Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography (136 page)

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Kollek, Teddy, 532

Korean airliner crisis (1983), 423–4, 504

Krebs, Richard (‘Jan Valtin’):
Out of the Night
, 23

Kuala Lumpur: Commonwealth Heads meeting (1989), 541–2, 646

Kuwait, 671, 697, 702–5

labour: costs and productivity, 299; improvements (1980s), 613

Labour Club, Oxford, 40

‘Labour Isn’t Working’ poster, 226

Labour Party: and rearmament, 21; election victory (1945), 27, 36–8; election victory (1950), 52; and widows’ earnings rule, 81; election victory (1964), 86; landslide election victory (1966), 89; National Plan (1965), 90; relations with trade unions, 90, 227–8, 400; taxation policy, 102; opposes Industrial Relations Bill (1970–1), 127–8; and EC entry, 130; success in February 1974 election, 147, 150; wins October 1974 election, 161; loan from IMF, 192; spending cuts, 193; loses overall majority (1977), 196; divided over Scottish devolution, 198; and Liberal alliance, 198–9, 215–16, 225; and Grunwick dispute, 218; and Conservative advertising campaign, 226–7; broken by 1978–9 strikes, 227; Conference votes to reject wage restraints, 227; pay policy, 228, 232; and strikes of winter 1978–9, 231; and trade union reform, 234–5, 240; and devolution, 237; 1979 election campaign and defeat, 243–5, 250, 252–4; differences over Falklands dispute, 365; leftward shift under Foot, 394, 413; unilateralism, 395; election manifesto (1983), 408; 1983 election campaign and defeat, 411–16; Censure Motion on miners’ strike (1984), 447; Kinnock succeeds to leadership, 448; Conference backs NUM in 1984 strike, 452; in 1987 election campaign, 562; defence policy, 565–7; tax plans in 1987 election, 565; on European elections (1989), 658; leads in opinion polls (1987), 557; (1990), 711, 714

Lambsdorff, Count Otto von, 284

Lamont, Norman (
Baron), 660, 726, 731, 736

Lancaster House, London: Constitutional Conference (on Rhodesia), 288, 290

LANCE (weapons system), 681–3, 694

Land Rover, 313, 497–8

Landsbergis, Vytautas, 691

Latham, Michael, 151

Lawley, Sue, 412

Lawson, Nigel (
Baron): and housing, 151; financial imprudence, 300; as Chancellor, 420, 483, 615–17, 630; builds up coal stocks, 437; and miners’ strike (1984), 442; and Westland affair, 487, 490; and British Leyland, 498; and Hong Kong currency crisis, 527; in ‘A-Team’ for 1987 election, 559–60, 562–3, 565; proposes commitment to zero inflation, 563; opposes proposed NHS reforms, 582–3; opposed to community charge, 600–2; on scrutiny of community charge legislation, 611; shadows deutschmark, 612, 618, 629, 635–6, 641; tax reforms, 615; budgets, 616–17, 630; and privatization of gas and electricity, 622–4; monetary policy, 627; policy on exchange rate, 627, 630–4, 636–8, 641–2; on Economic and Monetary Union, 629, 640, 642–3, 646; differences with MT, 630–3, 635–8, 640–2, 644–5; increases interest rate, 634–5, 639; connives with Howe against MT, 637, 642–3; favours entry into ERM, 637–8, 641–3, 648, 658; proposes independence for Bank of England, 639; resigns as Chancellor, 640, 646–7, 662; uninterested in Party leadership, 660; and Howe’s move from Foreign Office, 662

Lawton, Frederick, 58

Lázár, Gyorgy, 507

Leach, Sir Henry, 344

Lebanon: US in, 423, 425–7, 431–2; British contingent in, 426–7; Israel attacks, 426; French air strikes in, 432; MT discusses with Mitterrand, 434

Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton, Viscount, 266

Left Book Club, 23

Leggatt, Andrew, 303

Leigh, Edward, 732

Leigh-Pemberton, Robin, 640

Lennox-Boyd, Sir Mark, 709

Levene, Peter, 486

Lever, Harold, Baron, 151, 165, 309

Lewin, Sir Terence (
Baron), 350, 352, 368

Lewis, Clive Staples, 33

Liberal Party: strength in Finchley, 66–7, 85; Heath seeks alliance after February 1974 election, 147–8; pact with Labour, 198–9, 215–16, 225; favours early election (1979), 237; joins with SDP, 332, 393; policies, 394; wins Eastbourne by-election (1990), 711

Libya: gives support to National Union of Mineworkers, 453; arms supplies to IRA, 477, 480; owns share of Fiat, 492; and Palestinian terrorists, 499; US attacks on, 499–503, 557

Lilley, Peter, 724, 726, 729, 736

Lithuania, 665, 691

Liverpool: docks, 138; riots (1981), 326–7

Lloyd, Selwyn (
Baron), 77

Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl, 266

local government: and press exclusion, 73–4; and education, 100, 106–7, 116, 565, 571, 575; reforms, 125, 418; spending reduced, 318; financing and community charge, 595–9, 604, 611; and extension of franchise, 598; election results (1990), 608–9; general capping, 608–10

Local Government Act (1988), 601

Local Health Funds (LHFs), 581

Lockhart, Robert Bruce:
Guns or Butter
, 23

Lockheed company, 128–5

London: IRA terrorism in, 468–9, 471, 479, 481

Longmore, Sir Arthur, 27

López-Portillo, José, 336, 365

Louis, J.J., Jnr, 429

Louvre Accord, 634, 680

Lowe, John, 49

Lubbers, Ruud, 653, 668, 721

Luce, Richard, 343, 428

Commonwealth Conferences

Luxembourg: European Council meeting in (1985), 292, 554–5; NUM lodges money in, 455

Lyford Cay, Bahamas, 536

Lygo, Sir Raymond, 494

Lynch, Jack, 279

Lyons, J. (company), 49

McAlpine, Alistair, 180–1, 201, 460, 481, 560, 719

McFarlane, Bud, 515

McGibbon, Mrs (Kent miner’s wife), 451

MacGregor, Ian: as Chairman of NCB, 438; differences with Peter Walker, 438; announces cuts in coal industry, 439–40; knocked down, 439–40; negotiates with NUM, 444, 450; and treatment of working miners and families, 456

MacGregor, John: chairs Manifesto Committee (1987), 561; as Education Secretary, 574, 661, 714; succeeds Howe as Leader of the House, 714; and 1990 Party leadership contest, 723, 725–6, 731; and MT’s resignation, 733

Machel, Samora, 288, 535

Maclean, Sir Fitzroy, 212–13

McLean, Muriel, 461

Macleod, Iain: supports MT at Finchley, 66; speaks at new MPs’ dining club, 76; as Shadow Chancellor, 89–91, 164; praises MT, 91; qualities, 92–3; opposes immigration restrictions, 93; opposes Open University, 110; death, 111, 123–5

Macmillan, Harold (
1st Earl of Stockton): as Chancellor of Exchequer, 60; succeeds Eden as Prime Minister, 61–2; speaks at new MPs’ dining club, 76, 78; offers post in Pensions and National Insurance to MT, 78; favours entry into Europe, 82–3; resigns, 84; warns against Party shift to right, 183; calls for Government of National Unity, 194–5; on Prime Ministers’ time for reading, 267; offers support in Falklands crisis, 349; Polaris agreement with Kennedy, 536

Macmillan, Maurice, Viscount, 113, 140, 143, 195

Macpherson, Niall, 80–1

see Express Newspapers v. MacShane

McWhirter, Ross, 217

Madrid: European Council meeting (1989), 642–4, 648, 651, 653, 658–9

Maginnis, Ken, 479

Mahathir bin Mohamad, 541

Major, (Sir) John: appointed to DHSS, 485; and Commonwealth Heads conference, Kuala Lumpur (1989), 541–2; as Foreign Secretary, 541, 662; on proposed NHS reforms, 582; on level of community charge, 603–4, 607; as Chancellor, 607, 609, 618, 629, 647–8, 662; on capping of local authorities, 609; on monetary union in EC, 646; told of Lawson’s resignation, 647; favours entry into ERM, 648–51; and EMU, 649–50; as potential Party leader, 660, 662; as successor to MT, 710, 724, 725, 736–7; seconds MT’s nomination in 1990 leadership contest, 718, 727; contests and wins 1990 leadership election, 722, 732, 734; told of MT’s resignation, 732

Manchester: riots, 326

Mandela, Nelson, 535, 539–44

manifestos: preparation and presentation, 404–6, 411

Manley, Michael Norman, 288

Marsh, Richard, Baron, 309

Marshall, Walter, 623–5

Marten, Neil, 89

Martens, Wilfried, 481

Marxism: as threat, 436, 457

Mates, Michael, 603

Maude, Angus (
Baron): and MT’s Shadow Cabinet appointments, 179; replaces Gilmour at Research Department, 181; on Conservative policy, 184; co-drafts
The Right Approach
, 193; helps draft MT’s Commons speech, 199; in 1979 election campaign, 246; on union reform, 304; leaves Cabinet, 319

Maude, Francis, 728, 736

Maudling, Reginald: and MT’s speeches on foreign affairs, 20, 204, 206; appointed Chancellor in reshuffle (1962), 82; in leadership contest, 87–9; as Deputy Leader, 92; on race relations, 93; declines Trade and Industry Shadow appointment, 100; and economic policy, 123; and 1972 miners’ strike, 136; leaves Home Office, 140; MT appoints Shadow Foreign Secretary, 178; opposes monetarism, 186; and wage control, 187; MT dismisses as Shadow Foreign Secretary, 195

Maxse, Marjorie, 47

Maxwell-Fyfe, David (
Earl of Kilmuir), 40

Mayhew, Patrick, 493, 495, 702

Maze Prison (Northern Ireland), 465–6

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), 300–1, 317, 329, 420, 627, 630

Methodism, 2, 4–5, 7–8, 22, 25, 31–2

Mexico, 336–7

Meyer, Sir Anthony, 709

Middle East: crises and conditions, 296, 525

Milan: European Council meeting (1985), 473, 551–3

Mill, John Stuart:
On Liberty
, 17

Millar, Ronnie: contributes to MT’s speeches, 189, 410; and Conservative advertising campaign, 226; and trade union reform, 234; in 1979 election campaign, 250, 252; and MT’s refusal to make U-turn, 315

Miller, John, 45–6, 49

Miller, Phee, 46, 49

Millington, Wing-Commander, 15

Milosevic, Slobodan, 213

miners’ strikes: (1972), 116, 124, 127, 132–6, 142, 241; (1984–5), 135, 436–57; Heath opposes, 142–4; public reaction to, 143; (1973–4), 437;
see also
National Union of Mineworkers

Miners’ Wives Back to Work Campaign, 451

Minimum Lending Rate (MLR), 141

missiles: deployment, 334, 338, 383–4, 425, 430, 433, 672, 683; defence measures, 512–13; upgrading, 673

Mitterrand, François: supports Britain in Falklands conflict, 346–7, 374, 478; supplies Exocet missiles to Argentina, 374; compliments Reagan at Versailles summit, 389; on arms control, 414; authorizes air strikes in Lebanon, 432; at Athens meeting of European Council, 434–5; MT meets before visit to Gorbachev, 519; at Fontainebleau European Council (1984), 547–8; calls special Council on Eastern Europe, 663; at Dublin Council (1990), 665; MT lunches with in Rome, 668; on Soviet borders, 669; concedes German interests, 685; and German reunification, 686, 689; and Iraqi attack on Kuwait, 699; at 1990 CSCE Paris summit, 721–3

Molesworth, Cambridgeshire, 383

Molyneaux, Jim, 475, 733

monetarism: Keith Joseph advocates, 152, 194; Maudling opposes, 186; and wage limitation, 186; as Conservative economic strategy, 316, 632; criticized, 319; MT’s policy on, 627–40; and exchange rate, 628

Monetary Compensatory Amounts (MCAs), 433 & n

monetary policy: Roy Jenkins’, 132; and 1972 budget, 137; under MT, 185

money supply, 96, 141, 158–9, 265, 270, 285, 301, 317, 651, 710

Monopolies and Mergers Commission, 439

Montgomery, Fergus, 166, 168

Moore, Charles, 718

Moore, Henry, 259–60

Moore, Major-General Jeremy, 350

Moore, John: in Cabinet as Transport Secretary, 558; and 1987 election, 559; as Health Minister, 579–83; pneumonia, 580, 661; heads Social Security Department, 584; and privatization of British Gas, 622; removed from government, 661; supports MT in 1990 leadership contest, 718–19, 725–6

Moore, Sir Philip, 256

Morning Cloud
(yacht), 162

Morrison, Peter, 714–15, 718–25

mortgages: rates, 141, 151, 153–5, 159–60; tax relief on, 576, 615, 617

Mortimer, Jim, 414

Moscow: MT visits, 99, 506–7, 516, 519–20; Olympic Games (1980), 294

Moss, Robert, 209–10

Moss, Stanley, 38

Motability (organization), 238

Mount, Ferdinand, 402, 407, 410

Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl, 278

Mubarak, Hosni, 530

Mugabe, Robert, 286, 288–9, 540

Mulley, Fred, 217

Mulroney, Brian, 536, 540, 666

Multi-National Force: in Lebanon, 426–7, 431–2

Munich Agreement (1938), 21–2

Murphy, Sir Leslie, 311

museums and galleries: entry charges, 110

Muslim fundamentalism, 525

Mutual Balanced Force Reductions, 204

mutually assured destruction (MAD), 513

Muzorewa, Bishop Abel, 286, 289

Nagasaki, 42

Nally, Dermot, 470

Namibia, 535

Nassau, Bahamas: Heads of Commonwealth meeting (1985), 536–40

National Armaments Directors (NADs), 489–91

National Assistance, 79

National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers (NACODS), 449–52, 456

National Association for Freedom (NAFF), 217–18

National Association of Head Teachers, 103

National Bus Company, 405

National Coal Board: and 1972 miners’ strike, 134; NUM rejects 1973 offer, 142; opposes pit closures, 323; and threatened strike (1981), 323–4; aims, 436; MacGregor chairs, 438; closes pits, 440; negotiates with NUM (1984–5), 444, 447, 450–1, 454–5; dealings with NACODS, 449–52; offers Christmas bonus to working miners, 454

National Curriculum Council, 573

national curriculum (education), 570, 572–4

National Dock Labour Scheme (NDLS), 446–7, 449; abolished, 613

National Economic Development Council (NEDC), 300

National Enterprise Board, 269

National Freight Authority, 92

National Freight Consortium, 620

National Government, 21

National Graphical Association (NGA), 442

National Grid, 623–4

National Health Service: introduced, 37; reforms, 274, 581; financing, 401, 580–1; Conservative reform proposals, 561, 564, 569, 578–85; as fixed point, 578; and private sector, 578–9; and elderly care, 579; review (1988), 580

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