Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1)
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That sexy mouth was going to haunt his dreams, and the spitfire sassy attitude was going to make me lose my mind. Damn, she felt good pressed up against me. I wanted her there again. Maybe we could have a fling and not get too serious. But then I remember how she looked at that dude in the window. Anger grumbles in my stomach and my jaw clinches, I won’t share her.


Natalie has returned with our drinks and is trying to distract me, she bends over and has her ass in my face, to set the drink tray down. She wiggles her ass suggestively and I can't help but to reach out to touch it. She unloads the tray and sits in my lap. Swishing her hips to rub against my groin. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I run my hand up her leg, I nuzzle her shoulder. Ryker and Finn chooses that moment to flop down on the bench making me jerk back like a kid caught with a cookie.


"Woo! Someone's feeling frisky tonight!" He cheers knocking back a shot. 


"I'm always feeling frisky." Nat giggles, continuing her assault of my junk. My non-responsive junk. What the fuck was wrong with him.


“Dude, do you think it’s a good idea that you and Nell start hooking up?” Finn leans over to mumble to me.

“We aren’t hooking up.” I dodge lazily, grabbing a shot, and throwing it back, chasing it with a chug of beer.


“Yet, Asshole. Try to keep it in your pants. She seems like a nice chick. She doesn’t need you fucking her world up.”


“Ouch Brother, tell me how you really feel.” My feelings aren’t hurt, I’m just an asshole trying to make him feel guilty. I refill my shot glass and shoot it back. But Finn just laughs, taking his own shot.


“I checked out this Gemma chick Nell wants us to hire. She owns her own photography business and has some serious skills. She does mostly weddings and shit but has some modeling shots, too.” Ryker tosses out. “Ash and I have talked about it and we both agree that we should do it.”


“Are you sure, Ryk?” asks Finn. “We stay tight lipped because of your family history.”


“Personal shits off the table. We can have it in the contract, the second she asks anything person, she’s gone.” I throw in and Ryker nods his agreement.


Finn still looks unsure and says, “I’d still like to meet her first before deciding. Feel her out.”


"Oh fuck no! I call dibs!! She has a couple self-portraits on her site. I want to get in that sexy little chicks pussy like tomorrow."


Finn shakes his head laughing before tossing head back to take his shot.


"You know sometimes you come off really creepy." I say to Ryker taking another shot.


"Ha, you’re just jealous that I get more cake than you!" Shot.


"Cake, hmm, that's a new one." Pondering the term before letting out a laugh. Shot.


"Oh I have more, honey pot, finger trap, the furburger, meat wallet, bearded taco, hair pie..." Before he can think of anymore,


"Oh my god, just please stop." Nat is gasping for air as she laughs on my lap. I take this to, what else, do another shot.





Two hours pass and the first bottle of Patron is long gone. I can’t feel my tongue, my legs come and go, and its possible Ryker and Finn have both amazingly grown a couple extra heads.


“Beauty? Beauty!? BEAUTY!!!”


“Shhhh, you idiot. Nell is fine.” Finn says as he smacks my face.


“Where is she? She needs me! THE BEAUTY NEEDS HER BEAST!!”


I hear laughter but don’t understand why my Beauty’s in trouble is so funny to them.


“Nell is fine. She is with Ashton downstairs.”


All of a sudden I am standing and Nat has fallen right on her ass. Ryker has discovered the art of shooting beer through ones nose and is convulsing in a coughing fit. Finn is laughing hysterically in the booth.


"What the fuck, Jay!?" Nat shrieks from the floor.


"What do you mean they are down-fucking-stairs? There are naked guys down there!" I roar, sweeping the table of its contents with my arm, not seeing how fucking nuts I am being.


"Dude, calm your tits, their fine." Ryker manages to get out.


No way is she going to be fine. "What if one of the oily bastards tries to shake his balls in her face!?" This sentence proves to be too much and any sense of control he had is gone. I decide I haven't consumed enough liquid encouragement to face a bunch of naked guys, so I grab the remaining tequila bottle and chug the rest of it, before heading for the door.
Don’t worry, there was less than a quarter left in it luckily or I might have ended up with alcohol poisoning


Thundering down the stairs and into the other clubs entrance, my head is spinning and I am staggering about. The music in here is just as lively and I start searching out Nell. I finally spot her in the most unlikely of places, on the stage dancing around like a pro. I zero in on her long legs, swaying hips, tight ass, and then she does the unthinkable, which causes a groan to escape my numb lips. One of those long legs wraps around the chrome pole and she swings around with a laugh.


Just when I'm about to step towards her, the male asshole from the hallway comes up behind her wrapping her into a muscle bound cage. She laughs and starts swaying her hips into his groin, just like Nat was doing to me. Rage bubbles up and I swear I hear the Kill Bill music, as my vision turns red. Thrusting forward to the stage; I grab her legs, slinging her over my shoulder and head for the exit. She grunts, as I'm sure my shoulder just knocked the wind out of her.


There are screams from the crowd and I hear the man whore shouting, “Put the girl down!”


He makes a grab to stop me, I swing around and crash my fist into his pretty fucking face, before turning back and heading out of this devils snake pit. Storming up the stairs with Nell still slung over my shoulder, past a visibly shocked Ryker, Finn, and Ashton. Then towards the exit. A cab sits out front, I toss Nell in and climb in next to her.


My whole world has started to spin, as my sweet innocent Beauty starts smacking me in the arm and cussing me out.


"I." Smack, "Was." Smack, “Just." Smack, "Dancing." Smack "You." Smack "Fucker! What the hell is wrong with you?"


Leaning my head back with a moan, she pauses in her assault. Just then my stomach flips, ejecting the tequila, and landing on Nell's pretty little lap.































Chapter 12





Ryker helps Jaden down the hotels long hallway and I have the pleasure of digging into Jaden's pocket to find his key card. Jaden stumbles forward pinning my body and face against the door. He starts nuzzling the back of my neck before Ryker is able to pull him off.


"Sorry, he escaped." He mumbles, hauling Jaden through the now open door. "Come on you giant quaff." Chuckling, Jaden stumbles forward, tripping on air, and landing on his face.


"Fuck, motherfuck...” He grumbles into the carpet.


"Guess that's what you get for vomiting on my Cavalli." I say standing over him glaring.


"Yeah, that was your fault." He grunts.


"My fault!? You’re the one who apparently can't hold your liqueur!" I see Ryker sneaking out the door "Stop! You too are in trouble and where the fuck is Finn?!" Instead of stopping, however, he bolts from the room.


"Jesus, you guys are worse than children!" I scream at the closing door, puffing in anger. A hand gently brushes my calf and I turn to see Jaden has made it into a sitting position on the floor looking up at me like a fucking sad puppy.


“It’s your fault because you’re so damn beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off you, even when I feel vomit rushing up throat.” He says softly and I laugh. Damn it how can I not, because despite it being disgusting, it’s also the sweetest thing I have ever heard.


Reaching down I grab his hands, “Come on you big beast, you need a shower and sleep.” He helps me pull him up, grabbing my face to pull me in close.


“I need you.” He breaths, blowing his tequila vomit breath across my face.


“You NEED a toothbrush.” I laugh pulling back and stepping into the bathroom. I start the shower, grab a towel for the floor, dig in his bag on the counter for his toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, and Dolce and Gabbana cologne, (
Mmm, found his secret source for that yummy scent
). Turning around, I find he’s somehow managed his way out of most of his clothes, except his low riding black boxer briefs and he is leaning against the door jam, in what I assume is a practiced sexy manner. A forearm is resting on opposite sides of the doorjamb, presenting his body in a drool worthy production.


“Still want to prolong this tension?” he asks with a smirk watching me take him in.


“Do you seriously think that’s how to seduce someone?” I laugh totally deflecting. Grabbing his arm, I push him into the shower before stepping into his space. “Besides, when we do finally decide to break this tension between us, it won’t be when you’re drunk off your ass having just puked on me.”


“I’m not that drunk.” He tries.


“Some other time, Beast.” I chuckle when he looks confused.


I leave the bathroom, hoping he doesn’t slip and kill himself. Heading into the kitchen, I grab a towel and get to work on my dress scrubbing for several minutes. Thankfully it’s black so it shouldn’t stain but the smell of tequila might never come out.


I turn to leave the kitchen and jump a mile. “Shit! You scared me! I didn’t hear the shower turn off. Do you feel any better?” Jaden nods, while standing by the island in his fluffy white hotel towel.


"I'm sorry for not telling you where we were going, attacking you when we first got there, then for puking on you." I roll my eyes shaking my head.


“What about hauling me out of the club like a caveman, and punching poor Brock?” I ask.


“Who the fuck is Brock?”


“The dancer you punched, you ass!”


“Did you get his fucking phone number, too?” He growls.


“I did actually.” I confirm with a sniff and push out my chin in defiance. I really did get his number but not for what Jaden is thinking. “Like you weren't upstairs getting lap dances or whatever your "Rock God" status can get you." I say poking my index finger into his hard chest. He grabs my wrist and yanks me against him.


"He had his hands all over you." He says in a low voice, thankfully his breath is now minty fresh.


"We were dancing. Hands tend to get involved." We are nose to nose, my hand is pinned between us still tightly in his grasp. When his other hand plunges into my hair, grabbing my neck, and yanking my lips to meet his, I am too surprised to react. He attacks my lips forcing them open, his tongue plunges between them crashing into mine. His spicy scent invades my nose and he pushes my back against the wall. His hand massages my neck and lightly tugs my hair, causing a gasp to escape our latched mouths.


Heat floods through me and I roll my hips into his, making a growl rumble deep in his chest. He frees my hand, so he can use his to run down my side to my hip, grabbing my thigh to pull my leg around him, as he grinds his hardening length into my heated center. Feeling like I can't get enough breath, I pull away from the on-slaughter of his mouth.

BOOK: Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1)
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