll take care of it,” Shane responded before anyone else
could. “No worries.”

For some reason Chloe got the impression Shane wanted to
avoid the hunt. She wasn’t sure why. He appeared at ease with the pack but she
sensed he kept everyone at a distance. She frowned as she studied the man,
trying to figure him out. Perhaps the idea of sprouting fur and running all
fours didn’t appeal to him either.

Yeah right.

From what she’d gathered the hunt brought wolves in the area
together. They shifted, ventured into the enormous piece of property that was
open only to their kind and allowed the animals inside them free rein.

Why would he want to miss something so important?

Another knock interrupted them—this one sounding much
closer—forcing her to put her questions about Shane on hold. Everyone’s
attention drifted to the hallway. One knock became two, then three. The back
door to the building was right around the corner and someone was pounding on

“Jackson Donovan,” an angry, masculine voice bellowed. “Get
your ass out here. I want a word with you.”

Jackson snarled, glaring at Declan. “What the fuck is

To his credit, Declan appeared uneasy. “With everything else
going on, I forgot to tell you. Simone stopped by and informed me her father
would be paying you a visit. She’s tired of waiting.”

“Who are you talking about?” Chloe asked, studying the
reactions of those in the room. The mated couples had taken to whispering and
the single males looked like they were preparing for a fight.

“That would be Ward Wilson. A decent guy with a bitch of a
daughter,” Declan answered when no one else did. “Apparently she’s tired of
being blown off.”

“Blown off?”

“Told no, turned away, given the shaft. You know—
.” Declan settled his intense gaze on her. “Simone Wilson has a thing
for your boy toy.”

“Declan,” Jackson snapped, and Chloe could almost feel the
fury coming from her lover. “You’re starting to piss me off.”

“Who’s Simone?”

“She’s from another pack,” Elsie shared before Declan could
stoke the flames, giving the Beta an eat-shit-and-die glare. “She wants Jackson
to agree to an arranged mating.”

The information did more than provide clarity—it also made
Chloe furious.

Jackson was more than gorgeous, he was positively irresistible.
Women the world over would take one look at the man and want him. But knowing a
female had the audacity to try to force him into a relationship—one that would
take him away from
—brought on a possessiveness that clawed at her

“Did you lead her on?” A part of her wanted to wince when
she heard how bitchy she sounded, like a scorned lover lashing out when she
learned her man had been dipping his jimmy stick into other women. Maybe it was
a werewolf thing but in the human world a father didn’t appear at a man’s
doorstep unless someone had done something wrong. If she was going to put her
pride on the line, she wanted to make she had a damn good reason.

“Hell no.” Despite everything that had transpired, Jackson
had never let her go, resting his hand on her nape. She felt a sharp bite at
her throat—his claws—as his fingers tightened around her neck. He dropped to a
knee, bringing them eye to eye. “When we’re finally alone I’m going to show you
why you shouldn’t have asked that question.” He waited for the words to sink in
before he whispered, “You’re sexy when you’re jealous, Chloe girl.”

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