Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography (135 page)

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Heffer, Eric, 1

Helms, Jesse, 336

Helsinki Final Act (1975), 687 & n, 688

Helsinki Summit (1975), 204–7

Henderson, Sir Nicholas (Nico), 346, 349, 352, 362–3, 371

, HMS, 344, 360, 375

Heseltine, Michael (
Baron): Heath appoints to Shadow Cabinet, 150; MT appoints Shadow Industry Secretary, 178; Biffen replaces at Industry, 195; criticizes trade unions, 233; in 1979 election campaign, 245; dislikes dual key control of Cruise missiles, 395; in 1983 election campaign, 413; and despatch of troops to Lebanon, 426; and Grenada affair, 428–9; as Environment Secretary, 484; and Westland affair, 485–96; as Defence Secretary, 486; resigns from Cabinet, 494; meets Gorbachevs, 509; and local government financing, 595–6; announces abandonment of community charge, 610; challenges MT in 1990 leadership election, 708–9, 713–19, 721, 724–7, 731, 733, 736; defeated in 1990 leadership election, 737

Heysel Football Stadium riot (1985), 481 & n

Hibbert Journal
, 15

Higgins, Terence, 120, 142

Hillary, Richard:
The Last Enemy
, 25

Hiroshima, 41–2

history: teaching of, 573–4

Hitler, Adolf, 20–2, 24–7

Hodgkin, Dorothy, 31–2

homosexuality, 96–8

Honda motor company, 498

Honecker, Erich, 683

Hong Kong: Chinese claims and policy on, 390–2, 524–9; currency crisis, 526–7


Hornsby-Smith, Pat, 49–50, 75, 78

Hoskyns, John: devises ‘Stepping Stones’ operation, 231; and public expenditure, 278, 320–1; and union reform, 305; and MT’s 1982 Cabinet reshuffle, 332; succeeded by Ferdinand Mount, 402

Houghton, Douglas, 81

housing: MT appointed to Ministry, 89; rents, 139, 576–7; and Conservative 1974 defeat, 149; MT’s policy on, 151–5, 160, 576; and rates, 162; council and private, 417, 577, 614; high-rise council estates, 558; sale of council properties, 558; in Conservative 1987 election manifesto, 561, 569; Ridley’s reforms, 576–8; for young unmarried mothers, 589; and working labour market, 613–14; private ownership, 614–15; private rented, 614; and mortgage tax relief, 617; prices, 639

Housing Act (1988), 614

Housing Action Trusts (HATs), 577–8

Houston, Texas: NASA Space Center, 98–9; G7 meeting (1990), 666

Howard, Michael, 485, 660, 726, 729

Howe, Derek, 239

Howe, Elspeth, Lady, 459, 661

Howe, Sir Geoffrey (
Baron): on British sovereignty in EC, 131; in Cabinet to oversee prices and incomes, 140; opposes Heath, 151; and Keith Joseph’s economic policy proposals, 158; in leadership election, 172; MT appoints Shadow Chancellor, 178; Economic Reconstruction Group, 184, 220; hostility to trade unions, 186; and MT’s economic policy, 187–8; co-drafts
The Right Approach
, 193; and trade union reform, 220–1, 304; on collective bargaining, 229; and election manifesto (1979), 240, 242; on incomes policy, 242; in 1979 election campaign, 246; as Chancellor, 261, 616, 627; supports public expenditure cuts, 276–7, 318, 329; economic strategy, 316–17, 321–2, 329; budgets: (1979), 271; (1980), 277; (1981), 321–2, 329; economic discussions in Cabinet, 328; replies to Heath’s attack at 1981 Conference, 333; excluded from Cabinet sub-committee on Falklands, 349; examines long-term public expenditure, 401; prepares election manifesto (1983), 404, 406; in 1983 election campaign, 407, 411; and costing of Labour’s 1983 manifesto promises, 413; Europeanism, 420; as Foreign Secretary, 420, 483; and despatch of troops to Lebanon, 426; and Grenada affair, 428–9; and US actions in Lebanon, 431; and Brighton bomb, 459; supports Three-Judge courts in Northern Ireland, 476; and Westland affair, 490; and US air attack on Libya, 500; suggests inviting Chernenko to Britain, 508; meets Gorbachevs, 509–10; on future of Hong Kong, 526; visits Peking, 528; meets P.W. Botha at Chequers, 535; reluctance to join ‘eminent persons’ on South Africa, 538; visit to South Africa, 539; attends Fontainebleau European Council (1984), 546, 548; and EC Single Market, 551; favours IGC at Milan meeting, 553; in ‘A-Team’ for 1987 election, 559; favours joining ERM, 631–2, 637, 641–3, 648, 658; alliance with Lawson against MT, 637, 642–3; political ambitions, 643; praises Lawson as Chancellor, 648; as potential Party leader, 660; removed as Foreign Secretary, 660–1; as Deputy Prime Minister, 662; on prospect of single currency, 711–12; deteriorating relations with MT, 712, 718; resigns, 712–13, 716; resignation speech in Commons, 716–19

Howell, David, 220, 323–4, 331, 418

Howell, Denis, 217

Hua Guo Feng, 390

Huddleston, Bishop (
Archbishop) Trevor, 535

Hume, John, 476

Hungary: MT visits, 506–7, 692–3; liberalization (1989), 683

Hunt, David, 605

Hunt, (Sir) Rex, 345, 356

Hunterston ore terminal (Clyde), 307, 449

Hurd, Douglas (
Baron): joins MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 191; as Northern Ireland Secretary, 471, 476; as Home Secretary, 484; as Foreign Secretary, 542; in ‘A-Team’ for 1987 election, 559; as potential Party leader, 660; at Rome European Council, 667; orders freezing of Kuwaiti assets in Britain, 698; in Cabinet sub-committee on Gulf War, 702, 704–5, 712; proposes MT’s nomination in 1990 leadership contest, 718; and 1990 Party leadership contest, 722, 725, 727, 729–30; as candidate in 1990 leadership election, 724, 734, 737; and MT’s resignation, 732–3

Hussein, King of Jordan: opposes Palestinians and Syrians, 122; supports Britain in Falklands crisis, 347; MT visits, 530–1; peace initiative, 533; on Iraqi attack on Kuwait, 697, 701, 703

I’m All Right Jack
(film), 298, 667

Ibbs, Robin, 275

immigration: Enoch Powell and, 92–4, 222; Conservative policy on, 102; MT on problems of, 222–4; and riots, 327

In Place of Strife
(Labour White Paper on union reforms), 102, 127

incomes policy: Conservatives’ differences on, 77, 94–6, 120, 228–30; Labour’s, 84, 90, 188, 228, 232; under Heath, 138–41, 145; Keith Joseph attacks, 158; Conservatives propose voluntary system, 185; MT’s strategy on, 186–8, 222, 229–30, 242, 264; and trade union power, 220, 397; and industrial output, 299; and wage increases (1988), 604

, USS, 428

Independent Television (ITV), 244

India: IMF loan to, 337; relations with Soviet Union, 338

Indian Civil Service, 19

Industrial Relations Act (1971): Carr and, 124, 127; and unemployment, 133; and 1972 miners’ strike, 134–6; destroyed, 138–9; calls for repeal, 146–7; Howe on, 186

industry: low productivity, 298–300; investment in 1980s, 612

Industry and Regional Development
(White Paper), 137

INF Treaty (1987), 672–4, 681

inflation: in 1960s, 76, 85; effect on jobs, 132; under Heath, 139, 184; Keith Joseph on destructiveness, 158; causes, 184–5; MT’s policy on, 184, 187, 277, 633; falls (1978), 224; and prices, 264; increases (1979), 268; discussed at Tokyo G7 meeting, 284; kept low in Germany, 300; stands at 11–12 percent (1981), 332; Lawson proposes commitment to zero figure, 563; rises under Lawson, 617–18, 639, 642 & n, 645; as monetary phenomenon, 627, 629; and ERM, 632; falls after entry into ERM, 651

Ingham, Bernard: at Paris CSCE 1990 summit, 721; as MT’s press secretary, 257; on MT’s economic strategy, 319; on Heseltine’s bid for Party leadership, 714; and MT’s decision to resign, 732

Institute of Economic Affairs, 157

Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), 513

Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC of European Community), 552–3, 642, 659, 663–4, 669

interest rates: increased, 317, 332, 630, 634–5, 639–40, 644n; MT’s policy on, 632–3, 638–9, 710; reduced after sterling entry into ERM, 651

International Monetary Fund: grants credit to Britain (1975–6), 192, 195–6, 224; loan to India, 337; MT advocates control by UN, 337

International Transport Workers’ Federation, 304

, HMS, 344–5, 360, 375

Iran: seizes US hostages, 284, 293, 295, 704; war with Iraq, 296–7, 525; releases hostages, 334

‘Irangate’ affair (USA), 672

Iranian Embassy, London: terrorist attack and siege, 195–6

Iraq: war with Iran, 296–7, 525; attacks Kuwait, 697–700, 703, 705; international actions against, 700, 703

Ireland, Republic of: co-operation on security, 279, 360, 470–1, 478–9; presidency of EC, 290, 664; attitude in Falklands dispute, 352, 373; NUM lodges money in, 455; and IRA in Northern Ireland, 462–3, 468–70; discussions and agreements on Northern Ireland, 467–74, 476; amends constitution on unity with North, 471; Northern terrorists cross into, 479

Irish Commission for Justice and Peace (ICJP), 468

Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 239, 470

Irish Republican Army (IRA): murders McWhirter, 217; terrorism and violence, 278, 280, 464, 468–71, 477–82; bombs Brighton hotel (1984), 458–62, 472; defeat of, 462; and prison hunger strikes, 466–7, 466–8; arms supplies to, 477

Iron and Steel Trades Confederation (ISTC), 304, 307, 309

Israel: attacks Lebanon, 426; dispute with Arabs, 525, 529; and Palestinian rights, 530; MT visits, 531–3; prospective action against Iraq, 704–5

Italy: attitude in Falklands dispute, 352; and defence strategy, 396; hosts informal and formal Councils (1990), 666–7; on EMU, 667

Jaguar (car company), 497

Jamaica: and Grenada coup, 427–8

James Inquiry (into teacher training), 152

Jankowski, Father, 679

Japan: attacks Pearl Harbor, 27; atombombed, 41–2; MT visits for G7 meeting, 283–5; attitude in Falklands dispute, 352, 377–8; role in Far East, 524

Jaruzelski, General Wojciech, 386–7, 676–80, 683

Jauch, Dr, 21

Jay, Peter, 212

Jayewardene, Junius Richard, 537

Jellicoe, George, 2nd Earl, 125

Jenkin, Patrick, 331, 597–8

Jenkins, Roy (
Baron), 132, 200, 292

Jenkins, (Sir) Simon, 719

Jerusalem, 531–2

Jews: persecuted by Nazis, 21–3; in Finchley, 66–7, 531; on MT’s staff, 531;
see also

John Brown Engineering, 388

John Paul II, Pope, 213, 467, 677

Johnson, Nevil, 197

Johnson, Paul, 248

Jones, Colonel H., 376

Jones, Michael, 718

Jopling, Michael, 261, 330, 407, 509, 718–19

Jordan: MT visits, 530, 533; supports Iraq over attack on Kuwait, 702–3

Joseph, Helen, Lady, 165

Joseph, Sir Keith (
Baron): compiles reading list for MT, 41; supports MT at Finchley, 66; supervizes MT’s Private Member’s’ Bill, 74; appointed in 1962 reshuffle, 82; favours Heath as leader, 88–9; friendship with MT, 88, 92, 126, 156; and race relations, 93; proposed for Department of Education, 100; and educational policy, 106; in Social Services Department, 111, 124; on learning from mistakes, 120; and industrial development, 137; favours free market, 143; opposes Heath’s policies, 150; advocates monetarism, 151–2; heads Centre for Policy Studies, 156–7, 159, 177, 181; qualities, 156; speeches, 156–9, 162–3, 193; policy proposals, 157–8; as potential Party leader, 162, 165; and MT’s Shadow Cabinet appointments, 175, 177; on Conservative policies, 184–5; and trade union reform, 186, 219, 221, 232, 304; opposes wage freezes, 187; co-drafts
The Right Approach
, 193; delivers Stockton Lecture, 194; on pay policy, 229, 232; and John Hoskyns, 231; and election manifesto (1979), 240; in 1979 election campaign, 246, 248; appointed Industry Secretary, 261; and British Steel Corporation wages, 307–8; and British Leyland’s difficulties, 310–13; on reducing public expenditure, 321; moves to Education Department, 331; idealism, 422; economic principles, 484; leaves Cabinet, 557; and choice in education, 570; and privatization of British Telecom, 621;
Monetarism is not Enough
(Stockton Lecture), 194

Jouvenal, Bertrand de, 40

Jumblatt, Walid, 427

juvenile delinquency, 589

Kaberry, Donald, 62–3

Kádár, János, 506–7

Karmal, Babrak, 294

Kaunda, Kenneth, 287–8, 451, 536, 539–40

Kay, Miss (chemistry teacher), 14

Keays, Bill, 245

Keays, Sara, 421–2

Kendall, Denis, 23, 27, 36

Kennedy, John F., 77–8, 536

Kent National Union of Miners, 442

Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS), 6, 14

Keyes, Bill, 309

Keynes, John Maynard, Baron, 285

Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School, 5

Khalid, Leila, 122

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 77, 506

Kinchin-Smith, Michael, 38

King, John Leonard, Baron, 621

King, Tom: in 1983 election campaign, 411; as Employment Minister, 422; and miners’ strike (1984), 442, 455; as Northern Ireland Secretary, 475–6, 480, 484; and local government financing, 597; as Defence Secretary, 661, 695; in Cabinet subcommittee on Gulf War, 702, 705; on equipment and troops for Gulf War, 704–5; suggests MT stand down after 1990 leadership election, 731

Kinnock, Glenys (
Lady), 566

Kinnock, Neil (
Baron): attacks MT over Falklands War, 415; as Leader of Labour Party, 448; and miners’ strike (1984), 448; speaks at TUC Conference (1984), 450; condemns violence, 452; in debate on Westland affair, 495–6; on Labour’s defence policy, 565; television coverage in 1987 election campaign, 566; MT mocks in Commons, 711, 715; speech in 1990 No Confidence Debate, 734

Kipling, Rudyard, 13–14, 30, 120

Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 377

Kissinger, Henry, 202–3, 208

Kitson, Tim, 149, 170, 172, 176

Klaus, Václav, 693

Kohl, Helmut: MT meets at Anglo-German summit (1983), 433; denies support to US in air attack on Libya, 501; MT meets
before Moscow visit to Gorbachev, 519; and South Africa, 544; and British claims for EC rebate, 548; and MT’s ideas for EC, 551; and EC changes, 554; MT meets at G7 Toronto meeting, 652; proposes EC Central Bank, 653; at Strasbourg European Council (1989), 663; at Dublin Council (1990), 665; on setting deadlines for IGC and EMU, 667; on Soviet borders, 669; and NATO defence policy, 675, 681–2; on arms control, 681; on German reunification, 686–90; visits Moscow (1990), 690; discusses MT’s leadership election at 1990 CSCE Paris summit, 720–1

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