Margaret Fuller (86 page)

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Authors: Megan Marshall

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suppression of,

Revue Indépendante, La,
Fuller essay in,

Richardson, Samuel,

Richter, Jean Paul,

Rieti, Italy

as Fuller and Nino’s retreat,



Nino’s inoculation in,
wet nursing in,

Ripley, Ezra,

Ripley, George,

and alternative university plan,
and Brook Farm,

see also
Brook Farm)
at cotillions,
The Dial,
on Fuller’s introductory essay,
and “Orphic Sayings,”
and Fuller’s husband,
and Fuller on Transcendentalism,
and religion,
and Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature,
in Transcendental Club,

Ripley, Sarah,

Ripley, Sophia Dana,



Roland, Pauline,


Roman Republic,

birth of,

assembly and revolutionary mobilization in,

attacks on,


aftermath of,
and effects of war,
and Fuller with Giovanni amid troops,
Fuller’s memories of,
and Fuller as Regolatrice in hospitals,

republicans defeated,

and expectation of second revolution,
Fuller’s commitment to,
in Fuller’s dispatches to
Fuller’s planned history of,

fate of in shipwreck,


of de Staël,
Fuller invites article on,
Fuller’s interest in,

in Fuller’s essays,
and Fuller’s variation on Cupid and Psyche,
and “mythomania,”
in theology of Clarke,
See also
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von


foreigners’ abandonment of,
Fuller in,




entertains American expatriate artists,
waiting for revolution,
Fuller’s admiration of,

as revolution’s center,
see also
Roman Republic)
wartime emptiness of,

Rossi, Count Pellegrino, assassination of,

Rotch, Mary,


Royal Adelaide
(steamship), wreck of,

Russell, Harriet,

Russia, and Fuller’s interest in politics,



Sand, George,

as “emancipated,”
Fuller meets,

as drawing away from Springs,
Fuller’s approval of,
as mistress of household,
and Nathan’s view of Fuller,
and Rebecca Spring,
Woman in the Nineteenth Century,
writing income less than male counterparts’,

Sappho, Emerson compares Fuller to,

Sartor Resartus

Sault Sainte Marie, Fuller shoots rapids at,


Scarlet Letter, The

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von,

Scotland, Fuller visits,


Scott, Sir Walter,

Second American “revolution,” and
The Dial,

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria,

Select Minor Poems of Goethe and Schiller
(Dwight anthology), Fuller translations in,


(de Gérando),

Seneca Falls, New York, convention,

“Service, The” (Thoreau),

Sexual relations

Fuller’s reflections on,

and perils for women,
and Fuller’s relationship with Ossoli,

and George Sand,

Shaw, Anna,

Shaw, Frank,

Shaw, Sarah,

Shelley, Percy Bysshe,


Shipwreck fatal to Fuller,


bodies never found,
responses of family and friends,
Taylor’s survey of,

Thoreau’s investigation of,


“Short Essay on Critics” (Fuller),

Sidney, Philip,

Sigourney, Lydia,

Sing Sing prison,

Fuller visits,

addresses inmates at,

progressive program for female prisoners at,


Emerson opposes,
woman’s situation compared to by Fuller,
See also

Smith, Elizabeth Oakes,


Social reform

of Georgiana Bruce at Sing Sing,
Fuller advocates for as
investigations by,

and Springs,


Society in America

Society of Christian Union church,

Sojourner Truth,

Sorrows of Young Werther, The

Specimens of Foeign Standard Literature (Ripley series),

Fuller published in,

Spenser, Edmund,

“Sphinx” (Emerson),

Spinoza, Benedict de,

Spring, Eddie (Edward Adolphus),

Spring, Jeanie (Jeanne),

Spring, Marcus,

and news of Fuller’s marriage,
searches shipwreck site,

Spring, Rebecca,

and European trip,
see also
Springs in Europe)
and Female Refuge,
on Fuller and Mickiewicz,


on Fuller’s mother after shipwreck,
and Fuller’s quandary about leaving Nino,
James Nathan investigated by,
and news of Fuller’s marriage,
and George Sand,

Springs in Europe,

Fuller’s slow withdrawal from,
and rescue of Fuller from Scottish ordeal,

Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Madame de,

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady,

Stone, Lucy,

Story, Emelyn,

Story, William Wetmore,

Strutt, J. G., “Tasso’s Oak, Rome,”

Sturgis, Anna,

Sturgis, Caroline (Cary),


and Ellery Channing invitation,
and William Clarke,
in Conversations class,
The Dial,
and Emerson,


Cary visits with Fuller and Anna,
at “Eloquence” lecture,
and Emerson on marriage,
and Emerson on Sam and Anna,
Emerson’s letters to,
and Fuller,

and Niagara Falls recollections,
and Tappan,
and Waldo Emerson Jr.,

and Fuller,

with Fuller in Cambridge,
Fuller in Europe given news of,
with Fuller at Fishkill Landing (Sing Sing visit),

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