Man of Mystery (18 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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After giving them their drinks Tiffany being “technically” the only girl places the order for the table since she wants to make sure they get everything right.  They order several different types of wings.  Nathan takes a long sip of his cocktail and his phone chirps.  Looking down at it not seeming to happy he excuses himself from the table answers it with a “Yea” and heads outside to make the conversation private.  By the time he comes back in and sits down their order is ready.  His mood seems to have changed slightly which Denny notices.  “Problems back home mate?” he asks genuinely concerned.  “Nothing I can’t handle” He replies flatly.

Brandy takes care of a few other tables and wonders what could be bothering him so much.  It seems that when he gets certain phone calls his mood suddenly swings from being happy go lucky to kind of sullen.  Hmm we will have to figure this one out eventually if we keep dating which of course she assumes they will be.  They finish their meal coming over several times to make sure they have everything they need.  Nathan’s mood brightens with each passing moment which lifts her mood back up.  It is probably nothing but she doesn’t want to spoil the moment.  When she comes back with the check Nathan takes it before anyone else and tells them this meal is on him, no arguments.  Everyone thanks him, giving her his credit card; she goes to ring it up for him.

When she returns they are getting ready to head out.  “So what’s on the venue tonight anyways?  The night is still young.”

“We are heading to Denny’s place since they will start to get busy tonight.  Why don’t you come by after your shift for a couple?” Tiffany asks. 

“Not tonight, I don’t want to go int
o his place looking like this.” She points to her plan work clothes. “I’ll catch you at home later.”

“Suit yourself, catch you later” she replies sweetly and takes Denny’s hand as they walk out.  Mikey and Pete promise to call her later since they are not staying out too late tonight.  They have some plans for tomorrow early; she gives them a warm hug as they leave.  Finally Nathan turns to her taking her hand. “So when do I get my dessert?” with a devilish grin.  He is so hot she practically wants to dump her apron to pull him to the back room!  She blushes at her own thoughts as he kisses her softly.  “I get done at 10pm, I’ll call you when I get home and showered.”

“Or maybe call me before the shower, I don’t mind washing your body for you” grinning at her with those wonderful dimples.  Really, she doesn’t like smelling like chicken wings would much prefer to smell decent when she’s with him.  But her mind is on spending as much time with him that she can and him washing her sounds exciting but her bathroom is too small.

“I tell you what, I’ll call you when I get home and we can go to your place to wash up.  You have a m
uch bigger shower.” raising her eyebrows to see if he likes that idea.

“Sounds perfect, plan on spending the night then ok?” he asks.

“Deal” she says giving him another quick kiss as he goes to leave watching his firm butt as he walks out.  As she turns to collect some plates to clean up she sees her tip and gasps!  He left her a $200 tip.  What was he thinking, that’s not right.  Their total bill didn’t even come to $100.  A little irate at his tip, she will definitely have to ask him later.  She is too busy right now but seriously she didn’t expect him to buy her!

Her shift ends having a good night aside from Nathan’s tip.  She goes home to at least freshen up a little
; she will tm him since she doesn’t want to sound upset on the phone figuring it will be better.  His tm back saying he will be there shortly to pick her up.  Part of her is exhilarated at spending another night with him, the other half is still a little pissed off, but she controls that half very well.  She will figure out a way to talk to him about the tip.

He shows up within a half hour having a bag packed this time so she is prepared.  She did tm Tiffany and Mikey to let them know that she is going over to his place.  She got the “cool” from Tiffany which means she has the place to herself with Denny tonight which Brandy giggle
s at.  Mikey tms “Damn girl you just can’t get enough can you!  Have fun and see you soon.” blushing at his tm.

Getting into his car driving to the apartment she is chewing on her lip slightly trying to figure out how to approach the topic he turns noticing her unease.  “Is everything ok?” he asks.

“Yes, I’m doing great, I had a good night working but I need to really ask you something?” approaching the conversation nicely.

“Go ahead and ask, I’m yours for the questioning.” He smiles back a little inquisitive.

“Why did you leave me a tip that is double than what the bill was?  I’m not expecting you to pay me more than other customers so why would you do that?”  Now she is leaving the door open to get an honest answer.

“Really? I’m sorry if you feel offended, that was not my intention.  You did do an excellent job though and you deserve to get a generous tip.” He says sincerely.

“Well thank you for the compliment but the tip was more than I normally get.  What I’m trying to say is I’m not expecting you to, how do I put this, buy me. You don’t have to give me money, I can handle my expenses.”  There she said it and it wasn’t as awkward as she anticipated either.

“Oh Brandy,” he chuckles “I would never think of doing that to you ever.  I know you are self sufficient.  That is what I like about you.  Let’s put it this way, for all the times you never got a good tip this has made it up.  Does that sound better?” looking at her with raised eyebrows while still trying to concentrate on the road.

Thinking to herself for a minute deciding, “Yes that does sound better” grinning “But I don’t expect that on a regular basis, got it!” exclaiming with a firm pouty look.

He laughs, “OK babe I promise, but you do deserve the best even though you don’t want people to be overly generous.  Let’s just say it’s my way of giving you what you deserve for all your hard work.” His dimples are out in his warm smile she can’t wait to get him back to show him her appreciation in another way.

Once we get to the apartment she tells him she really needs to shower to get the smells of the food off her body.  He says no problem let’s make it a fun night since it’s late and now that we know about the dumbwaiter he is going to set us up with some cocktails and he’ll see her upstairs.  Heading into the ‘hers’ bathroom to use the shower undressing brushing out her hair.  This is so lovely here with all this space and the shower is huge compared to her dinky shower at the apartment.  She gets the water running as she steps into the steaming hot shower starting to soak her hair.  The cascading water helps to loosen the tension from the day which precedes her to thinking dirty thoughts of Nathan.

While she hasn’t even soaped up yet when there is a presence in the bathroom with her. “I thought you might like some help washing away the grease from the restaurant.” as Nathan slides into the shower with his gloriously naked body coming up behind her to message her back.  This is so nice and relaxing, she did need this. Taking the shampoo he messages it into her hair with delicate fingers messaging her scalp making her moan with pleasure from his touch.
  The shampoo has a vanilla scent that is heavenly.  He leans into her feeling his hard pecks on her shoulders when he slowly draws his arms down to message her breasts kissing her neck softly with tiny licks.

Her body starts to ignite with his touches screaming for more.  He turns her around to rinse her hair under the water holding her back as she arches it to rinse off.  His lips are on her breasts she moans with anticipation.  Her clitoris is getting wetter than the water on her body wanting this man wholly.  
She glances down at his erection that is calling for her wanting it in her.  Her body aches for his begging for pleasure.  He is feeling her body reacting, his excitement shows in his eyes.  His mouth is kissing her nibbles while his hands rub her inner legs to feel her wetness for him.  He hisses through his teeth anticipating what he will feel next pulling his body closer to hers wanting him to complete her.

He lifts
her up as she wraps her legs around him as he thrust himself into her.  She screams with the excitement and sudden intrusion.  Grabbing the shower rod bracing her other hand onto the wall he lunges again and again while they are both panting with excitement.  She feels the orgasm building in her as he groans and calls out her name wanting her to climax.  Looking into his eyes they explode together with such fulfillment she never knew was possible.  She wraps her arms around him as he is still holding himself inside her.  The water has turned colder but we both need it to cool our bodies down from the heat we have created in our love making.  Kissing him with passion he slowly releases her to stand as she cuddles into his arms.

We turn off the shower towel drying each other off feeling complacent. She smugly ask “So, how was dessert?” as she cuddles into his arms.

Nathan grins, “Best dessert ever.  But I’m not planning on sharing it with anybody.” making her giggle.

We get some comfortable clothes on and he has some snacks laid out for us in the living room with some wine.  He has already tuned the TV onto an old comedy black and white sit com.  It
’s another of her favorites, “I Love Lucy” shows bringing her to cradle him on the couch to relax in his arms; nibbling on some cheese taking sips of the wine.

“You know this is better than going out to a club any day as long as you are here to enjoy it with me.” kissing him feeling so complacent.  He pulls her into him kissing her forehead, “You know I think we need to do this more often.” With sincerity in his voice, she just nods getting comfy by his side.

We are both laughing at the show enjoying our comfort and sipping our wine when his phone rings.  It is way past midnight; she is perplexed at who would call this late.  He grabs the phone and silences it.  Puzzled yet again she asks, “Is this normal that you get late night phone calls if you don’t mind me asking?”

Sighing, “No it’s not, its people at home who don’t realize the time here and they call.  I’m sorry if it bothers you.”

“No it doesn’t bother me but why don’t they just text you or something, unless it’s really important that they call you?” still puzzled.

“Sometimes people feel it’s important to hear my voice I guess.  Don’t worry your pretty little head; I have it under control
” smiling warmly.  “Did you want to head to bed?” he ask affectionately

Stifling a yawn she agrees with that suggestion turning off the TV to head upstairs.  She is so exhausted from the day along with their love making in the shower she curls up onto his chest and falls fast asleep.

Enough with these late night calls from Sylvia!  Isn’t his father taking care of the business with her family?  He really doesn’t want to be involved!  Yes they are friends and in the past lovers if you can call it that but they have parted ways.  He has moved on as he pulls Brandy in closer listening to her soft breath since she is fast asleep in his arms.  Watching her sleep comforts him and eases his mind to join her in slumber.


















We have a blissful day on Sunday, we take a long walk on the pier again and he talks more about the yachts and catamarans sipping on our coffees and enjoying the day.  She listens attentively more so since she really wants to absorb this information.  After a late lunch and quality time with just hanging together he drives her home.  She did tm Tiffany this morning which she was slow to respond since she had a late night with Denny but obviously had a great time.  Before she gets out of Nathans car he cups her face looking into her eyes.  “You are beautiful Brandy and don’t ever let anyone tell you different.” Kissing her passionately thanking him again for the compliment
ok she is getting better at this
telling him she will talk to him later.  He’s happy to hear that saying he awaits her call.  Giggling with joy she steps out going into the apartment smiling from ear to ear.

Tiffany is up and about bristling about with joy herself.  She is telling Brandy how wonderful Denny is listening to her still not believe the wonderful man she ha
s in her life.  Both our phones chirp at the same time and we laugh because Mikey is feeling left out of the loop.  We invite him over for coffee and he shows up minutes later to get the scoop.  We fill him in and he is all ears clapping for us both.  This is the best time she has ever had in her life

Later that night calling Nathan, we talk for a little bit joking about our day together since yes as a people watcher we saw some strange people out and about. Spring always brings out everybody and we saw some good ones today dressed like it was a costume party or something.  We plan on getting together during the week for a movie
; getting herself ready for another work week with school done for the summer.

She dreams of Nathan with such passion she actually wakes expecting him to be by her side.  It’s weird now not having him to wake up to.  She is kind of getting used to that.  Heading into work sure she is glowing from her awesome week she has had since he came into her life. 

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