Margaret Fuller (85 page)

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Authors: Megan Marshall

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on return to America,
social reform investigations,

social reform investigations (Europe),
star as emblem of,

on “woman’s day” yet to come,
Woman in the Nineteenth Century,
quality of writing in,

Niagara Falls

captive eagle at,
Fuller and traveling party at,

Nicholas I (czar),

Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip

North American Phalanx,

North American Review

Bancroft essay in,
The Dial,


Norton, Andrews,

Norton, Charles Eliot,

Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg),


Oberon (Wieland),

O’Keeffe, Georgia,

“On the Death of Margaret Fuller Ossoli” (Cranch),

“Orphic Sayings” (Alcott),


Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip (Nino),




and arrangements in event of death,
baptismal certificate of,
chickenpox attack of,
Christmas gifts of,
Fuller’s apprehensions over,
Fuller’s maternal adoration of,
near death while living in countryside,
at risk of being taken away as foundling,
Rebecca Spring on,
during stay in Florence,
on way to America,
Fuller’s musings on,
smallpox contracted,

in shipwreck,
death and burial of,
weaning of,

Ossoli, Filippe,

Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo,

Maria Child’s posthumous criticism of,
and conflict over inheritance,
daguerreotype of,
English lessons for,
and Fuller,




see also
Marriage of Fuller and Giovanni Ossoli)
first meeting with,
first proposal rejected,
and residency plans,
and Fuller’s pregnancy,



loyalty of,
and question of marriage,

son born to (“Nino”),

see also
Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip)
Fuller’s letters to,
disclosure of Nino and secret life considered,
meeting after battle for Rome,

passport secured,
retrieving Nino and thoughts on marriage,

posthumous controversy over,
monument to,

Mozier on,

reticence of,

setbacks of from failed revolution,
as soldier in republican army (Civic Guard),

and memories of battle,

Ossoli, Margaret (married name of Margaret Fuller),

Ossoli, Pietro,


Ostia, Fuller visits with Giovanni,

O’Sullivan, John L.,

“Our City Charities” (Fuller),

(symbol of eternity),




Panic of 1837,


in Boston,

Paolini, Celeste,

Papers on Literature and Art

essay from in French journal,
James Russell Lowell’s work dismissed in,


Emerson’s visit to,
Fuller in,


Parker, Theodore,

and alternative university plan,
at Emerson lecture,
and Friends of Universal Reform,
and prospective new journal (
The Dial

Peabody, Eliza (Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer),

Peabody, Elizabeth (Palmer),


bookstore of,
Lloyd Fuller as clerk in,
Brook Farm essays written by,
and Conversations group,
on single life,

on Fuller,
and Hawthorne,
letters to,
publishing business of,

in Transcendental Club,
and “Transcendentalism,”

Peabody, Mary,


Peabody, Sophia,

marriage of,

see also
Hawthorne, Sophia)

Peirce, Benjamin,

Penitentiary, NYC, Fuller visits,

Penniman, Almira,

“Penny press,”

People’s Journal,

Philip van Artevelde

Pius IX (pope) (Pio Nono),


escapes from Vatican,
Mazzini on proper attitude toward,
residence fired upon,
and Count Rossi,
turns reactionary,
foreign armies fighting on behalf of,



Poe, Edgar Allan,

Broadway Journal

Poesy, as Fuller icon,

(Raphael painting),


and Fuller’s disappointment with America,
of interest to Fuller,
See also
Revolutionary movements across Europe; Roman Republic

Polk, James K.,

“Possunt quia posse videntur” (Fuller essay),

Powers, Hiram,

Prescott, Susan,


letters to,
See also
Miss Susan Prescott’s school

“Present Age, The” (Emerson),

Primogeniture, law of,

“Problem, The” (Emerson),


and Fuller on chastity,
and Fuller’s reform efforts,
address to,


Providence, Rhode Island

Fuller on,
Greene Street School in,
(see also
Greene Street School, Providence)

Purchase Street Church,

Putnam, George Palmer,



Quarterly Review, on Fuller,

Quincy, Josiah,

Quincy, Josiah, Jr.,

Quincy, Mary Jane,


Rachel Élisa Félix (dramatic artist),

Rackemann, Ludwig,

Radetzky, Count Joseph,

Radziwill, countess,

Randall, Elizabeth,


Raphael, paintings by,

Rebels, The

“Recognition, A” (Barrett),

Record of a School

Reed, John,


and criticism of
The Dial,
Emerson on,

and Fuller,

and Catholicism,
as child,

and George Davis’s query,

and essays excluded by Wiley,
and hope for better life,
study of,
See also

“Religion of Beauty, The” (Dwight),

“Representative Men” (Emerson),

Revolutionary movements across Europe,


in Italy,
see also
Roman Republic)

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