Making the Cut (8 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

BOOK: Making the Cut
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“No I’m not, I’ve got you.” I smiled sadly back. “Now help me fix myself up so we can go back out there.” I tried to sound strong.

After some quick emergency makeup procedures, Amy and I ventured out into the party. The bikers had dispersed, some drinking beers and lounging on chairs, others laughing with each other with arms wrapped around women. We spotted Rosie, with none other than Cade, who had his arm slung around her shoulder. He had a lovely beautiful woman and was pursuing me? Prick.

“Gwen, Amy!” Rosie yelled, I felt a disturbing amount of male eyes on me. I saw more than a few leather clad men checking Amy out, some old enough to be our fathers. Ew.

“Get your asses over here girls.” Rosie ordered. Amy half dragged me over it to the prick, who still had his arm around Rosie. Lucy was still there, but talking intently to yet another sexy biker, this one tall, with a buzz cut and an awesome goatee, and covered in tats, he was attractive, but had a very dangerous vibe coming off him.

“Gwen you have to give me the recipe for your brownies, the boys fricking LOVE them.” She gushed, and one of the guys turned around from the food table.

“Bitch, those brownies are the fucking shit! I think I’m going to marry you.” He smiled cheekily, he was quite young, Hispanic and very attractive, kind of like a bright eyed puppy or something. But a fucking scary puppy, like a pit bull. I smiled at his compliment, but I wasn’t sure how much I appreciated being referred to as ‘bitch’. I got a pointed look from Amy at the marriage comment, and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. The man boy approached me, I started to feel a little nervous but stood my ground. He held out his hand, still smiling, “I’m Lucky.”

I shook his hand and replied. “Gwen, and this is my friend Amy,” I gestured to my best friend, who held out her hand.

“Wow we hit the fucking jackpot, two knockouts like you ladies coming to town, and you can cook…damn.” He exclaimed.

I couldn’t help but laugh at this guys obvious fun loving nature. I felt Cade’s intense stare on me, I glanced at him to see him looking seriously pissed off.

“Omigod, I’m so rude.” Rosie interrupted the little stare off me and Cade had going on. “You’ve obviously met Lucky, but this is Bull.” She gestured to the scary looking man with Lucy, who perked up upon hearing his name, he glanced at us and gives us a chin lift.

“Yo.” he grunted.

“And this is my brother Cade.” She gave him a squeeze. I was shocked for a second, brother? Wow, I was a little quick to judge.

Cade released Rosie. “We’ve met.” He barked before grabbing my arm and dragging me back into the house.

“What the fuck Cade?” I heard Rosie’s voice behind us but we seemed to be moving at lightening speed because all of a sudden we were inside someone’s bedroom, Cade locked the door behind him. I was a bit shell shocked and out of it from my episode earlier so I didn’t really take the opportunity to struggle, but I finally find my tongue and begin to say, “What the fuck...” before Cade advanced on me and backed me into a wall. His arms came up on either side of me, boxing me in.

“What are you doing here?” He whispered menacingly, he seemed seriously pissed. Maybe someone stole his wallet chain.

“What do you mean?” I hissed at him, trying to push him but it was like pushing a brick wall. I tried not to appreciate his abs.

“What do you think you’re doing just dragging me away like some kind of barbarian? Were you dropped on your head as a child?” I asked sarcastically, weirdly not feeling any fear at being alone in a strange house, with a seriously angry biker.

“Answer my question baby what are you doing at my sisters house, dressed like a fucking wet dream?”

“Don’t be so crude, and I’m here because I was invited, not that it’s any of your business.” I snapped back.

“Coming into my sisters home, my boys seeing you looking like that wanting a piece of you. Half of them have already seen you in those sad fucking excuses for clothing you were running in and you think this is ‘none of my business?’” He asked dangerously, face so close to mine our lips were almost touching. A vein in his neck pulsed, his jaw was tight.

“Well yes.” I said starting to get a bit confused. I mean yeah he said he wanted me in his bed but what did he care about me being at his sister’s party? We haven’t even had a proper conversation, let alone kissed! This was way too weird.

“Jesus!” he bellowed. I jumped at his tone.

He looked at me, his face softening a bit. “You don’t get it do you baby?” He asked weirdly.

“No I don’t, and quite frankly, I don’t think there is anything to get, you don’t even know me...” I didn’t get to finish because his hand tagged the back of my head and before I knew it his mouth was crushing down on mine. I was so surprised I didn’t even try to fight it. His tongue invaded my mouth, my body plastered to his. I kissed him back and moaned into his mouth. I have never had a kiss this good in my life, I could come from just his tongue in my mouth. I felt his hands running down my body leaving a trail of fire in their wake. The kiss deepened, he put his hands on my ass and lifted me up. I didn’t hesitate to wrap my legs around his waist. I bit at his bottom lip, I had never felt this frantic, this turned on in my life.

We were interrupted by a knock at the door, and the sound of the door handle rattling.

“Cade!!” I heard Rosie’s slightly panicked voice. “What are you doing with Gwen?”

“What the fuck do you think he’s doing Rosie?” Lucky’s voice joined in “A woman who looked like that, I know what I’d be doing.”

Cades arms tightened around me.

“Fuck off” he yelled savagely.

“Gwennie?” I heard Amy’s voice chime in. She sounded half worried half amused.

“Fuckin hell.” Cade sighed, sounding livid. I giggled at the absurdity of the situation and maybe feeling a little drunk from the kiss.

“I’m fine Ames.” I called back trying to sound normal. “Be out in a sec.”

  I heard her laugh.

“Okay babe, take your time.” Her heels clicked as she walked away.

I turned to Cade, feeling my brain regain control of my body instead of my vagina. “Put me down” I ordered.

“No fuckin way.” He said firmly.

“Yes way.” I struggled. “Seriously, put me down” I glared into his grey eyes, which were glittering.

“Baby, I’ve got you where I’ve wanted to have you since the first moment I laid eyes on you, and after that kiss you think I’m going to let you go. Fuck no.” His gaze was pure masculine desire. I got even more turned on if that was even possible. I ignored this feeling and tried to be sensible.

“Cade in case you haven’t noticed there is a shit ton of people right outside.” As if on cue, we heard laughing and catcalls, obviously Lucky told the boys about what he heard.

“If you think you are getting anything from me in the middle of a strangers bedroom with all of that going on outside then you are bat shit crazy.” Cade raised his eyebrows. “And if you think this is going to happen again anywhere, anytime then you are mistaken, this was…” I tried and think of an appropriate description of what this was. Mind-blowing? Extremely hot? A mini orgasm? “A lapse in judgment.” I finished lamely.

Cade stared at me with that angry look back on his face, his hands roaming up my bare leg, tracing the edge of my panties. I let out a little moan. His eyes darkened.

“Baby this will most definitely be happening again, and there will be a lot less clothes involved and I will finally get to fuckin taste you.”

I quivered, he stroked me over the top of my underwear, I felt an orgasm building.

“But you’re right, I ain’t fucking you in my sisters house with all my boys outside picturing it, you got way too much class for that.” He continued to stroke, but faster and harder, his mouth kissing at my ear.

“I am going to make you come, because I want to be out at that party and look at you and know I made you lose control, and be able to picture what you look like with your pussy pulsing around my finger.” He said hoarsely, putting pressure on my magic spot. That pushed me over the edge, I moaned even loader, he silenced me with his mouth. I shattered into a thousand pieces, my climax so intense I felt like I might melt into a puddle on the floor. When I’m finished he put his forehead against mine for a beat lowered me onto the floor. My legs felt like jelly, luckily his hold on my waist kept me upright. I glanced down to see him straining through his jeans.

He followed my gaze grabbing my hand and rubbing it against him.

“Yeah baby, see what you do to me. My dick is as hard as a fuckin rock.” He tugged me back against his hard body, attacking my mouth with barely restrained ferocity.

“Now I’m going to have to stick around for a bit cause Rosie will get pissed if I up and leave as soon as I arrive, that bitch has been planning this barbeque for weeks. But as soon as fuckin possible I’m leaving, and you’ll be on the back of my bike. Got it?” His eyes were locked with mine. His statement was not a question, more like a command.

I blinked, anger starting to bubble up inside me at being ordered around, but not I was not able to fully get riled after that mind blowing orgasm. Cade was still looking at me expectantly, like he was waiting for some sort of verbal response. I currently wasn’t able to make my brain form coherent words.

“Oh and baby? We are going to talk about why the fuck you damn near fainted at the sight of me and boys earlier, I seen raw fear before, and it was all over your face.”

Ok now I was angry. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I spat at him. “You think you can just waltz into my life, expecting me to open my legs at your say so and share personal details on your command, when we have not so much as ate a meal together, never mind you asking me on a real date?” My voice rose to an almost full blown yell. “If you think I will ever willingly be in the same room as someone as arrogant and bossy as you, then your are insane.” I yanked myself out of his arms, righting my dress and stomped towards the door.

“Baby...” I heard from behind me, I whirled around and give my best death stare. “I am not your baby, nor will I ever be.” I hissed, my voice laced with venom. I slammed the door behind me.

I strutted right back into the party, with my head held high, ignoring the few yells and whistles. I spotted Amy grabbing something to eat so I headed her way.

“Well you look….ruffled.” Amy giggled when I reached her.

I glared at her. “Don’t even start. I will not talk about what happened and we are no longer speaking of Cade.” I ordered, snatching a carrot stick off her plate.

Amy gave me a salute. “Aye Aye captain.” I guessed she was enjoying the drinks.

I rolled my eyes and followed her as we head to a table where Lucy, Ashley and some of the other women who’s names I had forgotten were sitting.

I sat myself down with a sigh, Ashley looked my way with a sly smile. “Everything okay Gwen?” She asked.

“Yes fine thanks.” I smiled at her genuinely even if it was a bit strained.

“You and Cade…sort things out?” Lucy chimed in, curiously.

“We just had to get a few things straight.” I said tightly, but smiled again, not wanting these women to think I was a bitch. “Now I hope you ladies will all be at the store early on Wednesday for some pre drinks and first pick on some of the merchandise?” I tried to change the subject, luckily women and clothing were a match made in heaven.

After, whatever that was with Cade, I began to relax and chat happily with my new friends, drinking soda (keeping my wits about me) enjoying good food, and actually getting along with some of the bikers who would stop by our table every now and then. I even managed to completely ignore Cade, whose gaze I could feel burning a hole through me throughout the afternoon. As night started to fall, everything started to get a bit rowdier. Amy, who was not on non alcoholic drinks, was getting very flirty with said bikers, and they were lapping it up. When I saw her trying to get some very scary looking tattooed man to dance with her, I couldn’t help but snicker.

I spotted some of the same skanky girls giving me and Amy very dirty looks. I leaned over to Ashley. “So who are the girls over there currently giving new meaning to the phrase ‘If looks could kill’?” I asked jokingly, not wanting to offend her in case they were friends or relatives, in small towns like this you couldn’t be too careful.

Ashley made a face. “Oh those are the token club skanks.” She said scowling. “The boys kind of share them, Rosie did not want them here, but since they are ‘with’ I use that term very loosely, Asher and Jodie she had no choice.”

“Oh…” I said, a bit lost for words, looking at the bottle blond who was looking at me like she wanted to scratch my eyes out.

Ashley noticed that. “Oh don’t mind Ginger.” She waved her hand “She’s Cades go to, well used to be.” She added quickly. The women had not missed the stares Cade had been directing at me all night. I swallowed and surveyed the girl more closely. It was hard to see with the night growing darker and faint lanterns putting the yard in a soft glow. She had short, layered hair, eyes rimmed with black eyeliner, big silver hoops in her ears, a short jean skirt and tight muscle top on. The ‘biker whore’ look was finished with motorcycle boots. This opinion did not come from the fact I may have been a bit jealous. Which was ridiculous.

I caught Cade’s stare and rolled my eyes, glaring at him. The bastard just smirked at me! Right time to go. I scanned around for Amy, who was currently dancing with Rosie.

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