March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7) (8 page)

BOOK: March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7)
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38. Middle of the night

Your lady would not openly acknowledge it, but she craves intimacy in the middle of the night, say, around 2 a.m.

At that moment when she is the most relaxed and at peace, she wants some chemical and hormonal exchange with you…

Well, that is if you are not dozing off and snoring!

Watch out for those middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. That is when you want to make your move.

When she makes one of those trips, be ready and wait for her.

When she gets out of the bathroom, still sleepy, just say something like ‘You know, I am always amazed how gorgeous you are at any moment of the day. Even at night, while being half-asleep, you are still sexy and classy. What’s your secret?”

Say that as passionately and sincerely as you can, and watch the results in the following 15 minutes.

39. Early morning

In the wee hours of the morning, you can also apply the scenario we just applied to the middle of the night.

But give yourself ample time to pull it off, so you can have some good cuddling and intimate time with your loved one before the necessities of quotidian life step in.

Ideally, you would want to initiate something between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m., so you can spend enough time with your aficionada.

Again, she is waiting for it, so just make the move.

40. Celebrity

Your partner dreams of sex with her favorite celebrity.

She wouldn’t say it that way, especially if you are the jealous type.

But deep inside her, she fantasizes being held, cuddled and romanced by her preferred movie star or singer.

Every woman – and I mean
woman – fantasizes when watching love scenes involving her beloved actor. (Men are more ‘generous’; they fantasize about love scenes in general, whether or not their favorite actor or actress is in the scene.)

41. Sex on the beach

Going back to nature, why not?

I talked about the importance of nature and the natural habitat in stirring things up in your relationship.

Sex on the beach is so embedded in female psyche, some genius beverage marketer even invented a drink with the same name – a drink that, no surprise here, all women love. (Or, rather, all women I know.)

Sex on the beach does not have to be scripted or happen only when you are on vacation.

It could be spontaneous, during the weekday or on weekends, assuming you don’t live far from the sea.

42. Bathroom sex

You don’t need a Jacuzzi or a fancy and spacious bathroom to enjoy sex.

Your female partner surreptitiously yearns for unforgettable bathroom intimacy, so give it to her.

The bubbly atmosphere, water flowing through bodies, the relaxed environment, the inexpressible sensuality that nakedness produces…all these things are conducive to torrid intercourse.

It could be anytime during the day, but women love it most at night.

43. One-night stand

One-night stands are as popular in women’s brains as they are in men’s psyche.

That fantasy has to do with the spice and enticing allure of hot, steamy and risky sex with an equally hot, steamy and risky individual you may not, and don’t want to, see again.

Your lady has that fantasy, and you can use the powerful lever of role-playing to help her fulfill it.

44. Making a sex tape

I talked earlier about the fact that your sweetheart secretly wanted to be X-rated celebrity, at least for a few minutes, and exclusively for herself.

Making a sex tape would be one of the related dreams, although your lady would be very cagey about the thought, primarily for privacy concerns.

In an era in which the Internet has asserted its dominance on everything from the way we eat and communicate to how we mate and date, your lover might be worried a private sex tape would somehow find its way onto the Internet’s global scene.

45. In the elevator

Our last one!

Your woman might want to be pleased in an elevator, ideally in a building with many floors and in a city where firefighters are notoriously late when responding to building emergencies.

Besides a tall building and an inefficient or busy fire department, you would want the elevator system to be backup-free, meaning it cannot resume on its own and needs external intervention.

Here you have it. The rest is up to you in terms of imagination, scenario, scripting, etc.

A Few More Things

Ok these games were
… to say the least.

Before we move on to the men’s side, let’s talk about a few important things.

Again, I know you are eager to jump on the males’ side, but bear with me.

You won’t regret it.

Don’t be scared of love.

Don’t be scared of love, nor should you about your romantic plays – or any love play, for that matter.

Again, with the imagination, everything is possible, and should be possible.

As long as your game does not hurt anyone, go for it.

A few months ago, Mary W. contacted me via email, seeking my feedback on a situation she was encountering in her life — or rather, has been encountering for the last 23 years.

At age 48, and a few surplus pounds here and there (her own words), Mary is afraid of committing romantically because of so many failed relationships.

She was desperate, so much that she considered, for a few seconds (her own words, again), committing suicide and ending her all these “predicaments.”

Mary is a sharp woman, jovial and down-to-earth, the girlfriend with whom you would want to spend a whole weekend, or the guest you would want to invite to your Thanksgiving dinner.

Plus, she is gorgeous.

So I was flabbergasted…confused and surprised that no man in her native Duluth, Georgia, would find a potential mate in her.

Long story short, I found after multiple email rounds and phone calls that she was the one scared of love, of commitment, of combining her destiny with a man’s.

She has been disappointed so much in the past, she said, that she finds it difficult to marry.

So what’s the point here?

Very simple: don’t worry about love. At the right moment, your mate will show up. At that moment, even if he or she does not say hi, you will, because you will be convinced he or she is the

In life, some people fear love as much as fear itself.

That happens if you have been hurt romantically, and are therefore wary of another relationship.

That is understandable.

But don’t shut down your love channel because you had a failed relationship, or because someone you trusted did not turn out to be the most faithful individual.

As long as you live, you will encounter love, maybe not in the form you expect, but in a form that will suit you properly when it happens.

Accept your flaws.

You are on Planet Earth to learn, mingle with others and fulfill your inner potential, your latent talent.

You are here because you are needed here, regardless of your flaws, imperfections and limits.

No matter what you believe, your contribution is as important as that of the next person.

As you read these lines, I want you to focus for a few seconds on your flaws.

List them, write them down in one column and analyze them.

Then, in another column, write down your qualities, what makes you a good and desirable person.

Finally, show the list to your best friend or mentor.

You would notice you have more qualities than flaws, and the imperfections you have are not worse than what each of us bears in his or her genetic and spiritual DNA.


Don’t be scared of laughing.

Don’t be scared of laughing, even during intercourse.

Some people take it seriously, especially men, or when the relationship is already shaky in the sexual department.

But c’mon, folks! Relax a bit.

I think, dear reader, that you should be able to laugh in all situations, unless, once again, it profoundly offends someone.

In those cases, you shouldn’t. I agree. But my point is, people shouldn’t too serious while having intimacy, as if the whole thing was torture.

Laughing is a good remedy against fear and stress. Medical specialists have theorized for centuries that smiling and laughing have benefits.

But recently that theory has been proven true by countless studies on human welfare.

Some people even say that laughter is a poison to fear — and I agree.

Occasionally, take a break from your routine and laugh at everything laughable, including yourself.

Self-derision has the triple benefit of rendering you appealing to others, making you happy, and showing you the virtues of humility.

You can also laugh about your past mistakes, negative events that later turned positive…and critics who wished you ill initially but now are worse off than you.

Let happiness invade your life.

Let me continue a bit on the happiness and laughing approach.

Don’t be scared by happiness, and embrace happy people wholeheartedly and immediately.

Do me a favor.

At this moment, right now as you are starting to read this rule, please smile.

Give me a big smile, please.


Give me your best smile…

Laugh about everything and nothing.

Don’t shut your heart’s door to happiness, whether it is happy people, happy events, happy memories or happy actions.

Oh, I forgot… the happy YOU!

Let the happier side of you come out, annihilating the somber side, the one that constantly criticizes.

Yes, you read it right! You have a darker side that regularly tries to win over the lighter side, and when it does, you find yourself stressed, unhappy and gloomy.

Enjoy yourself.

Phrynette Married
, author Marthe Troly-Curtin writes that “time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

I could not agree more. We spend our daily lives quantifying everything from our salaries to the time we spend watching television, playing with our children and chit-chatting with friends.

Society tells us we should not waste time. But what does “waste” mean, really?

Simply because you are listening to your favorite song and not doing anything “productive” does not mean you are wasting the time.

You need more of these “crazy,” relaxed moments.

Ok, now let’s go.

I know you’ve been waiting to read the 45 romantic games that men secretly nurture.

Here you have them!

Before you implement those love games, please be patient and understand that your lover might not be ready for some, or all, of these reveries.

To learn more about the power of patience and to channel it properly, see

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