Marcus: A Black Lily Club Story (8 page)

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Sweat trickles down my forehead, as the waves of orgasm rack my body. My pussy clenching and sucking on his cock. My ass gripping onto the plug. Marcus’s fingers bite into my hips, slamming me hard against him. His cock swells, pumping his hot come deep in my core.

Marcus slides out of me and removes the plug, my body clenches at the empty feeling. Sam slips from under my head. Someone removes the blindfold, I stare up into loving amber eyes. His smile warm and inviting. I reach for him, kissing him with all the love I feel. Then I turn and snuggle into the pillow on the bed, as exhaustion claims me.



Chapter 12


Sam and I stalk out of the club to the ghetto side of town. Sam won’t let me go hunting alone since I left the body last week. We land silently in the dark alley I’ve claimed as my hunting ground. The rain, stirs up the smell of death and decay. The sopping wet trash, remnants of yesterday, laying discarded with the baggies and needles. The junkies still hang out in this alley even after the dead body of one of their own was found, nothing deterring them from getting that next high.

There are two quick heartbeats fluttering in the shadows. I motion Sam to follow me. The sounds of flesh slapping and moans assault my ears as we walk closer. The sight of the bone skinny woman pressed against the crumbling brick building, with her dealer pounding into her, sickens me. Have these people no sense of shame, of self worth. Selling everything they are, or have, for five minutes of high.

“You take the girl, I want the dealer.” I turn to Sam her blue eyes glowing with the same rage I feel.

She nods, stalking further into the shadows. I walk into the dim light filtering through the cracked and stained windows. The dealer turns to face me, his blissful face morphing into one of rage.

Sam leaps out of the shadows and grabs the woman from the wall, jerking her off the dealers prick. I lunge slamming his body into the wall that is now empty. Sam’s fangs slide seamlessly into the sluts neck, silencing her utter of surprise. I gouge the man in the throat ripping away chunks of flesh, tearing into the soft skin of his neck. His cries gurgle out of his throat, while his quickening heart pumps his blood faster into my mouth. His tastes of sin, death, and despair. The warm coppery blood slips down my throat sating the beast within.

“Geez Marcus, messy much.” Sam drags the lifeless hooker through the stagnant mud puddles.

“Damn it Sam, I can’t keep going on like this, being this close to Jasmine and not having her is driving me mad.” I grab dealer man by his shirt dragging him behind me.

“Let’s dump these bodies, then go check out that new girl in town. The one that has Anthony in an uproar.” She leaps into the air, effortlessly hauling up her prey.

We burn the bodies out in the woods next to the edge of the pack lands. Heading back into town we stalk around the house of the new girl. The house is run down, with an old clunker car parked out front. There are sheets hanging on the windows, acting as curtains. The slim silhouette of a woman passes by the windows, walking from room to room.

“Smells like a shifter, wolf I’m betting.” I turn to see Sam’s eyes flash in the darkness.

“Something is off Marcus.”

“What do you men off, I don’t smell different, but her.” I turn scenting the air, still nothing.

“The adrenaline pumping off of her isn’t normal. Something is off with her.”

“Well maybe you and Jasmine can come out this week and say hi. Get to know her, see if she will let you two in.”

“Come on Marcus the sun will be up soon. We need to head back, and you need to figure out how to claim your woman.” She punches me in the arm and vaults into the air, leaving me standing alone in the shadows.

I jump into the air leaving the scent of wolf behind. I need to get my own love life under control before I try to help anyone else.




Chapter 13



“Wake up, Jas.” Sam shakes me rousing me from my slumber.

“What could you possibly want already?” I pull away from her covering my head with the pillow.

“Already? Girl it’s the next night, you slept all day.” She pulls the pillow off my head, smacking me with it. “Now get up and get a shower, there is someplace we need to go. Fill you in on the way.” She yanks the comforter off the bed on her way out of the room.

“Bitch!” I throw the pillow at the door. Her laughter echoes down the hallway.

I drag myself out of the bed, stumbling to the shower. “There better be coffee when I am done woman.”

Sam laughs, but I hear clinking in the kitchen, as I turn on the shower tap. The hot water soothes my achy body. God, I am sore in places I didn’t know could be sore. I soap up and rinse off, finishing up my shower. I opt for jeans, boots and a black tee, nothing fancy I don’t know what she has planned.

I stomp my way to the kitchen, I never used to sleep the day away. These people are draining the life out of me. As I round the corner into the kitchen, Sam hands me a cup of steaming coffee. I give her a half smile, inhaling the rich aroma.

“So, what do you have up your sleeve today?” I sip the hot black liquid energy I’m going to need every once of it tonight.

“There’s a new girl in town, I thought we could pop into your shop, grab so welcome stuff and go say hi.” She hops up on the kitchen counter, swinging her feet like a giddy kid.

“So we are going to show up at some woman’s house and invite ourselves in?”

“That’s the plan.”

“All right, lets get going.” I pour the coffee into a travel mug and drag Sam off the counter.

The shops closed, so we head in the back door. I grab a basket and Sam heads out front going through products. I step into the office, to check messages from the girls working. There’s a white flower box sitting on my desk. It’s the same kind of box that I found on my porch that day.

“Sam!” I jerk the lid off the box.

The same white flowers are on the inside. The same-penned note, it’s the exact handwriting from before. Sam rushes into the office door. She stops and stares.

“What’s that?” She pulls the card from my hand.

“Sam, I don’t know who keeps sending these. It’s really starting to creep me out.” I chuck the flowers in the trash, with trembling hands.

Sam pulls out her cell, typing in a few quick text messages. “Come on, let’s get this basket together and get out of here. Do you have the schedule for the store covered through the end of the weekend?”

“Yeah, I do. I don’t have to come in at all, except Sunday to restock and post the new schedule.” I grab the basket, tossing in all the things Sam grabbed.

The limo drops us off, about a block from the house we are going to. Sam doesn’t want to appear uppity to this woman. She promises to call him as soon as we are ready to go back.

“Okay lets do this.” She pulls me up on the porch, knocking on the door before I can protest.

The clicking of locks, two of them, and the rattle of a chain, precede the opening door. A tall slim built woman with pale blonde hair stands in the doorway. Her eyes dart to the street behind us, before leveling on the basket in my hands.

“Can I help you?”

“Hi, I’m Jasmine. This is Sam.” I motion to my now silent partner. “We just wanted to stop by and welcome you to town.”

“I’m Allya.” She blocks the doorway with her body.

This isn’t going too smoothly.

“I made this house warming gift for you.” I thrust the basket into her arms.

She sniffs at the contents. “Uh, thanks. Do you want to come in?”

“Sure.” Sam grabs my arm and pushes past the woman.

Allya huffs under hear breath, something about fires, I think.

“Have a seat ladies.” Allya motions to the worn couch in the living room. “Do you want something to drink? I’ve water, tea, and there might be some wine left.”

“Sure, wine sounds great. I'll help you.” Sam follows Allya into the kitchen, leaving me in the living room.

There is mumbled conversation going on in the other room. I strain to hear, only making out a few words. An okay, and an oh I see. There is the clinking of glasses then they appear in the doorway carrying a bottle of red wine, three glasses and a plate of fruit and cheese. Guess we are making an evening of it.

“So since you guys are the welcoming committee. What is there to do in this town?” Allya takes the seat opposite the couch, placing the wine on the coffee table.

“Well we go to the Black Lily a lot.” Sam places the cheese tray down and smirks as she sits beside me.

“Yeah there is the club, I run a shop in town too if you’re looking for work.” I pour the wine into the three glasses on the table.

“What kind of club is it?” Allya takes one of the wine glasses, sipping at it.

“It’s a sex club.” Sam pops a cheese cube in her mouth, hiding her grin.

“A what?” Allya chokes on her wine.

“It’s an alternative lifestyle club, BDSM.” I elbow Sam, to get her to stop laughing.

“I see.” Allya bursts out laughing.

“You two are hopeless,” I sigh.

They break out into a giggling fit; I can’t help but to laugh along with them. It’s kind of nice to have some girl friends.

“Allya, would you like to come by the shop sometime. It’s not hard work, but it’s local work.” I put the wine glass on the table, not realizing I drank half of it already.

“Yeah I would like that, is this the stuff you sell?” She picks up the basket, inspecting the contents.

Did she just sniff it? “Uh, yeah, I make all the products that are sold in the shop.”

“Why don’t you come to the club this weekend, Jasmine is going to be preforming.” Sam snorts out a laugh, falling back on the couch holding her belly.

I feel the flames of embarrassment inching up my face. I punch Sam in the arm, but it just makes her laugh harder.

“Oh, what kind of performance?” Allya raises an eyebrow, smirking.

“Jasmine and her Dom are doing a live show center stage this weekend. Her very first.” Sam sits up trying to reign in her laughter.

“Damn it, Sam.” I throw a pillow at her, causing her to break out into a fit of giggles again.

Allya is trying desperately not to laugh, covering her mouth, and refusing to look at us. She picks up her wine glass, downing the red liquid. She covers her mouth again and I hear her snort. She is laughing.

“I would love to see that,” she attempts to speak with a straight face.

“I’m so glad you guys are enjoying my pain here.” I place my hand on my forehead, pretending to faint. Throwing them into another fit of giggles.

“Hey, I have an idea. We should do a girls night spa kind of thing before Jasmine’s performance. You know the whole mani, pedi, facial thing.” Sam pulls me to sitting upright. Pure excitement etched on her face.

Allya looks just as excited. “Oh, Sam that sounds like so much fun. I haven’t had girlfriends in forever.”

We sat and chatted the rest of the night, making plans for the spa day. Sam’s going to make sure Allya can get into the club for the weekend and Allya’s going to come to the store sometime to start working.

Sam called the limo driver. We said our goodbyes as he pulled up out front. I like Allya, we all seemed to get along really well. It’s nice to have some female companionship for once, that doesn’t feel like some sort of competition.

The driver drops Sam and I at the club. I head up to bed while she goes down to find Marcus and Thomas to let them know we are back.

I stumble my way into the bedroom. I’m exhausted again, these all nighters are messing with my internal clock. I slip into the bed, wrapped in softness and the scent of Marcus. I sigh to myself, content, for once in my life, slipping into a dreamless sleep.


Chapter 14



Sam strolls through the club door, smiling like a kid in a candy store. I’ve not seen her like that in a hundred years Thomas raises an eyebrow at me in question. I just shrug my shoulders.

“Marcus, we need to talk.” Sam jumps up on the bar stool beside me. “Thomas, can I get a shot of whiskey?”

“What’s up Sam?” I turn to face her.

“Jasmine and I went to Allya’s tonight, we stopped at the shop first. There were flowers for her again.”

“Shit, Sam we got to figure out who is doing this. You have any ideas?”

“Not really, the flowers have such a strong smell, I couldn’t scent anything else.”

“All right, we’ll figure out how to deal with that. What did you find out about Allya?” I drink the beer Thomas left on the bar for me.

“Well she’s a shifter, I pulled her aside to let her know Jasmine doesn’t know about the supernatural yet. So she didn’t spill the beans, but she didn’t really give a lot of background info on herself.” Sam downs her shot, and shivers.

“What did you women decide then?”

“Well Jasmine offered her a job at the shop and I suggested a spa day before the big performance his weekend. Allya’s all in for it.”

“Wait, you invited Allya to the club?” I put the beer back on the bar and just stare at her.

“Yeah, why?”

“Because she is Anthony’s mate. Do you think he is going to be able to control himself? You know how long he’s been looking.”

Shock crosses her face. “Marcus I didn’t think about that. Its just Jas and I hit it off so well with her, we wanted her to check out the club.”

“I’ll warn Anthony about it. By the way did you know Mia is still missing?”

“No, none of Anthony’s shifters have been able to get a lead on her?”

“No, she just disappeared, no trail at all.” I down the rest of my beer, handing the empty bottle to Thomas.

“I’ll go out tomorrow night and see what I can dredge up. Thomas do you know where she liked to hunt at?” Sam turns to him.

“Yeah, she liked to go down by the docks, she always like being close to the water.” Thomas stops cleaning the bar top and looks to Sam.

“Okay Thomas, I’ll start down there tomorrow night.” Sam hops off the bar stool and walks away.

I turn to Thomas, the pain etched on his face evident. Mia was his best friend, she knew all his secrets and now she was missing. I fear the hunters may have caught her. If she isn’t already dead, death will be the best thing for her. Not many of us, vampire or shifter, can survive psychologically at the hands of the hunters. Yeah we are stronger and faster, but if caught, they starve us. Once weakened they experiment to find swifter faster ways to damage us, hunting for the perfect weapon. They strip us of our humanity, bringing the beast to the surface. The use all the things they know about us, the sensitivity to silver to damage our flesh. The hunters destroy our bodies, feeding us enough rotten animal blood to heal, so they can do it again. They have been known to keep one of us captive for months before finally allowing us to die.

“Thomas, you know if we find her, she may not be the same?”

“I know Marcus, if she can’t be saved, I want to be the one to put her down.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Marcus it’s the least I can do for her, to put her beast to rest, she wouldn’t want to be a monster without humanity.”

“That’s your choice, I will make sure anyone that finds her knows to bring her in alive. We will try to save her first.” I pat him on the shoulder and turn to head upstairs.

My love is asleep in my bed, how would I feel if she were taken, missing like Mia. I would tear the world apart till I found her that’s how. She is my everything, my soul mate, my other half.

Her auburn hair fans out around her on the pillow. She looks like an angel, so perfect. A small smile plays across her lips. I slide into the bed beside her, she purrs and curls up against me, molding her body to mine. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as the rising sun pulls me into sleep.

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