Making the Cut (32 page)

Read Making the Cut Online

Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

BOOK: Making the Cut
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“Just relax for a second Abrams, you are going to ruin the soles of those Choo’s with all that pacing.” I stated and she immediately stopped, frowning down at her heels and slumping down next to me on a barstool.

I stood. “We are in front of a bar, lets see if I can rustle up something drinkable to make this experience a little more enjoyable,” I jumped over the bar and inspected what I had to work with.

“Cosmos?” Amy asked hopefully, head in her hands.

“No such luck, but we do have tequila.” I said holding up the bottle.

“Margaritas?” She asked with a smile creeping onto her face.

I gave her a look. “We are in a biker clubhouse Amy, I doubt the big rough alpha males have margarita mix.” Her face fell. “We are just going to have to strap on our balls and drink it straight.” I declared solemnly pouring us some glasses.

At that point the door burst open and in walked Rosie, Lucy and Ashley, closely followed by Evie, Lizzie and to my surprise more than a few Sweetbutts, arms laden with groceries. Rosie’s eyes lit up when she saw us, and even more when she spotted the bottle in my hand.

“Tequila! I love you girls, Jose is one of my best friends in Lockdowns, and I brought margarita mix.” She held up a paper bag.

Amy leapt off her bar stool and hugged her. “I love you.” She told her sincerely.

I gave everyone smiles as they approached, Rosie de tangled herself from Amy and hugged me across the bar.

“Holy shit Gwen, I heard what happened are you okay?” Her face was scrunched with worry.

“I’m fine now, and will be even better with the help of tequila.” I reassured her, telling myself not to twitch and the memory of insects crawling up my arms.

“You are one strong bitch.” She winked at me, “I’ll dump the groceries and dig around for our drink mix so we can get this party started.” She strolled towards the kitchen where the Sweetbutts had disappeared. Lizzie walked up to me and gave my hand a light squeeze, eyes kind.

“How you going Gwen?” She asked softly.

“I’m okay thanks Liz.” I smiled at her, introducing her to Amy before noticing two little humans hiding behind her legs. I rounded the bar and crouched down in front of them.

“Why what have we got here?” I asked playfully, sneaking a grin at the two kids who were peeking at me shyly. A boy and a girl, both with jet black hair and both gorgeous. The girl was about five, with shoulder length ringlets and a cheeky smile. The boy was a bit older, standing more confidently at his mother’s side. “I’m Jack.” The boy held out his hand to shake, I held back a laugh at the child’s manly demeanor. I tried to fight visions of little children with Cades steely grey eyes. Not the time to get clucky.

I gave his hand a shake. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Jack, who’s your sister?”

He stepped around his mother to stand in front of me.

“You sound weird, are you from another planet or something?” He asked seriously and I couldn’t hold back my laugh this time, I heard Lizzie giggling.

“Jack,” She scolded, “That wasn’t polite.” He gazed up at his mother confused. I straightened up and ruffled his hair.

“I sound different because I’m from a country way on the other side of the world called New Zealand.” I explained.

“That’s weird.” He decided before running off to play with a couple of other kids I hadn’t noticed arrive.

“Sorry about that.” Lizzie said while scooping up the little beauty beside her.

“Don’t even apologize, he is hilarious.” I told her.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah sometimes I want to scream at the little shit though, he is too much like his father its scary.”

I laughed happy to see the obvious love in her eyes. I lightly pulled on her little girls curl.

“What’s your name then?”

“This is Lily.” Lizzie replied when the little girl burrowed her face in her shoulder. “She’s a bit shy.” She explained.

I chatted with Lizzie for a bit until she had to go and put Lily down for a nap. I was about to turn and sit back with Amy who had already downed two shots when Evie approached and hugged me. I gingerly hugged her back, surprised at the hard woman’s show of tenderness. She released stroked my face, reminding me of something my mother would do.

“You allgood honey?” She asked and I nodded. “Good, don’t worry the men will take care of those animals, finally. That’s the last time they go near our women.” He voice was filled with anger, but her eyes seemed to water. She must’ve been thinking about Laurie, this incident bringing horrible memories to the surface. I gave her hands a squeeze and she smiled at me.

“Enough talking, lets get down to business. I’ll get the Sweetbutts on cleaning this dump up and making food. I’ll find places for everyone to sleep, you want to be in charge of the most important thing?”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Booze.” She replied.

“Only if that includes me drinking some.”


The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity, and cocktails. I was surprised at the number of people, although Cade said there wasn’t many Old Ladies, that didn’t mean there wasn’t a heck of a lot of women involved with the club. There was also a good amount of children, most of whom belonged to club members, results of divorce or one night stands. Everyone was banding together, helping out with food and getting along really well. It was really interesting seeing the people behind the men, people connected to the club in some way or another, people who could potentially be in danger. They didn’t seem too worried about the possible threat; the atmosphere was light, with only a couple of worried faces. I asked Lizzie if this was a regular occurrence, lockdown and everyone being in danger. She assured me it wasn’t, telling me that danger from the club rarely touched its extended family. I wanted to believe her, but with what happened today I was finding it hard and I was feeling very conflicted. Tequila helped me with that, by the time my head hit the pillow I was feeling pleasantly buzzed. But no amount of alcohol could stop me worrying about Cade who I hadn’t heard from all day. I lay staring at the ceiling for I don’t know how long until I heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs and the door open quietly. I sat up and watched Cade as he closed the door behind him.

“What are you still doing awake baby? It’s late.” Cade’s voice was soft as he sat on the bed stroking my face.

“Couldn’t sleep.” I replied. “I was worried about my man.”

A tender expression crossed his face, one that he only ever gave me, his hard and gruff exterior reserved for the rest of the world.

“I’m right here baby, whole and unharmed.” He stood, beginning to take off his clothes, resting his cut on the back of a chair. I regarded it in the dim moonlight, feeling mixed emotions for the piece of leather.

“How long is this going to go on for?” I asked quietly, still staring at the chair.

I felt a pause in Cade’s movement for a second before he continued undressing.

He entered the bed, resting his body on top of mine.

“It will be over soon baby I promise.” His voice was intense, rough. “You don’t know how sorry I am that you got caught up in this shitstorm. Christ, you are so good, so strong. You don’t need any more of this ugliness tarnishing your life, and it fuckin has.” He was angry at himself. “If I wasn’t such a selfish bastard I would let you go, let you run a mile away from this life.” He paused and my mind panicked at the thought of loosing him, but the rational part of me considered the possibility of running from the danger that the club and Cade represented. Cade watched me closely as if he was trying to read my mind. “But I can’t Gwen, I can’t let you go. The thought of not being with you, not being able to protect you, sleep beside you, sink into you at the end of the day, that thought scares me shitless. And the thought of another man ever touching you.” He literally shook from rage, “Drives me crazy.” He kissed me hard before pulling back. “I love you Gwen, fuck I should’ve said it the moment you made my godamn life saying those words to me. I love you more than anything baby.”

Holy crap, well that’s what I call an I love you, my biker knows how to say it right.

“I love you too Cade.” I whispered before he devoured my mouth, yanking the blankets away, roughly hissing when he saw I was naked.

“You are fucking stunning baby.” He kissed me again, roughly tweaking my nipple, I moaned into his mouth. I felt his callused hands venture down my torso until they reached my drenched core. He thrust a finger inside me and I saw stars, feeling my orgasm creeping already.

“Cade.” I murmured as he sucked my nipple. “I need you inside me.” I writhed as his finger moved faster.

“Not yet Gwen, I want to watch you come around my finger, want to feel your little pussy pulse on my hand.” He replied roughly, his words unraveling me. I cried out. I was in a fog when Cade entered me, pleasure shooting through my already sensitive flesh. His eyes never left mine while he made slow love to me, the emotion and love behind his eyes nearly tearing me apart. All of a sudden I was riding waves of pleasure, clenching around him again. I heard his grunt as I milked his release out of him.

He lay on top of me for a while, breathing heavily. “I love you babe.” He told me quietly.

I looked back up at him and everything else faded away, the club, the danger, my love for this man played the trump card.

“I love you too.”

Cade kissed my head and moved so he was still half on top of me, but not squashing me.

“Sleep Gwen.” He ordered.

Who would have thought I would be able to sleep with my beast of a boyfriend not only still on top of me but inside me, but I did.


I woke slowly, with pleasure shooting up my spine with Cade’s mouth buried between my legs. I put my hand on his head, unable to speak, and orgasm rippled through my half asleep body. Cade crawled up as I recovered from the aftershocks. Without a word he grabbed my hips and placed me so I straddled him. I let out a rough gasp as he impaled me, pleasure making my mind fog.

I collapsed atop of Cade, both breathing hard after our climaxes.

“That’s a perfect way to start the morning.” I whispered, nuzzling his neck.

Hands at my hips gave me a squeeze. “If only I could stay buried inside of you all day” His voice vibrated in my ear.

“I don’t think I would survive that.” I giggled before slowly lifting myself off him and heading to the bathroom. I peeked at my man over my shoulder, he looked sexy as sin lying naked on the bed, rippling muscles and covered in tats. I felt a flutter between my legs at the sight of him.

“I’m taking a shower.” I informed him. “Want to scrub my back?” I asked with a cheeky smile. His eyes darkened and he stalked from the bed, picking me up and taking us towards the shower.


I frowned into Cade’s small mirror. I didn’t have much time to pack anything half decent with Lucky standing at the door impatiently yesterday, but I think I looked okay. I was wearing high waisted white slacks, a white blouse and super high tan wedges. Maybe white wasn’t the best choice while staying at the club, but I wouldn’t be here much longer as I had to get to the store. It was only me and Lily today, but I was sure Amy would refuse to stay here without me so I guessed she would be coming too. I turned just as Cade emerged from the bathroom, towel around his waist looking good enough to eat.

“As much as you look sexy with your stubble honey, I’m glad you shaved. I think my inner thighs have whisker rash.” I joked, looking down at my phone at a text from Amy.

Get me the fuck out of here now bitch. I am about to murder some biker ass.

I laughed thinking of the tantrum she had last night when she found out Brock had demanded she sleep in his room, with the prospects enforcing it. After many curse words she had decided she would barricade herself in the room, locking Brock out. Guess he got in.

But what a fine ass it is

I knew my text back would get a reaction.

Be ready to leave in 5.

I added, deciding we could get breakfast on the way.

“You are not going anywhere Gwen.” Cade growled from over my shoulder, obviously reading my txt. I jumped, not even hearing him approach. I regained my composure whirling on him.

“You have to stop reading my texts over my shoulder I hate it.” I scolded frowning at him, which was hard to do when he was only wearing a towel.

“Get used to it babe, got to keep an eye on you somehow. Especially when you have crazy ass ideas like leaving the club. Your store is closed until we sort this shit.” His tone was serious.

Anger bubbled up inside me and I was barely able to stop myself from slapping him.

“Excuse me?” I asked quietly.

Cade crossed his arms, trying to intimidate me with his macho stance.

“Your store is closed until we get these pricks out of the picture. It’s an easy target too vulnerable.”

My temper flared to epic proportions. “You think you have the right to dictate whether
my business
opens or not? Are you fucking insane?” I shouted, going toe to toe with him, even if I only came up to his shoulders with heels on.

“You think for one second I am taking a risk with your safety Gwen? The store is closed, end of story.” His voice was raised, he was not used to people arguing with the great and powerful Cade obviously.

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