Mao's Great Famine (56 page)

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Authors: Frank Dikötter

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317 Guangdong sheng weishengting (Guangdong Province Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

Guangxi – Guangxi sheng dang’anguan, Nanning

X1 Zhonggong Guangxi shengwei (Guangxi Provincial Party Committee)

Guizhou – Guizhou sheng dang’anguan, Guiyang

90 Zhonggong Guizhou sheng nongyeting (Guizhou Province Agricultural Bureau)

Hebei – Hebei sheng dang’anguan, Shijiazhuang

855 Zhonggong Hebei shengwei (Hebei Provincial Party Committee)

856 Zhonggong Hebei shengjiwei (Hebei Provincial Committee for Inspecting Discipline)

878 Shengwei shenghuo bangongshi (Hebei Provincial Party Committee Office for Daily Life)

879 Zhonggong Hebei shengwei nongcun gongzuobu (Hebei Provincial Party Committee Department for Rural Work)

880 Zhonggong Hebei shengwei nongcun zhengfeng zhengshe bangongshi (Hebei Provincial Party Committee Office for Rectification in the Countryside)

884 Zhonggong Hebei shengwei zhengfa weiyuanhui (Hebei Provincial Party Committee Commission on Political and Legal Affairs)

979 Hebei sheng nongyeting (Hebei Province Agricultural Bureau)

Hubei – Hubei sheng dang’anguan, Wuhan

SZ1 Zhonggong Hubei sheng weiyuanhui (Hubei Provincial Party Committee)

SZ18 Zhonggong Hubei sheng weiyuanhui nongcun zhengzhibu (Hubei Provincial Party Committee Department for Rural Politics)

SZ29 Hubei sheng zonggonghui (Hubei Province Federation of Trade Unions)

SZ34 Hubei sheng renmin weiyuanhui (Hubei Provincial People’s Congress)

SZ113 Hubei sheng shuiliting (Hubei Province Bureau for Water Conservancy)

SZ115 Hubei sheng weishengting (Hubei Province Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

Hunan – Hunan sheng dang’anguan, Changsha

141 Zhonggong Hunan sheng weiyuanhui (Hunan Provincial Party Committee)

146 Zhonggong Hunan shengwei nongcun gongzuobu (Hunan Provincial Party Committee Department for Rural Work)

151 Zhonggong Hunan shengwei zhengce yanjiushi (Hunan Provincial Party Committee Office for Policy Research)

163 Hunan sheng renmin weiyuanhui (Hunan Provincial People’s Congress)

186 Hunan sheng jihua weiyuanhui (Hunan Province Planning Committee)

187 Hunan sheng tongjiju (Hunan Province Statistics Office)

207 Hunan sheng shuili shuidianting (Hunan Province Bureau for Water Conservancy and Hydroelectricity)

265 Hunan sheng weisheng fangyiting (Hunan Province Bureau for Health and Epidemic Prevention)

Shandong – Shandong sheng dang’anguan, Jinan

A1 Zhonggong Shandong shengwei (Shandong Provincial Party Committee)

Sichuan – Sichuan sheng dang’anguan, Chengdu

JC1 Shengwei bangongting (Office of the Provincial Party Committee)

JC12 Sichuan shengwei mingongwei (Sichuan Provincial Party Committee on Ethnic Affairs)

JC44 Sichuan sheng minzhengting (Sichuan Province Bureau for Civil Affairs)

JC50 Sichuan sheng renwei zongjiao shiwuchu (Office for Religious Affairs of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress)

JC67 Sichuan shengwei tongjiju (Sichuan Province Statistics Office)

JC133 Sichuan sheng weishengting (Sichuan Province Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

Yunnan – Yunnan sheng dang’anguan, Kunming

2 Zhonggong Yunnan shengwei (Yunnan Provincial Party Committee)

11 Zhonggong Yunnan shengwei nongcun gongzuobu (Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Department for Rural Work)

81 Yunnan sheng tongjiju (Yunnan Province Statistics Office)

105 Yunnan sheng shuili shuidianting (Yunnan Province Bureau for Water Conservancy and Hydroelectricity)

120 Yunnan sheng liangshiting (Yunnan Province Bureau for Grain)

Zhejiang – Zhejiang sheng dang’anguan, Hangzhou

J002 Zhonggong Zhejiang shengwei (Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee)

J007 Zhejiang shengwei nongcun gongzuobu (Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee’s Department for Rural Work)

J116 Zhejiang sheng nongyeting (Zhejiang Province Bureau for Agriculture)

J132 Zhejiang sheng liangshiting (Zhejiang Province Bureau for Grain)

J165 Zhejiang sheng weishengting (Zhejiang Province Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

County and City Archives

Beijing – Beijing shi dang’anguan, Beijing

1 Beijing shi weiyuanhui (Beijing Municipal Party Committee)

2 Beijing shi renmin weiyuanhui (Beijing Municipal People’s Congress)

84 Beijing shi funü lianhehui (Beijing Municipal Women’s Federation)

92 Beijing shi nonglinju (Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry)

96 Beijing shi shuili qixiangju (Beijing Municipal Bureau for Water Conservancy and Meteorology)

101 Beijing shi zonggonghui (Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions)

Chishui – Chishui shi dang’anguan, Chishui, Guizhou

1 Chishui shiwei (Chishui Municipal Party Committee)

Fuyang – Fuyang shi dang’anguan, Fuyang, Anhui

J3 Fuyang shiwei (Fuyang Municipal Party Committee)

Guangzhou – Guangzhou shi dang’anguan, Guangzhou, Guangdong

6 Guangzhou shiwei xuanchuanbu (Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee’s Bureau for Propaganda)

13 Guangzhou shi nongcun gongzuobu (Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee’s Department for Rural Work)

16 Guangzhou shiwei jiedao gongzuobu (Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee’s Task Unit on Neighbourhoods)

69 Guangzhou shiwei gangtie shengchan zhihuibu bangongshi (Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee’s Headquarters for Steel Production)

92 Guangzhou shi zonggonghui (Guangzhou Municipal Federation of Trade Unions)

94 Guangzhou shi funü lianhehui (Guangzhou Municipal Women’s Federation)

97 Guangzhou shi renmin weiyuanhui bangongting (Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress)

176 Guangzhou shi weishengju (Guangzhou Municipal Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

Guiyang – Guiyang shi dang’anguan, Guiyang, Guizhou

61 Zhonggong Guiyang shiwei (Guiyang Municipal Party Committee)

Kaiping – Kaiping shi dang’anguan, Kaiping, Guangdong

3 Kaiping shiwei (Kaiping Municipal Party Committee)

Macheng – Macheng shi dang’anguan, Macheng, Hubei

1 Macheng xianwei (Macheng County Party Committee)

Nanjing – Nanjing shi dang’anguan, Nanjing, Jiangsu

4003 Nanjing shiwei (Nanjing Municipal Party Committee)

4053 Nanjing shiwei chengshi renmin gongshe lingdao xiaozu bangongshi (Nanjing Municipal Party Committee Office of the Group Leading the Urban Communes)

5003 Nanjing shi renmin zhengfu (Nanjing Municipal People’s Government)

5012 Nanjing shi minzhengju (Nanjing Municipal Bureau for Civil Affairs)

5035 Nanjing shi zhonggongyeju (Nanjing Municipal Bureau for Heavy Industry)

5040 Nanjing shi shougongyeju (Nanjing Municipal Bureau for Handicraft Industry)

5065 Nanjing shi weishengju (Nanjing Municipal Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

6001 Nanjing shi zonggonghui (Nanjing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions)

Shanghai – Shanghai shi dang’anguan, Shanghai

A2 Shanghai shiwei bangongting (Office of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee)

A20 Shanghai shiwei linong gongzuo weiyuanhui (Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Committee on Neighbourhood Work)

A23 Shanghai shiwei jiaoyu weishengbu (Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Bureau for Education and Health)

A36 Shanghai shiwei gongye zhengzhibu (Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Bureau for Industry and Politics)

A70 Shanghai shiwei nongcun gongzuobu (Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Department for Rural Work)

A72 Shanghai shiwei nongcun gongzuo weiyuanhui (Committee for Rural Work of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee)

B29 Shanghai shi jingji jihua weiyuanhui (Shanghai Municipal Committee for Economic Planning)

B31 Shanghai shi tongjiju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Statistics)

B112 Shanghai shi yejin gongyeju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Metallurgy)

B123 Shanghai shi diyi shangyeju (Shanghai Municipal First Commercial Bureau)

B242 Shanghai shi weishengju (Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Health)

Suiping – Suiping shi dang’anguan, Suiping, Henan

1 Suiping xianwei (Suiping County Party Committee)

Wuhan – Wuhan shi dang’anguan, Wuhan, Hubei

13 Wuhan shi renmin zhengfu (Wuhan Municipal People’s Government)

28 Wuhan shi Jiang’anqu weiyuanhui (Wuhan Committee on Jiang’an District)

30 Wuhan shi Jianghanqu weiyuanhui (Wuhan Committee on Jianghan District)

70 Wuhan shi jiaoyuting (Wuhan Municipal Bureau for Education)

71 Wuhan shi weishengju (Wuhan Municipal Bureau for Health and Hygiene)

76 Wuhan shi gongshang guanliju (Wuhan Municipal Bureau for the Administration of Industry and Commerce)

83 Wuhan shi minzhengju (Wuhan Municipal Bureau for Civil Affairs)

Wujiang – Wujiang xian dang’anguan, Wujiang, Jiangsu

1001 Wujiang xianwei bangongshi (Office of the Wujiang County Party Committee)

Wuxi – Wuxi shi dang’anguan, Wuxi, Jiangsu

B1 Wuxi xianwei bangongshi (Office of the Wuxi County Party Committee)

Wuxian – Wuxian xian dang’anguan, Wuxian, Jiangsu

300 Wuxian xianwei bangongshi (Office of  the Wuxian County Party Committee)

Xinyang – Xinyang xian dang’anguan, Xinyang, Henan

229 and 304 Xinyang xianwei (Xinyang County Party Committee)

Xuancheng – Xuancheng xian dang’anguan, Xuancheng, Anhui

3 Xuancheng xianwei bangongshi (Office of the Xuancheng County Party Committee)

Published Works

Arnold, David,
Famine: Social Crisis and Historical Change
, Oxford: Blackwell, 1988.

Ashton, Basil, Kenneth Hill, Alan Piazza and Robin Zeitz, ‘Famine in China, 1958–61’,
Population and Development Review
, vol. 10, no. 4 (Dec. 1984), pp. 613–45.

Bachman, David,
Bureaucracy, Economy, and Leadership in China: The Institutional Origins of the Great Leap Forward
, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Banister, Judith, ‘An Analysis of Recent Data on the Population of China’,
Population and Development Review
, vol. 10, no. 2 (June 1984), pp. 241–71.

Banister, Judith,
China’s Changing Population
, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.

Becker, Jasper,
Hungry Ghosts: Mao’s Secret Famine
, New York: Henry Holt, 1996.

Belasco, Warren, ‘Algae Burgers for a Hungry World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine’,
Technology and Culture
, vol. 38, no. 3 (July 1997), pp. 608–34.

Berlin, Isaiah,
The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas
, Vintage Books, 1992.

Bernstein, Thomas P., ‘Mao Zedong and the Famine of 1959–1960: A Study in Wilfulness’,
China Quarterly
, no. 186 (June 2006), pp. 421–45.

Bernstein, Thomas P., ‘Stalinism, Famine and Chinese Peasants: Grain Procurements During the Great Leap Forward’,
Theory and Society
, vol. 13 (May 1984), pp. 339–77.

Birch, Cyril, ‘Literature under Communism’, in Roderick MacFarquhar, John King Fairbank and Denis Twitchett (eds),
The Cambridge History of China
, vol. 15:
Revolutions within the Chinese Revolution, 1966–1982
, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 743–812.

Bo Yibo,
Ruogan zhongda shijian yu juece de huigu
(Recollections of several important decisions and events), Beijing: Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, 1991–3.

Boone, A., ‘The Foreign Trade of China’,
China Quarterly
, no. 11 (Sept. 1962), pp. 169–83.

Brown, Jeremy, ‘Great Leap City: Surviving the Famine in Tianjin’, in Kimberley E. Manning and Felix Wemheuer (eds),
New Perspectives on China’s Great Leap Forward and Great Famine
, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2010.

Cao Shuji,
Da jihuang: 1959–1961 nian de Zhongguo renkou
(The Great Famine: China’s population in 1959–1961), Hong Kong: Shidai guoji chuban youxian gongsi, 2005.

The Case of Peng Teh-huai, 1959–1968
, Hong Kong: Union Research Institute, 1968.

Chan, Alfred L.,
Mao’s Crusade: Politics and Policy Implementation in China’s Great Leap Forward
, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

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