Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version (31 page)

Read Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version Online

Authors: R. McCullough

Tags: #magic fairy wizard dragon fireball stonehenge illusion warlock sorceress lightning

BOOK: Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version
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“What in God’s name was that?” says the Major
with a shiver. Fred and Jack look at each other and nod, both
remembering the stories from the German Generals. “It may well be
what the FBI and IMS have been investigating for some time and
maybe, just maybe, we will find some answers here,” answers

As CnC again place their hands on the door
edges Major O’Neill suggests, “I suggest we might move to the side
as there may well be bullets coming thru the door.” As they move to
the side they see CnC with eyes are closed and intense
concentration is evident from their facial expressions. Slowly a
transparent image of Jacks head and shoulders appear, turns to the
men, winks before turning and moving to the door. The head slowly
disappears into the door. CnC see a horned figure at the altar
directing two men in placing a dried up husk on the altar. Kneeling
just back from the altar are ten or so armed men and women. Piled
around the altar are tied up children and several adults.

Two gallon containers labeled aviation gas
are on the floor nearby. Two of the children see the head sticking
thru the door and give a loud startled gasp causing the horned
figure to turn toward the door. The figure starts intricate hand
and arm movements while saying something. A lightning bolt flies
from his hands striking the head and chars the door. CnC cause the
head to react with a grimace, one eye to smolder and the head to
drop some toward the floor before withdrawing it.

As a stream of bullets pierce the door CnC
explain what they saw and that the horned figure is very strong as
the charred door can testify to. Attention seems assured to be on
the door. The horned figure was the only one they saw possessing an
aura and a strong one at that. Major O’Neill says, “They are bound
to use those kids as shields and you mages will probably have your
hands full with the horned dude. So, Jack, Fred, what do you

Jack says, “How many snipers or really expert
shooters do you have? Maybe have a couple atop each APCs when we
bust in and they should be able to take out some before they can
hide behind the hostages. Plus have more troops dismounted beside
the APC’s side to prevent them rushing us. The doors open outward
so we can have the Wolverines cross over and put against the doors.
With their covering troops we can prevent escapes thru there.”

“I have two snipers in my group and they will
be best from cover from the breach rubble. Just have the APCs go
far enough in to split the fire then attention will be on them and
my snipes can have a clear field,” Fred suggests. “Sounds good Fred
but how can the men be protected from their Warlock? Especially if
he is as strong as CnC think,” asks O’Neill. “I will also deploy
two sharp shooters atop each APC, fresh out of snipers but that
will give them a nice height advantage,” says O’Neill.

CnC quip, “And we’ll just have to keep
Warlock busy. Right Jack?” “Suppose so; but we cannot be cloaked.
He must be able to see we are there so he will not throw spells at
the guys. I also think it best if we do not fly once inside. We may
to need limit what we need to concentrate on but set our Auras mid
range. Do you ladies plan to stay close together or separate to
further spread out his available targets?” asked Jack.

Chilam and Chimalis look at each other, grin
big, nod and say, “Spread about ten feet. How about we go in with
mirror images on and streak number fives at the sucker before he
has a chance to even blink?” “Sounds workable ladies. Fred, if you
or the snipers notice things getting really dicey have one or both
of your snipers take out their Warlock.” “Will do Jack.”

The hostiles are confused by the breach but
the horned Warlock spins and points toward the front APC charging
thru the breach and says “Shuìjiào”. That APC continues on to hit
the far wall and the men running alongside the far side fall to the
floor. Jack and the twins fire Streaks at the Warlock causing him
to defend himself. Surprisingly the horned Warlock’s shield
deflects the three Streaks fired at him but did knock him back a
two feet or so and off balance.

His shield is so strong it looks almost
solid. He quickly recovers and fires a lightning bolt at Jack some
of which gets through Jack’s shield and staggers Jack. The Warlock
quickly fires another bolt at Chimalis just as she is being hit by
one or more bullets, knocking her to the floor unconscious which
caused the bolt to miss high.


Jack yells,
“Chilam, ‘port her to
A very loud bang as she grabs Chimalis and disappears.
The FBI snipers open fire from the breach on the Warlock giving
Jack time to fire a Lightning bolt. The Warlock spins around
staggered and drops to his knees, bleeding heavily from his side.
The Warlock places his hands on the wound and yells,
. He stands, no longer bleeding, and runs to a large
locker behind him. Jack launched a fireball which partly penetrates
the running Warlock’s shield causing him to stagger and his robe to

Opening the locker door he disappears inside
as bullets and a large streak bounce from the metal door. Meanwhile
the sharp shooters atop the second APC have entered the fight and
those following begin firing at the armed men and women. Quickly
the only two remaining are holding children as shields and are
covered by some kids behind enough that no one has a clear

Jack asks, “You two ready to die? I will be
so very happy to take you out or better yet; how would you like to
be made into rats or mice? Maybe fed to a cat; they so love to play
with their food! He then gestures at one of the slain and says,
“Biànhuà”. The body wriggles and changes into a large rat. “Choose
wisely, but choose now.” As Jack points at the woman she lays down
her pistol and slides it away. Jack starts to swing his finger
toward the man who screams “Demon!” and jumps up to fire. Three
bullets impact his chest plus a streak from Jack..

Medical corpsmen and four Guardsmen hurry
over to check the men that the Warlock had hit with a spell and to
shut off the other APC. The men are all OK, just deeply asleep and
will be on the receiving end of a lot of ribbing for sleeping thru
a fire fight! Jack calls Anna to see if she and Carol are OK and to
check on Chimalis.

He finds everything is well and Anna, along
with Chilam are about ready to return to the dome and should be
there in about twenty or thirty minutes. However Chimalis is quite
angry and wanted to come too but Nora and the doctors say she is
weak and must rest at least day, maybe two. Anna does not mention
she also was hit but had overruled the doctors about coming to

Jack and Fred are sitting on the floor
talking with the female captive who says the leader’s real name is
Ty or something like that and he once used magic to rob banks. Once
he became the Priest of Hades his abilities were increased by The
Supreme Master. Ty is very powerful but she thinks he is somewhat

Jack decides he needs to follow Ty and end
this. Fred tries to get him to wait, at least till Anna and CnC get
here for magical backup. But Jack simply says, “We need to keep him
off balance. Show them which way I went so they can follow. Tell
them that I suggest Anna be cloaked and Chilam remain visible to
possibly give them the benefit of surprise. I don’t think he can
cloak or teleport as that would have been his best bet to escape
but he chose to run.

One of the snipers or someone hit him at
least once and then I saw him heal himself, at least partially,
with a spell so he may or may not be wounded. I am willing to bet a
buck or two he is at least weakened. So I need to follow close
behind. Keep questioning the prisoner about what she has seen this
Ty to do and tell Anna when they get here.” “Will do Jack. Good
luck,” replies Fred shaking his head.

Jack gets up and heads toward the locker.
O’Neill says, “Man he either has a lot of guts or is simply crazy,”
“I agree Major. I’ve known him for awhile and I still don’t know
which. But he has pulled off some tough stuff. Regular James Bond
or Jason Bourne he is”


About ten minutes later Anna and Chilam
arrive and Fred briefs them. “Damn it Jack! Ok C, ready to go?”
“Sure Anna. How about I lead walking and you fly cloaked back about
ten feet or so and just below the ceiling. Once we get to an open
area you stay up and to my left if possible.” “Deal, but let’s put
in our ear buds so we can quietly communicate.” says Anna. “Ok
Anna, I’m ready when you are,” C quietly says. Anna says, “When
Jack sees you he will realize I am with you but keep your shield up
as strong as possible. This Ty guy may get the first shot so be

The locker door is locked so Chilam whispers,
“Kāisuǒ,” and the door clicks unlocked. She cautiously opened the
door to reveal stairs going down and very dim lighting. She
whispers to Anna over the ear bud, “I think the enhanced night
seeing Cat Eyes spell is called for.” “Good idea C; I will do mine
too,” whispers Anna. C motions for some soldiers nearby for them to
jam the door open and keep close watch and shoot anyone with

As C approaches the bottom of the stairs she
dimly sees Jack about 20 feet straight ahead at the far wall. He is
strapped to an x shaped wooden trellis where he apparently was in
the process of being tortured. His mouth was tapped closed,
stripped to the waist and has clearly been flogged. As Jack sees C
he glares at her, slowly turns his head to the left and nods
slightly. C nods and quickly orients to the area he indicated as
she steps into the room. There, standing about ten feet away is the
horned Warlock, shield and aura showing strongly. “Well hi there
Ty, ready to give yourself up?” asks C.

“Not hardly little lady. From your aura you
are not strong enough to keep me from killing you too. However I am
willing to forgo the pleasure if you provide me the spell you used
to leave so abruptly. What is it anyway?” “I take it your Master
did not give you that spell Ty? Was he remiss in other areas as
well?” replies C. “That is none of your business tiny bitch!
Besides that he is leaving me and going to the Cayman Islands. Now
give me the spell or you die; and stop moving around!”

C had been slowly moving so Jack was out of
Ty’s direct view with Ty’s back somewhat toward Jack. From the
corner of her eye she notes the tape on Jack’s mouth being slowly
peeled back. Then the ropes are cut and Jack floats down to the
floor. “Cayman? Now why would he want to go there? He decide not to
take you along? Poor little Ty,” C said. “Enough of your
blabbering; give me the spell now or die!” shouts Ty.

A voice from behind Ty says, “Sorry Ty, ain’t
gonna happen.” Ty turns slightly and sees Jack is down from the
rack and looking calm with hands pointed at Ty. Anna becomes
visible off to the side with her Aura dimed and hovering at the
twelve foot ceiling. Ty begins a spell and three streaks impact
Ty’s shield knocking him back but he continues to chant something
about dissolve in Chinese. Three more streaks are launched with all
three penetrating, two hitting his chest and one through his


Twenty bodies were found buried behind one
small dome; ten children, seven adult women and three men. All had
been tortured. Six children and two adult females were rescued. The
rescued women and children are very traumatized with the women
describing having to watch when the ‘Supreme Master’ and more often
the Master used a stone to suck the life from someone but always a
women for the Master. Just an hour or so ago the Master had sucked
dry another woman to increase his power and the remains brought
upstairs to be burned.

Nora and the other two healers where able to
reduce the trauma suffered by the rescued victims but further help
would require time. The process Nora learned from treating PTSD
victims at the hospital will be put to use by the nine healers Nora
has been instructing.

Another very narrow tunnel fitted with an
electric rail system led several miles south to another underground
area where the tanks and other vehicles had been kept. A large
amount of drugs, weapons, ammunition, explosives and another tank
used for parts were located there.

A thorough search turned up documents and
bank accounts which should lead to seizure of several more stashes
of drugs and several million in cash. Also some of Ty’s spells in
his Grimoire included the healing spell were found. However the
heal spell would only work on the caster and possibly other mages.
Dissolve, the last one he was trying to cast did exactly that to
materials but strangely would not work for disposing of the husk

Ty’s rambling papers indicated he was getting
more and more paranoid and erratic; especially about his mentor;
Pinyin. One of the rants is about him finding out that Pinyin is
leaving for his island in the Caymans and is not taking Ty. Ty had
begun actually planning about how to kill Pinyin and take over the

Documents found eventually led back to Ty’s
boss in Flagstaff, Arizona. FBI conducted a raid but found the
three story building totally deserted with floors, walls and
ceilings sprayed with bleach and wiped down. There was one small
very well scrubbed and freshly painted room that no one could stand
to stay in for more than a minute or two. Cadaver dogs were brought
in on the off chance of even traces of bodies. Not only did the
dogs refuse to go into the room; each dog fought with the handler
trying to get away. In one case the dog growled at the handler and
was clearly ready to attack if forced into the room.

The data received from Wilma was used to
request records and information from the Cayman banking system. The
Cayman government soon intervened to stop what they termed a ‘Witch
Hunt’. Data that was found before the shutdown indicated that one
account at each of the three largest banks had been opened at the
very beginning of the banks conception and each account was
considered one of their biggest and most respected clients.

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