Manhood: The Rise and Fall of the Penis (52 page)

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Authors: Mels van Driel

Tags: #Medical, #Science, #History, #Nonfiction, #Psychology

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Working in a university means being prepared to collaborate with other disciplines. Sexology is very well suited to this. In it you find general practitioners, gynaecologists, urologists, psychotherapists, psychologists, biologists, social workers, historians and occasionally ‘oddballs’.

Recently I had the privilege of working with a jaw surgeon who was doing a doctorate on the ‘sleep apnoea syndrome’ and had brought sex into it.

Sexologists based in the north of the Netherlands have close ties and encourage each other wherever possible, for example by writing popular-scientific books or chapters in academic volumes. On this occasion I should like to mention Jelto Drenth and Willibrord Weijmar Schultz by name.

Without Ab Oost, a bibliophile from Deventer, I would never have been able to write my books and articles. He has been responsible to a considerable degree for my acquiring a very large collection of anti-quarian books on male impotence.

Koos Meuzelaar, a thoracic surgeon but also a very well-read clergyman’s son, lent me relevant medical-historical works, of which I have made extensive use.

Since my appointment (1983) at the Groningen University Medi cal Centre – according to an Italian journal the most beautiful hospital building in Europe – Douwe Buiter has always been prepared to provide illustrations free of charge, for which I am most grateful. He is one of the many unassuming, dedicated members of staff in our hospital.

I also want to thank the Members of the Boards of the Professor Piet Boer Foundation for Urology and the Foundation for the Production and Translation of Dutch Literature, who made the translation of this book into English possible. Finally, my editor Peter Claessens put me on the right track. I was in danger of opting for the ‘narrow’ path, 281

ac k n ow l e d g e m e n t s

but he led me towards the ‘broad’ highway, on which the phallus and the testicle remained connected. ‘A man – not even you – should not put asunder what the Creator has joined together inextricably for all eternity’, was his judgement.



Abélard, Pierre 107, 132

Beheri, G. E. 189


Berthold, A. A. 81

and heart attacks 197

Bett, W. R. 187

and impotence 147, 161–3

Bobbitt, Lorena 170–71


Bogoras, N. A. 187

and castration 83–4

Bouncing Balls
(film) 23

and impotence 45–6, 89–91, 193–7, 271

Bracciolini, Poggio 52–3

and orgasm 76

Brindley, Giles 184

and sexual intercourse 77–8, 79

Broschi, Carlo (Farinelli) 110–11

and testicles 81–6, 89–91, 139

Brown, Louise 229

alcohol, effect of 118, 156–7

Brown-Séquard, Edouard 82

Anafranil 79–80

Broyard, Anatole,
Intoxicated by My Illness

Ancient world


aphrodisiacs 178

Buhl, Wolfgang 165, 166

castration 11, 97–9, 101–6, 110, 172

Bulgakov, Mikhail,
Heart of a Dog

circumcision 205–6

Butenlandt, Adolf 87, 88

glans considered vulgar 46

impotence 98–9


masturbation 242

and ageing 83–4

penis and testicles, names for 10–12

in Ancient world 11, 97–9, 101–6, 110, 172

semen, understanding of 13

of animals 96–7

sexuality and religious observance 37–8

anxiety 97–100

undescended testicles 119

chemical 102, 115–16

aphrodisiacs 175–82

and Christianity 106–8

chocolate 181

cultural influences 100–9, 131

gingko 179–80,

hemicastration 135

ginseng 180–81

and high-pitched voice 109–11

mandrake 177

and legal action against impotence 111–13

mistletoe 177–8

meaning of 8

musk 179

modern-day eunuchs 115–16

rhino horn 181

and prostate 14

Spanish fly 73, 175–6

as punishment 132

testicles as 80

and tomb of Oscar Wilde 114–15,

yohimbine 176, 182

voluntary 96


Cats, Jacob 259

Aristotle 13, 14, 15, 37

Ceronetti, Guido 66, 69

Armstrong, Lance 136–8

Chang, Jolan,
The Tao of Love and Sex

150, 249

Bardenheuer, Bernhard 221


Bataille, Georges 264, 265

aphrodisiacs 179


i n d e x

castration 100–1

frequency of 77–80

impotence 45, 148, 150

origin of term 12

sterilization 217–18,

in other species 19, 74–5


pain during 134

castration 106–8

premature 78–80

Christ’s crucifixion with erect penis 177

process 75–6

eunuchs and early 107

retrograde 156

impotence 38–9, 111–13

volume 19, 76

and marriage 161–2, 163

see also
semen; sexual intercourse

masturbation 244

Eliott, Havelock,
On Penises

penis as religious symbol 38–9

Ellis, Havelock 26, 172, 244–5, 266

pope, checking masculinity of 103

Engelstein, Laura,
Castration and the

sterilization 215

Heavenly Kingdom

see also
Old Testament

Epstein, Jacob, Oscar Wilde’s tomb 114–15,



cervical cancer and 211


and foreskin restoration 210–11, 212

and haemophilia 210

Famel, Nicolas 154–5

health 211–13

Farinelli (Carlo Broschi) 110–11

and hiv 212–13

fertility problems

and hygiene 208

and artificial insemination 73, 228–31

and phimosis (foreskin contraction) 203–4,

and azoospermis 227–8, 231


diagnostic methods 224–6

ritual 38, 204–8, 209–10, 211

dna diagnosis 227

and ‘Spanish collar’ 208–9,

and echography 226

and venereal disease 211–12

fertility tourism 236

Claus, Hugo,
The Year of Cancer

freezing sperm cells 232, 240

Claus von Amsberg, Prince 67

and genetic abnormality 226–7

Cobb, Matthew,
The Egg and Sperm Race

icsi 229–31,
, 240

computer sex 265–6

ivf (in-vitro fertilization) 229


morality concerns 237–9

ribbed 48

and multiple pregnancies 230

and size of penis 55–6

Sertoli-cell only syndrome 228


sperm donorship 232–7

male hormonal 93–4

and sperm quality deterioration 222–3

voluntary childlessness 34

and testicular transplants 139–40

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