Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel (18 page)

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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Milo took hold of his neck gently and kissed him tenderly. “You okay? Too much too soon?”

“It’s just…” Samuel looked down and saw how close Daniel’s mouth was to his cock and moaned. “No, I want it.”

Daniel glanced up at him then delicately kissed the tip of his cock before licking his slit. Samuel went stiff all over, his whole body reacting to the touch. He couldn't remember ever being treated so softly. Never had anyone made him feel so good.

When Daniel’s mouth enveloped him and just held still, Samuel shuddered violently.

“That’s it. Let him suck you slowly so I can watch how beautiful you look for us.” Milo was kneeling behind Daniel, spreading his cheeks and watching his fingers glide inside him before looking back to Samuel and Daniel. “That’s so hot. I'm rock hard. You ready, Danny?” Milo was rolling a condom over his length as he looked at Daniel.

Daniel nodded, shifting his legs up to his chest and giving Milo more room, pausing his movements over Samuel only to groan as Milo began to push his cock inside him. “Fuck!”

Samuel imagined what Milo’s cock looked like spreading him open while he let Daniel suck him deeper, so deep his balls were soon on his chin and he was crying out. He flicked his eyes between Milo fucking Daniel’s arse and his cock sliding in and out of Daniel’s lips. It took him right there too soon and he was overcome with the incredible sensation of Daniel’s mouth sucking him, pulling his orgasm from him so fast it hurt and ripped through his entire body like a car crash.

He was barely aware of anything when he collapsed beside Daniel, glassy eyes trying to focus on Milo pounding into him faster, both of them louder and rougher than Samuel had overheard before. He took in every detail he could as their bodies crashed together. Daniel had come, cock still leaking over the sheet as he watched Milo behind him get closer to his own.

“Danny!” Milo’s spine went taut, his body stilling for a moment, then he breathed out, hitting Daniel one more time as he shot again. “Ah, fuck!”

Daniel and Milo smiled at each other before they shifted apart.

Milo moved behind him, kissing his neck before leaning over and kissing Samuel. “Feel less energetic now?”

Samuel was boneless on the bed but nodded, turning into Daniel and curling into his body, feeling Milo’s hand on his back, stroking him as he drifted off to sleep.



hen Milo returned from his two hour workout at the gym—which involved a lot more work than he’d ever done before because he’d dragged Dalton with him, attempting to break him out of his slump—he found Samuel alone in the living room, reading through some pamphlets. He’d been a little more sullen the past few days, internalising things and not discussing them like Daniel and Milo wanted.

“Hey. Where’s Danny?” Milo shrugged off his jacket, draining a bottle of water as Samuel stood up with a soft smile, wrapping his arms around his waist and hugging him.

“He’s late coming home from work. He sent a text a couple of hours ago about a call they got.” Samuel shivered in his arms and Milo tossed the empty bottle onto the sofa and comforted him with a bear hug, lifting him off his feet and placing a kiss on those rosy, full lips of his. “I hope he’s alright. I know he’ll be busy, but I just wish I could find something out.”

Milo nodded before burying his face into Samuel’s hair and taking in his unique smell. He worried about Daniel too, but after knowing him and working on several fires through the force, Milo knew he could handle himself and that his team worked well together. “He’s an old hand at this now and he has good people around him who look after him, stopping him from doing anything too stupid.”

“Like running into a burning building and saving some homeless person?” Samuel frowned. “That’s so dangerous.”

“I know.” Milo swung them both around, slumping into the sofa and placing Samuel on his lap. “But that’s his job, that’s who he is. There’s no way he could have not helped you, Samuel. And there’s no stopping him from doing it again with other people who need his help. It’s a risky job, one where he places his life on the line every time they get a call, but just think where you’d be if he hadn't have found you. Where we all would be.” The thought struck Milo hard. He couldn't imagine not having Samuel with them. Not now. Not ever. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

“Me neither.” Samuel sighed, playing with his hair as he thought, winding it around and around his fingers.

Milo frowned. He knew something was on Samuel’s mind when he was quiet like this and he wanted to ease the issue out of him and make him feel better. “What’s on your mind? It helps to talk, and there’s just you and me, you know, if it’s… about before us.”

Apart from the official questioning, they tried to stay away from Samuel’s past for a little bit. They didn’t want him to feel overwhelmed by it. Going through everything in fine detail with strangers in a police interrogation room seemed less painful somehow, less personal. Here, where they lived, it was all too much sometimes.

“It’s not about where I've come from, more where I'm going.” Samuel brought his legs up to his chest and leaned against Milo’s chest. “This investigation could go on for ages, years maybe until they’re confident they have cast iron proof to put them all away for good. And then the trial and all that stuff, I know it won’t be an open and shut case. They’ll use everything they can to worm their way free.” Samuel tilted his head back and looked into Milo’s dark eyes. “I was thinking about what I would do during that time. I'm not going to just put my life on hold for all that time. Yes, I want to keep safe. Keep us all safe, and by hiding, that will help. But I also want to live. I don’t feel like I'm holed up here, but in two years’ time… I don’t know. And then after they’re locked away and things change… Will everything change?”

“Everything meaning what?”

“Well… us.” Samuel dropped his gaze and began playing with his hair again.

“We’d be a lot calmer. More relaxed and able to live like everyone else. Is that what you mean?”

“Then even after this is all over, after I'm okay, you’ll still want this?”

“Us all together? Yes. There’s no doubt about that at all. I thought Danny and me made that clear.” Milo chewed his lip then turned Samuel to face him and smiled. “This is something I will always want. Danny feels the same. It’s not just so we can have a bit of fun while we get the bad guys. That just… That makes us out to be some blokes who are taking what they can get from you when you…” Milo closed his eyes and took a breath. “That’s not what’s happening and if you feel—”

Samuel moved so he was straddling Milo’s thighs and held his face softly in his light grasp. “I don’t think that at all. I just thought maybe you would—”

“What? See my job was done and throw you out?”

“No!” Samuel turned from him, breathing deeply and trying to stop crying. “I know you don’t feel that I'm a job. I know you care.”

“Do you ask these questions of Danny, or just me?” Milo hung his head back with a sigh. He’d made Samuel feel unconfident about their relationship just like he did with Daniel, and he’d learned his lesson through his previous mistakes and wasn’t about to make them again. “I don’t think you do because you know how strongly he feels for you. He loves you.” Daniel told them both how he felt every day he woke up and opened his eyes and every night before they closed.

“I know.”

It was never easy for Milo to voice how he felt. He wasn’t a heart and flowers type of person and he never would be, but he always projected his feelings, or at least he thought he did. Maybe he wasn’t. Milo was been a lot more open with Samuel than he’d ever been with Daniel. If Samuel still didn’t see he was in love with him after all that, then how bad did Milo make Daniel feel all these years by being even colder?

“Samuel…” Milo paused when he heard his mobile ringing. He was about to ignore it, but Samuel looked at him with those big blue eyes and he saw the fear in them and changed his mind, grabbing it from his pocket and taking the call. “Hello, Barnes here.” He paused while he listened to the detective from CID talking to him. “He still has it, but I don’t know what’s left that you haven’t already been told about.” Milo listened carefully to the other guy speak then looked at Samuel. “Let me check and call you back.”

Samuel was even more worried now and he sat back, hugging his arms around his slim chest. “What’s wrong? Who was that?”

“Detective Taylor who you’ve been speaking to about the case. He mentioned something about letters which you have from your dad?”

Samuel’s brows creased and he relaxed a little bit. “What about them?”

“Well, your dad was one of the first guys to investigate these pricks and he had some information which was important. That’s probably why he moved you down south and hid you away. There could be something in them, even if it’s in code. They need to look at all of them. Can you show them to me?”

Samuel stood up with a sigh and nodded. “I’ve read through some of them since I've been living here and they’re all just personal stuff, but I haven't read them all and it’s been such a long time since I opened them. It was just too hard to look back when I was taken. I was afraid they would see how important they were to me and take them from me. I had to hide them. They’re all I have left of him. I don’t want to let them go. I took them with me everywhere since I moved into care. I never knew if I would be going back to the same house, and things got stolen all the time.”

Milo joined him, rubbing his shoulder and nuzzling his neck with his stubble covered chin. “I’ll make sure they’re looked after and returned as soon as they can be.”

Samuel went upstairs and retrieved the bundle of letters, the paper torn and tattered and strapped together by elastic bands. “They’re all here.”

Samuel pressed them to his chest, tears springing to his blue eyes. Milo hated taking the only link to his old life, the life which had so cruelly been stolen from him. Even before he was kidnapped, they were ruining his life. His dad’s death was no accident, they all knew that, even Samuel. That had been hard to explain. Milo hated giving him more pain when all he wanted to do was save him from it, but he wouldn’t hide such an important thing from him.

“Thank you.” Milo hesitantly offered his hand to Samuel and waited for him to lay the bundle on his palm. “I’ll ask someone to pop round and collect them and explain how important they are to you.”

“Thank you.”

Milo gave him another big hug. “You're doing really well. I'm so proud of you. Every day I wonder just how strong you have to be to get through what you got through. I don’t think I could have done it. You're the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

Samuel chuckled. The throaty sound went straight to Milo’s cock and he rolled his eyes at his own body betraying the moment. “Someday maybe I’ll see myself that way too.”

“You will do. Danny and I will make you see it.” Milo’s phone buzzed. This time it was a text from Daniel saying he was safe and back at the station and he’d be home in about an hour. They both breathed out and smiled. “That’s good news.”

“Very.” Samuel nuzzled his face into Milo’s chest and sighed before tilting his head back and looking into Milo’s eyes.

Milo dipped his head and kissed Samuel, holding onto his hips a little too tightly, but he always felt like he couldn't get enough of him, like Samuel was about to evaporate in front of his eyes and leave them. He deepened the kiss, crushing his mouth to Samuel’s and teasing his lips open with his tongue. When Samuel moaned softly, parting his mouth, Milo slowly caressed his top lip before slowly joining their tongues in a dance which neither could get enough of.

“Don’t ever let me go,” Samuel moaned out when they came up for air.

“I won't.” Milo pressed him down on the sofa and climbed over him, resting his big thighs on either side of Samuel’s lithe frame. “You're not going anywhere.” He traced his fingertips down Samuel’s cheek, staring into those wide, blue eyes. So full with honesty and wonder. He appeared delicate and frail when he wasn’t. Milo knew how much strength Samuel had inside him, and his goal in life was to continue to nourish that strength. “Do you love me?”

Samuel blushed. The sweet shyness which still clung to him made Milo’s heart ache inside his chest, but the pause made him unsure about everything happening between them.

“I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

“Milo.” Samuel took hold of his shoulder, stopping him from moving, and smiled. “Of course I do. You just… I thought maybe you didn’t want me to, not yet.” Samuel hung his arms around Milo’s neck, pulling him down and kissing him again, lifting his body up so they were pressed tightly together. “I love you, Milo. So much.”

“Samuel…” Milo let more of his weight crush him into the sofa beneath them, wanting to be as close as they could while they kissed. Hearing him say the words out loud to him made everything seem brighter, more in focus.

Every kiss with Samuel was mind-altering for Milo. It took him over, turned him inside out, and he never thought he would feel that for another man. There was only Danny who could do this to him, but now… Now he had two men who drove him crazy, but with Danny Milo could work out some of the need and the tension. They had an outlet. A tried and tested one. One which kept Milo’s mind out of the gutter and his cock in his pants. Lots of sex. But with Samuel…

“I need you,” Milo groaned against Samuel’s lips. “If you had any idea how much or what I wanted from you, you’d run.”

“I want it. I want everything from you. From both of you.” Samuel reached between them, cupping Milo’s cock over his training pants and working down his swelling shaft slowly, Milo growing harder with each millisecond. “I want to touch you.”

Milo and Samuel still hadn’t moved on in that way. He touched Samuel, but he was still overcautious about taking anything from him and wanted to be sure Samuel really wanted to do this before they went further. “I want that too, but—”

“No buts.” Samuel squeezed and Milo’s cock thickened, growing heavier and fuller. “I want you.” Samuel licked Milo’s lip. “I want to see you in my hand. See how big you are. Feel how hot your skin would be against mine.” Samuel kissed him and Milo’s restraint slipped. He kissed him back harder than he’d ever done, grinding his cock into his hand until Samuel pulled back, breathing hard and gazing up into Milo’s eyes. “Let me touch you, please.”

Milo could see the longing in Samuel’s eyes, hear the demanding need in his voice. Without saying anything they both knew it was time to move on and share more together. Samuel’s delicate fingers ran around the rim of his pants, keeping his gaze on Milo the whole time. The slow tease and the way both of them started to breathe harder made the moment seem even longer, and when Milo felt the material slipping over his hips, he moaned, bowing his head down and pressing his forehead to Samuel’s.

The moment his cock sprung free and the cooler air hit his hot flesh, Milo groaned, lifting up on his arms so he could see in between them both. He was so hard, so flushed and swollen, and seeing the tentative movements by Samuel’s slender hand as it came closer to his aching length made him begin to breathe heavily.

“You’re so hard.” Samuel’s fingertip was right there, almost touching him, and Milo wanted to jerk his hips and move things along, but he didn’t. He grabbed hold of the leather beneath them, clinging onto the sofa as he took back a little control and let Samuel move at his own pace. “You're beautiful.”

Milo smiled, maybe even half laughed, but it caught in his throat when Samuel’s nail made contact with his base, barely scratching, just pressure. Milo bent his head and breathed deeply, watching as Samuel traced his whole long length with that same faint, tantalising touch. Just that sensitive caress was enough to get his cock leaking, and they both moaned as he spilled drops of precum.

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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