Marcus: A Black Lily Club Story (12 page)

BOOK: Marcus: A Black Lily Club Story
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Chapter 22



I wake up alone in my room. The sunlight filtering though the windows. The smell of rotten blood still clinging to my clothes.

“It wasn’t a nightmare. Shit.” I get out of bed and head to the shower.

The rust colored water swirls into the drain, washing away the scent of death. The dismay racking my heart isn’t washed away as easily. I lean my forehead against the wall of the shower, letting the hot water stream over my body. My mind wanders though the jumble of memories from last night.

James is dead, I know with certainty. The vacant look in his eyes as I ran from the barn forever burned into my brain. My body shivers with thoughts of Marcus’s fangs sunk deep into his neck, the gurgling sounds of James’s life fading away.

My heart constricts with pain and loss. Not for James, but Marcus. The demanding lover, the patient teacher, the one my soul longs for. I can’t fathom being without him and my chest aches with emptiness. Hot tears burn my face mixing with the steam from the shower. A sob breaks from my lips, at thoughts of life without Marcus. Can I trust him though? I don’t know, my heart breaks for him, but my mind fears the monster within.

I step out of the shower, my limbs feeling as heavy as my heart. I shuffle downstairs, dragging my weary soul into the kitchen. This is what despair feels like. Death to the hope and love in the world.

“Fuck, I need to make a decision.” I start the coffee maker and boot up the computer. It’s going to be a long day.

I search vampire myths and lore, looking for anything that tells me they aren’t monsters. I find the romanticized versions strewn all around. The only site taking about blood lust are hunter sites. This isn’t helping. My heart still aches; a soul deep yearning to run to Marcus, but my mind revolts the idea of being dinner.

The memory of that woman sinking her fangs deep into my neck and pulling the life from me still burns deep. My hand goes to my neck seeking the wounds from the attack. I feel the smooth unmarred skin under my fingers.

“Marcus.” Hot tears blur my vision of the screen.

He saved me, healed me, and I ran from him. My human brain, unable to understand my heart’s call.

I slam my hands against the keyboard, spilling coffee all over the desk. “Damn it!”

I’m still afraid, still confused and this isn’t helping. I’ve no one to talk to. What am I going to do? Can’t very well call anyone to ask for help sorting through this.

My heart still races at the memories of the glowing eyes, tracking my movements in the barn. The yellowed saliva dripping fangs sends shivers up my spine. ”Shit. I need to do something.”

I head back into the kitchen taking the dried herbs down from the cupboard. The mundane task of mixing lotions and poultices eases my mind. The aroma of the herbs soothes my soul. I breathe the calming scents of lavender and chamomile as I stir the herbs into the creamy lotion base.

The sun is setting low in the sky when I emerge from my meditative mixing. The sky streaked in pinks and purples. I head into the living room, opting for a cup of hot tea, instead of coffee. I haven’t made any decisions yet, but at least I am not in a panicked state of mind now.

I sink into the couch, letting the smooth velvet fabric wrap around my body. It’s a comforting embrace, a normalcy I’ve missed today.

The soft wrap of knuckles on my front door causes me to spill the hot tea down the front of my robe.

“Damn it.” I get up, checking the peephole on the door.

It’s Sam and Allya. I don’t know if I can deal with this tonight.

“What do you guys want?”

“Jas, we just want to talk.” Sam peers through the peephole back at me.

I open the door and wave them in. “ I don’t know what you think you can tell me, but come on in.”

I sit on the chair opposite the couch, making Allya and Sam sit together away from me. My skin breaks out in a clammy sweat and my heart races. Fear racks my system as flashes of Sam’s glowing eyes and fangs invade my mind.

“So what do you want to talk about?” I wipe my sweaty palms on my robe; I didn’t even bother getting dressed today.

“Jasmine, we aren’t going to hurt you. We are still your friends.” Sam leans forward resting her elbows on her knees.

“Well, then why are you here? I mean do you have anything to add to the horror I witnessed last night. Fuck, Sam your eyes were glowing and you killed a man. Allya, is there something you need to tell me about you?” I jump out of the chair pacing around the room. My arms are waving as anger floods my system.

These people, or whatever they are lied to me. They used me. They played with my heart and made me a fool.

“Jas, calm down.” Allya stands up heading towards me.

“Oh no, you don’t.” I hold my hands up, warding off her approach. “Talk, but stay on the couch or get out.”

“Fine. I’m a shifter.” She plops heavily on the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. “You happy now.”

The look of hurt on her face, almost undoes me, but not quite. I’m the only human in the room and they knew it.

“So nice of you to tell me now.” I sit in the chair, rubbing my burning eyes.

“Jasmine, will you let me give our side of the story? At least give me that, I’ve never hurt you.” Sam levels her gaze on me; the pain etched on her beautiful face breaks my resolve.

“Fine, I will listen, but I’m not making any promises about coming back to that club or anything right now.”

“That’s fair enough.” Sam brushes her pale locks from her face, staring at the wall. “Let me start by telling you that, the woman that was in there was named Mia. She was taken from the docks two weeks ago.”

“James had her for two weeks?”

“Yes, she was held captive there, Thomas and Marcus were unable to track her, until you went missing. Thomas was able to track her to the woods. That is where Marcus picked up your trail.” The tears spill from Sam’s eyes as she talks about Mia. “She was no longer in her right mind when we got her out of their last night. Thomas had to put her out of her misery last night. No traces of her humanity were left. They had starved her and tortured her until she lost every sense, but survival. Mia didn’t even recognize Thomas when he took her home.” Sam sniffs and wipes the tears from her face. “We all aren’t like that, Jas. We maintain our humanity. We know love and hurt, but what they did to her drove her crazy.”

“Sam, I’m sorry about Mia.” The tears rimming my eyes spill down my cheeks. This woman is my friend, regardless of what she is.

“It doesn’t matter now.” Sam shrugs her shoulders. “She is in a better place, anyway, I wanted you to know, she wouldn’t have done that two weeks ago. Mia was a kind soul and she loved life. Jas, Allya and I we care about you. We would never hurt you, but you still have a choice. Marcus loves you. You can still chose to join us or go on with your life now. No one will hurt you, regardless of your choice.”

“Sam, I don’t know what to do. I’m still confused and scared. You guys killed those men last night.” I curl my knees to my chest, rocking in my chair. My heart hurts, for my love, my friends, but fear rules my mind.

“I understand, but know that those men hunt us. They search us out, and kill any of us they come across. They tortured Mia for two weeks, to find new weaknesses in our species. They will kill the shifter children. They do not care who we are, the hunter groups kill all supernatural beings.” Sam gets up, pulling Allya up beside her.

“Sam?” I stand facing her. “Why did Marcus pick me?”

“That’s his story Jas, I can’t tell you that.” Sam takes Allya’s hand and they walk out the door.

Allya was quiet during this conversation. She never said another word to me after her announcement of being a shifter. I watch as the two of them head out into the night, leaving me alone with my jumbled mind again.

My mind is exhausted. Heading up to bedroom, I throw the robe in the corner. I slip into the bed and allow sleep to drag me under.

The cool night air caresses my skin, raising goose bumps. The moon hangs high in the sky, the singing of the wolves ringing in my ears. The warm breathe of a lover skates across the back of my neck. I turn sliding my arms around the neck of my love, looking into the amber gaze. A whispering of love, of promise, sealed with a passionate kiss. ‘ I shall love you for eternity, following your soul across time and space. For one day, you will be ready to join me again.’ My lover tells me as he pulls me hard against his body. He draws my tongue into his mouth, running hot hands across my back. He pulls away from me, tears glistening in his perfect eyes. Then he is gone. I am alone in the darkness and the wolves sing a sorrowful tune.

I land on the floor next to the bed with a thud. My body shaking, tears streaming down my face. My heart hurts. The empty ache strangles the air from my lungs. I gasp for breath, sobs wracking my body, heaving as the air rushing into my lungs. My throat constricts. I need to see him. The man in my dreams with the whiskey eyes, I need to know.

Chapter 23


There’s a commotion at the front of the bar. Jake is arguing with someone who sounds determined to get in. I walk over that way and catch a glimpse of my beautiful brunette in all of her five foot six inch stature pointing in Jake’s face and yelling to see me right now. Jake looks bewildered, and trying hard to cover a smirk. She Jasmine looks quite the sight: hand on her hip, finger shaking furiously. I do believe if Jake cracks that smile she may punch him in the mouth.

Deciding to intervene, saving him from the wrath of my little woman, I tell him, “It is fine, Jake, I’m already awake this evening.” Turning to her, I drink in her beauty. “Hello Jasmine. You are early.” The look she gives me could melt glaciers. She stalks across the waiting room to me, placing her hands back on her hips. She thrusts a finger against my chest.

“We need to talk. You have a lot of explaining to do.” She stomps ahead of me into the bar.

“Jasmine, love, please sit down.

“Here drink this.” I hand her the wine. She smiles up at me with her tear stained face. She sips the wine, taking a few deep breaths.

She just sits there sipping her wine, staring into it, finally her breathing is returning to normal and her heart ceases its rapid pounding. She looks up at me and I’m shocked at the depth of love I see on her face. She is radiant.

“Marcus, I love you, but we need to talk about a few things. I’m still afraid but I don’t want to go on without you.” The tears leak freely from her eyes. The uncertainty blatantly displayed on her face. “I don’t ever want to not know what we found together this week. Just thinking about not being with you makes my heart, my soul ache.”

I feel the same way when she leaves in the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t want to rush her though so I stayed away from her and let her make her own choices.

“I love you too my sweet, I don’t want to ever be without you.”

“I need you to tell me what happened the other night?” She shifts in her seat, her voice quivering with fear.

My heart sinks, knowing I am the cause of the fear shooting through her body. Her fingers tremble, as she holds the stem of the wine glass. This is my fault.

“Jasmine, I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I didn’t mean to be so out of control.”

“It’s just, Marcus I don’t understand your world. I don’t know why you picked me?” Her voice quivers.

“I was lost when you went missing. I could no longer control the animal within myself. When I found you and Mia was hurting you. I lost the little control I had left. I snapped.”

“Marcus, why did you kill those men?”

“They took you away from me. I was angry, but not only that. They had Mia for two weeks. Did you see the shape she was in?” I reach for her hand, stroking my thumb along her knuckles. She doesn’t pull away.

“Sam and Allya stopped by last night. Sam told me what they did to Mia. Marcus I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, but I don’t understand this war between your kind and the hunters.” Jasmine levels her gaze on me, a look of need and sorrow in her eyes.

“The hunters believe we are the devil incarnate, set upon the world as a plague. They hunt us to the ends of the earth killing all of us they find.” I take her hand in mine, willing her to understand. “ Yes, we do drink blood and we do kill for it however, most of us prey on the scum of society. Thieves, junkies, and drug dealers cleaning up the streets making them safer for the rest of you.”

“I see.” Her face masks her emotions. “Can you give me one more day to make this decision?”

“Yes, my love is eternal.”

“What did you say?” Jasmine’s heart accelerates, as she stares at me.

“My love is eternal.”

Jasmine bites her lip and her eyes dart across my face. Her breathing comes in shallow gasps. She rings her hands together.

“Is there another question on your mind?” I gently probe for the question she needs to ask. I have an idea of what it could be, but I need her to get it out on her own time.

“Marcus how many times have we been down this road? I dreamed of you last night. I think the girl was me. I don’t remember those lives, but I felt your sadness, your pain when I died.”

“I am two hundred years old my love, we have been together four times. I’ve found you every time, but you were never ready to live with me eternally.” She has never recalled our past together before. Destiny is finally intervening on my behalf thank the Gods.

“I want to be with you eternally.” Her breathing quickens to almost a panicked state. “I want to make this change with you. There are things I can’t leave behind. There is my shop. I need someone to take care of it during the day.” She chews her lip. The worry, furrowing across her brow. “I can still run the internet orders on my own. I really would like someplace I can still grow the herbs and flowers I use to make my poultices.”

“That won’t be a problem, everyone here is not a vampire, some are shifters, they run the bar for me during the day doing orders or meetings for me.” I take her hand in mine again. These are minor things she worries about. I can take care of all of that for her.” I’m sure we will be able to find a few to run your shop for you during the day. I own a bit of property outside of town too. I could build you a greenhouse with artificial sunlight to grown your herbs in and the house on the property has a huge kitchen for you to make anything you wish. It can be your own little haven for herbs.”

The look she gives me is pure bliss and lights up her whole face.

“Marcus I always wanted a greenhouse. I’ve never had the space for one before. That would be amazing.”

“ I will do whatever you want to make you happy my love.” I stand and pull her into my arms.

“When do you want to turn me? Is it going to hurt?” Jasmine gazes up into my face, her eyes echoing the uncertainty of her voice.

“I was thinking about turning you tonight, unless you would like to wait some, but the sooner the better. I am barely in control around you now. Since you have agreed I don’t know how long I can hold onto that control.” Taking her hand in mine, I kiss the palm. “No, it won’t hurt, you won’t be any different from yourself now except stronger, faster, your eyes will glow, and fangs will grow. You will wake up hungry, but I won’t let you do it alone. I’ll teach you to hunt, to feed, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

She seems happy with those answers, but she has gone quiet.

“Have you bitten me before?”

“Yes, I have and you enjoyed it. I’ve never hurt you my love, you are my heart and soul.”

“Can we go to your room now?” She lowers her gaze to the floor, her voice so soft if I were human I wouldn’t have heard her.

“Yes.” I take her hand leading her to the back elevator and take her to my room.


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