Making the Cut (38 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

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I rolled my eyes, Ryan was a snobby Manhattenite through and through with a flair for the dramatic.

“Seriously Ryan you need to stop with the comments, Amber is my home now. And I think you would eat your tongue if you saw the caliber of men down here.” I lectured, but Ryan was already cutting me off.

“Okay okay, whatever. Tell me more about him. How long have you been seeing him? Oooh what’s his name I’ll stalk him on Facebook.”

I chuckled. “He’s not really the kind of man that has Facebook Ry, and I’ve pretty much been seeing him since the first day I got here. Took him a week or so to crack me though.” I laughed again, thinking back to our first meetings.

There was silence on the phone again before a yell. “WHAT?”

I held the phone out again, oh boy Ryan sounded angry.

“You’ve been in Nowheresville for more than three fucking months! And you are telling me this
? This is bullshit, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Ry there’s been a lot going on and things have been complicated…” I started to explain, feeling guilty.

“Complicated? Well you’ve certainly had enough time to call and tell me you finally got off the wait list for your Birkin, and you couldn’t wait to call me and tell me Orlando and Miranda broke up.” He spat.

“Hey!” My voice was raised now too. “I’ve been on that wait list for like
, that was a big deal,” I stroked at my Birkin lovingly. “And you were over the moon about Miranda and Orlando, he’s on your celebrity boink list.”

“Enough.” He snapped. “I cannot believe Amy didn’t even tell me this shit.” He muttered.

“I swore Amy to secrecy Ry, this isn’t her fault.” I argued.

“Oh puh lease. Amy couldn’t keep a secret if it meant she could have Chanel’s entire fall line. She told me about Kyle Winters like the second after she found out.”

I gasped. “That bitch.” I whispered, mentally thinking up more ways to torture my big mouthed best friend.

“I simply cannot have this conversation with you right now Gwen, I am too mad. I will call you when I decide I am over it.” His voice was uppity, I knew he was pissed and hurt.

“Ry please…” I pleaded into the phone but he had already hung up.

“Fuck!” I yelled and grabbed my (beautiful) purse to head in search of Amy.

I screeched up to the clubhouse after hearing Amy was there picking up Rosie. I didn’t even want to wonder why she was showing up there. Things between her and Brock had been tense to say the least. I had already assembled my emergency kit for when WIII went down between them. It was red wine, chocolates and all the horror movies I could find of people in love getting murdered gruesomely.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw her walking towards me, laughing with Rosie, Lucky and Cade were milling by their bikes nearby.

I got out of the car and slammed my door. “You!” I shouted, pointing at Amy and stomping towards her, hearing my heels click on the concrete.

“Oh shit.” I heard Lucky’s curse from nearby.

Amy had the gall to look confused. “What Gwen?”

“You sent my mother a picture of Cade and I? How freaking dare you Abrams! That was not your place. And I can’t believe you told Ryan about Kyle Winters, you swore you would take that to your grave.” I was inches away from her face, yelling in it. I ignored the fact that Cade and Lucky had approached and we seemed to have more than a few spectators. Rosie was watching, half shocked, half smirking.

Amy’s expression turned from confusion into realization, she leaned into me.

“Well someone had to tell your mother, at the rate you’re going she would learn about it when she got your wedding invite.” She joked and I saw red.

I let out a scream of frustration, loud.

“Babe.” I heard Cade from behind me.

“Uh no brother, I suggest you stay out of this one. The Old Lady is looking wild, you don’t interrupt bitches with this shit.” Lucky sounded serious, I whirled to see a grin on the bastard’s face.

Cade had ignored him and was walking towards me. I held up a hand.

“Stay out of this. You have far too much testosterone to be involved in this conversation.” I told him, whirling back to Amy.

“I was going to tell Mum, in my own time, it’s only been three months. I don’t see you running to tell your parents about you and Brock, or you and Ian for that matter.”

Amy scowled. “This is different Gwen and you know it. You guys are the real deal, and you are in Bad Ass land, three months is like
to these guys. Has Kirsten Ashley taught you nothing?”

I let out another little scream. “Are you fucking serious? I don’t even know what to say to you. You are
looney tunes
.” I made the universal crazy gesture. “And I am so pissed at you for telling Ryan about Kyle. I may never forgive you for that.” I glared at her.

“Who the fuck is Kyle?” I heard Cade snap from behind me and ignored him.

Amy’s glare turned into a smile, and she glanced at Cade.

“Oh come on. How could I not tell Ryan? It was hilarious. Seriously Gwen, he owned a comic book store.”

“So? There’s nothing wrong with that, he had a business.” I argued.

“He still lived with his mother.” She grinned.

“He was saving a deposit for an apartment.” I retorted.

“He had Star Wars sheets.” She continued.

I cringed.

“And tried to get you to dress up as Princess Laya.” She finished.

I heard Lucky’s choked laughter from behind me.

“You bitch.” I whispered, unable to believe she just said that in front of my super hot boyfriend and his equally hot friends. It wasn’t my fault I was blinded by the nerdy cute thing he had going on.

“I am so getting you back for that.” I shot at her, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

“Sorry Gwennie, never fucked any creepy nerds in my time.” She snorted, inspecting her nails.

I sneered back at her. “Remember the time you had to cancel on me last minute for that dinner in that random place in Brooklyn after you had that bad facial?”

She scowled. “How can I forget, I couldn’t go out for like three days after what that witch did.”

“Well I was already halfway there and decided to still go cause I heard their pasta was to die for.” I continued and she looked bored. “Anyway when I got there, I ran into The Rock, and we talked for like
ten minutes.

I smirked as her face paled. “You’re lying.” 

“Nope, didn’t tell you cause I knew you’d be gutted. He even asked me to have a drink with him, gave me his number and everything.”

Amy looked like I just shot her puppy. “No he didn’t.”

I rifled through my purse, grabbing my phone.

“I’ll prove it.” I said, pressing some buttons. I still had the number, because even though I was with The Prick at the time and blinded by stupidity, you’re not
going to save Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s number. I just prayed he hadn’t changed it. Shit he was a celebrity, he’d probably changed it like three times over. I realized this as the phone was ringing on speaker. This could be embarrassing. There was silence as the phone clicked onto answering machine, I held my breath until I heard the distinct voice of Amy’s all time celebrity crush. Her face fell as she heard it too. I hung up triumphantly.

“We are even now, though that doesn’t even equal what you did to me with my mother. I am not speaking to you for the rest of the day. No make that the rest of the century.” I decided.

I started back towards my car before turning, “Oh and email me that picture of Cade and me, I don’t know when you took it if my mum approves it must be good.”

That was Tuesday. It was now Friday and I had basically forgiven her, it helped that the photo of Cade and me was like awesome. We were at a club party and I was sitting on his knee, head turned talking to someone beside me. Cade had a hand to my neck, stroking it and looking at me with a look full of awe and tenderness it made my heart melt just a little. I had gotten it printed as soon as possible and put it beside my bed. Cade had seen it, gotten a copy and kept it in his wallet. He didn’t say a word to me, I had found it yesterday when I was paying for pizza. I put it back without a word, but my heart had felt like it was going to explode with the amount of love I had in it.


“Babe?” Cade said, bringing me back to the present. He had just fucked me as hard as promised, I was tucked into the crook of his arm, my whole body jelly.

“Umm I don’t know if I will be able to regain coherent thought for at least an hour.” I whispered dreamily, “I’m pretty sure you just fucked my brains out.”

I felt Cade’s body rumble underneath mine and his chuckle vibrate in my ear.

“Yes well I needed to erase the images of certain Hollywood actors my woman seems infatuated with.” He replied, half joking.

I put my hand on his chest and stared up to him to see a slight hardness to his otherwise tender post sex stare. I couldn’t help but giggle just a little. This didn’t help as Cade’s arms tightened around me and his stare threatened to turn into a full blown frown. I leaned down and kissed one of his (hard, tattooed, did I mention delicious?) pecs.

“You can’t seriously be jealous of fictional characters, can you Mr Big and Scary Biker Man?” I teased.

Cade’s frown deepened and he moved me to lie on top of him fully. I struggled not to squirm as my down there area was more than a little sensitive.

“I am not jealous, seeing as I am the one who just had his cock inside you and its my cum currently leaking out of your sweet pussy.” He growled, and I felt said area tingle. “But I do want you to delete that number.” He continued, sliding his hands down my spine gently.

“Seriously? You can’t tell me delete ‘The Rocks’ number.” I replied, smiling at him playfully.

Cade obviously was not amused. “Yes I fucking can. I can tell you to delete any man’s number that wants in here.” He stated, putting his hands between us and sliding a finger through my wetness.

My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I couldn’t find it in me to get angry about yet another possessive statement, especially when I would never actually call some actor who plays a hardass on TV when I had my very on real life hardass in bed with me.

“Hmmm” I moaned as Cade’s finger found my magic and delightfully sensitive spot.

“My baby is ready for me again so soon?” He whispered roughly in my ear.

All I was able to let out was a low moan, and I moved myself against the rough muscled body of my man communicating I was indeed ready. He flipped me over quickly, covering his body with mine before devouring me with a kiss.

“My baby is greedy for my cock.” He murmured, mouth inches away from mine. I nodded, wrapping my legs around him and Cade then proceeded to fuck the rest of my brains out.


A few days later I was pouring Amy and I a glass of wine when I heard a knock at the door.

“Gwen! Can you get that? I just painted my nails and I can’t move from this spot for three more hours until my polish is sufficiently dried.” I heard Amy call from the direction of the pool.

I rolled my eyes, walking towards the door wine in hand, hoping the visitor would be Cade. I hadn’t seen or heard from him since yesterday afternoon when he disappeared on club business. I hated myself for admitting it, I missed him already. I promised myself I would not turn into a crazed pathetic woman over him. Opening the door I screamed.

Ryan stood in front of my grinning. “Gwen I’m excited to see you too, but lets not deafen me and my beloved shall we?” He remarked dryly.

I ignored him and squealed again, jumping into his arms.

“Gwen, please tell me you are getting kidnapped or the new Birkin has just been hand delivered to you, they are the only reasons I would not be totally pissed about my ruined manicure.” Amy walked into the foyer frowning at her hands. Her expression brightened when she saw Ryan. “Oh my god! Ry!!” She shrieked, nails forgotten. I looked over his shoulder to see Alex grinning walking up the pathway, arms laden with bags. I grinned back and ran towards him, throwing myself at him. He dropped the bags to pick me up, hugging me tight.

“Alex, sweetie, I know we’re very excited to see Gwen but could we
drop Louis Vuitton on the dirty ground?” Ryan called out from the door, only half joking.

We both ignored him, Alex pulled back to stare at my face, hands at my neck.

“You look great G, happy.” He told me quietly, eyes full of pride.

I felt my own well up with tears. “I am A, I’m doing so good, and I didn’t think I could get much happier, but you guys just proved me wrong.” I beamed at him wrapping my arms around his muscled body once again.

“What the fuck?” A very pissed off male voice asked from behind me.

I released Alex to see Cade, Brock and Bull staring at Alex and I with varying degrees of anger. Bull’s face was blank as usual, but his eye seemed to be twitching, Brock’s face was hard, but his gaze was on Amy, who had walked down to join us, holding hands with Ryan. Who, had obviously forgotten about his Vuitton because he was gawking at the three bikers before him. I didn’t blame him, three fine male specimens encased in leather just meters away? It was a lot to take in.

“Jesus Christ Abrams, get back inside the fucking house and put on some fucking clothes.” Brock barked, ignoring Alex and Ryan, striding towards Amy.

She put a hand on her bare hip, eyes narrowing at the approaching biker.

“Seriously? Do not order me around like some caveman asshole, it’s a bikini, and I’m pretty sure a little thing called Feminism happened about fifty years ago, giving women the right to wear whatever they want and not have to listen to arrogant pricks.” She finished by yelling in his face when he got to her. I bit back a laugh at how familiar this conversation was, to the ones I regularly had with Cade.

He ignored her, wrapping his hand around her wrist and dragging her back into the house, while she fought him and cursed him. Ryan watched with a raised eyebrow, a grin threatening the corner of his mouth, obviously amused. Alex hadn’t been. I had to hold him back when Brock grabbed Amy, whispering in his ear to reassure him he didn’t have to take on three big men to protect us. Which he would, in a heartbeat.

“I’m so going to like it here.” Ryan declared, joining Alex and I, oblivious to the hostility radiating off my boyfriend.

“Ryan, Alex, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend Cade and his friend Bull.” I said carefully. “And Cade and Bull these are my best friends Ryan and Alex.” I was trying to think of a subtle way to inform Cade they were my very
best friends as I knew he was getting jealous, but Ryan took care of that. He pushed forward, shaking both of their hands, looking like drool might drop out of the corner of his mouth.

“Seriously, Gwen told me about you guys but I totally thought she was exaggerating, if I wasn’t like madly in love with this one.” He pointed with his thumb to Alex .“I would move here like tomorrow.” Ryan grinned at them. “Now lets this party started! I brought Dom, which I hope hasn’t been broken by the careless throwing around of my luggage.” He gave a pointed glance at Alex, turning on his heel to grab his bags.

Cade stayed put, face unreadable, I suddenly panicked at what his reaction would be to my two very gay best friends. He came from a small town, was in a motorcycle club and was a serious macho man to boot. I couldn’t imagine him being ready to wave the rainbow flag. Shit. Surprisingly he stepped forward, pulling me to his side and firmly shaking Alex’s hand. “Nice to meet you bro, any friend of Gwen’s is a friend of ours.” He said sincerely. I let out a breath of relief when Bull followed suit.

“Good to met you too, Gwen has told me a lot about you, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.” Alex replied carefully, sounding a lot like a protective older brother, and eying Cade’s cut skeptically.

“Hello? Very expensive champagne that needs to be drunk here?” Ryan called out from the porch, shaking the bottle, saving me from passing out from testosterone overdose.

“We better get inside and open that wine before my little Queen throws a tantrum.” I joked pulling Cade, and gesturing to Bull and Alex who walked in front of us, conversing about who know what. This would be interesting.


“So he owns a strip club?” Ryan exclaimed loudly, the results of our drinking session causing his voice to increase multiple decibels.

“Ry inside voice please. I would rather you didn’t inform the entire bar.” I scolded.

Ryan waved his hand. “Puh lease honey this is a small town, I bet you were the last to know. We have to go there.” He decided, getting up on unsteady feet.

We were in Laura Maye’s bar again, having a girls night. Ryan obviously counted as a girl, and Alex was watching some game with Cade and the boys. Football maybe, hockey, or baseball?  I honestly didn’t know, my ears glazed over at the talk of sports. But I was happy they were all getting along so well, and that everyone had taken the gay thing without comment. Rosie and the girls were meant to be meeting up with us later, but Amy and I had wanted time alone with Ryan first. I had decided to abstain from telling both him and Alex about the me getting kidnapped thing. Considering everything that was going on, I didn’t need that little gem of information in the mix.

“I second that.” Amy chimed in, finishing her drink and grabbing her Prada. “Let’s go and check out these girls that Cade has to ‘check in on.” She finger quoted the last bit.

“Let’s skip past the fact that you are both insane, and just land at the fact we are meant to be meeting Amy and the girls any minute and none of us are sober enough to drive.” I stayed seated, toying with the olive in my martini.

Amy pulled out her phone, fingers moving at lightening speed, I was impressed, I lost the ability to text after my third cocktail.

“Two birds one stone. Rosie is picking us up and taking us to the strip club.” She declared clearly pleased with herself.

I groaned as the two of them pulled me out of the chair.

“This is a terrible idea you guys, there is nothing to gain by going out there, and we always get into trouble whenever you both agree on a plan after martinis.”

“Oh come on, you know you’re curious about this place, we need to do the recon. Don’t tell me it hasn’t been driving you insane.” Amy crossed her arms, daring me to argue. I felt deflated; it had been gnawing at me knowing Cade was involved in a place where beautiful women took their clothes off in front of him.

“And name one time that we got into trouble with martinis.” Ryan challenged arms crossed.

“You almost got me arrested for stealing that cops hat.”

Ryan rolled his eyes “
But didn’t.”

“Plus ended up dating him for like a month and we got to bypass traffic whenever we were with him.” Amy chimed in.

Fuck. Bad example. The traffic thing had been handy.

“You got us banned from the Ivy for a year, Amy’s dad had to pull strings to get us back in.” I gave them another one.

Ryan rolled his eyes. “Totally not our fault. How were we meant to know that that guy was married? And that his wife would be a biter?”

“Come on Gwennie, you know you want to.” Amy interrupted.

I blew out an exasperated breath. “Fine but we are just looking then leaving.”

“That’s my girl!” Amy clapped her hands. “And we have to have at least one drink.” She ushered me out of the bar before I could argue.


“So this is it.” Rosie pulled up in front of a nondescript building that looked well maintained, and not at all like a strip club. It had a red sign reading ‘Diamond Lounge’ in elegant script and a bouncer at the door.

“I have to say this is an excellent idea, I’ve been wondering what this place was like for ages.” Lucy put in from the back, where she was squeezed between Amy and Ryan. Her and Ryan were well on their way to becoming besties, the way they had been cackling in the backseat the entire ride.

Rosie grinned at me. “I gotta agree Gwen, ever since the boys opened it I’ve wanted a peek, but Cade was always foiling our attempts, he would not be happy about this at all.” She gave me the impression she didn’t mind this one bit. She opened her door and everyone else followed suit.

I looked to the ceiling of the car. “Please don’t let me get arrested tonight.” I pleaded before jumping out.

The bouncer gave us all a questioning look, but opened the door for us. We all walked in, Ryan and Lucy whispering to each other linking arms, Amy and Rosie laughing. Once I got a good look at the interior I was surprised. It was almost
Apart from the women dancing naked on the polls of course. The lighting was dim, a soft glow radiated from candles on the tables. Black cushioned chairs were clustered around round silver tables, the looked comfortable. One must be comfortable for a lap dance I guessed. A long runway split the bar in two, jutting off a stage. It had a pole at the end of it, that a blonde with huge boobs was currently hanging off. Other girls danced on circular mini stages that were peppered around the room. Some were cozying up to various men, of which there were many. The place was packed.

“Okay now we’ve looked, and I feel sufficiently persuaded to get breast implants and loose 10 pounds, time to go.” I instructed to my friends.

Ryan cocked his head at me. “Um no way we are staying at discussing what size you should go to, we have a lot to refer to here. And look! We’ve got us a table.” He pointed to Amy, who was sitting at an empty table giving us the thumbs up.

I groaned as Rosie and Lucy grinned at me, walking to join Amy.

Ryan linked his arm with mine, following me. “Come on Gwen its just a bit of fun, what trouble could we possibly get into?” He asked innocently.


After two surprisingly good cocktails I hated to admit I was having a great time. This place actually felt like I was in a trendy bar, well one with an almost exclusive male clientele and that had naked women dancing in front of me. The service was good, like previously mentioned the cocktails were great, the company was pretty awesome as well. I was surprised we hadn’t gotten any sleazy advances from guys. I wasn’t being full of myself, it was just we were pretty much the only women in a bar full of guys, and my companions were nothing to sneeze at. Amy looked like she should be modeling for Victoria’s Secret, Lucy looked like a sexy Snow White with her milky skin and black hair, and Rosie looked like a biker goddess.

My thought was interrupted when I felt conversation stop. My head crooked to where all of my friends where glaring, apart from Ryan, he just looked puzzled.

“Well isn’t this pathetic, Cade’s latest piece resorting to staking out his bar. He dumped you already sweetheart?” A nasally, spiteful voice asked me.

Great just what I needed. Ginger stood at the edge of our table flanked by two equally skanky friends. She had gotten her roots done since the last time I saw her, but was not much of an improvement on the ‘Whore Chic’ look. She had cheap looking extensions in which only made her stringy hair look worse. The faux leather dress she was wearing with a zip running down the whole front should be burnt as well as the thigh high heeled boots she was wearing.

“You coming in for a job interview sweetheart?” I asked looking her up and down. “I don’t think even a strip club would lower themselves to hire something like you. Maybe Burger King?” I suggested sweetly.

A gaggle of laughter erupted from behind me, and Amy gave me a fist pump.

Ginger’s face reddened and she narrowed her kohl-rimmed eyes at me in a death stare. “Bitch, you are just the flavor of the month, Cade will come back to me, he can’t get enough of my pussy.” She snarled, stepping closer to me.

“Well aren’t you classy.” Ryan put in, giving her a cold gaze.

She glanced at him, taking in his printed shirt and tan slacks. “Shut up fag, no one asked your opinion.”

Oh no she didn’t. I saw Amy clench her glass and direct a withering glare at the bitch, knowing she was seconds away from throwing said glass at her.

“I suggest you shut your crude mouth and walk away before I catch an STD. Or lose my temper.” I informed Ginger through gritted teeth.

Ginger rolled her eyes, smirking. “Like I’m scared of some townie, I’ll wipe the floor with you bitch.”

I tried to get up, but a hand on my arm stopped me.

“She’s not worth it my darling, what if you rip your Chanel?” Ryan asked me conversationally, glancing at my dress. I was inclined to agree with him until I heard Ginger mutter a word to her friends. A word that was referring to Ryan, a word that made my blood boil.

“She did not just say that.” Lucy declared icily.

Amy and I stood up at the same time, both advancing on the gaggle of skanks. I was closer so I got to Ginger first, not before she reared her fist back trying to punch me. I caught it in my hand and laughed in her face. “Didn’t your Dad ever teach you? You
rear back when trying to hit someone.” I shook my head. “Stupid whore.”

I raised my other hand in a lightening quick move and clocked her in the nose. She went down like a sack of potatoes. Amy and Rosie were taking care of the other two while I knelt down, grabbing Ginger by the hair, avoiding the blood coming out of her nose. I seriously didn’t want that anywhere near my dress.

“The word is
African American.
I know with your limited brain cells you wouldn’t be able to spell that but I’m sure you can form the words.” I told her evenly.

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